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Text File | 1995-07-19 | 67.0 KB | 1,681 lines |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | TREEDRAW for Windows |
- | V 1.11 |
- | User Guide |
- | |
- | This guide is an extract of the on-line help file TREEDRAW.HLP |
- | and should be used in conjunction with it. |
- | |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- =============================================================================
- ========
- 1.1 Using the Help file
- 1.2 Introducing TreeDraw
- 1.3 Importing a tree file
- 1.4 Formatting a chart
- 2.1 File handling
- 2.1.1 Starting a new picture
- 2.1.2 Opening a picture
- 2.1.3 Saving a picture
- 2.1.4 Importing a tree
- 2.1.5 Auto-updating text when opening a file
- 2.1.6 Saving default file settings
- 2.1.7 Exiting from TreeDraw
- 2.2 Editing
- 2.2.1 Adding text and simple graphics
- 2.2.2 Adding clip-art and photographs
- 2.2.3 Selecting picture elements
- 2.2.4 Moving picture elements
- 2.2.5 Resizing picture elements
- 2.2.6 Changing text
- 2.2.7 Copying to the clipboard
- 2.2.8 Pasting from the clipboard
- 2.2.9 Deleting picture elements
- 2.2.10 Grouping picture elements together
- 2.2.11 Updating text automatically
- 2.2.12 Handling objects
- 2.2.13 Turning off OLE object display
- 2.2.14 Undoing the previous editing operation
- 2.3 Formatting
- 2.3.1 Setting text font
- 2.3.2 Setting text alignment
- 2.3.3 Setting word wrapping
- 2.3.4 Changing text's link to a tree file
- 2.3.5 Setting the line style
- 2.3.6 Setting the fill pattern
- 2.3.7 Setting colours
- 2.3.8 Choosing a date format
- 2.4 Alignment
- 2.4.1 Changing the order of picture elements
- 2.4.2 Aligning picture elements horizontally
- 2.4.3 Aligning picture elements vertically
- 2.4.4 Spacing picture elements evenly
- 2.5 Printing
- 2.5.1 Printing a picture
- 2.5.2 Selecting pages to print
- 2.5.3 Setting page parameters
- 2.5.4 Selecting a printer
- 2.6 Miscellaneous
- 2.6.1 Zooming in and out
- 2.6.2 Using the snap-to grid
- 2.6.3 Customising imported tree contents
- 2.6.4 Auto-replacing text during tree import
- 2.6.5 Setting fonts for imported tree
- 3.1 Keyboard / Mouse key assignments
- 3.2 Button bar
- 3.3 Version information
- 3.4 Known incompatibilities
- 3.5 Supported GEDCOM data
- 3.6 Frequently asked questions
- 3.7 Glossary
- =============================================================================
- Copyright (c) SpanSoft 1994,1995 All rights reserved.
- Please see the help file TREEDRAW.HLP for support, registration, licence and
- distribution details.
- Written by: Nick J Hunter
- SpanSoft
- 11 Rowan Terrace
- Fife KY4 9JZ
- Scotland
- Telephone: National: (01383) 510597
- International: +44 1383 510597
- Voice or fax available 24hrs.
- Calls by voice may be answered by machine.
- E-Mail: Internet: nick.hunter@almac.co.uk
- FidoNet: NICK HUNTER (2:259/17)
- CompuServe: 100101,1155
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SpanSoft is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).
- ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you
- are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
- contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP
- Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member,
- but does not provide technical support for members' products.
- Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI
- 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via
- CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- =============================================================================
- =================
- 1.1 Using the Help file
- -----------------------
- To display the "Getting Started" help topic use Help|Getting started from
- the TreeDraw main menu.
- The help file is a complete on-line manual for TreeDraw. As well as
- providing context-sensitive help direct from TreeDraw, it contains all the
- technical information about the program and usage tips in an easy-to-use
- format.
- If you are not familiar with using Windows help files, read the 'help on
- help' information. Do this by clicking the left mouse button on 'Help' in the
- menu above the help file and then on 'How to Use Help' in the pull-down menu.
- You can get help by either selecting Help|Contents from the main menu or
- by pressing F1. You can also get specific help on whatever task you are
- carrying out by selecting the Help button in the current dialog.
- 1.2 Introducing TreeDraw
- ------------------------
- TreeDraw is a specialist graphics editor for creating high quality genealogical
- drop-line charts.
- Descendant and ancestral trees may be imported direct from Kith and Kin
- tree files or from PAF GEDCOM files created by other genealogy programs.
- TreeDraw converts these trees into easily edited picture elements which can
- then be re-formatted and re-arranged before storing and printing.
- It is now easy to produce perfectly laid out charts and incorporate pictures,
- diagrams and other simple graphics. The charts may be as complex or a
- simple as you wish.
- By importing a combination of descendant and ancestral trees from one or
- more tree files, it is possible to build complex charts which can extend in any
- direction.
- TreeDraw maintains a link between each chart text element and the source
- field in the original tree file. This means that you can update each text
- element automatically to mirror any changes in the original file. The tree link
- for each text element can also be modified manually. This is a powerful
- feature which gives you control over the content and format of the text in
- the chart.
- Additional text elements may be entered manually to provide titles, headings,
- comments, etc.
- As well as text, you can place into the chart simple graphics (lines, boxes,
- circles) and OLE objects like pictures, clip-art, diagrams, etc.
- TreeDraw lets you control the size, shape, style, colour and alignment of all
- chart elements and supports colour printing.
- 1.3 Importing a tree file
- -------------------------
- TreeDraw is designed to produce drop-line charts which are imported into an
- editable picture so that you can re-format them and add extra text and
- graphics.
- TreeDraw will import trees from either Kith and Kin tree (.TRE) files or from
- PAF compatible GEDCOM (.GED) files. If your tree data is maintained by a
- genealogy program other than Kith and Kin (eg. Brother's Keeper, Family
- Scrapbook, PAF, etc), you first need to use that program to export your tree
- data into a GEDCOM file (refer to the program's own documentation for
- details).
- It is recommended that you have the snap-to-grid option on before
- attempting to import the tree. This will ensure that the tree elements are
- aligned correctly and makes it easier to re-format the tree afterwards. You
- can check to see if the grid is on by pressing and holding the left mouse
- button whilst the cursor is over the grid button on the button bar. Drag the
- cursor away from the button before releasing it if you wish to avoid changing
- the setting.
- You can also change various formatting options which will affect the
- appearance of the tree, before importing it. However, the default settings
- will be suitable.
- To start the import either select the Import command from the File menu and
- then choose a Descendant or Ancestral tree or press the Import Descendant
- or Ancestral tree button on the button bar. This will open a file selection
- dialog where you may enter the name of the tree file to import.
- The import will then start (press Esc or the Cancel button in the lower
- left corner of the main window to abort the import). You will see the
- bargraph display at the bottom of the screen move from left to right.
- When the bargraph has reached the right hand side, the tree file has been
- loaded and you will be presented with the import dialog where you must
- choose the person who is to be the root of this chart.
- Having pressed the OK button in the import dialog, TreeDraw will ask
- (assuming that you had the snap-to-grid on before importing) if you want the
- program to adjust the grid's vertical granularity to match that of the import
- font. Answer Yes. This will ensure that the vertical spacing of the snap-to-
- grid closely matches the line spacing of the font chosen for the names of
- people in the chart.
- TreeDraw now draws the picture elements necessary to make up the chart.
- The chart will appear in your picture with small, green squares at the corner
- of each element. These indicate that the entire chart is currently selected
- so that you can move it to a new position if you wish. Click the left mouse
- button with the cursor away from any chart element to deselect the chart.
- You can now re-arrange the chart to your desired layout and add more text
- or graphics.
- 1.4 Formatting a chart
- ----------------------
- Once you have imported a chart, you will probably want to start moving the
- various elements around to make a more pleasant layout.
- First select a view which will enable you to see as much of the chart as
- necessary.
- To move a picture element around (in fact to perform any operation on it),
- you must first select it. Do this by placing the cursor over the chosen
- element and clicking the left mouse button. You will see 2 or 4 small, green
- squares (known as handles) appear around the element indicating that it has
- been selected. Now press and hold the left mouse button over the selected
- element. The cursor shape will change and a dotted outline will appear over
- the element indicating that you have grabbed it. Now simply move the outline
- to the new location using the mouse and release the mouse button to place
- the element there.
- You can do the same thing with more than one element at a time simply by
- selecting multiple elements. Hold down the Shift key as you click on each
- element in turn or drag a marquee around the chosen elements to select them
- all.
- If you want to modify the format or style of an imported chart element, you
- will probably have to Ungroup the group it belongs to and then select the
- chosen element individually. This may be necessary where (for example) a
- particular line of text is too long and you want to break it onto several
- lines using the Word Wrap command.
- Once you have arranged the chart to your satisfaction you should save it to
- disk.
- =============================================================================
- =======
- 2.1 File Handling
- -----------------
- 2.1.1 Starting a new picture
- ----------------------------
- From the File menu select New.
- This will first check to see if the current picture needs to be saved and
- then clear the picture. The snap to grid granularities, page setup attributes
- and Auto Text Update option will be loaded from the file settings file
- 2.1.2 Opening a picture
- -----------------------
- Either From the File menu select Open.
- or Select a previous file from the bottom of the File menu.
- or Press the Open button on the button bar.
- This will first check to see if the current picture needs to be saved and
- then bring up a file selection dialog.
- Use File|Open for loading TreeDraw picture (.TDR) files. Opening a picture
- file also sets the snap to grid granularities, page setup attributes and Auto
- Text Update options.
- 2.1.3 Saving a picture
- ----------------------
- Either From the File menu select Save.
- or Press F2.
- or Press the Save button on the button bar
- The picture will be saved with the name of the file shown in the main
- window title. If the picture has no current filename then the Save As will be
- used instead.
- 2.1.4 Importing a tree
- ----------------------
- You can create a new tree in your picture from two different sources, either
- a Kith and Kin tree (.TRE) file or a PAF compatible GEDCOM (.GED) file.
- First, select the Import command from the File menu and then choose a
- Descendant or Ancestral tree or press the Import Descendant or Ancestral
- tree button on the button bar.
- A Descendant tree starts from a chosen (root) person and displays all his/her
- descendants including spouses as a drop-line chart. An Ancestral tree works
- in the opposite direction. From a chosen person, all his/her direct ancestors
- are displayed.
- A file selection dialog will open to let you choose the file from which you
- wish to import the tree.
- If the tree file you choose to import was the last file to be imported during
- this TreeDraw session, it will still be in memory and you will be asked if
- you want to use the version in memory or load the version on disk. This is
- useful when importing a large GEDCOM file and you want to experiment by
- importing using different tree formats, fonts, etc. By holding the GEDCOM
- file in memory TreeDraw can immediately access the tree data, making for a
- very fast import. Take care when you have amended a tree file or GEDCOM
- file and saved it to disk. The changes will not be reflected in the version
- stored in TreeDraw's memory. You will have to reload the tree file from disk
- to get the current version.
- When the tree has loaded, you may select the root person and various
- options to control the content of the imported tree.
- Person selection may be done by either entering a code number (digits only,
- do not enter the P) or selecting from the list of people.
- Set Person details if you wish to include dates and places for individuals.
- Set Marriage details if you wish to include dates and places for families
- (not available in Ancestral trees.
- Set Group tree elements if you wish to have associated tree elements (such
- as a person's name and details) automatically grouped together. This is very
- useful later when you will want to move the tree elements around.
- Set Add statistics if you wish to have a stamp/statistics box added at the
- bottom of the chart. The statistics include the name of the imported tree
- file and number of people, families and generations. The stamp is your
- personalised mark which may be your name and address or whatever
- information you wish. To modify your stamp, alter the text in the file
- STAMP.TXT using Notepad or a word-processor.
- Set Flag duplicates if you wish TreeDraw to check for duplicated branches
- (eg. where cousins have married). "*** DUPLICATE ***" will be added to all
- people which appear more than once in the tree. TreeDraw will also truncate
- the tree at the duplicated person except on the first occurrence so that
- branches of the tree are not duplicated.
- If you set All Generations, every descendant or ancestor will be included. If
- you require to limit the depth of the tree, clear the All Generations box and
- enter a number in Expand to ... generations. Entering 0 will produce a tree
- with only the root person, 1 will include his/her children or parents
- (depending on the tree type), and so on.
- Four formats of Descendant or Ancestral tree are available and the selected
- layout is displayed beside the Extend generations and Align tree options.
- Select Vertically if you wish children to proceed across the page and
- generations from top to bottom and Horizontally for the opposite
- arrangement. Select Left/Top to justify the tree to the left or top
- (depending on the Extend Generations option) and Centre to produce a centred
- tree.
- After pressing the OK button, if you have the snap-to grid option on, you
- will be asked if you want the program to adjust the vertical granularity of
- the grid to match the Names font size. Replying Yes to this will ensure that
- the chart is correctly spaced and easy to modify afterwards.
- When the tree has been drawn, all its elements (and only its elements) will
- be selected to allow you to move the whole tree to a new location in the
- picture.
- TreeDraw maintains a link between each imported text element and the
- file/field it originated from. This allows you to update your tree to match
- any textual changes in the original tree file without having to re-import the
- tree. You can also modify or lock this link.
- See also: Customising imported tree contents (2.6.3)
- 2.1.5 Auto-updating text when opening a file
- --------------------------------------------
- You can force TreeDraw to update all the linked text in a picture file,
- immediately that file is opened. To do this, set the Auto text update option
- in the Options menu.
- This setting is stored with the picture file.
- 2.1.6 Saving default file settings
- ----------------------------------
- TreeDraw saves the current snap to grid granularities, page setup attributes
- and Auto Text Update options with the current picture file (.TDR) when you
- use the Save or Save as commands.
- You can save the current settings of these options as defaults so that when
- TreeDraw starts running or you use the File|New command, those settings
- are retrieved.
- Set the above options to the values you require and use the Save file
- settings command from the File menu.
- This command allows you to define what properties you want each new
- picture to have. For example, you may always use Letter sized paper in your
- printer so you would save the file settings with Letter sized paper selected
- in the Page setup dialog. That way, every time you start a new picture, the
- page size will automatically be set to Letter.
- 2.1.7 Exiting from TreeDraw
- ---------------------------
- Either From the File menu select Exit.
- or Press Alt+F4.
- This command will check to see if the current picture needs to be saved
- before exiting the program.
- 2.2 Editing
- -----------
- 2.2.1 Adding text and simple graphics
- -------------------------------------
- You must select the appropriate tool before carrying out any actions on
- picture elements. Tools may be selected from the Tools menu or from the
- tool box. Both methods have the same effect. If the tool box is not visible
- on the screen, use the Tool box command from the Options menu to make it
- appear.
- The tool box may be moved anywhere on the screen.
- Pointer (Ctrl+F10) Use for selecting, moving and resizing
- existing picture elements.
- Line Use to place a new line onto the picture.
- Ellipse Use to place a new circle or ellipse onto
- the picture.
- Round rect Use to place a new square or rectangle
- with rounded corners onto the picture.
- Rectangle Use to place a new square or rectangle
- onto the picture.
- Text Use to place a new text element onto the
- picture.
- Place a new simple graphic onto the picture by first selecting the
- appropriate graphic type from either the Tools menu or from the tool box.
- Press and hold the left mouse button to anchor one end of the element then
- drag the mouse to expand the graphic to the right size and shape. Release
- the mouse button.
- Add a new text element to the picture by selecting the text tool from the
- Tools menu or from the tool box. Click the left mouse button at the position
- for the new text. The text editor at the top of the screen will become active
- with a flashing vertical line. Key in the text you require, using Ctrl+Return
- to insert line breaks. Press Return or click on the OK button to finish
- editing. You can click on the Cancel button to cancel the text element.
- 2.2.2 Adding clip-art and photographs
- -------------------------------------
- You can easily add clip-art, scanned photographs, bitmaps and other images
- to your TreeDraw picture.
- All these items are treated as OLE objects and are handled in basically the
- same way. For instance, to add a clip-art image from the CLIPART.PCX file,
- follow this procedure.
- 1) Run the Windows Paintbrush application (or another OLE server painting
- program which will accept .PCX files) and use the File|Open command to
- 2) Select the "cut" tool and drag the marquee around the clip-art image you
- want to use. Now use the Edit|Copy command to copy the image to the
- clipboard. All OLE embedding and linking works via the clipboard in this
- way.
- 3) Switch to TreeDraw and select the Edit|Paste command or click on the
- Paste button.
- 4) Move the cursor into the drawing area and click the left mouse button to
- position the clip-art image.
- See also: Handling objects (2.2.12)
- 2.2.3 Selecting picture elements
- --------------------------------
- Selecting picture elements allows you move, reformat, align, copy and perform
- other operations, on those elements only.
- There are 3 ways to select picture elements. First, make sure that you have
- the Pointer tool selected.
- Method 1 - place the cursor over your chosen element and click the left mouse
- button. You will see small, green handles appear to indicate that the element
- is now selected. You can now select (or deselect) additional elements by
- holding down the shift key while clicking the left mouse button.
- Method 2 - Drag a marquee around the element(s) you wish to select. Do this
- by positioning the cursor where it is not over any element, press and hold
- the left mouse button and drag the mouse so that the expanding rectangular
- outline surrounds your chosen elements. Release the mouse button.
- Method 3 - You can select all the picture elements at once by using the
- Select all command from the Edit menu.
- 2.2.4 Moving picture elements
- -----------------------------
- You can move any existing picture element(s) around on the picture by first
- selecting them, then holding down the left mouse button (the cursor will
- change to crossed arrows) and dragging the mouse to the new location. Release
- the mouse button to place the elements.
- 2.2.5 Resizing picture elements
- -------------------------------
- You can resize any existing picture element (except groups) by first
- selecting it, then placing the cursor on one of the green handles which
- appear around the element. Press and hold the left mouse button (the cursor
- will change to an arrow head) then drag the mouse so that the size and shape
- of the element is correct. Release the mouse button.
- OLE objects can be forced to preserve their aspect ratio (ie. their size can
- be changed but not their shape) by selecting the Keep aspect ratio command
- from the Options menu.
- 2.2.6 Changing text
- -------------------
- You can change the text in a text element by selecting the single text
- element to modify. This makes the current text appear in the text editor at
- the top of the screen. Click on the text in the text editor and modify the
- text as you would in a normal text box. You can use Ctrl+Return to insert
- line breaks. Press Return or click on the button to finish editing. You
- can click on the Cancel button to cancel any changes to the text.
- When editing text in the text editor the standard edit commands (undo, cut,
- copy, paste, delete, select all) act on the text in the editor only. Picture
- elements are not affected.
- 2.2.7 Copying to the clipboard
- ------------------------------
- Copying only.
- Select the picture element(s) which you wish to copy to the clipboard. Use
- the Copy command from the Edit menu or press Ctrl+Ins or press the Copy
- button on the button bar.
- The picture elements will be copied to the clipboard in a special format so
- that they can be pasted into the current or other TreeDraw pictures. A
- Windows metafile image of the copied elements will also be copied to the
- clipboard to allow pasting to other applications. If a single text type
- element is copied, the text will also be available on the clipboard for
- pasting into text-based applications. If a single object type element is
- copied, the object itself can then be pasted into other applications.
- Copy and cutting.
- Select the picture element(s) which you wish to copy to the clipboard. Use
- the Cut command from the Edit menu or press Shift+Del or press the Cut button
- on the button bar.
- The selected elements will also be deleted from the picture after copying.
- If you are editing text in the text edit box, these commands will operate on
- the text only.
- 2.2.8 Pasting from the clipboard
- --------------------------------
- You can copy various items from the clipboard to a TreeDraw picture. Use
- the Paste command from the Edit menu or press Shift+Ins or press the Paste
- button on the button bar to copy in other TreeDraw picture elements, text
- and to embed OLE objects.
- The cursor will change to the paste cursor, position the cursor to where you
- want to place the new element(s) and click the left mouse button.
- If you are editing text in the text edit box, this command will operate on
- the text only.
- Pasting a link from clipboard.
- You can link an OLE object into a picture by using the Paste link command
- from the Edit menu.
- The cursor will change to the paste cursor, position the cursor to where you
- want to place the new element(s) and click the left mouse button.
- 2.2.9 Deleting picture elements
- -------------------------------
- Use the Delete command from the Edit menu or press Del to remove the
- selected element(s) from the picture.
- If you are editing text in the text edit box, this command will operate on
- the text only.
- 2.2.10 Grouping picture elements together
- -----------------------------------------
- You can combine several individual picture elements into a single element
- known as a group. Use the Group command from the Edit menu or press
- Ctrl+G or press the Group button on the button bar. The group can then be
- manipulated in the same way as any individual element, except that the size
- and shape of the group cannot be changed.
- You can separate the elements at some future time by using the Ungroup
- command from the Edit menu or pressing Ctrl+U or pressing the Ungroup button
- on the button bar.
- 2.2.11 Updating text automatically
- ----------------------------------
- TreeDraw maintains a link between each imported text element and the
- file/field it originated from. This allows you to update your tree to match
- any textual changes in the original tree file without having to re-import the
- tree. You can also modify or lock this link.
- To update the text in your picture, use the Update text command from the
- Edit menu or press F9. This will open the update dialog.
- Set All linked text if you wish to update all the text elements in the
- picture. If you only want to update the text in the currently selected
- elements, set Selected text.
- You can also limit the update to text linked to a particular tree file
- (instead of all files) by setting Links to single tree and choosing a tree
- file from the list.
- You can also get the text updated automatically each time the picture file is
- opened.
- See also: Auto-updating text when opening a file (2.1.5)
- Auto-replacing text during tree import (2.6.4)
- 2.2.12 Handling objects
- -----------------------
- You may link or embed one or more objects in your TreeDraw picture. The
- objects may be created, played, edited, deleted and copied to the clipboard.
- Using the Paste Link or Paste will insert a new object into the picture.
- Embedding objects.
- Start the application which contains the object to be embedded. Select the
- object and copy it to the clipboard using the Copy command. Switch to
- TreeDraw and select the Paste command from the Edit menu or press
- Shift+Ins. The cursor will change to the paste cursor.
- Linking objects.
- Start the application which contains the object to be linked. Select the
- object and copy it to the clipboard using the COPY command. Switch to
- TreeDraw and select the Paste link command from the Edit menu or press
- Shift+Ins. The cursor will change to the paste cursor. If the Paste link
- command is not available it probably means that the object's source document
- has not been saved or that the source application has not provided the
- correct data to the clipboard.
- Editing and playing objects.
- First select the single object which use wish to operate on. The Object
- command in the Edit menu will be different for each object type. Select the
- object command appropriate to the action which you wish to carry out. The
- commands invariably include Edit and sometimes additional commands such
- as Play (eg. for sound objects) are available.
- Double-clicking the left mouse button on an object will perform the default
- action for that particular object type. Normally this is Edit but it will
- vary depending on the object type (eg. Play for sound objects).
- Copying objects.
- Objects can be copied along with other picture elements in the normal way.
- However, you can copy an object to the clipboard where it can be pasted to
- another application, as an object rather than a TreeDraw picture. Select a
- single object from the picture. Select the Copy command from the Edit menu
- or press Ctrl+Ins. This will copy the object to the clipboard. If you want to
- delete the object from the picture at the same time, use the Cut command (or
- press Shift+Del) instead of Copy.
- Preserving OLE object aspect ratio.
- Most OLE objects may be resized into any size or shape you wish. With some
- objects (such as scanned photos) this may not be appropriate and you may
- want to make sure that the shape of the photo does not change as you resize
- it.
- You can achieve this by using the Keep aspect ratio command from the
- Options menu.
- When TreeDraw is automatically maintaining the correct aspect ratio of
- objects, you should drag an object handle vertically to change the overall size
- of the object.
- See also: Turning off OLE object display (2.2.13)
- Known incompatibilities (3.4)
- 2.2.13 Turning off OLE object display
- -------------------------------------
- Large OLE objects may take a small but noticeable time to display on your
- screen. This may make operations such as scrolling appear slow and jumpy.
- To avoid this you can get TreeDraw to display a blue, dashed rectangle of
- the correct size for each object, instead of displaying the object itself.
- Use the Display objects command from the Options menu.
- Turning off object displays will not affect printing or copying to the
- clipboard.
- 2.2.14 Undoing the previous editing operation
- ---------------------------------------------
- TreeDraw remembers your previous editing command so that if you decide
- that was not what you really wanted to do, you can undo it.
- Use the Undo command from the Edit menu or press Alt+BkSp or press the
- Undo button on the button bar.
- If you are editing text in the text edit box, this command will operate on
- the text only.
- 2.3 Formatting
- --------------
- 2.3.1 Setting text font
- -----------------------
- Use the Font command from the Format menu to change the font for the
- selected text elements. Text may be single elements or embedded within
- groups. If no elements are selected the default font will be changed.
- This will bring up a standard font selection dialog. You can then change the
- typeface, style, size, effects and colour of the font. Note that you are not
- limited to using the listed font sizes.
- You can also change a text element's colour by using the colour palette.
- 2.3.2 Setting text alignment
- ----------------------------
- You can change the alignment of selected text elements by using the Text
- align command from the Format menu. If no text elements are selected the
- default text alignment will be changed.
- Text may be ranged left (ragged right), centred or ranged right (ragged left).
- 2.3.3 Setting word wrapping
- ---------------------------
- You can force the text in text elements to automatically break lines between
- words so that the it fits neatly into a defined rectangle. Use the Word wrap
- command from the Format menu. If no text elements are selected, the
- default word wrapping will be changed.
- Once you have made a text element "wrappable" you can adjust the size of
- the rectangle which the text occupies by dragging one of its handles.
- TreeDraw will re-format the lines of text to fit the rectangle.
- 2.3.4 Changing text's link to a tree file
- -----------------------------------------
- TreeDraw lets you modify the link between a text element in your picture and
- the file and field it originated from, if it was imported as part of a tree.
- You can also use this dialog to create a link between a manually entered text
- element and a tree file.
- To change the format of this link first select the single text element you
- wish to modify then select Tree link from the Format menu. This opens the
- text's Tree link dialog.
- Enter the code of the person or family the text is to refer to. Use the
- format P<number> for people or F<number> for families.
- Select the file name from the file list. The list contains the names of all
- files which have been used to import trees to the current picture. If you
- wish to add a new filename to the list, press the Select file button.
- In the Fields box, enter the format to be used when updating the text. The
- same field identifiers are used both here and in the Import fields dialog.
- See "Customise imported tree contents" (2.6.4) for details of how to format
- this field. You can add individual fields from the Field Identifiers list
- and/or a selection from the current Field Formats by double clicking on an
- entry in the Imported Data Types list. The Add Field button will add entries
- from either of the pick lists.
- Set Locked if you wish to exclude this text element from any future updates.
- TreeDraw will now use the modified link format when you update this text
- element.
- 2.3.5 Setting the line style
- ----------------------------
- The style and weight of line used by simple graphic picture elements can be
- altered by using the Line style command from the Format menu. If no
- elements are selected, the default line style will be changed.
- Several line types and weights from 1 to 1000 are available.
- Dotted
- Dashed
- Dashed & Dotted
- Dashed & 2 Dotted
- Hairline The thinnest supported line
- Width 1
- Width 2
- Width 4
- Width 6
- Other User defined width
- The colour of the line may be changed by using the colour palette.
- 2.3.6 Setting the fill pattern
- ------------------------------
- The style of the filled area enclosed by simple graphic picture elements
- ellipse, round-cornered rectangle and rectangle can be altered by using the
- Pattern command from the Format menu. If no elements are selected, the
- default pattern will be changed.
- Several styles are available.
- Back diagonal
- Cross
- Diagonal cross
- Forward diagonal
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Hollow (no fill)
- Solid
- The colour of the pattern (if any) may be changed by using the colour palette.
- 2.3.7 Setting colours
- ---------------------
- You can activate the colour palette by using the Colour palette command
- from the Options menu.
- 16 colours are available from the palette to be used for defining the
- colour(s) of picture elements.
- Click the left mouse button on the colour to be used for lines and text.
- Click the right mouse button on the colour to be used for fills and patterns.
- The colour palette may be moved anywhere on the screen.
- 2.3.8 Choosing a date format
- ----------------------------
- TreeDraw allows you to choose which of several available date formats it
- should use when importing a tree.
- The available date formats are:
- DD MM YYYY eg. 25 12 1995
- DD MMM YYYY eg. 25 Dec 1995
- MM DD YYYY eg. 12 25 1995
- MMM DD YYYY eg. Dec 25 1995
- DD MMMM, YYYY eg. 25 December, 1995
- MMMM DD, YYYY eg. December 25, 1995
- WWWW DD MMMM, YYYY eg. Monday 25 December, 1995
- WWWW MMMM DD, YYYY eg. Monday December 25, 1995
- A format definition must also include a separator for the first four formats.
- In the examples above the separator is a space but any character may be used.
- The separator must be the same character in both positions.
- eg. 25/12/1995 25-12-1995 25.12.1995
- Users who need to use foreign-language versions of month names, etc can
- modify the entries in the TREEDRAW.INI file.
- To rename the months, substitute for "January" the appropriate month name. Do
- the same for "February" and so on. Do not modify anything which comes before
- "=" or is in "[ ]". You can also modify the weekday names.
- [Months]
- 1=January
- 2=February
- 3=March
- 4=April
- 5=May
- 6=June
- 7=July
- 8=August
- 9=September
- 10=October
- 11=November
- 12=December
- [Days]
- 1=Sunday
- 2=Monday
- 3=Tuesday
- 4=Wednesday
- 5=Thursday
- 6=Friday
- 7=Saturday
- 2.4 Alignment
- -------------
- 2.4.1 Changing the order of picture elements
- --------------------------------------------
- Picture elements are placed onto the picture in the order in which they are
- created, ie. the most recent goes on top and may overlap other elements.
- You can make existing elements come to the front of the picture by selecting
- one or more elements and using the Bring to front command from the Align
- menu or pressing Ctrl+F.
- You can make existing elements go to the back of the picture by selecting
- one or more elements and using the Send to back command from the Align
- menu or pressing Ctrl+B.
- 2.4.2 Aligning picture elements horizontally
- --------------------------------------------
- Select two or more picture elements and use one of the following commands
- from the Align menu.
- Left align elements along their left edges
- Centre (Ctrl+C) align elements along their centres
- Right align elements along their right edges
- 2.4.3 Aligning picture elements vertically
- ------------------------------------------
- Select two or more picture elements and use one of the following commands
- from the Align menu.
- Top align elements along their top edges
- Middle (Ctrl+M) align elements along their middles
- Bottom align elements along their bottom edges
- 2.4.4 Spacing picture elements evenly
- -------------------------------------
- Select three or more picture elements and use one of the following
- commands from the Align menu.
- Space horizontal move elements horizontally so that there is equal space
- between each
- Space vertical move elements vertically so that there is equal space
- between each
- 2.5 Printing
- ------------
- 2.5.1 Printing a picture
- ------------------------
- Either Use the Print command from the File menu.
- or Press Ctrl+F8 to print the current tree.
- The print will commence immediately (press Esc or the Cancel button in
- the lower left corner of the main window to abort printing) using the
- currently selected printer, current page setup and will only print the
- selected pages.
- See also: Selecting pages to print (2.5.2)
- 2.5.2 Selecting pages to print
- ------------------------------
- You can display where the pages-breaks will be positioned, by using the Page
- breaks command from the Options menu.
- The default print area is the single page in the top left corner of the
- picture. You can enlarge this area by moving the cursor to the page where you
- want to start printing then pressing and holding the right mouse button while
- you drag the cursor to the last page to be printed. Release the mouse button
- and the print area will be shown by a solid red border.
- You can select the pages to print at any view setting but it is recommended
- that you first set the view to Whole Area. This will allow you to select any
- page(s).
- Note that the page breaks do not change when the Scale to Fit Page option is
- selected in the Page Setup dialog
- 2.5.3 Setting page parameters
- -----------------------------
- From the File menu select Page setup.
- The page setup dialog allows you to format various features of the layout of
- printed pictures. The settings selected here override any similar settings in
- the printer driver when the picture is printed.
- Units of measure.
- You may specify margins and page sizes in either inches or millimetres. When
- you change from one to the other, the current values will be converted for
- you.
- Margins.
- Enter the measurement for each of the page margins. Note that problems
- with printouts may be encountered when setting small margins. The printer
- you are using may have a non-printing area around the edge of the physical
- page and this may lead to missing or garbled print. If you have problems like
- this, try increasing the size of the margins.
- Page size and orientation.
- Select the appropriate paper size from the drop down list. You can specify a
- non-standard size (one not listed), by selecting Custom and entering the
- dimensions of the page in the Width and Height fields. Select the orientation
- you require. Portrait is the normal (tall) orientation, landscape has the
- page rotated through 90 degrees (wide).
- Print pages.
- This determines the order in which pages are printed. Pages are printed from
- the selected print area which may be several pages high and several pages
- wide. If you want to print the first row of pages followed by the second row,
- etc, set Across then down. If you want to print the first column of pages
- followed by the second column, etc, set Down then across.
- Set the Scale to fit page option if you want the entire chart squeezed (or
- possibly expanded) into a single page.
- 2.5.4 Selecting a printer
- -------------------------
- From the File menu select Print setup.
- This will display a list of available printers. Select the required printer
- and if you want to change the settings for that printer (paper bin,
- resolution, number of copies etc), select the setup button to open the
- printer driver's setup dialog. Note that the paper size and orientation are
- overridden during printing by the values in the Page Setup dialog.
- See Windows or your printer driver documentation for further details of the
- setup dialog for particular printers.
- 2.6 Miscellaneous
- -----------------
- 2.6.1 Zooming in and out
- ------------------------
- You can zoom in and out of a picture by using the View menu or by clicking
- on the zoom-in or zoom-out button on the button bar.
- To view the entire drawing area select Whole area from the View menu.
- To zoom in on a particular part of the drawing area, first select a picture
- element. TreeDraw always zooms in to or out from the current selection.
- To come back to normal (full-sized) viewing quickly, you can also press F5.
- 2.6.2 Using the snap-to grid
- ----------------------------
- TreeDraw lets you use a invisible or visible grid to align and place picture
- elements with precision. Use the Snap to grid command in the Options menu
- to alter the properties of the grid.
- You can turn the grid on or off by selecting the Grid on check box. When the
- grid is on any elements that you create, move or resize will snap to the
- nearest grid intersection.
- You can make the grid visible by setting the Grid visible check box. Making
- the grid visible will slow down the display of the picture.
- You can modify the granularity (coarseness) of the grid in both the
- horizontal and vertical direction by entering a new value in the appropriate
- box. The higher the value the coarser the grid.
- Turning the grid on does not affect the position of existing elements unless
- you move or resize them.
- You can also switch the grid on or off quickly by pressing the Grid button on
- the button bar.
- 2.6.3 Customising imported tree contents
- ----------------------------------------
- Prior to importing a descendant or ancestral tree, you can define which
- fields will go where in the chart and what indicators (b., d., m. etc) to use
- by selecting Import Fields in the Options menu.
- You can also get TreeDraw to automatically replace selected text as the tree
- is imported.
- To define the content of the imported tree, use the Import fields command
- from the Options menu.
- Each item in the "Imported data type" list represents a component of an
- imported tree:
- Name The name of the root person and spouses
- Child's name The name of any child
- Person details Date of birth, etc
- Marriage details Date and place of marriage, etc
- Marriage indicator Used when marriage details not requested
- As TreeDraw imports the tree, it formats it as follows.
- (see TREEDRAW.HLP for diagram)
- The example shows a left justified, vertical descendant tree but the text
- arrangement is the same for all tree types.
- The actual contents of each of these components can be user defined in the
- "Field format" box. Click on an item in the "Imported data type" list and
- then edit its contents.
- The field format may consist of any static text (including line breaks) plus
- any combination of the following field identifiers, used to represent actual
- fields from the imported tree. Note that christening and burial information
- is currently only available from GEDCOM files which support them.
- ~CODE Person or family code
- ~NOTE Person or family notes
- ~FNAM Firstnames
- ~SNAM Surname
- ~DBIR Date of birth
- ~PBIR Place of birth
- ~DCHR Date of christening
- ~PCHR Place of christening
- ~DDEA Date of death
- ~PDEA Place of death
- ~DBUR Date of burial
- ~PBUR Place of burial
- ~DMAR Date of marriage
- ~PMAR Place of marriage
- You can add each of the above identifiers to the end of any text in the Field
- format box, by selecting them from the "Field identifiers" pick list and
- pressing the Add Field button. Alternatively, you may double-click on the
- identifier in the pick list.
- You can also enclose parts of a field format within braces "{ }" to indicate
- that the enclosed part will not be used unless at least one of the field
- identifiers within the braces produces non-blank text. This allows you to
- stop TreeDraw inserting identifiers like "b." where no birth details actually
- exist.
- For example:
- Say you want to import a descendant tree containing the person Thomas
- GORDON, code [P413], born 20 May 1781 but has no death details...
- "Name": ~CODE ~FNAME ~SNAM
- results in: [P413] Thomas GORDON
- "Name": ~CODE ~FNAME
- results in: [P413] Thomas
- "Name": ~SNAM, ~FNAM
- results in: GORDON, Thomas
- "Person details": b. ~DBIR ~PBIR
- d. ~DDEA ~PDEA
- results in: b. 20 May 1781
- d.
- "Person details": {b. ~DBIR ~PBIR}{
- d. ~DDEA ~PDEA}
- results in: b. 20 May 1781
- Feel free to experiment with different formats. If you want to reset all
- formats back to their original settings, select the Defaults button.
- Each field identifier is a ~ (tilde) followed by 4 characters. If you need to use
- a tilde as static text, use ~~ to indicate a single tilde. Similarly, if you
- want to use { or } as static text, use {{ and }}.
- TreeDraw uses the default line style and colour for the lines in an imported
- tree.
- See also: Setting fonts for imported trees (2.6.5)
- Setting the line style (2.3.5)
- Auto-replacing text during tree import (2.6.4)
- 2.6.4 Auto-replacing text during tree import
- --------------------------------------------
- TreeDraw has the capability to automatically find and replace selected text
- as it is imported from a tree file. This is useful, for instance, where you
- may have recurring, long place names in your tree file which you want to
- shorten in the TreeDraw chart so as to save space
- (eg. replacing "Clackmannanshire" with "Clacks.").
- You can maintain a list of text to replace and replacement text by using the
- Import text replace command from the Options menu to open the Replace
- Text on Import Dialog.
- When adding find/replace text pairs to the list it is important to decide in
- what order to have items in the Replace list. TreeDraw searches an imported
- text element for all instances of the first item in the Replace list and
- carries out the appropriate replacements. The program then proceeds down
- through the Replace list in the same way until all replacements have been
- carried out.
- If the Replace list contained, say:
- replace "F/B" with "Fredericksberg" and then
- replace "Frederick" with "Fred"
- then the imported text "F/B" would be changed first to "Fredericksberg" and
- then to "Fredsberg", clearly not the desired result. Changing the list order
- to:
- replace "Frederick" with "Fred" and then
- replace "F/B" with "Fredericksberg"
- produces the replacement "F/B" to "Fredricksberg", the "Frederick" not
- having been found on the first pass.
- Click on the Add button to add a new find/replace text pair. This opens the
- Add Replacement Text Dialog. New items added in this way are placed after
- the currently selected item in the Replace list or at the start of the list
- if no items are selected.
- Click on the Edit button to change the text of the currently selected item or
- double click on the list entry.
- Click on the Delete button to remove the currently selected item from the
- Replace list.
- If you want the replacements to be carried out at each tree import, set the
- Use at import check box. Similarly, if you want the replacements to be
- carried out at each text update, set the Use at update check box.
- The Add/Edit replacement text dialog.
- Enter the text to be replaced and the text it will be replaced with.
- You may leave the With field blank but you must have an entry in the
- Replace field.
- Set the Match case check box to make TreeDraw match exactly the upper
- and lower case letters in the Replace field with the imported text, otherwise
- the case is ignored.
- 2.6.5 Setting fonts for imported trees
- --------------------------------------
- You can specify which fonts will be used for the text in imported trees. To
- modify the font used for people's names, use the Names font command from
- the Options menu. Use the Details font command to modify any other details
- included in the tree.
- ============================================================================
- ===========
- 3.1 Keyboard / Mouse key assignments
- ------------------------------------
- Keyboard
- F1 Help Open the TreeDraw help file at the
- contents topic
- Ctrl+F1 Help search Search for keywords in the TreeDraw
- help file
- F2 Save file Saves the current picture
- Alt+F4 Exit Exits TreeDraw
- F5 Normal view Zooms to the normal viewing size
- F9 Update text Updates the text in the picture to
- match that in the original file
- F10 Pointer Selects the pointer tool
- Ctrl+A Select all Selects all picture elements (or text if
- editing a text element)
- Ctrl+B Send to back Moves the selected elements to the
- back of the picture
- Ctrl+C Centre Aligns the selected elements
- horizontally on their centres
- Ctrl+F Bring to front Moves the selected elements to the
- front of the picture
- Ctrl+G Group Groups the selected elements into a
- single element
- Ctrl+M Middle Aligns the selected elements
- vertically on their middles
- Ctrl+U Ungroup Ungroups a grouped element into its
- component elements
- Alt+BkSp Undo Undoes the previous editing operation
- Del Delete Deletes the selected elements (or text
- if editing a text element)
- Shift+Del Cut Copies the selected elements to the
- clipboard and deletes them from the
- picture (or text if editing a text
- element)
- Ctrl+Ins Copy Copies the selected elements to the
- clipboard (or text if editing a text
- element)
- Shift+Ins Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard
- into the current picture (or text if
- editing a text element)
- Mouse
- Left Multi-function Manipulates picture elements
- Double Left Activate OLE object If the selected element is an OLE
- object, it is opened for editing
- Right Select print area If Page Breaks are visible on the
- screen, use the right mouse button to
- select the pages to print
- 3.2 Button bar
- --------------
- The button bar is located just below the menu bar at the top of the main
- window.
- You can display the function of each button in the status bar by pressing and
- holding the left mouse button and then moving the cursor away from the bar
- before releasing the button.
- 3.3 Version information
- -----------------------
- This is a list of new features, enhancements and bug fixes which is updated
- with the release of each new version of TreeDraw. Any last minute bug fixes
- are included here and may not be present in the flyers or readme files.
- Version 1.11 September 1995
- Kith and Kin V3.0 release.
- Reads Kith and Kin V3.0 tree files as well as V2.x tree files.
- Date Format command and TREEDRAW.INI added to specify output format of dates.
- Version 1.1 May 1995
- Upgrade release.
- All imported trees can now be justified left or centre.
- Imported trees can now extend vertically or horizontally.
- Spouses details are now inserted into Descendant charts automatically.
- Christening and burial details are now imported from GEDCOM files.
- Child and Marriage order is now correctly picked up from GEDCOM files.
- TreeDraw will now check, flag and truncate duplicated tree branches, eg.
- where cousins have married.
- You can now Format|Font on text within groups without having to ungroup
- them.
- Scale to Fit Page is now a Page Setup option. The entire chart can be scaled
- to fit a single page.
- TreeDraw was crashing at 000D:0E0B after a text update was carried out on
- text elements within groups within groups. This has been fixed.
- TreeDraw was crashing at 0005:4523 when text elements with the Word
- Wrap option were modified to contain no text. This has been fixed.
- The TreeDraw help file is now available in text format as TREEDRAW.TXT for
- sending straight to the printer.
- No file conversion required. Will read V1.0x files. WARNING: V1.0x will NOT
- read V1.1x files.
- Version 1.01 September 1994
- Bug-fix release.
- TreeDraw was occasionally hanging the system during startup on some PCs.
- This has been fixed.
- Version 1.0 August 1994
- First release.
- 3.4 Known incompatibilities
- ---------------------------
- Some applications which produce objects for embedding or linking, do not
- provide a picture image of the object. In these cases TreeDraw will not be
- able to embed or link the object into a picture in the normal way. You can,
- however, use the Windows Object Packager to associate an icon with the
- object. This will then allow TreeDraw to use the object as normal. See the
- on-line help in Object Packager or your Windows documentation for further
- details.
- TreeDraw has problems importing GEDCOM files created by Pedigree.
- Pedigree exports an older style of GEDCOM file which has no space character
- between the cross-reference ids and certain tags. You can overcome this
- problem by editing the GEDCOM file directly using NOTEPAD, a word
- processor or other text editor. Search for the text "@INDI" and "@FAM" and
- replace them with "@ INDI" and "@ FAM" respectively throughout the entire
- GEDCOM file (do not enter the quote marks). Save the file and you will now
- be able to import it into TreeDraw successfully.
- 3.5 Supported GEDCOM data
- -------------------------
- TreeDraw supports the PAF (Personal Ancestral File) variation of the
- GEDCOM (Genealogical Data Communication) standard, as used by the
- majority of genealogical programs. There are some quirks in PAF GEDCOM,
- which make it different from the GEDCOM standard proper, and so there are
- no guarantees that TreeDraw will correctly read GEDCOM files not designed
- to be read by PAF.
- Fully supported tags: (have corresponding fields in TreeDraw)
- Record Tag Description
- INDI Person data (individual).
- NAME Firstnames and surname. If there is more than
- one NAME tag for a particular person, the last
- one is regarded as the normal name and prior
- ones are regarded as aliases.
- SEX Gender, male or female (male is assumed if
- missing).
- BIRT Date and place of birth.
- CHR Date and place of christening.
- DEAT Date and place of death.
- BURI Date and place of burial.
- NOTE Notes.
- FAMS Family id of which this person is a parent.
- FAMC Family id of which this person is a child.
- FAM Family data.
- HUSB Person id of the father of this family.
- WIFE Person id of the mother of this family.
- CHIL Person id of a child of this family.
- MARR Date and place of marriage.
- NOTE Notes.
- Extra data tags: (are inserted in notes)
- Record Tag Description
- INDI Person data (individual).
- REFN Reference number.
- TITL Title.
- OCCU Occupation.
- EDUC Education.
- RELI Religion.
- NATI Nationality.
- CAST Caste.
- FAM Family data.
- REFN Reference number.
- DIV Divorced.
- Any other tags encountered in a GEDCOM file are ignored but are reported in
- the log file GEDERR.TXT.
- 3.6 Frequently asked questions
- ------------------------------
- Q I have tried to change the fill pattern of a simple graphic but nothing
- seems to have happened.
- A The default fill colour is white so on a white background the pattern
- will be invisible. Use the colour palette to change the fill colour.
- Q I have selected text from an imported tree to change its font but
- TreeDraw will only let me modify the default font.
- A Make sure that the text you have selected is not part of a group element.
- You can spot this easily by looking at the Ungroup button on the button
- bar. If the button is enabled the element you have selected is a group.
- Select the Ungroup button then re-select the text element you want to
- modify.
- Q I have added a rectangle around my chart but now all I can see is the
- rectangle; the chart has disappeared.
- A The default fill for simple graphics such as a rectangle is solid white.
- The rectangle you have added has been placed on top of all the existing
- picture elements and since it's opaque it has hidden everything else. Use
- the Send to back command to place the rectangle behind the other elements.
- Q I have a chart that spans two pages but when I try to print it only the
- first page is printed.
- A TreeDraw allows you to choose which pages you want to print. First, turn
- on the Page breaks display then select the required pages using the right
- mouse button. Now when you print, you will get all the pages you
- requested.
- Q I have selected landscape printing on my printer but TreeDraw still
- prints portrait.
- A Set landscape printing in the Page setup dialog. Any settings made here
- override those in Printer setup.
- Q I want to edit the death details of someone in an imported tree but when
- I select that text element all I can see in the text edit box is the
- birth details.
- A The death details are in the text edit box but are on the next line.
- Press the cursor down key to move down a line. The text edit box can only
- display one line of text at a time so you need to scroll up and down
- using the cursor keys.
- Q How can I zoom in on a particular part of the drawing area?
- A Before zooming in, first select a picture element to zoom in on.
- TreeDraw will zoom in and scroll to the selected element.
- Q I want to use a very small font for importing a tree but when I use the
- Options|Names font command the smallest font size available is 8 point.
- A You are not restricted to the font sizes supplied in the list. These are
- just the most frequently used sizes, you can actually enter any
- (supported) font size you like , such as 4 point, in the edit portion of
- the size list (click on the edit box at the top of the list).
- Q When I import a large tree extending, say, vertically the data on the
- right hand side is missing. How can I get all the data into the picture?
- A TreeDraw has a fixed-size drawing area. If you import too large a tree
- any data which would be placed outside the area is discarded. To make
- sure that all the data is imported you must either reduce the font sizes
- for names and details or import the tree in smaller chunks and connect
- them together afterwards. To do this either start the import from a root
- person one or more generations down the tree (and do this for as many
- people as is required to build the whole tree) or reduce the "Expand to
- ... generations" setting.
- Q Why can I not get any marriage details in my ancestral tree?
- A The "marriage details" option in the Import Ancestral Tree dialog is
- greyed out (disabled) because marriages details cannot be easily
- positioned in an ancestral tree and so TreeDraw does not attempt to
- include them. Marriage details can be included in a descendant tree.
- Q How can I print out the entire help file?
- A Print the file TREEDRAW.TXT instead.
- Q Why are characters missed out at page breaks when I print to my laser
- printer?
- A Some printers, lasers in particular, cannot print partial characters and
- so where a character is partially off the page, the printer will discard
- it altogether. You should turn on the Page Breaks display and move all
- the text elements away from the page breaks. This will look better if you
- are going to join pages together later.
- Q Why do some really long lines appear on the screen but are not printed?
- A This is a printer driver problem. Some printer drivers can handle long
- lines, some cannot. Check to make sure you have the most recent version
- of your printer driver. You may also get around the problem by either
- reducing the output resolution (use File|PrintSetup) or by using two
- shorter lines instead of one long one.
- 3.7 Glossary
- ------------
- Paste cursor - The paste cursor indicates that the paste or paste link
- command has been selected and you must now position the cursor at the point
- where you want the new element placed, then click the left mouse button.
- Object - An object is a piece of information (typically a drawing, picture,
- slide, sound etc) which has been created by a separate application and
- which has been embedded in or linked into a picture. You can use an object
- from any application which supports OLE (Object Linking and Embedding).
- Linking - Linking an object to a picture involves copying your selected
- object from another application onto the clipboard and then pasting the
- link into the picture. The primary difference between linking and embedding
- is the location of the actual data for the object. The data for a linked
- object is stored outside the picture file in a separate source document,
- eg. a .BMP file for Paintbrush.
- Embedding - Embedding an object in a picture involves copying your selected
- object from another application onto the clipboard and then pasting it into
- the picture. The primary difference between embedding and linking is the
- location of the actual data for the object. The data for an embedded object
- is stored inside the picture (.TDR) file.
- Element - A picture element is any of the various constituent parts of a
- picture. There are several types of element: (a) simple graphic - line,
- ellipse, round-cornered rectangle, rectangle; (b) text; (c) OLE object;
- (d) group - which may include one or more of types a-d.
- Selecting - Selecting picture elements allows you move, reformat, align, copy
- and perform other operations, on those elements only. There are 3 ways to
- select picture elements. First, make sure that you have the Pointer tool
- selected.
- Method 1 - place the cursor over your chosen element and click the left
- mouse button. You will see small, green handles appear to indicate that the
- element is now selected. You can now select (or deselect) additional
- elements by holding down the shift key while clicking the left mouse
- button.
- Method 2 - Drag a marquee around the element(s) you wish to select. Do this
- by positioning the cursor where it is not over any element, press and hold
- the left mouse button and drag the mouse so that the expanding rectangular
- outline surrounds your chosen elements. Release the mouse button.
- Method 3 - You can select all the picture elements at once by using the
- Select all command from the Edit menu.
- Moving - You can move any existing picture element(s) around on the picture
- by first selecting them, then holding down the left mouse button and
- dragging the mouse to the new location. Release the mouse button to place
- the element(s).
- Resizing - You can resize any existing picture element (except groups) by
- first selecting it, then placing the cursor on one of the green handles
- which appear around the element. Press and hold the left mouse button (the
- cursor will change to ) then drag the mouse so that the size and shape of
- the element is correct. Release the mouse button.
- OLE objects can be forced to preserve their aspect ratio (ie. their size
- can be changed but not their shape) by selecting the "Keep aspect ratio"
- command from the Options menu.
- Graphic element - Place a new simple graphic onto the picture by first
- selecting the appropriate graphic type from either the Tools menu or from
- the tool box. Press and hold the left mouse button to anchor one end of
- the element then drag the mouse to expand the graphic to the right size and
- shape. Release the mouse button.
- Text element - Add a new text element to the picture by selecting the text
- tool from the Tools menu or from the tool box. Click the left mouse button
- at the position for the new text. The text editor at the top of the screen
- will become active with a flashing vertical line. Key in the text you
- require, using Ctrl+Return to insert line breaks. Press Return or click on
- the OK button to finish editing. You can click on the Cancel button to
- cancel the text element.
- You can change the text in a text element by selecting the single text
- element to modify. This makes the current text appear in the text editor at
- the top of the screen. Click on the text in the text editor and modify the
- text as you would in a normal text box. You can use Ctrl+Return to insert
- line breaks. Press Return or click on the OK button to finish editing. You
- can click on the Cancel button to cancel any changes to the text.
- When editing text in the text editor the standard edit commands (undo, cut,
- copy, paste, delete, select all) act on the text in the editor only.
- Picture elements are not affected.
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