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Microsoft Windows Help File Content | 1996-06-28 | 8.0 KB | 288 lines |
- :Base ICW32US.hlp>topics
- :Title Corel InfoCentral Help
- ;:Tab Show Me=pfht70us.dll
- ;:Tab Ask the PerfectExpert=pfpe70.dll
- :Index InfoCentral Help=icw32us.hlp
- :Link ICW32US.hlp
- 1 Copyrights and Trademarks=8020@wpsh70us.hlp>topics
- 1 How Do I
- 2 Learn InfoCentral Basics
- 3 Add Objects
- 4 About Adding Objects=91
- 4 Add New Object=510
- 4 Create or Edit Categories=537
- 4 Edit Object Information=644
- 4 Connect Object with Another=548
- 4 Edit Connection Information=644
- 3 Connect Objects
- 4 About Connecting Objects=143
- 4 Connect Objects=548
- 4 Add Information to Connection=644
- 4 Edit Connection Information=644
- 4 Edit Connection Description=553
- 4 Connect Multiple Objects=547
- 4 Connect to Objects on Other Tabs=532
- 3 Find Objects
- 4 About Finding Objects=225
- 4 Use FastFind=598
- 4 FastFind Files=691
- 4 Find-By-Example=609
- 4 Find-By-Connection=607
- 4 Find All Categories=518
- 4 Use Alphabetic Index=521
- 4 Use Address Book=514
- 3 Edit Information
- 4 About Editing Information=382
- 4 Edit Object Information=644
- 4 Edit Connection Information=644
- 4 Edit Connection Description=549
- 4 Edit Categories=537
- 4 Edit Memos=523
- 4 Edit Tabs=685
- 3 Print iBase Information
- 4 About Printing iBase Information=749
- 4 Print Address Book=650
- 4 Print Calendar=717
- 4 Print Current Tab=652
- 4 Print Mailing Labels=654
- 4 Print Object Information=655
- 3 Use Multiple iBases
- 4 Name New iBase=711
- 4 Open Another iBase=712
- 4 Save iBase with Different Name=713
- 4 Rename iBase=719
- 4 Delete iBase=714
- 4 Back up an iBase=740
- 2 Manage My Schedule and Tasks
- 3 Use Calendar
- 4 Using the Calendar=122
- 4 Change Calendar View=700
- 4 Go To Today=529
- 4 Go To Specific Date=613
- 4 Add an Event=672
- 4 Add a Task=673
- 4 Connect Events to Objects=629
- 4 Calculate Date Differences=526
- 4 Synchronize with GroupWise=735
- 4 Set Calendar Preferences=531
- 4 Set Alarm Notify Preferences=517
- 4 Print Calendar=717
- 4 View Today's Schedule=692
- 3 Schedule an Event
- 4 About Scheduling Events=90
- 4 Set an Alarm=670
- 4 Change Alarm Notification=517
- 4 Check Alarm Status=727
- 4 Delete Scheduled Event=574
- 4 View Today's Schedule=692
- 4 Schedule Recurring Events=709
- 4 Follow Up with People and Organizations=497
- 3 Add and Manage Tasks
- 4 The Big Picture=123
- 4 Add a Task=673
- 4 Prioritize Tasks=674
- 4 Delegate Tasks=629
- 4 Delete Tasks=574
- 4 Undelete Tasks=555
- 4 Follow Up on Tasks=498
- 4 List Today's Schedule in Outline View=692
- 3 Write Notes and Memos
- 4 About Writing Notes and Memos=379
- 4 Keep Daily Notes=530
- 4 Delete Notes=675
- 4 Attach Memos=523
- 3 Use InfoCentral to Communicate
- 4 Communicating with InfoCentral=355
- 4 Dial a Phone Number=686
- 4 Dial from Address Book=514
- 4 Log a Phone Call=676
- 4 Lookup Area Codes=633
- 4 Use Elapsed Timer=587
- 4 Mail a File=720
- 4 Set Telephone Preferences=11
- 4 Set Daylight Saving Time=568
- 4 Set Modem Preferences=640
- 2 Create Views of My iBase Information
- 3 List Objects
- 4 About Listing Objects=258
- 4 List with FastFind=598
- 4 List by Example=609
- 4 List by Connection=607
- 4 List All Categories=518
- 4 List All Drives=519
- 4 List with Alphabetic Index=521
- 4 List Today's Schedule=692
- 3 Rearrange a List of Objects
- 4 About Modifying Lists of Objects=268
- 4 Expand Connections=589
- 4 Collapse Connections=546
- 4 Clear Objects=544
- 4 Delete an Object=574
- 4 Left Justify an Object=569
- 4 Put Object at Top of List=615
- 4 Put Object at Top with Connections=710
- 4 Flatten Object Outline=611
- 4 Move Objects in List=641
- 4 Save List to a Tab=677
- 4 Sort List Alphabetically=679
- 3 Organize with Tabs
- 4 The Big Picture=374
- 4 Create or Edit Tabs=685
- 4 Connect Objects to Objects on Other Tabs=532
- 4 Save Lists to Tabs=677
- 4 Move Tabs=678
- 4 Use Tab Index=683
- 2 Create and Attach Letters, Spreadsheets, Graphics
- 3 Overview of Related Files
- 4 About Creating Related Files=164
- 4 How a Related File is Created=316
- 4 Personalize My Applications=630
- 4 Locate My Applications=715
- 3 Launch an Application and Attach File
- 4 Select Related File Type=721
- 4 Describe Related File=559
- 4 Expand Connections to See Related File=589
- 3 Customize a Related File Type
- 4 Create or Edit Related File Type=561
- 4 Include Related Person/Organization=563
- 4 Send Keystrokes to Application=560
- 4 Start Features Application=560
- 4 Send Pre-Defined Text to Application=562
- 4 Send Standard Variables to Application=562
- 4 Send System Date and Time Variables=803
- 4 Extract Field Information=668
- 3 Work with Files and Directories
- 4 About Working with Files and Directories=378
- 4 Search External Files=665
- 4 FastFind Files=691
- 4 View All Drives=519
- 4 Mail a File=720
- 4 Open a File=646
- 4 Copy a File=556
- 4 Delete a File=573
- 4 Undelete a File=649
- 4 Attach Memos to File or Directory=523
- 4 Rename or Move File=604
- 4 Create a Directory=558
- 4 Rename a Directory=760
- 4 Delete Directory Object=571
- 4 Change File Attributes=604
- 4 Change File Display Settings=603
- 2 Get Information In and Out of iBases
- 3 Import Data into iBase
- 4 About Importing Data into an iBase=251
- 4 Create Import File=527
- 4 Create Import Scenario=619
- 4 Select Import File=534
- 4 Select First Category=627
- 4 Select Second Category=628
- 4 Select Default Connection=626
- 4 Set Import Preferences=625
- 4 Match Fields=622
- 4 Check Import Summary=245
- 4 Begin Import=621
- 4 Check Import Completion=239
- 3 Export iBase Data
- 4 About Exporting Data from an iBase=211
- 4 Create or Select Export Scenario=590
- 4 Select Export Category=595
- 4 Select Export Connected Category=593
- 4 Select Default Connection=626
- 4 Specify Output File=705
- 4 Select Export Fields=597
- 4 Check Export Summary=206
- 4 Begin Export=21
- 3 Scan My Files for Information
- 4 Check Import Summary=245
- 4 Begin Import=621
- 4 Check Import Completion=239
- 3 Import Categories from Other iBase
- 4 List All Categories=518
- 4 Create or Edit Categories=537
- 4 Import Categories=623
- 3 Take An iBase On the Road
- 4 About Remote iBases=753
- 4 Check Out Remote iBase=542
- 4 Check In Remote iBase=540
- 4 Reconcile Differences=541
- 4 Abandon Remote iBase=508
- 3 Combine iBases or Parts of iBases
- 4 Specify the Objects to Export=595
- 4 Name Export File=314
- 4 Select Import File=314
- 4 Examine Import Information=729
- 4 Match Fields with Existing Fields=733
- 4 Select Alternate Category=732
- 4 Create New Category=730
- 4 Reconcile Differences=731
- 2 Customize Menus, Fields, and Settings
- 3 Learn Menu Basics
- 4 About Customizing Menus=167
- 4 Add New Menu Item=638
- 4 Delete Menu Item=638
- 4 Change Menu Bar=637
- 3 Customize Menus and Menu Bar
- 4 Customize Menu=638
- 4 Customize Menu Bar=637
- 4 Customize Menu Hot Keys=564
- 4 Assign Accelerator Keys=509
- 4 Perform Built-In Commands=648
- 4 Launch Programs from Menus=632
- 4 Create a New Menu=637
- 4 Load Menu System=706
- 3 Learn Field Basics
- 4 About Customizing Fields=166
- 4 Select Different Field=666
- 4 Delete Field=572
- 4 Undelete Field=602
- 4 Add New Field=600
- 4 Edit Field=600
- 4 Move Field=538
- 4 Edit Object or Connection Information=644
- 3 Select a Field Type to Customize
- 4 Alarm Notification=725
- 4 Alpha/Numeric Fields=520
- 4 Calculation=524
- 4 Check Boxes=543
- 4 Connection=551
- 4 Currency=643
- 4 Date=566
- 4 Fax Line=688
- 4 Group Title=614
- 4 Memo=636
- 4 Modem=688
- 4 Number=643
- 4 Radio Button=661
- 4 Task Priority=726
- 4 Telephone=688
- 4 Time=690
- 3 Set Up Field Properties
- 4 Calculate Formulas in Fields=577
- 4 Format Text=596
- 4 Change the Text Case=550
- 3 Set Preferences
- 4 About Setting Preferences=319
- 4 Add Preferences=513
- 4 Alarm Preferences=517
- 4 Calendar Preferences=531
- 4 Connections Preferences=552
- 4 Daylight Saving Time=568
- 4 Display Preferences=585
- 4 Customize Menu Hot Key=564
- 4 FastFind Preferences=599
- 4 Load Menu System=706
- 4 Modem Preferences=640
- 4 Name Preferences=716
- 4 Telephone Preferences=11
- 4 Viewing Date Preferences=589
- 3 Secure and Clean Up My iBase
- 4 About Securing and Cleaning Up an iBase=310
- 4 Set iBase Passwords=618
- 4 Do Housekeeping on iBase=616
- 4 View iBase Information=681
- 4 View System Status=682
- 1 Corel Customer Support Services
- ;2 CorelNET Independent Web Site=8050@wpsh70us.hlp>topics
- 2 Product Support in North America=8037>topics
- 2 Product Support Worldwide=8038>topics