780 Choose a server type. Connect to see FTP server files. Files are copied to a local temporary file and opened.
781 Choose a server type. Choose a recent file or enter a new file to open. Files are copied to a local temporary file and opened.
782 Choose a server type. Connect to FTP server to navigate directories.
783 Choose a server type. Enter name and file type and click Save.
784 Opening file:
785 Saving file:
786 %ld of %ld bytes received.
787 Passwords will be saved in plain text and are not protected. You should only save passwords for a server if it is OK for others to logon as you.
788 OK
789 Browse from Internet
1025 Disconnecting...
1026 Connecting...
1027 Logging in...
1028 Not Connected
1029 Listing Directory...
1030 Transfer Cancelled
1031 Error! ... %s
1032 Connected
1033 Getting File...
1040 Saving Locally...
1041 Storing File...
1042 Login Cancelled
1281 Cancel file transfer?
1282 Would you like to connect to %s now?
1283 Windows Sockets error %d: %s
1284 Could not load %s
1285 Network operation is unavailable. A Windows Sockets 1.1 conformant DLL must be installed.
1286 Installed Windows Sockets DLL does not have enough sockets available.
1287 Wrong Password (Passwords are case sensitive - be sure to use correct upper and lower case).
1288 %s has been modified. Do you want to save your changes?
1289 The proxy for the server of the selected file has been deleted.
1290 The file %s on the server has changed since it was copied.\n\nFile information when originally copied:\n%s\n\nServer file's current information:\n%s\n\nReplace server file with your copy?
1291 Unable to initialize or maintain connection to %s
1292 Unable to login to %s
1293 Unable to complete transfer of %s with %s
1294 Your server or directory permission do not permit this action.