PC World Komputer 1997 February
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971 lines
Type EventSpyLEDForm From Form
Dim LightsOn As Integer
Dim timer As New Timer
' METHODS for object: EventSpyLEDForm
Sub Load()
End Sub
Sub timer_Timeout()
End Sub
Sub ActivateTimer()
If timer.Enabled == "True" Then
timer.Enabled = "False"
timer.Enabled = "True"
End If
End Sub
Sub SetColorOff(Spec as integer,Clr as long)
' If Spec is set to 0 or less, the all LED ColorOff will be
' set to Clr, otherwise only LED Spec will be set
If Spec < 1 Then
Controls(Spec - 1).SetColorOff(Clr)
End If
End Sub
Sub SetColorOn(Spec as integer,Clr as long)
' If Spec is set to 0 or less, the all LED ColorOn will be
' set to Clr, otherwise only LED Spec will be set
If Spec < 1 Then
Controls(Spec - 1).SetColorOn(Clr)
End If
End Sub
Sub SetTimeOn(Spec as integer,Tme as long)
' If Spec is set to 0 or less, the all LED TimeOn will be
' set to Tme, otherwise only LED Spec will be set
If (Tme >= 100) Then
If Spec < 1 Then
Controls(Spec - 1).SetTimeOn(Tme)
End If
timer.Interval = Tme / 2
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type EventSpyLEDPanel From EventSpyLEDForm
Dim LightsVisible As Integer
Dim NumberLights As Integer
Dim Margin As Integer
' METHODS for object: EventSpyLEDPanel
Sub KillLEDs()
dim NextLED as Integer
dim LEDName as String
If LightsVisible <= NumberLights Then
Debug.Print ("Assert in KillLEDs Method")
Debug.Print ("LightsVisible(" & LightsVisible & ") <= NumberLights(" & NumberLights & ")")
For NextLED = LightsVisible To NumberLights + 1 Step -1
LEDName = "LED" & NextLED
DestroyObject(FindEmbed(Me, LEDName))
Next NextLED
LightsVisible = NumberLights
End If
End Sub
Sub SetLights(NumberLEDs as integer)
NumberLights = NumberLEDs
End Sub
Sub AddLEDs()
dim NextLED as Integer
dim LEDName as string
If LightsVisible >= NumberLights Then
Debug.Print ("Assert in AddLEDs Method")
Debug.Print ("LightsVisible(" & LightsVisible & ") >= NumberLights(" & NumberLights & ")")
For NextLED = LightsVisible + 1 To NumberLights
LEDName = "LED" & NextLED
EmbedObject(Me, LED, LEDName)
Controls(NextLED - 1).SetColorOn(RGB(255, 0, 0))
Controls(NextLED - 1).SetColorOff(RGB(0, 255, 0))
Controls(NextLED - 1).Reset
Next NextLED
LightsVisible = NumberLights
End If
End Sub
Sub Resize()
dim I as Integer
dim LEDHeight as Integer
dim ThisTop as Integer
' If NumberLights == 0 Then NumberLights = 1
If NumberLights > LightsVisible Then AddLEDs
If NumberLights < LightsVisible Then KillLEDs
If ScaleHeight < (Margin * (NumberLights + 1)) Then
Debug.Print ("Too small")
If NumberLights > 0 Then
LEDHeight = ((ScaleHeight - Margin) / NumberLights) - Margin
For I = 1 To NumberLights
ThisTop = (Margin * I) + (LEDHeight * (I - 1))
FindEmbed(Me, "LED" & I).Move(Margin, ThisTop, ScaleWidth - (2 * Margin), LEDHeight)
Next I
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub ToggleLED(Charge as Integer)
' if Charge is set to -1 then ALL LEDs will be toggles
If timer.Enabled Then
If Charge <= LightsVisible Then
If Charge == -1 Then
Controls(Charge - 1).StartTimer
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type EventSpyLED From Label
Dim ColorOn As Long
Dim ColorOff As Long
Dim TimeOn As Long
Dim TimeStart As Long
Dim TimeStop As Long
Dim On As Integer
' METHODS for object: EventSpyLED
Sub LEDClear()
Caption = ""
End Sub
Sub StartTimer()
TimeStart = GetTickCount
TimeStop = TimeStart + TimeOn
BackColor = ColorOn
On = 1
End Sub
Function StopCounter(tme as long) as Integer
If On And tme >= TimeStop Then
TimeStart = 0
TimeStop = 0
BackColor = ColorOff
On = 0
End If
StopCounter = On
End Function
Sub SetColorOn(Clr as long)
ColorOn = Clr
End Sub
Sub SetColorOff(Clr as long)
ColorOff = Clr
End Sub
Sub SetTimeOn(Tme as long)
TimeOn = Tme
End Sub
Sub Reset()
BackColor = ColorOff
End Sub
End Type
Type EventSpyMasterForm From SampleMasterForm
Dim TestFont As New Font
Dim SubjectName As String
Dim CBSubject As New ComboBox
Dim BtnClearLog As New Button
Dim Subject As New Button
Dim CheckBox As New CheckBox
Dim OptionButton As New OptionButton
Dim TextBox As New TextBox
Dim Gauge As New Gauge
Dim Form As New Form
Dim ListBox As New ListBox
Dim ComboBox As New ComboBox
Dim ScrollBar As New ScrollBar
Dim Image As New Image
Dim Label As New Label
Dim PictureBox As New PictureBox
Dim Frame As New Frame
Dim MarkupLayer As New MarkupLayer
Dim IndentedList As New IndentedList
Dim ObjectHierarchy As New ObjectHierarchy
Dim ObjectList As New ObjectList
Dim ObjectCombo As New ObjectCombo
Dim FileListBox As New FileListBox
Dim FileComboBox As New FileComboBox
Dim LBEvents As New ListBox
Dim OptLogSelected As New OptionButton
Dim OptLogAll As New OptionButton
Dim OptLogNone As New OptionButton
Dim ChkKeyDown As New CheckBox
Dim ChkKeyUp As New CheckBox
Dim ChkKeyPress As New CheckBox
Dim ChkMouseMove As New CheckBox
Dim ChkMouseDown As New CheckBox
Dim ChkMouseUp As New CheckBox
Dim ChkClick As New CheckBox
Dim ChkDblClick As New CheckBox
Dim ChkGotFocus As New CheckBox
Dim ChkLostFocus As New CheckBox
Dim ChkChange As New CheckBox
Dim ChkScroll As New CheckBox
Dim ChkDropDown As New CheckBox
Dim ChkDragAndDrop As New CheckBox
Dim ChkDragStart As New CheckBox
Dim ChkLEDPower As New CheckBox
Type LEDSet From EventSpyLEDPanel
Dim LED1 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED2 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED3 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED4 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED5 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED6 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED7 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED8 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED9 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED10 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED11 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED12 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED13 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED14 As New EventSpyLED
Dim LED15 As New EventSpyLED
End Type
' METHODS for object: EventSpyMasterForm
Sub BtnClearLog_Click()
End Sub
Sub ChkMouseMove_Click()
If ChkMouseMove.Value == 0 And OptLogAll.Value == True Then
OptLogAll.Value = False
OptLogSelected.Value = True
ElseIf ChkMouseMove.Value == 1 And OptLogNone.Value == True Then
OptLogNone.Value = False
OptLogSelected.Value = True
End If
End Sub
Sub Resize()
LBEvents.Height = ScaleHeight - (LBEvents.Top * 2)
End Sub
Sub CBSubject_Click()
Subject.Visible = False
Subject.Name = SubjectName
SubjectName = CBSubject.Text
If SubjectName == "OptionButton" Then
OptionButton.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "Button" Then
Button.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "CheckBox" Then
CheckBox.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "TextBox" Then
TextBox.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "ListBox" Then
ListBox.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "ComboBox" Then
ComboBox.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "Gauge" Then
Gauge.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "ScrollBar" Then
ScrollBar.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "Image" Then
Image.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "Label" Then
Label.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "PictureBox" Then
PictureBox.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "Form" Then
Form.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "ObjectCombo" Then
ObjectCombo.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "ObjectList" Then
ObjectList.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "ObjectHierarchy" Then
ObjectHierarchy.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "FileComboBox" Then
FileComboBox.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "FileListBox" Then
FileListBox.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "Frame" Then
Frame.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "MarkupLayer" Then
MarkupLayer.Name = "Subject"
ElseIf SubjectName == "IndentedList" Then
IndentedList.Name = "Subject"
LogEvent(1, SubjectName & " not implemented")
Exit Sub
End If
Subject.Visible = True
End Sub
Sub Load()
' Restore prerequisite objects that are shared with other
' samples, and therefore may already be loaded.
If FindObject("Kernel32") == Nothing Then
ModuleManager.LoadModule(SampleDir & "win32.eto", True)
End If
CBSubject.AddItem "OptionButton"
CBSubject.AddItem "Button"
CBSubject.AddItem "CheckBox"
CBSubject.AddItem "TextBox"
CBSubject.AddItem "ListBox"
CBSubject.AddItem "ComboBox"
CBSubject.AddItem "ScrollBar"
CBSubject.AddItem "Gauge"
CBSubject.AddItem "Image"
CBSubject.AddItem "Label"
CBSubject.AddItem "PictureBox"
CBSubject.AddItem "Form"
CBSubject.AddItem "Frame"
CBSubject.AddItem "MarkupLayer"
CBSubject.AddItem "IndentedList"
CBSubject.AddItem "ObjectHierarchy"
CBSubject.AddItem "ObjectList"
CBSubject.AddItem "ObjectCombo"
CBSubject.AddItem "FileListBox"
CBSubject.AddItem "FileComboBox"
CBSubject.ListIndex = 0
ListBox.AddItem "alpha"
ListBox.AddItem "bravo"
ListBox.AddItem "charlie"
ComboBox.AddItem "delta"
ComboBox.AddItem "echo"
ComboBox.AddItem "foxtrot"
OptLogSelected.Value = False
OptLogNone.Value = False
OptLogAll.Value = True
ChkLEDPower.Value = 0
End Sub
Sub TextPostLoad()
CBSubject.Height = 2400
ComboBox.Height = 2400
Form.Visible = False
LEDSet.LightsVisible = 15
LEDSet.NumberLights = 15
End Sub
Sub OptLogAll_Click()
If OptLogAll.Value Then
ChkKeyDown.Value = 1
ChkKeyUp.Value = 1
ChkKeyPress.Value = 1
ChkMouseMove.Value = 1
ChkMouseDown.Value = 1
ChkMouseUp.Value = 1
ChkDblClick.Value = 1
ChkClick.Value = 1
ChkGotFocus.Value = 1
ChkLostFocus.Value = 1
ChkChange.Value = 1
ChkDropDown.Value = 1
ChkScroll.Value = 1
ChkDragAndDrop.Value = 1
ChkDragStart.Value = 1
End If
End Sub
Sub OptLogNone_Click()
If OptLogNone.Value Then
ChkKeyDown.Value = 0
ChkKeyUp.Value = 0
ChkKeyPress.Value = 0
ChkMouseMove.Value = 0
ChkMouseDown.Value = 0
ChkMouseUp.Value = 0
ChkDblClick.Value = 0
ChkClick.Value = 0
ChkGotFocus.Value = 0
ChkLostFocus.Value = 0
ChkChange.Value = 0
ChkDropDown.Value = 0
ChkScroll.Value = 0
ChkDragAndDrop.Value = 0
ChkDragStart.Value = 0
End If
End Sub
Sub LogEvent(LD as integer, logIt as Long, entry as String)
If logIt Then
LBEvents.ListIndex = LBEvents.ListCount - 1
End If
End Sub
Sub Subject_Change()
LogEvent(11, ChkChange.Value, "Change")
End Sub
Sub Subject_Click()
LogEvent(7, ChkClick.Value, "Click")
End Sub
Sub Subject_DblClick()
LogEvent(8, ChkDblClick.Value, "DblClick")
End Sub
Sub Subject_DragAndDrop(source As XferData, x,y As Single, state As OleDropState, effect As OleDropEffect)
LogEvent(14, ChkDragAndDrop.Value, "DragAndDrop " & x & " " & y & " " & state & " " & effect)
End Sub
Sub Subject_DragStart(xfd as XferData, x,y As Single)
LogEvent(15, ChkDragStart.Value, "DragStart " & x & " " & y)
End Sub
Sub Subject_DropDown()
LogEvent(13, ChkDropDown.Value, "DropDown")
End Sub
Sub Subject_GotFocus()
LogEvent(9, ChkGotFocus.Value, "GotFocus")
End Sub
Sub Subject_KeyDown(keyCode As Integer, shift As Integer)
LogEvent(1, ChkKeyDown.Value, "KeyDown " & keyCode & " " & shift)
End Sub
Sub Subject_KeyPress(keyAscii As Integer)
LogEvent(3, ChkKeyPress.Value, "KeyPress " & keyAscii)
End Sub
Sub Subject_KeyUp(keyCode As Integer, shift As Integer)
LogEvent(2, ChkKeyUp.Value, "KeyUp " & keyCode & " " & shift)
End Sub
Sub Subject_LostFocus()
LogEvent(10, ChkLostFocus.Value, "LostFocus")
End Sub
Sub Subject_MouseDown(button, shift As Integer, x,y As Single)
LogEvent(5, ChkMouseDown.Value, "MouseDown " & button & " " & shift & " " & x & "," & y)
End Sub
Sub Subject_MouseMove(button, shift As Integer, x,y As Single)
LogEvent(4, ChkMouseMove.Value, "MouseMove " & button & " " & shift & " " & x & "," & y)
End Sub
Sub Subject_MouseUp(button, shift As Integer, x,y As Single)
LogEvent(6, ChkMouseUp.Value, "MouseUp " & button & " " & shift & " " & x & "," & y)
End Sub
Sub Subject_Scroll()
LogEvent(12, ChkScroll.Value, "Scroll")
End Sub
Sub ChkLEDPower_Click()
If ChkLEDPower.Value == 1 Then
LEDSet.timer.Enabled = True
LEDSet.SetColorOn(-1, RGB(0, 255, 0))
LEDSet.SetColorOn(-1, RGB(255, 0, 0))
LEDSet.SetColorOn(-1, RGB(160, 160, 160))
LEDSet.timer.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
End Type
Begin Code
' Reconstruction commands for object: EventSpyMasterForm
With EventSpyMasterForm
.Caption := "Event Spy"
.Move(3585, 1185, 9270, 7095)
.SubjectName := "Button"
.SampleDir := "W:\examples\EventSpy\"
.SampleName := "eventspy"
.Controls.EvalRequires = "MatchNone"
With .TestFont
.Size := 80
.Italic := True
.Strikethru := True
.Underline := True
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.TestFont
With .CBSubject
.Move(150, 165, 1785, 360)
.Style := "DropdownList"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.CBSubject
With .BtnClearLog
.Caption := "&Clear log"
.Move(1980, 150, 1035, 390)
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.BtnClearLog
With .Subject
.Caption := "Subject"
.Move(600, 1200, 2145, 1095)
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.Subject
With .CheckBox
.Caption := "CheckBox"
.Move(360, 1485, 2595, 300)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.CheckBox
With .OptionButton
.Caption := "OptionButton"
.Move(360, 1485, 2595, 300)
.Visible := False
.TabStop := True
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.OptionButton
With .TextBox
.Caption := "TextBox"
.BackColor := 16777215
.ForeColor := 0
.Move(195, 855, 2655, 1575)
.Visible := False
.WordWrap := True
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.TextBox
With .Form
.BackColor := 255
.Move(240, 990, 2670, 1425)
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.Form
With .Frame
.BackColor := 255
.Move(240, 990, 2670, 1425)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.Frame
With .ListBox
.Caption := "ListBox"
.Move(255, 825, 2685, 1470)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ListBox
With .IndentedList
.Caption := "IndentedList"
.Move(255, 825, 2685, 1470)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.IndentedList
With .ComboBox
.Move(225, 900, 2700, 360)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ComboBox
With .Gauge
.Caption := "Gauge"
.Move(225, 900, 270, 2715)
.Orientation := "Vertical"
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.Gauge
With .ScrollBar
.Caption := "ScrollBar"
.Move(240, 930, 270, 2715)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ScrollBar
With .Image
.Caption := "Image"
.Move(240, 795, 2775, 1575)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.Image
With .MarkupLayer
.Caption := "MarkupLayer"
.Move(240, 795, 2775, 1575)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.MarkupLayer
With .Label
.Caption := "Label"
.Move(240, 795, 2775, 1575)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.Label
With .PictureBox
.Caption := "PictureBox"
.Move(240, 795, 2775, 1575)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.PictureBox
With .LBEvents
.Move(3075, 75, 3165, 6270)
.Sorted := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LBEvents
With .OptLogSelected
.Caption := "Selected"
.Move(6270, 150, 1125, 330)
.TabGroup := True
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.OptLogSelected
With .OptLogAll
.Caption := "&All"
.Move(7470, 150, 525, 330)
.TabStop := True
.Value := True
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.OptLogAll
With .OptLogNone
.Caption := "&None"
.Move(8085, 150, 810, 330)
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.OptLogNone
With .ChkKeyDown
.Caption := "KeyDown"
.Move(6450, 600, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkKeyDown
With .ChkKeyUp
.Caption := "KeyUp"
.Move(6450, 930, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkKeyUp
With .ChkKeyPress
.Caption := "KeyPress"
.Move(6450, 1260, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkKeyPress
With .ChkMouseMove
.Caption := "&MouseMove"
.Move(6450, 1590, 1605, 255)
.TabGroup := True
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkMouseMove
With .ChkMouseDown
.Caption := "Mouse&Down"
.Move(6450, 1920, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkMouseDown
With .ChkMouseUp
.Caption := "Mouse&Up"
.Move(6450, 2250, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkMouseUp
With .ChkClick
.Caption := "Clic&k"
.Move(6450, 2580, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkClick
With .ChkDblClick
.Caption := "D&blClick"
.Move(6450, 2910, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkDblClick
With .ChkGotFocus
.Caption := "Got&Focus"
.Move(6450, 3240, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkGotFocus
With .ChkLostFocus
.Caption := "&LostFocus"
.Move(6450, 3570, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkLostFocus
With .ChkChange
.Caption := "C&hange"
.Move(6450, 3900, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkChange
With .ChkScroll
.Caption := "&Scroll"
.Move(6450, 4230, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkScroll
With .ChkDropDown
.Caption := "DropDo&wn"
.Move(6450, 4560, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkDropDown
With .ChkDragAndDrop
.Caption := "DragAndDrop"
.Move(6450, 4890, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkDragAndDrop
With .ChkDragStart
.Caption := "DragStart"
.Move(6450, 5220, 1605, 255)
.Value := "Checked"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkDragStart
With .ChkLEDPower
.Caption := "LED Power"
.Move(6450, 5700, 2070, 510)
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ChkLEDPower
With .ObjectHierarchy
.Caption := "ObjectHierarchy"
.Move(60, 870, 2895, 3795)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ObjectHierarchy
With .FileListBox
.Caption := "FileListBox"
.Move(315, 795, 2625, 2670)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.FileListBox
With .FileComboBox
.Move(270, 810, 2475, 360)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.FileComboBox
With .ObjectList
.Caption := "ObjectList"
.Move(195, 900, 2700, 2955)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ObjectList
With .ObjectCombo
.Move(405, 900, 2250, 360)
.Visible := False
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.ObjectCombo
With .LEDSet
.Move(8085, 540, 405, 5040)
.Visible := True
.LightsVisible := 15
.NumberLights := 15
.Margin := 75
.Controls.EvalRequires = "MatchNone"
With .LED1
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 75, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584614
.TimeStop := 191584814
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED1
With .LED2
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 406, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584624
.TimeStop := 191584824
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED2
With .LED3
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 737, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584634
.TimeStop := 191584834
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED3
With .LED4
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 1068, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584644
.TimeStop := 191584844
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED4
With .LED5
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 1399, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584644
.TimeStop := 191584844
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED5
With .LED6
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 1730, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584654
.TimeStop := 191584854
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED6
With .LED7
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 2061, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584664
.TimeStop := 191584864
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED7
With .LED8
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 2392, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584674
.TimeStop := 191584874
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED8
With .LED9
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 2723, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584684
.TimeStop := 191584884
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED9
With .LED10
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 3054, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584684
.TimeStop := 191584884
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED10
With .LED11
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 3385, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584694
.TimeStop := 191584894
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED11
With .LED12
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 3716, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584704
.TimeStop := 191584904
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED12
With .LED13
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 4047, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584714
.TimeStop := 191584914
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED13
With .LED14
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 4378, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584724
.TimeStop := 191584924
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED14
With .LED15
.BackColor := 10526880
.Move(75, 4709, 255, 256)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.ColorOn := 10526880
.ColorOff := 65280
.TimeOn := 200
.TimeStart := 191584724
.TimeStop := 191584924
.On := 1
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.LED15
With .timer
.Interval := 100
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet.timer
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.LEDSet
With .helpfile
.FileName := "C:\envelop\examples\EventSpy\eventspy.hlp"
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm.helpfile
End With 'EventSpyMasterForm
' Reconstruction commands for object: EventSpyLEDForm
With EventSpyLEDForm
.Move(4020, 2490, 8205, 4320)
.LightsOn := 0
.Controls.EvalRequires = "MatchNone"
With .timer
.Interval := 50
End With 'EventSpyLEDForm.timer
End With 'EventSpyLEDForm
' Reconstruction commands for object: EventSpyLEDPanel
With EventSpyLEDPanel
.Move(3405, -182, 4620, 7305)
.LightsVisible := 0
.NumberLights := 0
.Margin := 0
.Controls.EvalRequires = "MatchNone"
With .timer
.Enabled := True
.Interval := 300
End With 'EventSpyLEDPanel.timer
End With 'EventSpyLEDPanel
' Reconstruction commands for object: EventSpyLED
With EventSpyLED
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.BorderStyle := "Fixed Single"
.ColorOn := -1
.ColorOff := -1
.TimeOn := 1000
.TimeStart := -1
.TimeStop := -1
.On := 0
End With 'EventSpyLED
End Code