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- GRAMMAR SLAMMER--Slam your Grammar Agony with
- The Program that answers the questions the Grammar Checkers can't
- GRAMMAR SLAMMER answers those questions that the Grammar Checkers
- can't! GRAMMAR SLAMMER helps you in your writing and grammar the
- simplest way known to Windows« Word Processor users. Grammar
- Checkers are helpful, but they are limited. They miss things and
- often ask you questions you can't answer. ("Do you want a comma
- here?"--"How should I know?" you reply.) Disk-based grammar
- books can help, but they are cumbersome to use. GRAMMAR SLAMMER,
- on the other hand, supplements the Grammar Checker by providing
- answers in a format that you already know how to use--the Windows
- Help File! One click on a Word Processor Macro or the GRAMMAR
- SLAMMER toolbar and it pops up, ready to go! No office or computer
- which depends on word processors should be without it!
- To get started, you must install the file VBRUN300.DLL in the
- \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you use a number of Windows programs, it is
- probably already there. If not, it is freely available from most online
- services, bulletin boards, and software dealers.
- Then simply run SETUP.EXE, and GRAMMAR SLAMMER will set itself up in
- any Windows version 3.0, 3.1, NT, or 95. You can run SETUP.EXE by choosing
- the "File|Run" Menu option in the Program Manager and entering SETUP.EXE.
- (In Windows 95 the "Start|Run" option on the taskbar does the same thing).
- You may also run SETUP.EXE by double-clicking on the SETUP.EXE name from
- File Manager (or Windows Explorer in Windows 95).
- To run the program, double click on the new GRAMMAR SLAMMER icon you just
- installed. If the empty "Window" icon appears when you first install
- GRAMMAR SLAMMER (sometimes this happens), simply press the "File" Menu
- Choice on the Program Manager while GRAMMAR SLAMMER is highlighted. Then
- choose "Properties" and then choose the "Change Icon" button. Enter
- the directory name plus GRAMSLAM.EXE (this may be done with the "Browse"
- button, too). Click on "OK" twice and the GRAMMAR SLAMMER icon will be
- in place.
- GRAMMAR SLAMMER is easy to use. Start it as you would any Windows program
- by clicking or double-clicking (depending on your Windows version)
- on its icon or by double clicking on the program name in the File
- Manager. You can also start it by highlighting the program name in the File
- Manager and clicking on the File|Run menu options. File Manager is called
- "Windows Explorer" in Windows 95, but the procedure is similar.
- Grammar Slammer, Copyright ⌐1996, James Bair, All rights reserved.
- Page 2
- All you see is a little toolbar with three buttons or icons. This toolbar
- stays on top of any word processor or program which is running in Windows.
- When you need some grammar information, click on the left button with the
- "G" and GRAMMAR SLAMMER will appear. When you are done using GRAMMAR SLAMMER,
- click on the "Close" button at the top of the Help file, and you will return
- to your program, with the Grammar Slammer toolbar ready for you to use
- again when you need to.
- Click on the middle button with the universal "Stop Circle" and the program
- will close. Click on the right button with the Question Mark and a Windows
- menu will appear giving you some choices to position the toolbar where you
- want it, ask for help, turn the pop-up help boxes off and on, and get
- additional information.
- If you do a lot of word processing, or if you like the convenience of the
- Window. This will cause GRAMMAR SLAMMER to load each time you go into
- Windows. If you do not have a "STARTUP" window, consult your Windows
- Operating System Manual on how to create one.
- Demo or evaluation copies of GRAMMAR SLAMMER to go with the macro systems
- of the three major Windows words processors are available from CompuServe
- support forums of Word for Windows, Ami and Word Pro for Windows, and
- Wordperfect for Windows. They may be available from other specialized
- FTP sites, bulletin boards, and shareware sources.
- For more details and information on running GRAMMAR SLAMMER, click on
- the question mark button and then "Help" on the menu that pops up.
- GRAMMAR SLAMMER is copyright ⌐1996 by James Bair, P.O. Box 203, Shelton CT
- 06484 USA, All rights reserved. It is not Public Domain, though it may
- normally be distributed without charge for a trial period of 30 days.
- This demo edition of GRAMMAR SLAMMER may be distributed freely without
- charge as long as all files are kept together and are unaltered. That
- includes the GRAMSLAM.EXE file, this GRAMSLAM.TXT file, and the GS1.INI
- file. Bona fide shareware dealers may charge a nominal fee for the
- copying of files. Any commercial distribution without permission of the
- author is prohibited. That includes any retail point-of-purchase sale of
- shareware or public domain software except at bona fide computer stores
- where the shareware or evaluation copy concept is clearly
- understood. (Permission is normally granted, please just ask.) See the
- VENDOR.TXT or BBSINFO.TXT file for more details.
- This program may be registered with the author. You will get the latest
- version with any macros as appropriate, installable from Windows for $25.
- Master Card and Visa Accepted. CompuServe ID 70730,3001. CompuServe
- members may purchase this via GO SWREG. Correspondence to the author may
- Grammar Slammer, Copyright ⌐1996, James Bair, All rights reserved.
- Page 3
- be sent to jbair@csunet.ctstateu.edu (do not send orders to this address).
- Click on "Order Form" on the pop-up menu for more information.
- Like many Windows programs, GRAMMAR SLAMMER needs the file VBRUN300.DLL in
- order to run. Put it in your Windows\System directory. Chances are, you
- probably have it installed already. If not, it is readily available from
- most on-line services, bulletin boards, and shareware dealers.
- If you get a "File Not Found" or "Type Mismatch" error message when you
- first try to run GRAMMAR SLAMMER this means that the file GS1.INI is not
- installed properly or is corrupted. This file belongs in your \WINDOWS
- directory (folder). If you get a "Path not Found" error message try moving
- the GS1.INI file to the same directory that the rest of the files are in
- (normally C:\GRAMSLAM). If you still get the "Path not Found" message, copy
- the VBRUN300.DLL file to the GRAMSLAM directory also. (This is most likely
- to occur when the Windows files are on a different drive than GRAMMAR
- SLAMMER.) Also see #2 below.
- SETUP problems (rare, but do happen):
- 1) SETUP does nothing. Make sure file VBRUN300.DLL is present in your
- \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Otherwise this usually happens on older
- machines (such as 386/25's) or machines which are configured for a
- language other than English. If this happens, you may manually copy and
- rename the files to the selected directory. We recommend making a
- directory (folder) named C:\GRAMSLAM and then copying the necessary
- files into it. The files needed are GRAMSLAM.EX_ which should be renamed
- be renamed GRAMSLAM.HLP; GS1.IN_ to be renamed GS1.INI; GSB.IC_ to be
- renamed GSB.ICO; GSLAUNCH.HL_ to be renamed GSLAUNCH.HLP; and TBAR.VB_ to
- be renamed TBAR.VBX.
- 2) After setting up and trying to run Grammar Slammer, you get a "Path
- not found" message. This may happen if the WINDOWS directory is on a
- different drive than the Grammar Slammer files. Try moving the Grammar
- Slammer directory and files to the same drive as WINDOWS directory. If
- there is still a problem, check to make sure all files are present. On a
- few older PC's there may still be a "path not found" message.
- Check to insure that the file WINHELP.EXE is in your \WINDOWS directory.
- If it is missing or corrupted, it must be installed from your Windows
- installation disks.
- For some reason the TBAR.VBX file does not work on a few machines. In that
- case, you may still use Grammar Slammer, but you cannot use the toolbar.
- In that case, add Grammar Slammer to your Startup Window. (IF the startup
- window is missing, consult your Windows manual for how to create it.)
- Edit the "File|Properties" so that the command line reads "winhelp.exe
- c:\gramslam\gramslam.hlp" and choose the GSB.ICO for the icon. (Clearly
- if Grammar Slammer is in a different directory than c:\gramslam, you will
- have to make the necessary changes.) Then check the "run minimized" box.
- This will cause Grammar Slammer to be loaded as an icon which you can
- click or double-click to call up.
- 3) If that still does not work, try going into the File Manager or Windows
- Explorer, and double-click on the GRAMSLAM.HLP file. If this does not
- successfully call up the Grammar Slammer help file, then either your
- WINHELP.EXE program is not working, not present, or in the wrong directory
- (it should be in your \WINDOWS directory), or your machine for some reason
- is not compatible.
- Uninstalling GRAMMAR SLAMMER
- Should you ever need to remove GRAMMAR SLAMMER from your system, the
- following is a complete list of the files you must delete: GRAMSLAM.EXE,
- You may also need to delete miscellaneous text files that may have come
- with the program such as this GRAMSLAM.TXT, VENDOR.TXT, BBSINFO.TXT,
- In addition, Windows 95 will have GSLAUNCH.GID and GRAMSLAM.GID, files
- created by Windows 95 to assist the .HLP files. GRAMMAR SLAMMER also uses
- VBRUN300.DLL (in WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory), but you should not remove this
- file unless you are certain that no other program uses it. VBRUN300.DLL is
- a common file used by many programs.
- "This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
- principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
- shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member
- directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you
- resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
- technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP
- Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI USA 49442-9427, Fax
- 616-788-2765, or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP
- Ombudsman 70007,3536."
- Windows and Word for Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft
- Corporation. Word Perfect is a registered trademark of Novell Applications
- Group. Ami Pro and Word Pro are registered trademarks of Lotus Development
- Corporation. Use of their names and macro systems does not imply endorsement
- or review by any of these corporate entities.
- Grammar Slammer, Copyright ⌐1996, James Bair, All rights reserved.
- *****************************************************************
- Grammar Slammer
- James Bair
- P.O. Box 203
- Shelton CT 06484-0203 USA
- Name_________________________________________________________
- Address______________________________________________________
- City_______________State/Province_____________Zip____________
- Country______________________________________________________
- Name of Windows Word Processor(s) used_______________________
- Where did you find out about Grammar Slammer?________________
- Please send me the complete, latest Grammar Slammer on
- ___3.5" ____5.25" Windows diskettes.
- Number Price Total
- _____ Grammar Slammer $25.00 _____
- _____ Language Slammer $39.00 _____
- (includes Spelling--due Dec. 1996)_______
- Shipping _____
- _______
- Total Enclosed _____
- Check or money order in U.S. funds on U.S. bank only, please.
- Canada or Mexico orders add $3.00 shipping. Other non-U.S.A.
- countries add $5.00.
- CompuServe users may register GO SWREG, item 8959.
- Contact author for reasonable site license terms.
- MasterCard or Visa orders accepted.
- MasterCard/Visa Card Number__________________________________
- Expiration Date____________ Authorized Signature_____________
- Thank you for your order!
- Author may be reached at above address or
- CompuServe 70730,3001 or Internet jbair@csunet.ctstateu.edu
- ⌐Copyright 1996, James Bair, All rights reserved.