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- Grammar Slammer Version 1.0
- The Windows Program that answer the Questions that Grammar Checkers Don't
- Dear Shareware Vendor:
- This file contains our distribution policy and information on all our
- products. We have a simple distribution policy: You have permission to
- distribute our shareware in its original, unaltered form as long as you
- 1) Identify it as shareware (with an appropriate definition)
- 2) Leave all intellectual property and copyright notices in place
- ....and as long as we do not request you to stop.
- You may archive our programs, unarchive them, include/exclude optional files
- (like this VENDOR.TXT file), include them with other programs on the same
- diskette, and do essentially anything you want as long as you respect the
- integrity of the program and all copyright laws, even if you may not be
- subject to them. We want the widest possible distribution, and we do not want
- to stand in your way so long as you are honest with our mutual customer.
- If you are distributing in vending rack or point-of-purchase sales, please
- request our permission. This is the only area which it seems that customers
- do not understand shareware. ASP, ESC, Walnut Creek, Simtel, Garbo, Winsite,
- SICS, PC-SIG, Washington State, STAR, Way Cool, Bongo, EMS, APCUG, PC-related
- periodical, and Night Owl collections are pre-authorized to include our
- programs on CD-ROM.
- This is our normal distribution sequence:
- 1. New versions are offered to our registered users and distributed to all
- users who have registered within a year of the release date.
- 2. New versions are posted on CompuServe (use IBMFF with ID 70730,3001).
- 3. New versions are released through SDNet. If you have a BBS and
- do not belong to SDNet, please consider joining this international
- network.
- 4. All ASP and ESC distribution members are included in the regular ASP
- and ESC CD-ROM. This saves us both time and money. If you are not an
- ASP vendor member or bulletin board member, please consider joining.
- If you work a lot with educational materials, consider joining the ESC
- (Educational Software Cooperative).
- 5. We also send copies of major revisions of our software to vendors and
- bulletin boards who have notified us of their interest. If you are
- a catalog house, please send us a catalog or copy of your distribution
- diskette. We will be glad to keep you updated. We also provide
- updates to all distributors who are named by registered users as their
- source. If you are on the ASP, ESC, or SDN distributions, this may not
- be necessary and would save both of us a little time.
- This program, Grammar Slammer, is available as an add-on to the three
- major Windows Word Processors--MS Word for Windows, Ami/Word Pro for
- Windows, and Word Perfect for Windows. If you have a specialized category
- or market for any of these Word Processing products and would like
- Grammar Slammer for any or all of these, please contact the author for
- copies.
- If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints, please contact me:
- James Bair
- P.O. Box 203
- Shelton CT 06484-0203 USA
- CIS 70730,3001
- Internet 70730.3001@compuserve.com
- Voice 203-734-1296 (5-9 p.m. Eastern Time Zone)
- Outside of USA: If you are interested in working with us to provide
- registration and support services outside the USA, we are interested in
- working with you in a nonexclusive basis.