PC World Komputer 1997 February
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628 lines
Type PegImage From Image
Dim PegID As Integer
' METHODS for object: PegImage
Sub MouseDown(button, shift As Integer, x,y As Single)
' If there is no parent for this object, then don't do anything
If Not Parent Then Exit Sub
' If the game has not been started, remove the first peg
If Not Parent.GameStarted Then
Picture = Parent.bmpNoPeg
Parent.GameStarted = -1
Parent.lblNotice.Caption = "Game is in progress..."
End If
End Sub
Sub HasPeg(peg_count As Integer)
' This routine checks to see if there is a peg in the control
If Not Parent Then Exit Sub
If Picture == Parent.bmpPeg Then
peg_count = peg_count + 1
End If
End Sub
Sub DragAndDrop(source As XferData, x,y As Single, state As OleDropState, effect As OleDropEffect)
' If there is no parent for this object, then don't do anything
If Not Parent Then Exit Sub
' Image is dropped onto image control
If state == 3 Then
If Picture == Parent.bmpPeg Then
effect = 0
Exit Sub
End If
If Parent.ValidMove(PegID) Then
' allow drop to take place
Picture = Parent.bmpPeg
effect = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub DragStart(o as XferData, x,y As Single)
' If there is no parent for this object, then don't do anything
If Not Parent Then Exit Sub
If Parent.GameStarted And Picture == Parent.bmpPeg Then
Picture = Parent.bmpNoPeg
Parent.DragSource = PegID
If o.Drag(2) <> 2 Then
Picture = Parent.bmpPeg
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub PegInit()
' If there is no parent for this object, then don't do anything
If Not Parent Then Exit Sub
' Initialize the picture to show
Picture = Parent.bmpPeg
End Sub
End Type
Type GamePegMasterForm From SampleMasterForm
Dim imgLabel As New Image
Dim lblNotice As New Label
Dim bmpPeg As New Bitmap
Dim bmpNoPeg As New Bitmap
Dim GameStarted As Integer
Dim DragSource As String
Dim img0 As New PegImage
Dim img1 As New PegImage
Dim img2 As New PegImage
Dim img3 As New PegImage
Dim img4 As New PegImage
Dim img5 As New PegImage
Dim img6 As New PegImage
Dim img7 As New PegImage
Dim img8 As New PegImage
Dim img9 As New PegImage
Dim img10 As New PegImage
Dim img11 As New PegImage
Dim img12 As New PegImage
Dim img13 As New PegImage
Dim img14 As New PegImage
Dim img15 As New PegImage
Dim img16 As New PegImage
' METHODS for object: GamePegMasterForm
Sub Resize()
End Sub
Sub DragAndDrop(source As XferData, x,y As Single, state As OleDropState, effect As OleDropEffect)
' Image is dropped onto image 6
If state == 3 Then
effect = 0
End If
End Sub
Function GetPictureName (img As Integer) As String
' Based on the image control number passed to this routine
' return the associated picture bitmap
Select Case img
Case 0
GetPictureName = img0.Picture
Case 1
GetPictureName = img1.Picture
Case 2
GetPictureName = img2.Picture
Case 3
GetPictureName = img3.Picture
Case 4
GetPictureName = img4.Picture
Case 5
GetPictureName = img5.Picture
Case 6
GetPictureName = img6.Picture
Case 7
GetPictureName = img7.Picture
Case 8
GetPictureName = img8.Picture
Case 9
GetPictureName = img9.Picture
Case 10
GetPictureName = img10.Picture
Case 11
GetPictureName = img11.Picture
Case 12
GetPictureName = img12.Picture
Case 13
GetPictureName = img13.Picture
Case 14
GetPictureName = img14.Picture
Case 15
GetPictureName = img15.Picture
Case 16
GetPictureName = img16.Picture
End Select
End Function
Function ValidMove(pos As Integer) As Integer
Dim valid_move As Integer
' Initialize the valid flag
valid_move = 1
' Checks the validity of the move
Select Case pos
Case 0
If DragSource == "10" And img5.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img5.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "6" And img3.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img3.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 1
If DragSource == "5" And img3.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img3.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "11" And img6.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img6.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "7" And img4.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img4.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 2
If DragSource == "6" And img4.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img4.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "12" And img7.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img7.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 3
If DragSource == "13" And img8.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img8.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "9" And img6.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img6.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 4
If DragSource == "8" And img6.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img6.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "14" And img9.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img9.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 5
If DragSource == "15" And img10.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img10.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "11" And img8.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img8.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "1" And img3.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img3.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 6
If DragSource == "0" And img3.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img3.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "2" And img4.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img4.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "10" And img8.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img8.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "12" And img9.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img9.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 7
If DragSource == "1" And img4.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img4.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "11" And img9.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img9.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "16" And img12.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img12.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 8
If DragSource == "4" And img6.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img6.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "14" And img11.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img11.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 9
If DragSource == "3" And img6.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img6.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "13" And img11.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img11.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 10
If DragSource == "0" And img5.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img5.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "6" And img8.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img8.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 11
If DragSource == "5" And img8.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img8.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "15" And img13.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img13.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "1" And img6.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img6.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "7" And img9.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img9.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "16" And img14.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img14.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 12
If DragSource == "6" And img9.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img9.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "2" And img7.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img7.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 13
If DragSource == "3" And img8.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img8.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "9" And img11.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img11.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 14
If DragSource == "8" And img11.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img11.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "4" And img9.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img9.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 15
If DragSource == "5" And img10.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img10.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "11" And img13.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img13.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
Case 16
If DragSource == "11" And img14.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img14.Picture = bmpNoPeg
ElseIf DragSource == "7" And img12.Picture == bmpPeg Then
img12.Picture = bmpNoPeg
valid_move = 0
End If
End Select
If valid_move == 0 Then
ValidMove = 0
ValidMove = 1
End If
End Function
Function MoreMoves() As Integer
' Determine if there are any additional moves possible
If MoveOK(0, 5, 10) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(0, 3, 6) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(2, 7, 12) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(2, 4, 6) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(1, 3, 5) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(1, 4, 7) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(3, 6, 9) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(4, 6, 8) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(5, 8, 11) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(6, 8, 10) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(6, 9, 12) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(7, 9, 11) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(11, 13, 15) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(11, 14, 16) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(9, 11, 13) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(8, 11, 14) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(5, 10, 15) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(7, 12, 16) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(3, 8, 13) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(1, 6, 11) Then
MoreMoves = -1
ElseIf MoveOK(4, 9, 14) Then
MoreMoves = -1
MoreMoves = 0
End If
End Function
Function MoveOK(No1 As Integer, No2 As Integer, No3 As Integer) As Integer
Dim bmp1 As String
Dim bmp2 As String
Dim bmp3 As String
' Get the names of the bitmaps in the designated image controls
bmp1 = GetPictureName(No1)
bmp2 = GetPictureName(No2)
bmp3 = GetPictureName(No3)
' Check to see if this sequence and the reverse jump sequence is valid or not
If bmp1 == "GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg" And bmp2 == "GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg" And bmp3 == "GamePegMasterForm.bmpNoPeg" Then
MoveOK = -1
ElseIf bmp3 == "GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg" And bmp2 == "GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg" And bmp1 == "GamePegMasterForm.bmpNoPeg" Then
MoveOK = -1
MoveOK = 0
End If
End Function
Sub MoveOver()
Dim peg_count As Integer
Dim message As String
' Determine if there are any more moves possible
If Not MoreMoves() Then
' No more move are possible so let's count whats left over
peg_count = 0
' Ask all controls if they have a peg and if so, increment the peg_count variable
Select Case peg_count
Case 1
message = "General"
Case 2
message = "Colonel"
Case 3
message = "Captain"
Case 4
message = "Lieutenant"
Case 5
message = "Sergeant"
Case Else
message = "Private"
End Select
' Let the user know how he did
lblNotice.Caption = "Game Over!" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Your rank is: " & message
End If
End Sub
Sub ResetApplication_Click ()
' Initialize the scales of all images
' Initialize game flags
GameStarted = 0
' Let the user know what's going on
lblNotice.Caption = "Click to remove first peg..."
' Size the form to match the bitmap
GamePegMasterForm.Width = 3570
GamePegMasterForm.Height = 4440
End Sub
End Type
Begin Code
' Reconstruction commands for object: PegImage
With PegImage
.DragMode := "LeftMouse"
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.AutoInitCropRect := False
.ResizeMode := "Clip"
.ScrollBars := "Never"
.ScaleX := 1
.ScaleY := 1
.PegID := 0
End With 'PegImage
' Reconstruction commands for object: GamePegMasterForm
With GamePegMasterForm
.Caption := "Pegs Game"
.Move(9015, 2010, 3570, 4440)
.GameStarted := 0
.DragSource := "6"
.SampleDir := "W:\arsenal\apps\gamepeg\"
.SampleName := "gamepeg"
With .imgLabel
.Caption := "imgLabel"
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(300, 2850, 2850, 585)
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.imgLabel
With .lblNotice
.Caption := "Click to remove first peg..."
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(450, 2895, 2550, 495)
.Alignment := "Center"
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.lblNotice
With .bmpPeg
.LoadType := "MemoryBased"
.FileName := "gamepeg.ero"
.ResId := 0
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
With .bmpNoPeg
.LoadType := "MemoryBased"
.FileName := "gamepeg.ero"
.ResId := 628
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.bmpNoPeg
With .img0
.Caption := "img0"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(300, 300, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img0
With .img1
.Caption := "img1"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 4
.Move(1500, 300, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 1
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img1
With .img2
.Caption := "img2"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 5
.Move(2700, 300, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 2
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img2
With .img3
.Caption := "img3"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 6
.Move(900, 600, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 3
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img3
With .img4
.Caption := "img4"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 7
.Move(2100, 600, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 4
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img4
With .img5
.Caption := "img5"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 8
.Move(300, 900, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 5
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img5
With .img6
.Caption := "img6"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 9
.Move(1500, 900, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 6
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img6
With .img7
.Caption := "img7"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 10
.Move(2700, 900, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 7
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img7
With .img8
.Caption := "img8"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 11
.Move(900, 1200, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 8
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img8
With .img9
.Caption := "img9"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 12
.Move(2100, 1200, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 9
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img9
With .img10
.Caption := "img10"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 13
.Move(300, 1500, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 10
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img10
With .img11
.Caption := "img11"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 14
.Move(1500, 1500, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 11
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img11
With .img12
.Caption := "img12"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 15
.Move(2700, 1500, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 12
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img12
With .img13
.Caption := "img13"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 16
.Move(900, 1800, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 13
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img13
With .img14
.Caption := "img14"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 17
.Move(2100, 1800, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 14
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img14
With .img15
.Caption := "img15"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 18
.Move(300, 2100, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 15
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img15
With .img16
.Caption := "img16"
.DragMode := "RightMouse"
.ZOrder := 19
.Move(2700, 2100, 480, 480)
.Picture := GamePegMasterForm.bmpPeg
.PegID := 16
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.img16
With .helpfile
.FileName := "W:\arsenal\apps\gamepeg\gamepeg.hlp"
End With 'GamePegMasterForm.helpfile
End With 'GamePegMasterForm
End Code