PC World Komputer 1997 February
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Text File
637 lines
Type ProtoForm From Form
Dim BtnShowNext As New Button
Dim BtnShowPrev As New Button
Dim Label1 As New Label
Dim Label3 As New Label
Dim LblCurrentPageNumber As New Label
Dim Label5 As New Label
Dim LblLastPageNumber As New Label
' METHODS for object: ProtoForm
Sub BtnShowNext_Click()
End Sub
Sub BtnShowPrev_Click()
End Sub
Sub DisplayForm (cur_page As Integer, last_page As Long)
LblCurrentPageNumber.Caption = cur_page
LblLastPageNumber.Caption = last_page
End Sub
End Type
Type NonVisualComponentForm From SampleMasterForm
Dim BtnRunDemo As New Button
Dim Label1 As New Label
Dim Label2 As New Label
Dim Label3 As New Label
' METHODS for object: NonVisualComponentForm
Sub BtnRunDemo_Click()
End Sub
Sub ResetApplication_Click
Dim i As Integer
Dim o As Object
For i = 0 To FormGroup.Count - 1
o = FormGroup(i)
If o.Visible Then o.Hide
Next i
End Sub
Sub ExitApplication_Click ()
End Sub
End Type
Type FormGroup From Group
' METHODS for object: FormGroup
Sub ShowPrev(current_form as Form)
Dim i,j as Integer
Dim prev_form as Form
For i = 0 To Count - 1
If ObjectAt(i) == current_form Then
If i == 0 Then
j = Count - 1
j = i - 1
End If
prev_form = ObjectAt(j)
Exit For
End If
Next i
If prev_form Then
Dim form_top, form_left As Integer
form_top = current_form.Top
form_left = current_form.Left
prev_form.Caption = "Group Number: " & j
If (prev_form.Left <> form_left) || (prev_form.Top <> form_top) Then
prev_form.Move form_left, form_top, prev_form.Width, prev_form.Height
End If
prev_form.DisplayForm(j + 1, Count)
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowNext(current_form as Form)
Dim i,j as Integer
Dim next_form as Form
For i = 0 To Count - 1
If ObjectAt(i) == current_form Then
If i == Count - 1 Then
j = 0
j = i + 1
End If
next_form = ObjectAt(j)
Exit For
End If
Next i
If next_form Then
Dim form_top, form_left As Integer
form_top = current_form.Top
form_left = current_form.Left
next_form.Caption = "Group Number: " & j
If (next_form.Left <> form_left) || (next_form.Top <> form_top) Then
next_form.Move form_left, form_top, next_form.Width, next_form.Height
End If
next_form.DisplayForm(j + 1, Count)
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type Form11 From ProtoForm
Dim Label2 As New Label
Dim Button1 As New Button
Dim Button2 As New Button
' METHODS for object: Form11
Sub Load
' Need to clear the group list
' Need to build a list of form objects in the group
End Sub
End Type
Type Form12 From ProtoForm
Dim Label2 As New Label
Dim OptionButton1 As New OptionButton
Dim OptionButton2 As New OptionButton
Dim OptionButton3 As New OptionButton
End Type
Type Form13 From ProtoForm
Dim Label2 As New Label
Dim CheckBox1 As New CheckBox
Dim CheckBox2 As New CheckBox
Dim CheckBox3 As New CheckBox
End Type
Type Form14 From ProtoForm
Dim Label2 As New Label
Dim TextBox1 As New TextBox
Dim TextBox2 As New TextBox
End Type
Type Form15 From ProtoForm
Dim Label2 As New Label
Dim ComboBox1 As New ComboBox
Dim ComboBox2 As New ComboBox
End Type
Type Form16 From ProtoForm
Dim Label2 As New Label
Dim ScrollBar1 As New ScrollBar
Dim ScrollBar2 As New ScrollBar
End Type
Type Form17 From ProtoForm
Dim Label2 As New Label
Dim Frame1 As New Frame
Dim Gauge1 As New Gauge
Dim Gauge2 As New Gauge
End Type
Begin Code
' Reconstruction commands for object: ProtoForm
With ProtoForm
.Caption := "0"
.Move(6150, 1860, 3600, 4320)
With .BtnShowNext
.Caption := "Next"
.Move(2100, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'ProtoForm.BtnShowNext
With .BtnShowPrev
.Caption := "Prev"
.Move(150, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'ProtoForm.BtnShowPrev
With .Label1
.Caption := "Envelop Paging Example"
.ForeColor := 16711680
.Move(300, 150, 2850, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'ProtoForm.Label1
With .Label3
.Caption := "Page"
.Move(900, 2850, 600, 300)
End With 'ProtoForm.Label3
With .LblCurrentPageNumber
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(1500, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'ProtoForm.LblCurrentPageNumber
With .Label5
.Caption := "of"
.Move(1800, 2850, 300, 300)
End With 'ProtoForm.Label5
With .LblLastPageNumber
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(2100, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'ProtoForm.LblLastPageNumber
End With 'ProtoForm
' Reconstruction commands for object: NonVisualComponentForm
With NonVisualComponentForm
.Caption := "Non-Visual Component"
.Move(3990, 1830, 5265, 4455)
.SampleDir := "C:\envelop\bootcamp\concepts\novisual\"
.SampleName := "novisual"
With .BtnRunDemo
.Caption := "Run Demo"
.Move(1050, 3000, 2850, 450)
End With 'NonVisualComponentForm.BtnRunDemo
With .Label1
.Caption := "1. Click Run Demo button to display first form."
.ForeColor := 16711680
.Move(300, 300, 4650, 300)
End With 'NonVisualComponentForm.Label1
With .Label2
.Caption := "2. Click Next button to display next form."
.ForeColor := 16711680
.Move(300, 900, 4650, 300)
End With 'NonVisualComponentForm.Label2
With .Label3
.Caption := "3. Click Prev button to display previous form."
.ForeColor := 16711680
.Move(300, 1500, 4650, 300)
End With 'NonVisualComponentForm.Label3
With .helpfile
.FileName := "C:\envelop\bootcamp\concepts\novisual\novisual.hlp"
End With 'NonVisualComponentForm.helpfile
End With 'NonVisualComponentForm
' Reconstruction commands for object: FormGroup
With FormGroup
End With 'FormGroup
' Reconstruction commands for object: Form11
With Form11
.Caption := "Group Number: 0"
.Move(6015, 2100, 3600, 4320)
With .Label2
.Caption := "This is Form11."
.Move(300, 900, 1650, 300)
End With 'Form11.Label2
With .Button1
.Caption := "Button1"
.Move(750, 1350, 1800, 450)
End With 'Form11.Button1
With .Button2
.Caption := "Button2"
.Move(750, 1950, 1800, 450)
End With 'Form11.Button2
With .BtnShowNext
.Caption := "Next"
.Move(2100, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form11.BtnShowNext
With .BtnShowPrev
.Caption := "Prev"
.Move(150, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form11.BtnShowPrev
With .Label1
.Caption := "Envelop Paging Example"
.ForeColor := 16711680
.Move(300, 150, 2850, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form11.Label1
With .Label3
.Caption := "Page"
.Move(900, 2850, 600, 300)
End With 'Form11.Label3
With .LblCurrentPageNumber
.Caption := "1"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(1500, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form11.LblCurrentPageNumber
With .Label5
.Caption := "of"
.Move(1800, 2850, 300, 300)
End With 'Form11.Label5
With .LblLastPageNumber
.Caption := "7"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(2100, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form11.LblLastPageNumber
End With 'Form11
' Reconstruction commands for object: Form12
With Form12
.Caption := "Group Number: 1"
.Move(6015, 2100, 3600, 4320)
With .Label2
.Caption := "This is Form12."
.Move(300, 900, 2100, 300)
End With 'Form12.Label2
With .OptionButton1
.Caption := "OptionButton1"
.Move(750, 1350, 1950, 300)
End With 'Form12.OptionButton1
With .OptionButton2
.Caption := "OptionButton2"
.Move(750, 1800, 1950, 300)
End With 'Form12.OptionButton2
With .OptionButton3
.Caption := "OptionButton3"
.Move(750, 2250, 1950, 300)
End With 'Form12.OptionButton3
With .BtnShowNext
.Caption := "Next"
.Move(2100, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form12.BtnShowNext
With .BtnShowPrev
.Caption := "Prev"
.Move(150, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form12.BtnShowPrev
With .Label1
.Caption := "Envelop Paging Example"
.ForeColor := 16711680
.Move(300, 150, 2850, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form12.Label1
With .Label3
.Caption := "Page"
.Move(900, 2850, 600, 300)
End With 'Form12.Label3
With .LblCurrentPageNumber
.Caption := "2"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(1500, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form12.LblCurrentPageNumber
With .Label5
.Caption := "of"
.Move(1800, 2850, 300, 300)
End With 'Form12.Label5
With .LblLastPageNumber
.Caption := "7"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(2100, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form12.LblLastPageNumber
End With 'Form12
' Reconstruction commands for object: Form13
With Form13
.Caption := "Group Number: 2"
.Move(6015, 2100, 3600, 4320)
With .Label2
.Caption := "This is Form13."
.Move(300, 900, 2100, 300)
End With 'Form13.Label2
With .CheckBox1
.Caption := "CheckBox1"
.Move(900, 1350, 1650, 300)
End With 'Form13.CheckBox1
With .CheckBox2
.Caption := "CheckBox2"
.Move(900, 1800, 1650, 300)
End With 'Form13.CheckBox2
With .CheckBox3
.Caption := "CheckBox3"
.Move(900, 2250, 1650, 300)
End With 'Form13.CheckBox3
With .BtnShowNext
.Caption := "Next"
.Move(2100, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form13.BtnShowNext
With .BtnShowPrev
.Caption := "Prev"
.Move(150, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form13.BtnShowPrev
With .Label1
.Caption := "Envelop Paging Example"
.ForeColor := 16711680
.Move(300, 150, 2850, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form13.Label1
With .Label3
.Caption := "Page"
.Move(900, 2850, 600, 300)
End With 'Form13.Label3
With .LblCurrentPageNumber
.Caption := "3"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(1500, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form13.LblCurrentPageNumber
With .Label5
.Caption := "of"
.Move(1800, 2850, 300, 300)
End With 'Form13.Label5
With .LblLastPageNumber
.Caption := "7"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(2100, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form13.LblLastPageNumber
End With 'Form13
' Reconstruction commands for object: Form14
With Form14
.Caption := "Group Number: 3"
.Move(6015, 2100, 3600, 4320)
With .Label2
.Caption := "This is Form14."
.Move(300, 900, 2100, 300)
End With 'Form14.Label2
With .TextBox1
.Caption := "TextBox1"
.Move(450, 1350, 2550, 450)
End With 'Form14.TextBox1
With .TextBox2
.Caption := "TextBox2"
.Move(450, 1950, 2550, 450)
End With 'Form14.TextBox2
With .BtnShowNext
.Caption := "Next"
.Move(2100, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form14.BtnShowNext
With .BtnShowPrev
.Caption := "Prev"
.Move(150, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form14.BtnShowPrev
With .Label1
.Caption := "Envelop Paging Example"
.ForeColor := 16711680
.Move(300, 150, 2850, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form14.Label1
With .Label3
.Caption := "Page"
.Move(900, 2850, 600, 300)
End With 'Form14.Label3
With .LblCurrentPageNumber
.Caption := "4"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(1500, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form14.LblCurrentPageNumber
With .Label5
.Caption := "of"
.Move(1800, 2850, 300, 300)
End With 'Form14.Label5
With .LblLastPageNumber
.Caption := "7"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(2100, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form14.LblLastPageNumber
End With 'Form14
' Reconstruction commands for object: Form15
With Form15
.Caption := "Group Number: 4"
.Move(6015, 2100, 3600, 4320)
With .Label2
.Caption := "This is Form15."
.Move(300, 900, 1800, 300)
End With 'Form15.Label2
With .ComboBox1
.Move(300, 1350, 2850, 360)
End With 'Form15.ComboBox1
With .ComboBox2
.Move(300, 1950, 2850, 360)
End With 'Form15.ComboBox2
With .BtnShowNext
.Caption := "Next"
.Move(2100, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form15.BtnShowNext
With .BtnShowPrev
.Caption := "Prev"
.Move(150, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form15.BtnShowPrev
With .Label1
.Caption := "Envelop Paging Example"
.ForeColor := 16711680
.Move(300, 150, 2850, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form15.Label1
With .Label3
.Caption := "Page"
.Move(900, 2850, 600, 300)
End With 'Form15.Label3
With .LblCurrentPageNumber
.Caption := "5"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(1500, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form15.LblCurrentPageNumber
With .Label5
.Caption := "of"
.Move(1800, 2850, 300, 300)
End With 'Form15.Label5
With .LblLastPageNumber
.Caption := "7"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(2100, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form15.LblLastPageNumber
End With 'Form15
' Reconstruction commands for object: Form16
With Form16
.Caption := "Group Number: 5"
.Move(6015, 2100, 3600, 4320)
With .Label2
.Caption := "This is Form16."
.Move(300, 900, 2100, 300)
End With 'Form16.Label2
With .ScrollBar1
.Caption := "ScrollBar1"
.Move(300, 1500, 2835, 300)
.Orientation := "Horizontal"
.Move(300, 1500, 2835, 300)
End With 'Form16.ScrollBar1
With .ScrollBar2
.Caption := "ScrollBar2"
.Move(300, 1950, 2835, 300)
.Orientation := "Horizontal"
.Move(300, 1950, 2835, 300)
End With 'Form16.ScrollBar2
With .BtnShowNext
.Caption := "Next"
.Move(2100, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form16.BtnShowNext
With .BtnShowPrev
.Caption := "Prev"
.Move(150, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form16.BtnShowPrev
With .Label1
.Caption := "Envelop Paging Example"
.ForeColor := 16711680
.Move(300, 150, 2850, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form16.Label1
With .Label3
.Caption := "Page"
.Move(900, 2850, 600, 300)
End With 'Form16.Label3
With .LblCurrentPageNumber
.Caption := "6"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(1500, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form16.LblCurrentPageNumber
With .Label5
.Caption := "of"
.Move(1800, 2850, 300, 300)
End With 'Form16.Label5
With .LblLastPageNumber
.Caption := "7"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(2100, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form16.LblLastPageNumber
End With 'Form16
' Reconstruction commands for object: Form17
With Form17
.Caption := "Group Number: 6"
.Move(6015, 2100, 3600, 4320)
With .Label2
.Caption := "This is Form17."
.Move(300, 900, 2100, 300)
End With 'Form17.Label2
With .Frame1
.Caption := "Frame1"
.Move(300, 1350, 2850, 1200)
End With 'Form17.Frame1
With .Gauge1
.Caption := "Gauge1"
.Move(2100, 1650, 900, 750)
.Orientation := "Vertical"
.Move(2100, 1650, 900, 750)
End With 'Form17.Gauge1
With .Gauge2
.Caption := "Gauge2"
.Move(1050, 1800, 900, 600)
End With 'Form17.Gauge2
With .BtnShowNext
.Caption := "Next"
.Move(2100, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form17.BtnShowNext
With .BtnShowPrev
.Caption := "Prev"
.Move(150, 3300, 1200, 450)
End With 'Form17.BtnShowPrev
With .Label1
.Caption := "Envelop Paging Example"
.ForeColor := 16711680
.Move(300, 150, 2850, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form17.Label1
With .Label3
.Caption := "Page"
.Move(900, 2850, 600, 300)
End With 'Form17.Label3
With .LblCurrentPageNumber
.Caption := "7"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(1500, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form17.LblCurrentPageNumber
With .Label5
.Caption := "of"
.Move(1800, 2850, 300, 300)
End With 'Form17.Label5
With .LblLastPageNumber
.Caption := "7"
.ForeColor := 255
.Move(2100, 2850, 300, 300)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'Form17.LblLastPageNumber
End With 'Form17
End Code