PC World Komputer 1997 February
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527 lines
Type datasamp From Application
Dim AccessControl As New ACL
End Type
Type OptionGroupMaster
Type Buttons From Form
Property Value Get getValue Set setValue As String
Dim OptButton1 As New OptionGroupMaster.OptButton
Dim OptButton2 As New OptionGroupMaster.OptButton
Dim OptButton3 As New OptionGroupMaster.OptButton
' METHODS for object: OptionGroupMaster.Buttons
Sub AddValue(codex as String, Caption As String)
dim newobj as OptionGroupMaster.OptButton
newobj = EmbedObject(Me, OptionGroupMaster.OptButton, UniqueEmbedName(Me, "OptButton"))
newobj.Caption = Caption
newobj.codex = codex
End Sub
Function FindValue(value As String) As Integer
dim i as integer
For i = 0 To Controls.Count - 1
If (Controls(i).codex = value) Then FindValue = i : Exit Function
Next i
Throw ValueNotFound
End Function
Function getValue() As String
dim i as integer
For i = 0 To Controls.Count - 1
If Controls(i).Value Then
getValue = Controls(i).codex
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End Function
Sub RemoveValue(value As String)
dim i as integer
' This call will throw if value is not found.
i = FindValue(value)
' Maintain a reference to the object in the group, to control destruction
' during RemoveAt phase.
End Sub
Sub Resize()
dim i as integer
dim top, newheight as single
If Controls.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
top = 60
newheight = ((ScaleHeight - top) / Controls.Count) - 30
For i = 0 To Controls.Count - 1
Controls(i).Move(0, top, ScaleWidth, newheight)
top = top + newheight
Next i
End Sub
Sub setValue(sval as String)
dim i as integer
For i = 0 To Controls.Count - 1
If (Controls(i).codex = sval) Then
Controls(i).Value = True
Exit Sub
Controls(i).Value = False
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub Update(ByVal value As String)
Value = Trim(value)
End Sub
Sub UpdateDataControl(value As String)
value = Value
End Sub
Sub UpdateDataSource(value As String)
value = Value
End Sub
End Type
Type OptButton From OptionButton
Dim codex As String
' METHODS for object: OptionGroupMaster.OptButton
Sub Click()
' If any new value is picked by a Value Option Button mark container as changed.
If Parent Then Parent.DataChanged = True
End Sub
Sub DragStart(xfd As XferData, x As Single, y As Single)
xfd.ObjectRef = Parent
xfd.Drag 7
End Sub
End Type
End Type
Type EmployeeForm From SampleMasterForm
Dim OptionGroup As New OptionGroupMaster.Buttons
Dim Label1 As New Label
Dim Label2 As New Label
Dim Label3 As New Label
Dim Label4 As New Label
Dim TxtEmployeeID As New TextBox
Dim TxtDepartment As New TextBox
Dim TxtName As New TextBox
Dim TxtSalary As New TextBox
Dim BtnNew As New Button
Dim BtnDelete As New Button
Dim BtnUpdate As New Button
Dim DataControl1 As New DataControl
Dim Frame1 As New Frame
Type IndentedList1 From IndentedList
Dim font1 As New Font
End Type
Dim Label5 As New Label
Dim Label6 As New Label
' METHODS for object: EmployeeForm
Sub BtnDelete_Click()
Dim response As Integer
response = YesNoBox.Message("Delete?", "OK to remove current employee record?")
If response = 6 Then
Dim eid, did As String
eid = TxtEmployeeID.Text
did = TxtDepartment.Text
With DataControl1.RecordSet
If Not .EOF Or Not .BOF Then
If .EOF Then .MovePrev
End If
End With
' Need to check and possibly update the indented list if entry is selected
If IndentedList1.ListIndex <> -1 Then
' Determine if selected entry is an employee entry
If IndentedList1.ItemIcon(IndentedList1.ListIndex) = 2 Then
' Determine if the indented list line entry is the same as displayed record
If Trim(Left(IndentedList1.ItemString(IndentedList1.ListIndex), 5)) = eid Then
' ok to remove the selected entry
' Need to see if any more department id's exit and if not, do a PopulateList
If did <> Trim(DataControl1.RecordSet.Row(DataControl1.RecordSet.CurrentRecordNumber).Column(0).Value) Then
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub BtnNew_Click()
' Add a new entry to the recordset
' Need to clear the option buttons
OptionGroup.OptButton1.Value = True
OptionGroup.OptButton2.Value = False
OptionGroup.OptButton3.Value = False
' Place the type-in point in the Employee ID textbox
End Sub
Sub BtnUpdate_Click()
' Need to validate vital employee information
If TxtEmployeeID.Text = "" Then
InfoBox.Message("Warning", "No Employee ID has been entered.")
Exit Sub
End If
If TxtDepartment.Text = "" Then
InfoBox.Message("Warning", "No Department number has been entered.")
Exit Sub
End If
' Save the contents of the recordset to disk file
' Need to update the indented list
End Sub
Sub CheckUpdateRecords ()
' If the employee ID or department number change, collapse the list
If TxtEmployeeID.DataChanged || TxtDepartment.DataChanged Then
' update the current record in case it has changed
End If
End Sub
Sub IndentedList1_Click()
Dim icon_type As Integer
' Determine the type of icon the item has
icon_type = IndentedList1.ItemIcon(IndentedList1.ListIndex)
' If the item is an icon_type = 2, it is an employee
' so we need to move the datacontrol to the right employee
If icon_type = 2 Then
Dim eid As String
Dim i, row As Integer
' check the key records to see if list needs to be redone
' Get the indented list line entry
eid = Trim(Left(IndentedList1.ItemString(IndentedList1.ListIndex), 5))
' Find the first blank space
DataControl1.RecordSet.CurrentRecordNumber = DataControl1.RecordSet.CurrentRecordNumber
End If
End Sub
Sub IndentedList1_Collapsed(ByVal itemIndex as Integer, ByVal itemData as Long, itemObj as Object)
IndentedList1.SetItemIcon(itemIndex, 1)
End Sub
Sub IndentedList1_Expand(ByVal itemIndex as Integer, ByVal itemData as Long, itemObj as Object)
Dim i as Integer
Dim sdept, fdept, eid As String
sdept = IndentedList1.ItemString(itemIndex)
' Search the recordset to find all employees in sdept department
For i = 0 To DataControl1.RecordSet.RowsRead - 1
fdept = DataControl1.RecordSet.Row(i).Column(0).Value
If sdept = fdept Then
eid = DataControl1.RecordSet.Row(i).Columns(1, 2).Value
IndentedList1.InsertItem(eid, 2, 1, itemIndex + 1)
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub PopulateList
Dim i, j, pos as Integer
Dim dept As String
Dim found As Boolean
pos = 0
For i = 0 To DataControl1.RecordSet.RowsRead - 1
dept = DataControl1.RecordSet.Row(i).Column(0).Value
' If the item does not already exist, add it
For j = 0 To IndentedList1.ListCount - 1
If IndentedList1.ItemString(j) = dept Then
found = True
Exit For
found = False
End If
Next j
If Not found Then
pos = pos + 1
' IndentedList1.InsertItem(dept, 1, 0, pos - 1)
' We use AddItem so we get the benefit of the sorted property
IndentedList1.AddItem(dept, 1)
' IndentedList1.SetItemCanExpand(pos - 1, True)
End If
found = False
Next i
' Set the expand flag on all items in the indented list
For i = 0 To IndentedList1.ListCount - 1
IndentedList1.SetItemCanExpand(i, True)
Next i
End Sub
Sub ResetApplication_Click()
' Restore the size of the form
Height = 6015
Width = 7170
' connect the Data Control to the ASCII Data Source
DataControl1.RecordSet.Connect = SampleDir & "employee.TXT"
' Move to the first record
' Populate the department list
End Sub
End Type
Begin Code
' Reconstruction commands for object: datasamp
With datasamp
.ModulePath := "C:\ENVELOP\PROGRAM\base.ebo;C:\ENVELOP\PROGRAM\win32.ebo;C:\ENVELOP\PROGRAM\dialogs.ebo;C:\ENVELOP\PROGRAM\tools.ebo;D:\envelop1\bootcamp\concepts\dbsample\dbsample.eto"
.ProjectFileName := "C:\envelop\temp\datasamp.epj"
.Path := "C:\envelop\temp\"
.EXEName := "datasamp"
With .AccessControl
.ObjectAccess := "R,W,C,M,P"
End With 'datasamp.AccessControl
End With 'datasamp
' Reconstruction commands for object: OptionGroupMaster
With OptionGroupMaster
With .Buttons
.Move(3750, 1275, 1785, 1695)
.Value := ""
With .OptButton1
.Caption := "Active"
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(0, 60, 1665, 380)
.codex := "A"
End With 'OptionGroupMaster.Buttons.OptButton1
With .OptButton2
.Caption := "On Leave"
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(0, 440, 1665, 380)
.codex := "O"
End With 'OptionGroupMaster.Buttons.OptButton2
With .OptButton3
.Caption := "Terminated"
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(0, 820, 1665, 380)
.codex := "T"
End With 'OptionGroupMaster.Buttons.OptButton3
End With 'OptionGroupMaster.Buttons
With .OptButton
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.codex := ""
End With 'OptionGroupMaster.OptButton
End With 'OptionGroupMaster
' Reconstruction commands for object: EmployeeForm
With EmployeeForm
.Caption := "Database Sample: Maintain Employees"
.Move(4290, 1785, 7170, 6015)
.SampleDir := "C:\envelop\bootcamp\advanced\dbsample\"
.SampleName := "dbsample"
With .OptionGroup
.DataSource := EmployeeForm.DataControl1.RecordSet
.DataField := "Status"
.ZOrder := 15
.Move(5100, 3000, 1500, 1200)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.MaxButton := False
.ControlBox := False
.Parent := EmployeeForm
.Visible := True
.Value := "A"
With .OptButton1
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(0, 60, 1500, 350)
.TabStop := True
.Value := True
End With 'EmployeeForm.OptionGroup.OptButton1
With .OptButton2
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(0, 410, 1500, 350)
End With 'EmployeeForm.OptionGroup.OptButton2
With .OptButton3
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(0, 760, 1500, 350)
End With 'EmployeeForm.OptionGroup.OptButton3
End With 'EmployeeForm.OptionGroup
With .Label1
.Caption := "Employee ID:"
.ZOrder := 14
.Move(300, 2850, 1350, 300)
.Alignment := "Right"
End With 'EmployeeForm.Label1
With .Label2
.Caption := "Department:"
.ZOrder := 13
.Move(300, 3300, 1350, 300)
.Alignment := "Right"
End With 'EmployeeForm.Label2
With .Label3
.Caption := "Name:"
.ZOrder := 12
.Move(300, 3750, 1350, 300)
.Alignment := "Right"
End With 'EmployeeForm.Label3
With .Label4
.Caption := "Salary:"
.ZOrder := 11
.Move(300, 4200, 1350, 300)
.Alignment := "Right"
End With 'EmployeeForm.Label4
With .TxtEmployeeID
.DataSource := EmployeeForm.DataControl1.RecordSet
.DataField := "EID"
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(1950, 2850, 750, 345)
.MaxLength := 5
End With 'EmployeeForm.TxtEmployeeID
With .TxtDepartment
.DataSource := EmployeeForm.DataControl1.RecordSet
.DataField := "Dept"
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(1950, 3300, 750, 345)
.MaxLength := 5
End With 'EmployeeForm.TxtDepartment
With .TxtName
.DataSource := EmployeeForm.DataControl1.RecordSet
.DataField := "Name"
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(1950, 3750, 2550, 345)
.MaxLength := 20
End With 'EmployeeForm.TxtName
With .TxtSalary
.DataSource := EmployeeForm.DataControl1.RecordSet
.DataField := "Salary"
.ZOrder := 4
.Move(1950, 4200, 1350, 345)
.MaxLength := 10
End With 'EmployeeForm.TxtSalary
With .BtnNew
.Caption := "New"
.ZOrder := 10
.Move(5100, 600, 1650, 450)
.TabStop := False
End With 'EmployeeForm.BtnNew
With .BtnDelete
.Caption := "Delete"
.ZOrder := 9
.Move(5100, 1200, 1650, 450)
.TabStop := False
End With 'EmployeeForm.BtnDelete
With .BtnUpdate
.Caption := "Update"
.ZOrder := 8
.Move(5100, 1800, 1650, 450)
.TabStop := False
End With 'EmployeeForm.BtnUpdate
With .DataControl1
.Caption := "DataControl1"
.ZOrder := 7
.Move(300, 4800, 6450, 300)
.BorderStyle := "None"
.MinButton := True
.ControlBox := False
.Parent := EmployeeForm
.Visible := True
With .DataMoveFirst
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(0, 0, 806, 300)
End With 'EmployeeForm.DataControl1.DataMoveFirst
With .DataMovePrev
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(806, 0, 806, 300)
End With 'EmployeeForm.DataControl1.DataMovePrev
With .DataMoveNext
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(4837, 0, 806, 300)
End With 'EmployeeForm.DataControl1.DataMoveNext
With .DataMoveLast
.ZOrder := 4
.Move(5643, 0, 806, 300)
End With 'EmployeeForm.DataControl1.DataMoveLast
With .DataLabel
.ZOrder := 5
.Move(1612, 0, 3225, 300)
End With 'EmployeeForm.DataControl1.DataLabel
With .RecordSet
.DatabaseType := "FixedAscii"
.Database.FirstLineAsFieldNames := True
.Database.FieldWidthList := "5, 5, 20, 10, 7"
.Connect := "C:\envelop\bootcamp\advanced\dbsample\employee.TXT"
End With 'EmployeeForm.DataControl1.RecordSet
End With 'EmployeeForm.DataControl1
With .Frame1
.Caption := " Status "
.ZOrder := 16
.Move(4950, 2700, 1800, 1650)
.TabStop := False
End With 'EmployeeForm.Frame1
With .IndentedList1
.Caption := "IndentedList1"
.ForeColor := 0
.Font := EmployeeForm.IndentedList1.font1
.ZOrder := 17
.Move(300, 600, 4500, 1950)
.TabStop := False
.IconBitmap := SourceSearcher.bitmap
.IconHeight := 12
.IconWidth := 12
.Sorted := True
.HighlightStyle := "FullLine"
With .font1
.FaceName := "Courier"
.Size := 12.000000
.Bold := True
.Italic := False
.Strikethru := False
End With 'EmployeeForm.IndentedList1.font1
End With 'EmployeeForm.IndentedList1
With .Label5
.Caption := "Dept"
.ForeColor := 16711680
.ZOrder := 6
.Move(300, 75, 525, 225)
End With 'EmployeeForm.Label5
With .Label6
.Caption := "EID Name"
.ForeColor := 255
.ZOrder := 5
.Move(825, 300, 2250, 300)
End With 'EmployeeForm.Label6
With .helpfile
.FileName := "C:\envelop\bootcamp\advanced\dbsample\dbsample.hlp"
End With 'EmployeeForm.helpfile
End With 'EmployeeForm
End Code