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Ami Pro/Word Pro document | 1995-10-28 | 34.6 KB | 849 lines
[ver] [sty] [files] [charset] ANSI (Windows, IBM CP 1252) [revisions] [recfile] [prn] PCL / HP LaserJet [port] LPT2: [lang] [fldnames] Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field5 Field6 Field7 Field8 [desc] 800566776 611692490 [fopts] [lnopts] Body Text [docopts] [GramStyle] [tag] Body Text [fnt] Tms Rmn 240 49152 [algn] [spc] 100 [brk] [line] [spec] [nfmt] 280 Body Text [lay] Standard [rght] 15840 12240 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 10800 [hrght] [lyfrm] 11200 12240 1440 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 [frmlay] 1440 12240 1440 1440 1440 10800 [txt] [frght] [lyfrm] 13248 14400 12240 15840 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 [frmlay] 15840 12240 1440 14400 1440 1440 10800 [txt] [elay] [edoc] token|type class parmcnt wparam retval GOTO|102 1 IF|102 2 ~ IF condition expression [ELSEIF condition express] [ELSE express] ENDIF <IF Sales > 1000 "Great Job" ELSE "Keep up the good work" ENDIF> ELSEIF|102 3 ELSE|102 4 ENDIF|102 5 RETURN|102 6 FOR|102 7 NEXT|102 8 WHILE|102 9 WEND|102 10 SWITCH|102 11 CASE|102 12 DEFAULT|102 13 ENDSWITCH|102 14 BREAK|102 15 FUNCTION|102 16 Call|102 18 ~ Call filename[!macro](parameters) - Runs a macro. <Call ansi.smm!insertchar()> ONCANCEL|102 19 ONERROR|102 20 DIM|102 21 DEFSTR|102 22 TO|102 23 STEP|102 24 DECLARE|102 25 THEN|102 26 CALLI|102 28 DIALOG|102 29 ENDDIALOG|102 30 ALIAS|102 31 DEFINE|102 32 AND|110 1 OR|110 2 NOT|110 3 ;two parters|123 type END|123 1 EXIT|123 2 ;fields|125 number Bookmark|125 0 ~3Bookmark - Insert the text marked by the bookmark. <totalsales>, <LastName> Set|125 1 ~ Set GlobalVariable Expression - Sets GlobalVariable to expression. <Set totol total + subtotal>, <Set title "President"> Seq|125 2 ~2Seq SequenceName[=[exp]][-[exp]][+exp] - Custom sequencing. <Seq Figure>, <Seq Table=5>, <Seq Figure+2 %N2> PageRef|125 3 ~ PageRef BookmarkName - Returns the page where the specified bookmark resides. <Pageref Chapter5> NextRec|125 4 ~ NextRec - Advance to the next record while merging, eg: allows multiple records on the same page. <NextRec> Skip|125 5 ~ Skip - While merging, this field will not print the current record, but skips to the next. <IF country != "USA" Skip ENDIF> CreateDate|125 7 ~1CreateDate - The creation date or time of the current document. <CreateDate %Db>, <CreateDate %T6> EditDate|125 8 ~1EditDate - The date or time the current document was last saved. <EditDate %Db>, <EditDate %T6> NumEdits|125 9 ~ NumEdits - Returns the number of times the current file was saved. <"Version 1.{NumEdits}"> TotalEditingTime|125 10 ~ TotalEditingTime - The accumulated edit time (in minutes). <Set Cost Rate * TotalEditingTime> NumPages|125 11 ~ NumPages - Returns the total number of pages in this document. <"Page {getpageno()} of {NumPages}"> NumWords|125 12 ~ NumWords - Returns the total number of words in this document. <NumWords> NumChars|125 13 ~ NumChars - Returns the total number of characters in this document. <NumChars> FileSize|125 14 ~ FileSize - The size of the current document (in thousands of bytes). <FileSize> MergeRec|125 16 ~ MergeRec - The current record number when merging. <IF MergeRec = 1 set total subtotal ELSE set total total + subtotal ENDIF> Include|125 17 ~ Include filename[!bookmark] - Inserts an entire file or a bookmark from another file. <Include "Standard.sam!Greeting"> Defined|125 18 ~ Defined Variable - Check to see if the given variable is defined. <IF Defined totalpages totalpages ELSE "?" ENDIF> PrintEscape|125 19 ~ PrintEscape "Escape codes" - Sends Escape codes directly to the printer. <PrintEscape "[27]&&l2H">, <PrintEscape "[0x1b]&&l30"> Index|125 20 ~ Index "Primary" [#] ["Secondary"] ["other"] - Mark for index, same as Text/Mark Text As/Index Entry... Void|125 21 ~ Void expression - This function nullifies the return value from field. <Void Exec("clock.exe", "", 2)> User|125 22 ~ User Anything - Returns nothing but gives the macro programmer a way to mark a location. <User 1,Something> Description|125 23 ~ Description - Doc Info description from the current document. <Description> DivisionName|125 27 ~ DivisionName - Name of the current division. <DivisionName> SectionName|125 28 ~ SecionName - Name of the current section. <SectionName> UserName|125 30 ~ UserName - Name of the current user. <UserName> Initials|125 31 ~ Initials - Initials of the current user. <Initials> Title|125 32 ~ Title - Title of the current user. <Title> Company|125 33 ~ Company - Company of the current user. <Company> Address1|125 34 ~ Address1 - Address1 of the current user. <Address1> Address2|125 35 ~ Address2 - Address2 of the current user. <Address2> Address3|125 36 ~ Address3 - City and State of the current user. <Address3> PostalCode|125 37 ~ PostalCode - PostalCode of the current user. <PostalCode> PhoneNumber|125 38 ~ Phone - Phone Number of the current user. <PhoneNumber> FaxNumber|125 39 ~ FaxNumber - Fax number of the current user. <FaxNumber> Email|125 40 ~ Email - Email address of the current user. <Email> PersonalData1|125 41 ~ PersonalData1 - Personal Data1 of the current user. <PersonalData1> PersonalData2|125 42 ~ PersonalData2 - Personal Data2 of the current user. <PersonalData2> PersonalData3|125 43 ~ PersonalData3 - Personal Data3 of the current user. <PersonalData3> PersonalData4|125 44 ~ PersonalData4 - Personal Data4 of the current user. <PersonalData4> TOC|125 25 ~ Toc Level "Text..." - Mark for Table of Contents, same as Text/Mark Text As/TOC Entry... MergeField|125 26 ~ MergeField Mergefieldname - Insert the contents of this field at merge time. ExecuteScript|125 29 ~ ExecuteScript "Filename!Function" - Execute a LotusScript function. !Function will execute a script function stored behind Globals of this document ;keycodes|116 decimalvalue %Backspace|116 8 %Tab|116 9 %Enter|116 13 %Space|116 32 %PgUp|116 33 %PgDn|116 34 %End|116 35 %Home|116 36 %Left|116 37 %Up|116 38 %Right|116 39 %Down|116 40 %Ins|116 45 %Del|116 46 %Esc|116 27 %F1|116 112 %F2|116 113 %F3|116 114 %F4|116 115 %F5|116 116 %F6|116 117 %F7|116 118 %F8|116 119 %F9|116 120 %F10|116 121 %F11|116 122 %F12|116 123 ;macro_functions_name|105 class parm_cnt Query$|105 1 -1 ~ *Query$("Message text" [,"Default text"]) - Displays a dialog box requesting input from the user. <Query$("What is your name?")> Query|105 1 -1 Decide|105 2 -1 ~ *Decide("Message Text") - Ask a Yes/No question. <IF decide("Use Creation date?") CreateDate ELSE EditDate ENDIF %Db> Message|105 3 -1 ~ *Message("Message Text" [,"Title"]) - Display a message. <Message("Good morning Mr. Phelps")> SingleStep|105 4 1 DEBUG|105 5 1 Type|105 6 1 UserControl|105 7 1 DDEInitiate|105 8 2 DDETerminate|105 9 1 DDEReceive$|105 10 2 DDEReceive|105 10 2 DDEExecute|105 11 2 DDEAdvise|105 12 3 strchr|105 13 3 Len|105 14 1 ~ *Len(expression) - Returns the number of characters in the expression. <Len(Query$("Type something"))> Mid$|105 15 3 ~ *Mid$(expression, start, count) - Return "count" characters from expression begining at "start". <Mid$("(404) 851-0007", 2, 3)> Mid|105 15 3 StrCat$|105 16 -1 ~ *StrCat$(expression, expression [,expression..]) - Put two or more strings together. <StrCat$(Query$("Greeting?"), " Mr Jones.")> StrCat|105 16 -1 LCase$|105 17 1 ~ *LCase$(expression) - Convert the expression to lower case and return the result. <LCase$("Hello")> LCase|105 17 1 UCase$|105 18 1 ~ *UCase$(expression) - Convert the field to upper case and return the result. <UCase$("Hello")> UCase|105 18 1 FormatNum$|105 19 4 ~ *FormatNum$(prefix, suffix, decimals, expression) - Formats a number. <FormatNum$("$", "", 2, 235.8)> FormatNum|105 19 4 StrField$|105 20 3 ~ *StrField$(expression, n, sep) - Return the n'th element in expression, using sep as a delimeter. <StrField$("one,two,three", 2, ",")> StrField|105 20 3 MultiDecide|105 21 -2 Exec|105 22 -1 ~ *Exec(program, parameters [,show]) - Run another program. <Exec("123w.exe", Query$("Spread sheet name?"))> CurWord$|120 0 _$$3CurWord$ CurWord|120 0 _$$3CurWord$ CurShade$|120 0 _$$3CurShade$ CurShade|120 0 _$$3CurShade$ FillList|105 25 -1 DialogBox|105 26 2 GetDialogField$|105 27 1 GetDialogField|105 27 1 GetViewLevel|105 1579 0 'GetViewLevel|120 0 _$$4GetViewLevel GetMode|105 1572 0 'GetMode|120 0 _$$4GetMode Messages|105 30 1 FillEdit|105 31 2 IgnoreKeyboard|105 32 1 DDEUnAdvise|105 33 2 FileChanged|105 1634 2 'FileChanged|120 2 _$$2FileChanged DDEPoke|105 35 3 SendKeys|105 36 -1 GetTextBeforeCursor|105 1680 0 'GetTextBeforeCursor$|120 0 _$$4GetTextBeforeCursor GetTextBeforeCursor$|105 1680 0 'GetTextBeforeCursor|120 0 _$$4GetTextBeforeCursor ActivateApp|105 38 1 chr$|105 39 1 chr|105 39 1 asc|105 40 1 SetDlgCallBack|105 41 2 GetDlgItemText|105 42 2 SetDlgItemText|105 43 3 GetDlgItem|105 44 2 GetViewprefopts|105 1742 0 'GetViewPrefOpts|120 0 _$$2GetViewPrefOpts GetViewPrefLevel|105 1580 0 'GetViewPrefLevel|134 .UserInterface.WinView.View.Level DlgKeyInterrupt|105 1688 2 'DlgKeyInterrupt|105 47 2 Event|105 48 -5 BeginChange|105 49 -1 EndChange|105 50 -1 Abort|105 51 1 GetPassedParmCnt|105 52 0 DlgEnableControl|105 53 3 DlgClearControl|105 54 2 DlgSetFocus|105 55 2 DlgHideControl|105 56 3 Enumerate|105 57 2 SendControl|105 58 -1 SendPrimitive|105 59 -1 DlgGetListBoxCount|105 60 2 DlgGetListBoxIndex|105 61 2 DlgSetListBoxIndex|105 62 3 DlgGetListBoxLine$|105 63 3 DlgGetListBoxLine|105 63 3 DlgClose|105 64 1 DlgListBoxDeleteItem|105 65 3 DlgListBoxInsertItem|105 66 4 PostCommand|105 67 1 SendCommand|105 68 -1 UnStack|105 69 1 Stack|105 70 0 SubClassDialog|105 71 2 DlgSetDefaultButton|105 72 2 DlgSetHelpNumber|105 73 1 DlgLimitText|105 74 3 DlgSetCaption|105 75 2 RexxCmd|105 76 -1 RexxFunction|105 77 1 _NoCanDo|105 78 0 'IsOkToRun|105 79 1 GetHomeDirectory$|105 80 0 QueryVerb|105 81 -1 SetLogging|105 82 1 EnableAmipro|105 83 1 GetAmiMainhWnd|105 84 0 GetAmiActivehWnd|105 85 0 QuickOpen|105 86 1 fgets$|105 257 1 fgets|105 257 1 fputs|105 258 -2 fopen|105 259 2 fclose|105 260 1 GetMarkText$|105 1661 0 'GetMarkText$|120 0 _$$5GetMarkText GetmarkText|105 1661 0 'GetMarkText|120 0 _$$5GetMarkText ftell|105 262 1 fseek|105 263 3 SetGlobalVar|105 264 2 GetGlobalVar$|105 265 1 GetGlobalVar|105 265 1 FreeGlobalVar|105 266 1 GetOpenFileName|105 1628 0 'GetOpenFileName|120 0 _$$2GetOpenFileName$ GetOpenFileName$|105 1628 0 'GetOpenFileName$|120 0 _$$2GetOpenFileName$ CatSlash|120 1 _$$5CatSlash GetDocPath$|134 CatSlash(.UserInterface.UIPreferences.DocumentName) GetDocPath|105 1570 0 'GetDocPath|134 CatSlash(.UserInterface.UIPreferences.DocumentName) GetStylePath$|105 1578 0 'GetStylePath$|134 CatSlash(.UserInterface.UIPreferences.StylePath) GetStylePath|105 1578 0 'GetStylePath|134 CatSlash(.UserInterface.UIPreferences.StylePath) GetBackPath$|105 1566 0 'GetBackPath$|134 CatSlash(.UserInterface.UIPreferences.Backup) GetBackPath|105 1566 0 'GetBackPath|134 CatSlash(.UserInterface.UIPreferences.Backup) AllocGlobalVar|105 271 2 SetGlobalArray|105 272 3 GetGlobalArray$|105 273 2 GetGlobalArray|105 273 2 Pause|105 274 1 AssignKey|105 275 2 GetTime|105 276 0 IsNumeric|105 277 1 AtEof|105 1541 0 'AtEof|120 0 _$$4AtEof GetDocInfo$|105 1540 1 'GetDocInfo$|120 1 _$$1GetDocInfo$ FindFirst$|105 280 2 FindFirst|105 280 2 FindNext$|105 281 0 FindNext|105 281 0 CurChar$|120 0 _$$4CurChar CurChar|120 0 _$$4CurChar DllLocate|105 283 3 DllCall|105 284 -1 RunLater|105 285 2 GetProfileString$|105 286 -1 GetProfileString|105 286 -1 WriteProfileString|105 287 -1 GetStyleName$|105 1577 0 GetStyleName|105 1577 0 'GetStyleName|105 288 0 GetCurrentDir$|105 290 0 GetCurrentDir|105 290 0 AnswerMsgBox|105 291 1 DarkMode|105 292 1 CursorPosition$|105 1546 0 'CursorPosition$|120 0 _$$5CursorPosition CursorPosition|105 1546 0 'CursorPosition|120 0 _$$5CursorPosition GetPageNo|105 1575 0 'GetPageNo|134 .Page.ID GetMacPath|105 1571 0 'GetMacPath|134 CatSlash(.UserInterface.UIPreferences.Macro) GetMacPath$|105 1571 0 'GetMacPath$|134 CatSlash(.UserInterface.UIPreferences.Macro) HourGlass|105 1681 1 'HourGlass|105 296 1 DLLLoadLib|105 297 3 DLLFreeLib|105 298 1 GetGlobalVarCount|105 299 0 GetGlobalVarNames|105 300 1 GetDocInfoKeyWords$|105 1569 0 '120 0 _$$1GetDocInfoKeyWords$ GetDocInfoKeyWords|105 1569 0 'GetDocInfoKeyWords|120 0 _$$1GetDocInfoKeyWords$ GlossaryOpen|105 302 1 GlossaryLookup|105 303 2 GlossaryClose|105 304 1 AddBar|105 513 0 ShowBar|105 514 1 AddMenu|105 515 2 AddMenuItem|105 516 -4 RenameMenuItem|105 517 -4 CheckMenuItem|105 518 -4 GrayMenuItem|105 519 -4 DeleteMenuItem|105 520 -2 DeleteMenu|105 521 -2 AddMenuItemDDE|105 522 -4 ChangeMenuAction|105 523 -4 AddCascadeMenu|105 524 -3 AddCascadeMenuItem|105 525 -5 ChangeCascadeAction|105 526 -5 InsertMenuItem|105 527 -5 InsertCascadeMenu|105 528 -4 InsertMenu|105 528 3 InsertCascadeMenuItem|105 529 -6 DateDiff|105 769 2 FormatDate$|105 770 2 FormatDate|105 770 2 FormatSeq$|105 771 2 FormatSeq|105 771 2 Now|105 772 0 ~1*Now() - Returns the current Date/time. <Now() %Db> FormatTime$|105 773 2 FormatTime|105 773 2 DOSGetEnv$|105 774 1 DOSGetEnv|105 774 1 DOSGetFileAttr|105 775 1 DOSSetFileAttr|105 776 2 DOSrmdir|105 777 1 DOSrename|105 778 2 DOSdelfile|105 779 1 DOSmkdir|105 780 1 DOSchdir|105 781 1 fread|105 782 2 fwrite|105 783 -2 BracketsToBin|105 784 1 BinToBrackets|105 785 1 Round|105 786 1 Truncate|105 787 1 Mod|105 788 2 StatusBarMsg|105 789 1 ChangeIcons|105 1662 1 'ChangeIcons|134 .UserInterface.SmartIcons.Load(%1) SetIconSize|105 1666 1 'SetIconSize|120 1 _$$3SetIconSize PhysicalToLogical|120 1 _$$6PhysicalToLogical GetFmtPageStr$|105 1672 1 'GetFmtPageStr$|120 1 _$$5GetFmtPageStr GetFmtPageStr|105 1672 1 'GetFmtPageStr|120 1 _$$5GetFmtPageStr GetCurFrameLines|105 1664 10 'GetCurFrameLines|120 10 _$$2GetCurFrameLines GetCurFrameType|105 1652 3 'GetCurFrameType|120 3 _$$2GetCurFrameType GetCurFrameBorders|120 9 _$$2GetCurFrameBorders SelectWindow|105 1542 1 'SelectWindow|105 796 1 SelectFrameByName|105 1606 1 'SelectFrameByName|134 MarkBookMark(%1, 4002) GetAmiDirectory$|105 798 0 GetAmiDirectory|105 798 0 GetRunningMacroName$|105 799 0 GetRunningMacroName|105 799 0 IsFrameSelected|105 1582 0 'IsFrameSelected|120 0 _$$2IsFrameSelected Beep|105 801 0 GetRunningMacroFile$|105 802 0 GetRunningMacroFile|105 802 0 DOSCopyFile|105 803 2 GetCurFontInfo|105 804 4 Assign|105 805 2 Left$|105 806 2 ~ *Left$(expression, count) - return the first "count" characters from expression. <Left$("12345678", 4)> Left|105 806 2 Right$|105 807 2 ~ *Right$(expression, count) - return the last "count" characters from expression. <Right$("123456789", 5)> Right|105 807 2 Instr|105 808 3 AppMove|105 1025 3 AppSize|105 1026 3 AppClose|105 1027 1 AppGetWindowPos|105 1028 5 AppMaximize|105 1029 1 AppMinimize|105 1030 1 AppRestore|105 1031 1 AppIsRunning|105 1032 1 AppGetAppCount|105 1033 0 AppGetAppNames|105 1034 1 AppHide|105 1035 1 AppSendMessage|105 1036 4 ClipboardRead|105 1037 1 ClipboardWrite|105 1038 2 GetBookMarkCount|105 1039 0 GetBookMarkNames|105 1040 1 ArrayInsert|105 1041 3 ArrayDelete|105 1042 2 ArraySort|105 1043 -1 ArraySearch|105 1044 -2 ArrayInsertByKey|105 1045 -3 ArraySize|105 1046 1 GetMasterFilesCount|105 1691 0 'GetMasterFilesCount|120 0 _$$4MasterFile GetMasterFiles|105 1684 1 'GetMasterFiles|120 1 _$$4MasterFile GetBookMarkPage|105 1623 1 'GetBookMarkPage|120 1 _$$5GetBookMarkPage GetOpenFileCount|105 1050 0 'GetOpenFileCount|105 1573 0 GetOpenFileNames|105 1051 1 'GetOpenFileNames|105 1574 1 GetLayoutType|120 0 _$$3GetLayoutType GetLayoutPageSize|105 1653 4 'GetLayoutPageSize|120 4 _$$3GetLayoutPageSize GetLayoutRightLines|105 1654 5 'GetLayoutRIghtLines|105 78 5 'NotSupported GetLayoutLeftLines|105 1733 5 'GetLayoutLeftLines|120 5 _$$3GetLayoutLeftLines GetLayoutParmCnt|105 1753 1 'GetLayoutParmCnt|105 1285 1 GetLayoutParmCnt|105 1 _$$6GetLayoutParmCnt GetLayoutParameters|105 1286 2 AmiProIndirect|105 1287 3 GetWindowsDirectory$|105 1288 0 GetWindowsDirectory|105 1288 0 EvalField|105 1289 1 RecOpen|105 1290 -2 RecClose|105 1291 1 RecGetField|105 1292 2 RecNextRec|105 1293 1 RecFieldCount|105 1294 1 RecFieldName$|105 1295 2 RecFieldName|105 1295 2 NWGetObjectCount|105 1296 1 NWGetObjectNames|105 1296 3 NWGetContainerCount|105 1297 1 NWGetContainerNames|105 1297 3 NWReferenceToFile$|105 1298 1 NWGetCurrentContainer|105 1299 2 NWGetCurrentObject$|105 1300 0 TableGetRange|105 1617 4 'TableGetRange|120 4 _$$4TableGetRange GetSpecialEffects$|105 1689 0 'GetSpecialEffects$|105 1302 0 GetSpecialEffects|105 1689 0 'GetSpecialEffects|105 1302 0 NWGetParent|105 1303 3 GetPowerFieldCount|105 1304 1 GetPowerFields|105 1305 2 GotoPowerField|105 1306 2 '120 2 _$$5GotoPowerField GetPowerFieldPage|105 1307 2 GetStyleCount|105 1576 0 'GetStyleCount|105 1308 0 GetStyleNames|105 1309 1 GetDocVar|105 1746 1 'GetDocVar|134 .Document.NamedGetProperty(%1) SetDocVar|105 1747 2 'SetDocVar|134 .Document.NamedSetProperty(%1, %2) GetMajic|105 1312 0 'GetInfo|105 1313 -1 GetInfo|113 -1 1313 _$$6GetInfo KeyInterrupt|105 1314 1 MouseInterrupt|105 1315 1 GetIconPalette|105 1708 0 IsNewWave|134 0 OnMDIActivate|105 1318 1 FieldLock|105 1319 2 CallLSFunction|105 1321 -3 ' file function signature args FieldAuto|105 1320 2 FieldRemove|105 1323 2 FieldUpdate|105 1324 3 ;Numeric Constants|109 value Event_Key|109 0 Event_MouseDown|109 1 Event_MouseUp|109 2 Event_MouseMove|109 3 Event_HScroll|109 6 Event_VScroll|109 7 Event_Size|109 9 ;Sammy_Functions:_name|113 parmcnt menuid retval <+#><+!>'FILE PrintEnvelope|113 0 237 1 MergeWelcome|113 0 781 0 CreateDataFile|105 1701 0 'CreateDataFile|113 0 784 1 OpenMergeFile|105 1728 3 'OpenMergeFile|113 3 785 _$$4OpenMergeFile CreateDescriptionFile|113 -1 783 _$$6CreateDescriptionFile OpenDataFile|105 1717 2 'OpenDataFile|113 2 789 _$$4OpenDataFile EditDataFile|113 0 787 1 New|105 1636 3 101 'New|113 3 101 _$$1New FileOpen|105 1559 3 790 'FileOpen|105 1559 3 'FileOpen|113 3 102 _$$1FileOpen 'OpenFile|113 2 790 1 ImportText|105 1750 3 'ImportText|113 3 152 1 _$$6ImportText FileClose|113 0 732 1 NextWindow|105 1659 0 727 'NextWindow|113 0 727 1 Save|113 0 103 1 SaveAs|105 1624 4 104 'SaveAs|113 4 104 _$$2SaveAs SaveAsObject|113 4 127 1 SaveAsMaster|113 2 130 1 Revert|105 1751 0 'Revert|113 0 105 1 ImportPicture|105 1643 4 141 'ImportPicture|113 4 141 _$$4ImportPicture 'ImportExport|105 7 78 _$$6amiImportExport 'ImportExport|105 78 -1 'ImportExport|113 78 -1 _$$6amiImportExport ImportExport|113 -1 254 _$$6amiImportExport FileManagement|105 1725 0 'FileManagement|105 FileManagement|120 0 _$$5FileManagement '_FileManagement|113 0 108 1 DocInfo|105 1551 3 109 'DocInfo|113 3 109 _$$1DocInfo RenameDocInfoField|105 1739 2 125 'RenameDocInfoField|113 2 125 _$$1RenameDIF DocInfoFields|105 1552 8 140 'DocInfoFields|113 8 140 _$$1DocInfoFields DDELinks|113 -1 115 1 MasterDoc|105 1694 0 'MasterDoc|113 0 146 0 MasterDocOpts|105 1693 0 'MasterDocOpts|105 78 0 'NotSupported Merge|113 -1 781 _$$6Merge '110 MergeToFile|113 -1 110 _$$6MergeToFile MergeMacro|113 -1 110 _$$6MergeMacro MergeAction|105 1735 1 'MergeAction|113 1 116 _$$4MergeAction SelectDataFile|113 2 780 _$$4SelectDataFile SelectMergeDataFile|113 2 788 0 FilePrint|105 1560 4 111 'FilePrint|113 4 111 _$$3FilePrint PrintOptions|113 3 126 _$$3PrintOptions PrintSetup|105 1602 2 112 'PrintSetup|113 -1 112 _$$5PrintSetup SetMasterFiles|105 1683 3 'SetMasterFiles|120 -3 _$$4SetMasterFiles settocfile|105 1698 1 'SetTOCFile|120 1 _$$4SetTOCFile SetIndexFile|105 1699 2 '2 SetIndexFile|120 2 _$$4SetIndexFile SetTOCOpts|105 1700 6 'SetTOCOpts|113 7 470 _$$3SetTOCOpts TOCOptions|113 -1 495 _$$6TOCOptions ObjectAttributes|113 4 143 1 ASCIIOptions|105 1731 1 'AsciiOptions|113 1 123 1 SendMail|113 1 229 1 ReadMail|113 0 000 _$$6ReadMail OpenPreviousFile1|105 1595 0 133 'OpenPreviousFile1|113 0 133 1 OpenPreviousFile2|105 1596 0 134 'OpenPreviousFile2|113 0 134 1 OpenPreviousFile3|105 1597 0 135 'OpenPreviousFile3|113 0 135 1 OpenPreviousFile4|105 1598 0 136 'OpenPreviousFile4|113 0 136 1 OpenPreviousFile5|105 1599 0 137 'OpenPreviousFile5|113 0 137 1 <+#><+!>'EDIT Undo|113 0 151 1 Cut|113 0 153 1 Copy|105 1545 0 154 'Copy|113 0 154 1 Paste|113 0 155 1 PasteSpecial|105 1713 1 InsertVariable|113 0 158 0 InsertMerge|113 0 182 0 InsertDocInfo|113 0 183 0 InsertDate|105 1644 2 165 'InsertDate|113 2 165 _$$2InsertDate InsertMergeField|105 1657 1 'InsertMergeField|134 FieldAdd(%1) InsertDocInfoField|105 1645 2 'InsertDocInfoField|120 2 _$$5InsertDocInfoField MarkText|113 0 159 0 MarkTOC|113 0 159 103 MarkIndexWord|113 0 180 0 MarkTOCEntry|113 0 835 0 InsertBullet|105 1656 1 836 'InsertBullet|113 1 836 _$$2InsertBullet MarkBookMark|105 1658 2 466 'MarkBookMark|113 2 466 _$$4MarkBookMark Footnotes|105 1718 5 160 'Footnotes|113 5 160 _$$3Footnotes Notes|105 1594 0 282 'Notes|113 0 282 1 InsertNote|105 1743 1 'InsertNote|120 1 _$$5InsertNote SetDefPaths|105 1610 0 'SetDefPaths|105 78 0 'NotSupported UseWorkingDir|105 1621 1 591 'UseWorkingDir|113 1 591 _$$3UseWorkingDir SetDefOptions|105 1609 2 173 'SetDefOptions|113 2 173 _$$4SetDefOptions SetDocPath|113 1 174 _$$1SetDocPath SetStylePath|113 1 175 _$$1SetStylePath SetBackPath|113 1 176 _$$1SetBackPath SetMacroPath|113 1 286 _$$1SetMacroPath SetIconPath|105 1611 1 518 'SetIconPath|113 1 518 _$$1SetIconPath FieldEvaluate|113 0 571 1 FieldNext|105 1626 0 569 'FieldNext|113 0 569 _$$5FieldNext FieldPrev|105 1627 0 570 'FieldPrev|113 0 570 _$$5FieldPrev FieldAdd|134 .InsertField(%1) FieldSave|113 1 269 1 FieldEnd|113 0 568 1 FieldCommand|113 0 568 0 FieldToggleDisplay|105 1557 0 266 'FieldToggleDisplay|113 0 266 0 FieldShow|120 -1 _$$4FieldShow FieldShowResults|134 FieldShow(1) FieldUpdateAll|105 1633 0 267 'FieldUpdateAll|113 0 267 1 ProtectedText|105 1603 0 'ProtectedText|113 -1 188 1 NoHyphenation|105 1646 0 189 'NoHyphenation|113 -1 189 1 SetDataFile|105 1710 4 GlossaryAdd|105 1730 3 'GlossaryAdd|113 3 199 1 RevisionInsertion|113 0 187 1 InsertNewObject|113 1 589 1 <+!><+#>'OBJECT CreateANew|113 0 192 1 OpenObject|113 0 191 1 ListObjects|113 2 193 1 ShowLinks|113 1 194 1 ObjectAttributes|113 4 195 1 Share|105 1744 0 'Share|113 0 184 1 <+#><+!>'<-#><+#>VIEW FullPageView|105 1565 0 201 'FullPageView|113 0 201 1 CustomView|105 1547 0 202 'CustomView|113 0 202 1 WorkingView|113 0 202 1 StandardView|113 0 203 1 EnlargedView|105 1554 0 204 'EnlargedView|113 0 204 1 FacingView|105 1555 0 214 'FacingView|113 0 214 1 LayoutMode|105 1584 0 210 'LayoutMode|113 0 210 1 DraftMode|105 1553 0 211 'DraftMode|113 0 211 _$$5DraftMode _DraftMode|113 0 211 1 OutlineMode|105 1601 0 218 'OutlineMode|113 0 218 1 ViewPreferences|105 1651 2 206 'ViewPreferences|113 2 206 _$$2ViewPreferences ToggleCleanScreen|105 1619 0 'ToggleCleanScreen|113 0 233 1 CleanScreenOptions|105 1685 1 206 'CleanScreenOptions|113 1 234 _$$3CleanScreenOptions ToggleTabRuler|105 1620 0 207 'ToggleTabRuler|113 0 207 1 ShowTabRuler|134 __$TabRuler(1) HideTabRuler|134 __$TabRuler(2) __$TabRuler|120 1 _$$6TabRuler ToggleIconbar|113 0 208 1 ShowIconBar|105 1613 0 'ShowIconbar|120 0 _$$1ShowIconBar HideIconbar|105 1581 0 'HideIconbar|120 0 _$$1HideIconBar LoadOptions|105 1702 3 'LoadOptions|113 3 217 _$$1LoadOptions <+#><+!>'TEXT FastFormat|105 1667 0 'FastFormat|134 .FastFormat(0) ApplyFormat|105 1696 0 'ApplyFormat|113 0 238 1 FontChange|113 4 251 _$$1FontChange FontRevert|105 1562 0 251 'FontRevert|113 0 251 _$$1FontRevert LeftAlign|113 0 259 1 RightAlign|113 0 261 1 Center|113 0 260 1 Justify|105 1583 0 262 'Justify|113 0 262 1 Spacing|105 1679 1 'Spacing|113 1 252 _$$2Spacing NormalText|113 0 253 _$$2NormalText Bold|113 -1 254 _$$3Bold Italic|113 -1 255 _$$3Italic Underline|113 -1 256 _$$3Underline WordUnderline|113 -1 257 _$$3WordUnderline SpecialEffects|113 2 258 _$$3SpecialEffects Indent|113 4 265 _$$1Indent IndentAll|105 1703 0 'IndentAll|113 0 247 _$$1IndentAll IndentFirst|105 1704 0 'IndentFirst|113 0 248 _$$1IndentFirst IndentRest|105 1705 0 'IndentRest|113 0 249 _$$1IndentRest Uppercase|105 1740 0 273 'Uppercase|113 0 273 _$$1Uppercase LowerCase|105 1741 0 287 'LowerCase|113 0 287 _$$1LowerCase InitialCaps|105 78 -1 'NotSupported SmallCaps|105 1665 0 289 'SmallCaps|113 0 289 _$$1SmallCaps <+#><+!>'STYLE CreateStyle|105 1721 3 301 'CreateStyle|113 3 301 _$$1CreateStyle ModifyStyle|113 0 302 0 ModifySelect|105 1588 1 'ModifySelect|120 1 _$$5ModifySelect ModifyBreaks|113 -3 312 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InsertLayout|105 1711 0 'InsertLayout|134 .InsertPageLayout() RemoveLayout|105 1714 0 RevertLayout|105 1707 0 ModifyLayout|113 0 352 0 ModLayoutFinish|120 0 _$$3ModLayoutFinish ModLayoutInit|120 1 _$$3ModLayoutInit ModLayoutPageSize|120 4 _$$3ModLayoutPageSize ModLayoutRightPage|120 -8 _$$3ModLayoutRightPage ModLayoutRightHeader|120 -8 _$$6ModLayoutRightHeader ModLayoutRightFooter|120 -8 _$$6ModLayoutRightFooter ModLayoutRightLines|120 5 _$$3ModLayoutRightLines ModLayoutLeftPage|120 -8 _$$3ModLayoutLeftPage ModLayoutLeftHeader|120 -8 _$$6ModLayoutLeftHeader ModLayoutLeftFooter|120 -8 _$$6ModLayoutLeftFooter ModLayoutLeftLines|120 5 _$$3ModLayoutLeftLines FloatingHeader|105 78 1 'NotSupported TabRulerInsert|105 1734 0 'TabRulerInsert|113 0 371 _$$3TabRulerInsert TabRulerRemove|105 1618 0 372 'TabRulerRemove|113 0 372 _$$3TabRulerRemove PageNumber|105 1669 4 356 'PageNumber|113 4 356 _$$3PageNumber LineNumber|105 1726 3 359 'LineNumber|113 3 359 _$$5LineNumber PageBreak|105 1670 1 'PageBreak|113 1 357 _$$3PageBreak HeaderFooter|105 1655 1 377 'HeaderFooter|113 1 377 _$$3HeaderFooter FloatHeader|113 0 360 0 <+!><+#>'FRAME 'AddFrame|113 4 413 1 AddFrame|105 1660 4 413 'AddFrame|113 4 413 _$$2AddFrame ManualFrame|113 0 409 1 AddFrameDlg|113 4 414 1 FrameLayout|105 1635 0 402 'FrameLayout|113 0 402 0 GraphicsScaling|105 1712 6 'GraphicsScaling|105 78 6 'NotSupported DrawingMode|105 78 0 'NotSupported ChartingMode|105 1668 0 412 'ChartingMode|113 0 412 1 Equations|105 1648 0 'Equations|134 .CreateGraphic("AmiEqn") ImageProcessing|113 0 424 _$$6ImageProcessing 'ImageProcessing|113 0 424 1 GroupFrames|113 0 404 1 BringFrameToFront|105 1543 0 'BringFrameToFront|120 0 _$$5BringFrameToFront SendFrameToBack|105 1608 0 'SendFrameToBack|120 0 _$$5SendFrameToBack SetFrameDefaults|105 1732 17 'SetFrameDefaults|120 17 _$$5SetFrameDefaults FrameModInit|105 1564 0 'FrameModInit|120 0 _$$2NULL FrameModLines|120 10 _$$2FrameModLines FrameModType|105 1690 3 'FrameModType|120 3 _$$2FrameModType FrameModBorders|120 9 _$$2FrameModBorders FrameModColumns|120 -1 _$$6FrameModColumns 'FrameModColumns|105 1622 4 2 2 3 2 FrameModFinish|105 1563 0 'FrameModFinish|120 0 _$$2NULL <+#><+!>'TOOLS GetNotesWriteHandle|105 1671 0 GoToCmd|105 1631 3 452 '|113 3 452 _$$1GotoCmd GoToShade|105 1729 3 'GotoShade|105 78 3 'NotSupported GotoAgain|105 1722 0 'GotoAgain|113 0 452 _$$1GotoAgain FindReplace|113 0 451 0 Replace|105 1682 5 'Replace|120 5 _$$4Replace Spell|113 0 475 0 SpellCheck|105 1614 1 459 'SpellCheck|113 1 459 _$$4SpellCheck ChangeLanguage|105 1727 3 'ChangeLanguage|113 3 481 _$$4ChangeLanguage Thesaurus|113 0 455 0 Glossary|105 1629 1 467 'Glossary|113 1 467 _$$3Glossary GlossSet|105 1630 1 468 'GlossSet|113 1 468 _$$3GlossSet Generate|105 1736 1 'Generate|113 1 465 _$$5Generate Sort|105 1539 6 456 'Sort|113 6 456 1 ChangeShortcutKey|105 1737 3 'ChangeShortcutKey|113 3 490 _$$4ChangeShortcutKey OnKey|134 .UserInterface.Accelerators.Add(%3, %1, %2, 1) AssignMacroToFile|105 1697 3 'AssignMacroToFile|113 3 463 _$$4AssignMacroToFile Tables|113 -1 457 _$$6Tables 'Tables|105 1720 4 UserSetup|105 1715 11 'UserSetup|113 11 162 _$$3UserSetup MacroEdit|105 1695 0 'MacroEdit|113 0 501 0 MacroPlay|105 1709 0 'MacroPlay|113 0 502 0 MacroOptions|105 1692 0 'MacroOptions|113 0 504 0 IconCustomize|105 1642 0 __$IconPos|120 1 _$$3IconPos IconRight|105 1640 0 IconLeft|105 1641 0 IconTop|105 1639 0 IconBottom|105 1638 0 IconFloating|105 1663 0 RevisionMarking|113 2 460 _$$6RevisionMarking RevisionMarkOpts|105 1745 10 'RevisionMarkOpts|113 10 461 _$$1RevisionMarkOpts ReviewRevisions|105 1749 0 'ReviewRevisions|113 0 588 _$$1ReviewRevisions DocumentCompare|105 1678 1 500 'DocumentCompare|113 1 500 1 <+#><+!>'WINDOW NewWindow|134 .NewWindowCmd() TileWindow|113 0 256 _$$3TileWindow CascadeWindow|113 0 257 _$$3CascadeWindow StartOfFiles|113 0 528 1 <+#><+!>'TABLES TableLayout|105 1716 12 'TableLayout|113 -11 626 _$$2TableLayout TableLines|105 1752 5 'TableLines|113 5 632 _$$2TableLines InsertColumnRow|105 1687 3 'InsertColumnRow|113 3 627 _$$1InsertColumnRow DeleteColumnRow|105 1549 1 'DeleteColumnRow|113 1 628 _$$1DeleteColumnRow SizeColumnRow|105 1686 4 634 'SizeColumnRow|113 4 634 _$$1SizeColumnRow ConnectCells|105 1544 0 'ConnectCells|113 0 635 _$$5ConnectCells Heading|113 0 631 1 ProtectCells|105 1632 0 'ProtectCells|113 0 638 _$$1ProtectCells LeaderNone|105 1587 0 'LeaderNone|113 0 642 0 LeaderDots|105 1706 0 'LeaderDots|113 0 639 0 LeaderHyphs|105 1585 0 'LeaderHyphs|113 0 640 0 LeaderLines|105 1586 0 'LeaderLines|113 0 641 0 QuickAddCol|113 0 644 0 QuickAddRow|113 0 643 0 EditFormula|113 0 629 0 SetFormula|113 1 637 _$$1SetFormula MoveParagraphUp|105 1591 0 'MoveParagraphUp|105 78 0 'NotSupported MoveParagraphDown|105 1590 0 'MoveParagraphDown|105 78 0 'NotSupported MoveLeftOrPromote|105 1589 0 'MoveLeftOrPromote|105 78 0 'NotSupported MoveRightOrDemote|105 1592 0 'MoveRightOrDemote|105 78 0 'NotSupported SelectColumn|105 1604 0 ' SelectColumn|134 .Table.Select(Column) SelectRow|105 1607 0 'SelectRow|134 .Table.Select(Row) SelectEntireTable|105 1605 0 'SelectEntireTable|134 .Table.Select(Table) DeleteEntireTable|105 1550 0 'DeleteEntireTable|134 .Table.Delete(Table) <+#><+!>'HELP Help|113 0 551 0 About|113 0 552 0 MacroHelp|113 0 553 0 EnhancementProducts|105 1723 0 'EnhancementProducts|113 0 555 0 UsingHelp|113 0 830 0 KeyboardHelp|113 0 831 0 HowDoIHelp|105 1724 0 'HowDoIHelp|113 0 832 0 BasicsHelp|113 0 833 0 UpgradeHelp|113 0 834 0 <+#><+!>'MISC GetMailName$|105 302 0 TypeOver|120 -1 _$$4TypeOver PageDown|134 .Forward(Page, 1, "") PageUp|134 .Backward(Page, 1, "") FontFaceChange|105 1625 1 278 'FontFaceChange|113 1 278 _$$1FontFaceChange FontPointSizeChange|105 1561 1 'FontPointSizeChange|113 1 279 _$$1FontPointSizeChange OutlineLevels|105 1600 1 'OutlineLevels|113 1 757 1 Delete|113 0 179 1 ControlPanel|105 1538 0 601 'ControlPanel|113 0 601 1 'TabRuler|105 78 -1 _$$6TabRuler 'TabRuler|105 78 -1 TabRuler|113 -1 000 _$$6TabRuler ;sammy2funs|122 parmcnt message wparam Minimize|122 0 274 61472 Maximize|122 0 274 61488 Restore|122 0 274 61728 ExitAmi|122 0 274 61536 LineDown|113 0 000 _$$6AmiLineDown LineUp|113 0 000 _$$6AmiLineUp ScreenDown|134 Event(Event_VScroll, 0, 4, 0, 0) ScreenUp|134 Event(Event_VScroll, 0, 3, 0, 0) ElevatorUpDown|122 1 277 4 TopOfFile|134 Event(Event_VScroll, 0, 5, 0, 0) EndOfFile|134 Event(Event_VScroll, 32767, 5, 0, 0) CharRight|134 Event(Event_HScroll, 0, 2, 0, 0) CharLeft|134 Event(Event_HScroll, 0, 1, 0, 0) ScreenRight|134 Event(Event_HScroll, 0, 3, 0, 0) ScreenLeft|134 Event(Event_HScroll, 0, 4, 0, 0) ElevatorLeftRight|122 1 276 4 LeftEdge|134 Event(Event_HScroll, 58, 5, 0, 0) RightEdge|134 Event(Event_HScroll, 32767, 5, 0, 0) [Embedded] 00038714