1001 You must enter a name in each text box before Install can continue.
1002 Not implemented yet!
1003 Invalid path(s):
1004 ERROR
1005 Installation did not complete.
1006 Welcome to the Lotus Install Program
1008 Error opening .INF file.
1009 Path unavailable for installation:\n\n%s\n\nPath to existing Lotus Shared Tools directory is unavailable or invalid. Please contact your network administrator for assistance.
1010 Network drive mapping is incorrect.\nCheck with your network administrator for the correct mapping.
1025 Invalid string length of section key filename.
1026 Buffer overflow getting key size.
1027 Invalid string length of section key size.
1028 Buffer overflow getting section key version.
1029 Invalid string length of section key version.
1030 Error making section field date list.
1031 Error making section filename list.
1032 Error making section size list.
1033 Error making section version list.
1034 Error creating directory.
1035 Error removing directory.
1036 Error removing section from .INI file.
1037 Error creating key value in .INI file.
1038 Error removing key from .INI file.
1039 Error creating key value in SYSTEM.INI file.
1040 Error creating group for Program Manager.
1041 Error showing Program Manager group.
1042 Error stamping resource.
1043 Error dumping copy list.
1044 Invalid copy list cost.
1045 Error creating Program Manager item.
1046 Error adding help in DOS 5.0.
1047 Problem reading from serial number file.
1048 LOTUS.INI is read-only. Please change the attributes and retry.
1049 Error copying file.
1050 Error removing file.
1051 Error backing up file.
1052 Error renaming file.
1053 Error adding section files to copy list.
1054 Error adding section key file to copy list.
1055 Error adding special file to copy list.
1056 Error adding to billboard list.
1057 Error adding blank to billboard list.
1058 Error clearing billboard list.
1059 Error opening log file.
1060 Error closing log file.
1061 Error writing to log file.
1062 Error finding file.
1063 Error getting windows directory.
1064 Buffer overflow getting windows directory.
1065 Error getting windows system directory.
1066 Buffer overflow getting windows system directory.
1067 Windows directory is empty.
1068 Error setting restart directory.
1069 Error prepending to path.
1070 Error setting register key value.
1071 Error getting list of valid drives.
1072 Error getting list of local hard drives.
1073 Error getting list of removable drives.
1074 Error getting list of network drives.
1075 Error getting environment variable.
1076 Error getting file date.
1077 Error getting file version.
1078 Error finding target on environment variable.
1079 Error finding file in tree.
1080 Error getting parallel ports list.
1081 Error getting serial ports list.
1082 Error getting key string from .INI file.
1083 Error removing section files from copy list.
1084 Error removing section key file from copy list.
1085 Error getting field from .INI string.
1086 Error getting drive free space list.
1087 The LOTUSAPP directory installed by your system administator cannot be found here. Try another drive or contact your administrator.
1088 Server install requires a main directory for the product.
1089 Couldn't copy AUTOEXEC.BAT to backup file.
1090 Could not create Registry Key =
1091 Error registering Uninstall using Key =
1092 Error writing to Registry for Key =
1093 Error registering application path. Key =
1094 Registry Write Error
1095 The LOTUSAPP directory installed by your system administator cannot be found here. Install cannot continue. Please contact your administrator.
1096 Unable to map UNC volume to drive letter. Install cannot continue. Either specify a mapped drive or release a mapped drive letter for Install to use.
1097 Error
1098 You do not have a sufficient level of privilege to install this product on Windows NT. Please ask your network administrator for assistance.
1100 You are not logged in to the server you specified. Please select another drive or server, or log in to this server and resume the install.
1103 The specified drive is read-only, please specify another drive.
1104 The specified drive does not exist or is not a valid installation drive. Please specify another drive.
1105 The specified drive does not have enough space, please specify another drive.
1106 The specified drive is removable, please specify another drive.
1107 Lotus Install
1112 The directory you specified is read-only. Please specify another directory.
1113 Container Files
1114 Shared Data Access
1115 dBASE (ODBC)
1116 Paradox
1117 SQL Server
1118 Informix
1119 IBM_Database_Manager
1120 Dialog Editor
1121 Lotus 1-2-3 Dialog Editor
1122 dialoged\
1123 ltsdlged.exe
1124 Lotus Accessories\
1130 Desktop
1140 Document File Filters
1150 Document Graphic Filters
1160 Lotus Hyphenation
1161 Lotus Grammar Check
1170 Icon Palette
1180 Lotus InfoBox
1190 Script
1200 Multimedia
1210 Spell Check
1211 Spell Check User Dictionary
1212 English Dictionary
1213 Australian Dictionary
1214 Spanish Dictionary
1215 Portuguese Dictionary
1220 Status Bar
1230 Lotus Thesaurus
1240 Tools (AFID Files)
1250 User Name Services
1260 Filters
1270 To be defined
1280 OLE Files
1290 Windows Help
1300 Commdlg file
1321 English dictionary for use with Spell Check. In SmartSuite, deselecting this option deselects it for all products.
1322 Australian dictionary for use with Spell Check. In SmartSuite, deselecting this option deselects it for all products.
1323 Spanish dictionary for use with Spell Check. In SmartSuite, deselecting this option deselects it for all products.
1324 Portuguese dictionary for use with the Spell Check. In SmartSuite, deselecting this option deselects it for all products.
1325 Lotus Grammar Check lets you check a document for problems in grammar, style and mechanics.
1326 Lotus Hyphenation lets you specify hyphenation options.
1327 Lotus Thesaurus lets you find definitions, variations and synonyms, and replace text in the document with an alternative word.
1328 Lotus InfoBox lets you set options for selected objects. In SmartSuite, deselecting this option deselects it for all products.
1330 Lotus Shared Tools
1331 Lotus Dialog Editor lets you create custom dialog boxes.
1332 Spell Check checks for misspelled and repeated words. In SmartSuite, deselecting this option deselects it for all products.
1333 Database Help. In SmartSuite, deselecting this option deselects it for all products.
1334 The DataLens SQL Server driver is compatible with Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase SQL Server.
1335 The DataLens Paradox driver allows you to open and query a Paradox database version 4.0 and lower, and Paradox for Windows, directly from your Lotus application.
1336 The ODBC dBASE driver is compatible with the table format of dBASE IV and dBASE III Plus.
1337 IBM Database Manager is compatible with the OS/2 Database Manager Release 2.0.
1338 The DataLens Informix driver allows you to open and query an Informix-OnLine and Informix-SE version 4.1 & 5.0 and Informix-SE for DOS version 4.1 database from your Lotus application.
1339 K
1341 MB
1342 Install cannot find the CINSTALL.INI file. The install cannot continue.\nChoose OK to exit the Install program.
1343 Your CINSTALL.INI file is corrupted. The install cannot continue.\nChoose OK to exit the Install program.
1344 c:\lotshare\*.v*
1345 Lotus Licenser Utility
1346 Lotus Node Install
1347 LotusScript is a programming language that lets you automate your work in Lotus products. In SmartSuite, deselecting this option deselects it for all products.
1348 LotusScript
1349 WinHelp enhancements for Chicago.
1350 Lotus Shared Help
1351 Lotus Mail Enabling lets you access your mail from within your Lotus applications.
1352 Lotus Mail Enabling
1353 Lotus Dialogs provides the ability to create 3D effects in dialogs.
1354 Lotus Shared Dialogs
1356 AFIDMan
1357 AFIDMan is a .DLL that provides an interface between AFIDs like Lotus Chart, Word Pro Draw, and the Equation Editor and a host application.
1358 Aswan
1359 Aswan Toolkit is a software development tool; its API was designed as a layer above the MS OLE2 API.
1360 Bento
1361 Bento
1362 Lotus Bubble Help
1363 Lotus Bubble Help for Win95 and NT
1364 Lotus ccStr
1365 Lotus ccStr API of CLS for character handling
1366 Lotus Chart
1367 Lotus Chart component. This shared component is offered in many Lotus products.
1368 Lotus Dialog DLL
1369 Lotus Dialog Editor for use with script languages
1371 Adapter module that looks like the DataLens driver but calls ODBC
1372 LISDB
1373 Lotus International Settings DataBase
1374 LO
1375 Lotus Object Specification
1376 Core DLL for Import/Export Filters for various graphic image file formats (e.g. BMP, GIF, TIF, DRW, etc.)
1377 Standalone Player
1378 Standalone Player needed for product Tours
1379 Demos
1380 Animated demos supplied as part of the help system.
1381 Render
1382 Render consists of two .DLLs, commonly referred to as WGL and SM. Together these .DLLs provide a portable layer of graphics services and attribute management.
1383 Smart icons
1384 Smart icons
1385 Status Bar
1386 TeamMail
1387 Mail enabling DLL for Lotus applications
1388 UIMS
1389 Infobox
1390 ImageMark Import/Export
1400 Informix
1403 DataLens Driver for Informix
1405 dBASE_IV
1407 driver=lodbf04.dll
1408 ODBC Driver for dBASE IV Tables
1410 SQLServer_
1411 dlsmw
1413 DataLens Driver for SQLServer
1414 UI,PW
1415 Paradox
1418 DataLens Driver for Paradox Files
1420 IBM_Database_Manager
1421 DLSMW
1423 DataLens Driver for IBM Database Manager
1424 UI,PW
1425 You must specify a path for each entry.
1426 Install has found files in the following directories. Choose OK to write over your existing files.
1427 Install cannot start the Licenser because the Licenser executable cannot be found.
1428 Install encountered an error trying to start the Licenser.\n You will not be able to run Licenser at this time.
1429 If you do not select any files there is no need to continue the installation procedure.
1430 Lotus Install has consolidated the Lotus Shared Tools on your computer into the directory:\n\n
1431 \n\nIf you have icons, Start menu items, or shortcuts for Lotus Shared Tools, make sure they point to this location.
1433 Lotus Licenser
1434 licenser\
1435 Lotus Licenser
1436 ATM
1437 atm\
1438 Adobe Type Manager
1439 Invalid Group Name:
1440 Make sure the group name does not contain invalid characters * + : | " < > ? = . [ ] \ ; , / ( ) ' @ { } # % ` ~ ^ - _ $ & !
1441 The Lotus Shared Tools directory you specified is the same as the network Shared Tools directory.\n
1442 Specify a different directory for your personal Shared Tools files.\n
1443 Select the drive and directory where you want Install to create your main Lotus directory. Your personal directory and other subdirectories for your Lotus applications will be installed under the directory you specify.
1450 Invalid Folder Name:
1452 Make sure the folder name is not blank and does not contain invalid characters * : | " < > ? \ /
1505 The LOTUSAPP shared tools directory cannot be installed to a UNC volume or to a path with a long directory name.
1506 The problem may be that the file server you specified does not support long directory names.
1507 There is a file on this drive with the same name as one of the directories you specified. Remove or rename that file and resume the install.
1508 Make sure the drive exists and the path does not contain invalid characters (?* space <>.: tab), multiple periods, or repeating slashes, and is less than 260 characters in length.
1509 The path name is too long. It must be less than
1510 characters
1511 to allow room for subdirectory names that the Install program will add.
1512 Invalid Path:
1513 Make sure the drive exists and the path does not contain invalid characters (?*"+ space =<>[];.: tab), multiple periods, or repeating slashes, and is less than 64 characters in length.
1514 Unable to populate a list of product features.
1515 Install does not let you install files in a root directory. Please specify a different directory.
1516 Space Needed:
1517 Confirm Directory
1518 You entered the following directory specification:\n\n
1519 \n\nIs this the intended destination for the Lotus Shared Tools?
1520 Install cannot start NOTEPAD.EXE.
1521 Move Lotus Shared Tools.
1522 The Install program needs to move some Lotus Shared Tools.\n\nThe Shared files must be in the Shared Tools\ndirectory, where your Lotus applications can find them.
1523 Install estimates that the drive where you want to install this product has sufficient disk space.\n\n
1524 However, if you are running a disk compression utility, the estimate of space available from your disk compression utility may be incorrect.\n\n
1525 You may continue Install or exit Install and make some more space available on the drive where you want to install this product.
1597 The ODBC Lotus Notes driver allows you to open and query a Lotus Notes 3.x database.
1598 Lotus Notes (ODBC)
1600 ODBC Drivers
1601 Installed
1602 Driver
1603 Setup
1604 Lotus Q+E dBASE
1605 LODBF04.DLL
1606 LODBF04.DLL
1607 Lotus Notes
1610 odbc.ini
1611 ODBC Data Sources
1612 DataLens
1613 Lotus Q+E dBASE
1614 driver
1616 LODBF04.DLL
1618 readnet.txt
1619 Spreadsheet
1620 DLWKS
1622 DataLens driver for Spreadsheet Tables
1624 The DataLens Spreadsheet driver is compatible with Lotus .WK3 files.
1625 Spreadsheet
1626 DB2
1627 DLSMW
1629 DataLens Driver for DB2
1630 UI,PW
1631 The DataLens DB2 driver allows you to open and query a DB2 database directly from your Lotus application.
1632 DB2
1633 SQLDS
1634 DLSMW
1636 DataLens Driver for SQLDS
1637 UI,PW
1638 The DataLens SQL/DS driver allows you to open and query a SQL/DS database through IBM's DDCS/2 gateway from your Lotus application.
1639 SQLDS
1640 SQL400
1641 DLSMW
1643 DataLens Driver for SQL400
1644 UI,PW
1645 The DataLens SQL/400 driver allows you to open and query a SQL/400 database through IBM's DDCS/2 gateway from your Lotus application.
1646 SQL400
1647 DB2
1648 DLSMW
1650 DataLens Driver for DB2
1651 UI,PW
1652 The DataLens DB2 driver allows you to open and query a DB2 database through IBM's DDCS/2 gateway from your Lotus application.
1653 DB2
1654 ODBC_Data_Sources
1657 DataLens Driver for ODBC Data Sources
1659 The ODBC Driver allows access to ODBC Data Sources.
1660 ODBC Data Sources
1664 Spreadsheet
1666 driver=odbcwks.dll
1667 ODBC Driver for Spreadsheet Tables
1669 The ODBC Spreadsheet driver allows access to WK3, WK4, and XLS files.
1670 Spreadsheet (ODBC)
1671 Lotus Spreadsheet
1674 ODBC_Data_Sources
1677 DataLens Driver for ODBC Data Sources
1679 The ODBC Text driver allows access to Text files.
1680 Text (ODBC)
1681 Text Driver
1682 simba.dll
1683 simadmin.dll
1687 DataLens Driver for Oracle
1689 The DataLens Oracle driver allows you to open and query an ORACLE 6.x and 7.x database directly from your Lotus application.
1691 ODBC_Data_Sources
1694 DataLens Driver for ODBC Data Sources
1696 The ODBC Btrieve driver allows you to open and query a Btrieve database.
1697 Btrieve (ODBC)
1698 Btrieve Driver
1699 simba.dll
1700 simadmin.dll
1701 ODBC_Data_Sources
1704 DataLens Driver for ODBC Data Sources
1706 The ODBC FoxPro driver allows you to open and query a FoxPro database version 2.0 or 2.5.
1707 FoxPro (ODBC)
1708 FoxPro Driver
1709 simba.dll
1710 simadmin.dll
1711 ODBC_Data_Sources
1714 DataLens Driver for ODBC Data Sources
1716 The ODBC Microsoft Access driver allows you to open and query a Microsoft Access database.
1717 Access (ODBC)
1718 Access Driver
1719 simba.dll
1720 simadmin.dll
1721 ODBC_Data_Sources
1724 DataLens Driver for ODBC Data Sources
1726 The ODBC Paradox driver allows you to open and query a Paradox version 3.5 database.
1727 Paradox (ODBC)
1728 Paradox Driver
1729 simba.dll
1730 simadmin.dll
1731 ODBC_Data_Sources
1734 DataLens Driver for ODBC Data Sources
1736 The ODBC DB2 driver allows you to open and query a DB2 database directly from your ODBC Lotus application.
1737 DB2 (ODBC)
1738 DB2 Driver
1739 simba.dll
1740 simadmin.dll
1741 ODBC_Data_Sources
1744 DataLens Driver for ODBC Data Sources
1746 The ODBC Oracle driver allows you to open and query an ORACLE database.
1748 ORACLE Driver
1749 simba.dll
1750 simadmin.dll
1751 ODBC_Data_Sources
1754 DataLens Driver for ODBC Data Sources
1756 The ODBC SQL Server driver enables applications to access data in Microsoft SQL Server version 1.11 or later and Sybase SQL Server version 4.0 or later.
1757 SQL Server (ODBC)
1758 SQL Server
1759 sqlsrvr.dll
1760 sqlsrvr.dll
1761 SQLLevel
1762 APILevel
1763 FileUsage
1764 FileExtns
1765 DriverODBCVer
1766 ConnectFunctions
1767 0
1768 1
1769 2
1770 *.mdb
1771 01.00
1772 YYN
1773 0
1774 1
1775 2
1776 *.ddf
1777 01.00
1778 YYN
1792 0
1793 1
1794 1
1795 *.dbf
1796 01.00
1797 YYN
1810 0
1811 1
1812 1
1813 *.db
1814 01.00
1815 YYN
1828 0
1829 1
1830 1
1831 *.txt, *.csv
1832 01.00
1833 YYN
1835 MMCPL
1836 ODBC
1838 oracle.ini
1841 Lotus.ini
1842 Lotus Applications
1843 Notes
1845 mscpxlt.dll
1846 mscpxlt.dll
1847 MS Code Page Translator
1848 ODBC Translators
1849 Installed
1850 Translator
1900 Helv
1901 8
1902 700
1903 1
1910 Lotus Applications
1911 New Folder
1950 Install cannot start:
1960 Automated Install Error.\n\n
1961 Response file missing.
1962 Install cannot read response file. Please make sure response file is in simple text format and is not corrupt.
1963 Response File: ProgramGroup or StartMenuFolder is invalid in section:
1964 Response File: SizeOfInstall is invalid in section:
1965 Response File: Autoexec value is invalid in section:
1966 Response File: NodeOptions value is invalid in section:
1967 Response File: Licenser value is invalid in section:
1968 Response File: LICDIR value is invalid in section:
1969 Response File: LICCOUNTDIR value is invalid in section:
1970 Response File: One or more values in the Select Applications section are invalid.
1971 Response File: One or more directory paths are invalid in section:
1972 Response File: BASEDIR path is invalid in section:
1973 Response File: InstallType value is invalid in section:
1974 Response File: InstallType cannot be 4 (node) until you complete a server install.
1975 There is not enough space on the selected drive or on the drive containing your Windows directory. The amount of additional space you need is:
1976 Response File: COMPONENTSDIR path is invalid in section: Shared Components
1977 Response File: The value for a shared feature is invalid:
1980 ************************ End of Install ****************************************
1981 Automated Install error: Install did not complete. Run Install again.
1982 Automated Install completed successfully.
1991 EN
1995 You have already installed %s in another language. \nWould you like to add the English language files?