PC World Komputer 1997 February
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282 lines
Type EditCombo From HyperControl
Dim EditBox As New ComboBox
Dim BtnDelete As New Button
Dim BtnOK As New Button
Property Value Get getValue Set setValue As String
' METHODS for object: EditCombo
Function AddItem(ByVal item As String) As Integer
' Exposing ComboBox's AddItem method through the hypercontrol
AddItem = EditBox.AddItem(item)
End Function
Sub BtnDelete_Click()
If EditBox.Text = Value Then
EditBox.Text = ""
EditBox.Text = Value
End If
BtnOK.Enabled = False
End Sub
Sub BtnOK_Click()
' Save this property
Value = EditBox.Text
SendEvent Click
End Sub
Sub Clear()
' Expose the ComboBox's Clear method through the hypercontrol
End Sub
Sub EditBox_GotFocus()
BtnOK.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub EditBox_KeyUp(keyCode As Integer, ByVal shift As Integer)
' If the return key is struck, enter the value
If keyCode = VK_RETURN && BtnOK.Enabled Then BtnOK_Click
End Sub
Function getValue() As String
' Store the string in the hypercontrol's Caption property
getValue = Caption
End Function
Sub Resize()
BtnDelete.Move(0, 0, BtnDelete.Width, BtnDelete.Height)
BtnOK.Move(BtnDelete.Width, 0, BtnDelete.Width, BtnDelete.Height)
EditBox.Move((BtnDelete.Width * 2), 0, ScaleWidth - (2 * BtnDelete.Width), BtnDelete.Height)
Height = BtnDelete.Height + (Height - ScaleHeight)
End Sub
Sub SelectEntry
' Need to select the contents of the EditBox
EditBox.SelStart = 0
EditBox.SelLength = Len(EditBox.Text)
End Sub
Sub SetFocus()
End Sub
Sub Setup()
' Clear out the value entry and disable the buttons
Value = ""
End Sub
Sub setValue(entry As String)
' Store the string in the hypercontrol's Caption property
Caption = entry
EditBox.Text = entry
BtnOK.Enabled = True
End Sub
End Type
Type EditComboForm From SampleMasterForm
Dim EditCombo1 As New EditCombo
Dim LstPropertyEntry As New ListBox
Dim Frame1 As New Frame
Dim InstallButton1 As New InstallButton
Dim LstPropertyNames As New ListBox
Dim LstFont As New Font
' METHODS for object: EditComboForm
Sub EditCombo1_Click()
Dim index As Integer
' Need to update the selected LstPropertyEntry
index = LstPropertyEntry.ListIndex
LstPropertyEntry.InsertItem(EditCombo1.Value, index)
LstPropertyEntry.ListIndex = index
End Sub
Sub LstPropertyEntry_Click()
' Need to select the adjacent property
LstPropertyNames.ListIndex = LstPropertyEntry.ListIndex
End Sub
Sub LstPropertyEntry_DblClick()
' Need to select the adjacent property
LstPropertyNames.ListIndex = LstPropertyEntry.ListIndex
End Sub
Sub LstPropertyNames_Click()
' Need to select the adjacent property
LstPropertyEntry.ListIndex = LstPropertyNames.ListIndex
End Sub
Sub ResetApplication_Click()
' Need to populate the ListBox
LstPropertyNames.AddItem "BackColor" : LstPropertyEntry.AddItem "1"
LstPropertyNames.AddItem "BevelInner" : LstPropertyEntry.AddItem "0 - None"
LstPropertyNames.AddItem "BevelOuter" : LstPropertyEntry.AddItem "0 - None"
LstPropertyNames.AddItem "BevelWidth" : LstPropertyEntry.AddItem "2"
LstPropertyNames.AddItem "BorderStyle" : LstPropertyEntry.AddItem "2 - Sizable"
LstPropertyNames.AddItem "BorderWidth" : LstPropertyEntry.AddItem "0"
LstPropertyNames.AddItem "Caption" : LstPropertyEntry.AddItem ""
LstPropertyNames.AddItem "ClientHWnd" : LstPropertyEntry.AddItem "2294388"
LstPropertyNames.AddItem "ControlBox" : LstPropertyEntry.AddItem "True"
End Sub
Sub UpdateEditCombo
' Need to clear the EditCombo Listbox
' Need to sent the current information to the EditCombo for editing
' Depending on which entry is to be edited, we may populate the
' combolist with entries
Select Case LstPropertyEntry.ListIndex
Case 0
EditCombo1.Value = LstPropertyEntry.List(0)
Case 1
EditCombo1.Value = LstPropertyEntry.List(1)
EditCombo1.AddItem "0 - None"
EditCombo1.AddItem "1 - Line"
EditCombo1.AddItem "2 - Inset"
EditCombo1.AddItem "3 - Raised"
Case 2
EditCombo1.Value = LstPropertyEntry.List(2)
EditCombo1.AddItem "0 - None"
EditCombo1.AddItem "1 - Line"
EditCombo1.AddItem "2 - Inset"
EditCombo1.AddItem "3 - Raised"
Case 3
EditCombo1.Value = LstPropertyEntry.List(3)
Case 4
EditCombo1.Value = LstPropertyEntry.List(4)
EditCombo1.AddItem "0 - None"
EditCombo1.AddItem "1 - Fixed Single"
EditCombo1.AddItem "2 - Sizable"
EditCombo1.AddItem "3 - Fixed Double"
Case 5
EditCombo1.Value = LstPropertyEntry.List(5)
Case 6
EditCombo1.Value = LstPropertyEntry.List(6)
Case 7
EditCombo1.Value = LstPropertyEntry.List(7)
Case 8
EditCombo1.Value = LstPropertyEntry.List(8)
EditCombo1.AddItem "True"
EditCombo1.AddItem "False"
End Select
End Sub
End Type
Begin Code
' Reconstruction commands for object: EditCombo
With EditCombo
.Move(4200, 1470, 4755, 780)
.Value := ""
With .EditBox
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(750, 0, 3885, 360)
.Ctrl3d := False
.Sorted := False
End With 'EditCombo.EditBox
With .BtnDelete
.Caption := "X"
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(0, 0, 375, 375)
End With 'EditCombo.BtnDelete
With .BtnOK
.Caption := "ok"
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(375, 0, 375, 375)
End With 'EditCombo.BtnOK
End With 'EditCombo
' Reconstruction commands for object: EditComboForm
With EditComboForm
.Caption := "HyperControl Sample"
.DragMode := "MiddleMouse"
.Move(3525, 2385, 5655, 4260)
.SampleDir := "C:\envelop\bootcamp\concepts\hyperctl\"
.SampleName := "hyperctl"
With .EditCombo1
.Caption := "2294388"
.ZOrder := 4
.Move(300, 450, 3750, 375)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.MaxButton := False
.ControlBox := False
.Parent := EditComboForm
.Value := "2294388"
With .EditBox
.Move(750, 0, 3000, 360)
End With 'EditComboForm.EditCombo1.EditBox
With .BtnDelete
.Move(0, 0, 375, 375)
End With 'EditComboForm.EditCombo1.BtnDelete
With .BtnOK
.Move(375, 0, 375, 375)
End With 'EditComboForm.EditCombo1.BtnOK
End With 'EditComboForm.EditCombo1
With .LstPropertyEntry
.BackColor := 12632256
.Font := EditComboForm.LstFont
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(2385, 1050, 1245, 1920)
.Ctrl3d := False
.Sorted := False
End With 'EditComboForm.LstPropertyEntry
With .Frame1
.ZOrder := 5
.Move(150, 150, 4350, 3150)
End With 'EditComboForm.Frame1
With .InstallButton1
.Caption := "InstallButton1"
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(4800, 300, 450, 450)
.Outlined := True
.Picture := EditComboForm.InstallButton1.installBitmap
.installObject := EditCombo
With .BmpOpen
End With 'EditComboForm.InstallButton1.BmpOpen
With .installBitmap
.FileName := "hyperctl.ero"
.ResId := 0
End With 'EditComboForm.InstallButton1.installBitmap
With .DefaultBitmap
.FileName := "hyperctl.ero"
.ResId := 1780
End With 'EditComboForm.InstallButton1.DefaultBitmap
End With 'EditComboForm.InstallButton1
With .LstPropertyNames
.Caption := "LstPropertyNames"
.BackColor := 12632256
.Font := EditComboForm.LstFont
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(1050, 1050, 1350, 1920)
.Ctrl3d := False
.Sorted := False
End With 'EditComboForm.LstPropertyNames
With .LstFont
.FaceName := "Arial"
.Size := 8.000000
.Bold := False
.Italic := False
.Strikethru := False
End With 'EditComboForm.LstFont
With .helpfile
.FileName := "C:\envelop\bootcamp\concepts\hyperctl\hyperctl.hlp"
End With 'EditComboForm.helpfile
End With 'EditComboForm
End Code