942 Command switch /silent" specified with no response file (/rspfile=filename".
943 Failure loading Shipping Profile.
944 Unable to find install driver.
945 True
946 SETFile
947 TempDir
948 Network Files Read-only
949 OpenFile
950 Shutdown (driver ID: %s ) cannot read the SET file
951 Shutdown (driver ID: %s ) completed
952 Interface Language Prompts
953 Interface Language Files
954 DeInstall Modules
955 Network Admin Server
956 The following file was found in the IP but does not exist on disk: (%s).
957 The following location was not found in the IP for the file (%s): LocName (%s), LocVersion (%s).
958 Driver ID
959 Failure loading Installation Profile
960 Unused Locations
961 Remove Modified Files
962 Remove General Information
1601 Exit Setup
1602 Are you sure you want to exit?
1603 The installation has not yet completed.\n\nIf you exit Setup now, the applications will not run properly.However, you can resume the installation later, and it will continue from this point.\n\nAre you sure you want to exit?
1604 Exiting Setup
1605 Setup did not install any program files or modify any system files.\n\nWhen you are ready to install, run this Setup program again.
1606 When you are ready to resume the installation, run this Setup program again.
1607 Component
1608 Path
1609 Space Required
1610 - %d of %d components will be installed
1611 No component is selected.\n\nClick a component in the list before you click Change Path.
1612 No component is selected.\n\nClick a component in the list before you click the Components button.
1613 This component is a vital part of your application. If you do not install this component, and it has not been previously installed, your application will not run correctly.\n\nAre you sure you want to deselect it?
1615 Corel Office Professional 7 Setup
1616 Corel Office Professional 7
1617 Corel Office Professional 7
1618 Insufficient Disk Space
1619 MB free
1620 MB
1621 Compact Installation
1622 CD-ROM Installation
1623 Previous Component
1624 Previous Path
1625 Setup Type
1626 Component Name
1627 Filename
1628 Description
1629 This product has no Release Notes.
1630 No Release Notes are selected.\n\nClick a filename in the list before you click View.
1635 Corel office applications
1636 Preparing for Setup. Please wait...
1638 Installation Information
1639 No components are selected for installation. Are you sure you want to continue?
1644 Removable Drive
1645 Fixed Drive
1646 RAM Drive
1647 Network
1648 Local
1649 Run from CD or Network
1650 Required Shared Components are required programs and features that are used by multiple suite applications, such as the File Open dialog, the print processor, and more.
1651 Required Shared Components
1652 Optional Shared Components are optional programs and features that are used by multiple suite applications, such as Spell Checker, QuickFinder, and more.
1653 Optional Shared Components
1654 Folder Name Error
1655 Access denied to path: %s\n\nIt is likely that you don't have rights to this folder (or to create it, if it doesn't yet exist).
1656 The specified path is invalid: %s\n\nA pathname cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? < > |
1657 The specified path is invalid: %s
1658 Long filenames are not supported by the drive %s
1662 Folder: %s doesn't exist. Do you want to create it?
1663 Exit Remove Program
1664 Are you sure you want to exit?
1665 Exiting Remove Program
1666 The Remove program did not remove any program files or modify any system files.\n\nIf you want to remove Corel applications at a later time, run the Remove program again.
1667 Space Available
1668 Drive or UNC Path
1669 Notepad.exe, the Windows 95 text viewer, cannot be found.
1670 &Install program files to network location:
1671 &Install required workstation files to drive:
1672 Required Components are those features that are required for the program to run.
1673 Required Components
1674 This drive contains removable media.\n\nTo run correctly, your application will require the media to be in the drive.\n\nDo you want to continue?
1675 Select the shared Windows folder then click OK.
1676 This component will be removed because you are installing the same version of the component to a different path.
1677 This component will be removed because you are installing the same version of the component using a different setup type.
1678 This component will be removed because you are installing an older version of the component to the same path.
1679 Incomplete Setup
1680 Corel office applications main workstation path
1681 Certain required components will be removed because you can only have one copy on your system.
1682 Certain required shared components will be removed because you can only have one copy on your system.
1683 Certain optional shared components will be removed because you can only have one copy on your system.
1684 Installation from Network
1685 &Update current server installation on %s
1686 Some files may have been modified since installation. These files contain data that you have saved. Removing modified files will result in a loss of saved data.
1687 Compressed Drive
1688 removeus.hlp
1689 No applications are selected for removal. To continue, you must select an application.
1690 Remove Program Information
1691 Please ensure that you have READ and WRITE rights on\n\n%s\n\nYou will not be able to continue the installation on this server\nwithout these rights.
1692 Server Rights
1693 This component is a vital part of your application. You cannot deselect it unless you are doing a Custom installation.
1694 Marginal Disk Space
1695 Invalid UNC path, you must have a valid server and volume name
1699 You are now ready to install the workstation files to the following path:
1700 %s\ is not accessible. The device is not ready.
1704 Invalid Serial Number
1705 The serial number is not valid. Do you want to continue anyway?
2001 Fatal Error creating response file %s.
2002 Successful creation of response file %s.
2003 The User Interface is being initialized.
2004 The User Interface is finished.
2005 The user has exited from the User Interface.
2006 Error creating File Group %s in Module %s %s.
2007 Successful creation of File Group %s in Module %s %s.
2008 Error querying database for File Group %s in Module %s %s.
2009 User has selected File Group %s in Module %s %s.
2010 User has deselected File Group %s in Module %s %s.
2011 Error creating Location %s.
2012 Successful creation of Location %s.
2013 Error querying database for Location %s.
2014 Error creating Module %s %s.
2015 Successful creation of Module %s %s.
2016 Error querying database for Module %s %s.
2017 User has selected Module %s %s.
2018 User has deselected Module %s %s.
2019 Error creating Product %s %s.
2020 Successful creation of Product %s %s.
2021 Error querying database for Product %s %s.
2022 User has selected Product %s %s.
2023 User has deselected Product %s %s.
2024 Error creating Shipped File %s in Module %s %s, File Group %s.
2025 Successful creation of Shipped File %s in Module %s %s, File Group %s.
2026 Error querying database for Shipped File %s in Module %s %s, File Group %s.
2027 User has selected Shipped File %s in Module %s %s, File Group %s.
2028 User has deselected Shipped File %s in Module %s %s, File Group %s.
2029 Successful creation of Dependant File Group %s, Module %s %s, for File Group %s, Module %s %s.
2030 Error querying database for Dependant File Group %s, Module %s %s, for File Group %s, Module %s %s.
2031 Successful creation of Product Module %s %s, %s %s.