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/ PC World Komputer 1997 February / PCWK0297.iso / autodesk / setup.ins (.txt) < prev    next >
InstallShield Script  |  1996-05-30  |  107KB  |  908 lines

  1. Stirling Technologies, Inc.  (c) 1990-1994
  15. SHARED
  16. UNINST
  17. ISRES
  24. _sdRECT
  25. right
  26. bottom
  27. _sdSIZE
  28. SelectObject
  29. GetTextExtentPoint
  30. EnableWindow
  31. GetClassName
  32. GetDC
  33. GetDlgItem
  34. GetFocus
  35. GetWindowLong
  36. GetWindowRect
  37. GetWindowWord
  38. IsIconic
  39. IsWindow
  40. IsWindowEnabled
  41. MoveWindow
  42. USER    
  43. ReleaseDC
  44. SetFocus
  45. SetWindowText
  46. ShowWindow
  47. LoadString
  48. KERNEL
  49. GetModuleHandle
  50. GetClientRect
  51. SetWindowPos
  52. PostMessage
  53. ShowCursor
  54. SystemParametersInfo
  55. cpconv
  56. cpconv_init
  57. cpconv
  58. cpconv_term
  59. cpconv
  60. cpconvfl
  61. cpconv
  62. DLLMainFunction
  64. GetPersonal
  66. ident_os
  68. ident_type
  70. identify
  72. install_type
  74. PutPersonal
  76. UpdateACAD
  78. WritePersonalInfo
  80. WritePersonalInfoEx
  82. WriteMeridian
  84. MergeParts
  85. parse
  86. infOpen
  87. parse
  88. infFindSection
  89. parse
  90. initGlobals
  91. parse
  92. infGetProfileString
  93. parse
  94. QueUpFiles
  95. parse
  96. SetTypical
  97. parse
  98. SetCompact
  99. parse
  100. ArNumOfElements
  101. parse
  102. ArGetFileInfo
  103. parse
  104. ArGetTargetPath
  105. parse
  106. infParseField
  107. parse
  108. ExpandFileName
  109. parse
  110. SetItem
  111. parse
  112. SetAll
  113. parse
  114. CallOptionProc
  115. parse
  116. CheckAll
  117. parse
  118. UpdateTotal
  119. parse    
  120. wsDlgInit
  121. parse
  122. CheckNTSecurity
  123. wsprintf
  124. SendDlgItemMessage
  125. identify.dll
  126. parse.dll
  127. AutoDeskACADLT
  128. 55555555555
  129. appsetup.inf
  130. AutoCAD LT95
  131. Demo Version
  132. FileComponents
  133. FontChoices
  134. Dictionaries
  135. Samples
  136. HelpChoicesF
  137. 3.00.00a
  138. aclt.exe
  139. meridian.dat
  140. Codepage.Conversion!
  141. Codepage.Conversiona
  142. InCodePageR
  143. Codepage.Conversiona
  144. OutCodePageR
  145. aclt.exe
  146. SUPPORT$
  147. progfiles
  148. REGISTER.BMP;0,0,06
  149. aclt.exe
  150. aclt.exe
  151. ACLT.INI
  152. BBRD11.BMP;0,0,06
  153. TITLE.BMP;0,0,0
  154. ---+vvv+----(
  155. AutoCAD LTB;
  156. AutoCAD LTA
  157. TrueType
  158. TrueType
  159. PostScript
  160. PostScript
  161. AutoCAD LT!
  162. TrueType
  163. PostScript
  164. neworup_dialog
  166. WINHLP32.EXE3
  167. acltwin\
  168. ACLT.PER;
  169. aclt.pt2
  170. aclt.per
  171. PostScript
  172. TrueType
  173. AutoCAD LT!
  174. *.EXE!
  175. aclt.exeR
  176. aclt.exeR
  177. files
  178. backup.lste
  179. %s\backup.%03db
  180. aclt.exe
  182. ACLT.HLP
  183. General%
  184. ANSIHatcha
  185. aclt.pat%
  186. ISOHatcha
  187. acltiso.pat%
  188. ANSILinetypea
  189. aclt.lin%
  190. ISOLinetypea
  191. acltiso.lin
  192. Partial Menus
  193. ACLT b
  194. \aclt
  195. Group1b
  196. ACLT popb
  197. General
  198. Supportb
  199. General%
  200. FasterSplasha
  201. dos850
  202. ansi1252
  203. cpconv.dll
  204. owner_dialog!
  205. personalize_dlg
  206. merge.files!
  207. Mergeb
  208. merge.filesb
  209. group.sizes!
  210. group.sizesa
  211. app.copy.clip.winR
  212. group.sizesa
  213. app.copy.exes.winR
  214. group.sizesa
  215. app.copy.tut.winR
  216. group.sizesa
  217. app.copy.samp.winR
  218. group.sizesa
  219. app.copy.dic1.winR
  220. group.sizesa
  221. app.copy.acf.winR
  222. group.sizesa
  223. app.copy.ttf.winR
  224. group.sizesa
  225. app.copy.psf.winR
  226. group.sizesa
  227. app.copy.hhlp.winR
  228. group.sizesa
  229. app.copy.ohlp.winR
  230. group.sizesa
  231. app.copy.temp.winR
  232. system.files!
  233. system.filesb
  234. acltwin,
  235. system.filesb
  236. Shared
  237. system.filesb
  238. CLSID\a&
  239. {74F5CC00-49A9-11CF-A2F9-444553540000}P
  240. CLSID\a&
  241. {74F5CC00-49A9-11CF-A2F9-444553540000}Q
  242. AutoCAD LT Icon Shell ExtensionA
  243. CLSID\a&
  244. {74F5CC00-49A9-11CF-A2F9-444553540000}$
  245. \InProcServer32P
  246. CLSID\a&
  247. {74F5CC00-49A9-11CF-A2F9-444553540000}$
  248. \InProcServer32%
  249. acltficn.dllQ
  250. CLSID\a&
  251. {74F5CC00-49A9-11CF-A2F9-444553540000}$
  252. \InProcServer32Q
  253. ThreadingModelA
  254. ApartmentA
  255. AutoCADLTTempFileb
  256. .$$$a
  257. AutoCADLTEmergencyDWGFileb
  258. .ac$a
  259. AutoCADLTTempFileb
  260. .acka
  261. AutoCADLTAC$Lockbl
  262. .acla
  263. AutoCADLTAC$LockLockbk
  264. .adka
  265. AutoCADLTADTLockbo
  266. .adla
  267. AutoCADLTADTLockLockbp
  268. .adsa
  269. AutoCADLTADSAppFileb
  270. .adta
  271. AutoCADLTAuditLogb
  272. .ahpa
  273. AutoCADLTHelpFileb
  274. .arxa
  275. AutoCADLTExtensionFileb
  276. .baka
  277. AutoCADLTBackupDWGFileb
  278. GhostscriptFontFileb
  279. .bkka
  280. AutoCADLTBAKLockbq
  281. .bkla
  282. AutoCADLTBAKLockLockbr
  283. cFileb
  284. c++Fileb 
  285. .cusa
  286. AutoCADLTCustomDictionaryb!
  287. .dbfa    
  288. dBASEFileb"
  289. .dbka
  290. AutoCADLTDXBLockbu
  291. .dbla
  292. AutoCADLTDXBLockLockbv
  293. .dcea
  294. AutoCADLTDialogErrorLogb#
  295. .dcla
  296. AutoCADLTDialogDefinitionb$
  297. .dcta
  298. AutoCADLTDictionaryb%
  299. .defa
  300. DefinitionSourceCodeb&
  301. .dfka
  302. AutoCADLTDXFLockbw
  303. .dfla
  304. AutoCADLTDXFLockLockbx
  305. .dfsa
  306. AutoCADLTUtilityDefaultsb'
  307. .dlga
  308. DialogResourceb(
  309. .dwka
  310. AutoCADLTDWGLockbs
  311. .dwla
  312. AutoCADLTDWGLockLockbt
  313. .dwta
  314. AutoCADLTLTTemplateb
  315. .dxba!
  316. AutoCADLTDrawingInterchangeBinaryb*
  317. .dxfa
  318. AutoCADLTDrawingInterchangeb+
  319. .dxka
  320. AutoCADLTDXXLockby
  321. .dxla
  322. AutoCADLTDXXLockLockbz
  323. .dxta
  324. AutoCADLTDXFIXSupportb,
  325. .dxxa$
  326. AutoCADLTDrawingInterchangeAttributeb-
  327. .emfa
  328. EnhancedWindowsMetafileb.
  329. .epsa
  330. EncapsulatedPostscriptb/
  331. .erra
  332. ErrorLogFileb0
  333. .faxa
  334. AutoCADLTFAXRasterPlotb1
  335. .fita
  336. AutoCADLTFITRasterPlotb2
  337. .fmpa
  338. AutoCADLTFontMapb3
  339. .gifa
  340. CompuServeGIFb4
  341. .gsfa
  342. GhostscriptDefaultFontb5
  343. HeaderSourceb6
  344. .hdxa
  345. AutoCADLTHelpIndexb7
  346. .icoa
  347. iconb8
  348. .iffa
  349. AutoCADLTIFFRasterFileb9
  350. .liba
  351. Libraryb:
  352. .lika
  353. AutoCADLTLINLockb{
  354. .lila
  355. AutoCADLTLINLockLockb|
  356. .lina
  357. AutoCADLTLinetypeDefinitionb;
  358. .loka
  359. AutoCADLTLOGLockb}
  360. .lola
  361. AutoCADLTLOGLockLockb~
  362. .maka
  363. Makeb=
  364. .mlia
  365. AutoCADLTRenderMaterialsLibraryb>
  366. .mlna
  367. AutoCADLTMultilineDefinitionb?
  368. .mnca
  369. AutoCADLTCompiledMenub@
  370. .mnda
  371. AutoCADLTMCMenuSourcebA
  372. .mnla
  373. AutoLISPMenuSourcebB
  374. .mnra
  375. AutoCADLTMenuResourcebC
  376. .mnsa
  377. AutoCADLTMenuSourcebD
  378. .mnua
  379. AutoCADLTMenuTemplatebE
  380. .mpka
  381. AutoCADLTMPRLockb
  382. .mpla
  383. AutoCADLTMPRLockLockb
  384. .mpra
  385. AutoCADLTMassPropertiesReportbF
  386. .nfla
  387. AutoCADLTFilterListbG
  388. .olda
  389. AutoCADLTOriginalDrawingbH
  390. .olka
  391. AutoCADLTOLDLockb
  392. .olla
  393. AutoCADLTOLDLockLockb
  394. .pata
  395. AutoCADLTHatchPatternDefinitionbI
  396. .pbma
  397. AutoCADLTPBMRasterPlotbJ
  398. .pcka
  399. AutoCADLTPCPLockb
  400. .pcla
  401. AutoCADLTPCPLockLockb
  402. .pcpa$
  403. AutoCADLTPlotConfigurationParametersbK
  404. .pcxa
  405. AutoCADLTPCXRasterPlotbL
  406. .pfba
  407. PostScriptFontbM
  408. .pfma
  409. PostScriptfontmetricsbN
  410. .pgpa
  411. AutoCADLTProgramParametersbO
  412. .plka
  413. AutoCADLTPLTLockb
  414. .plla
  415. AutoCADLTPLTLockLockb
  416. .plta
  417. AutoCADLTPlotbP
  418. AutoCADLTPostScriptSupportbQ
  419. .psfa
  420. AutoCADLTPostScriptPatternsbR
  421. ResourcebT
  422. .rpfa 
  423. Hewlett-PackardRasterPatternFillbS
  424. .saba
  425. ACISBinarybU
  426. .saka
  427. AutoCADLTSATLockb
  428. .sala
  429. AutoCADLTSATLockLockb
  430. .sata    
  432. .scra
  433. AutoCADLTScriptbW
  434. .sdka
  435. AutoCADLTSLDLockb
  436. .sdla
  437. AutoCADLTSLDLockLockb
  438. .shpa
  439. AutoCADLTShapeSourcebZ
  440. .shxa
  441. AutoCADLTCompiledShapeb[
  442. .slba
  443. AutoCADLTSlideLibrarybX
  444. .slda
  445. AutoCADLTSlidebY
  446. .slga
  447. AutoCADLTStatusLogb
  448. .slka
  449. AutoCADLTSLGLockb
  450. .slla
  451. AutoCADLTSLGLockLockb
  452. .ssla
  453. AutoCADLTSTLLockb
  454. .stka
  455. AutoCADLTSTLLockb
  456. .stla
  457. StereolithographyFileb\
  458. .suna
  459. AutoCADLTSUNRasterPlotb]
  460. .sv$a
  461. AutoCADLTAutosaveDrawingb^
  462. .svka
  463. AutoCADLTSV$Lockbm
  464. .svla
  465. AutoCADLTSV$LockLockbn
  466. .sxka
  467. AutoCADLTSHXLockb
  468. .sxla
  469. AutoCADLTSHXLockLockb
  470. .tbka
  471. AsymmetrixToolbookFileb_
  472. .tgaa
  473. AutoCADLTTGARasterPlotb`
  474. .txka
  475. AutoCADLTTXTLockb
  476. .txla
  477. AutoCADLTTXTLockLockb
  478. .unta
  479. AutoCADLTUnitDefinitionbd
  480. .wmfa
  481. WindowsMetafilebe
  482. .x11a
  483. AutoCADLTX11RasterPlotbi
  484. .xlga
  485. AutoCADLTXREFLogbg
  486. .xlka
  487. AutoCADLTXLGLockb
  488. .xlla
  489. AutoCADLTXLGLockLockb
  490. .xlsa
  491. ExcelSpreadsheetbh
  492. .xmxa
  493. AutoCADLTExternalMessagebj
  494. \DefaultIcon
  495. \shellex\IconHandler
  496. {74F5CC00-49A9-11CF-A2F9-444553540000}A
  497. NOTEPAD.EXE "%1"
  498. \Shell\open\command
  499. NOTEPAD.EXE /p "%1"
  500. \Shell\print\command
  501. .dwga
  502. AutoCAD-LTQ
  503. .dwga
  504. \DefaultIcon
  505. \shellex\IconHandler
  506. {74F5CC00-49A9-11CF-A2F9-444553540000}A
  507. \CLSID
  508. {27C1ABE0-12F0-11CF-A427-00805FE418F6}A
  509. \Insertable
  510. \protocol\StdFileEditing\server
  511. \protocolP
  512. \protocol\StdFileEditingP
  513. \protocol\StdFileEditing\verb\0
  514. \protocolP
  515. \protocol\StdFileEditingP
  516. \protocol\StdFileEditing\verbP
  517. &EditA
  518. \shell
  519. \open\command
  520. \openP
  521. \open\ddeexec
  522. [_FILEOPEN "%1"]$
  523. \openP
  524. \application
  525. AutoCAD.LT.DDEP
  526. \topic
  527. systemP
  528. \print\ddeexec
  529. [_FILEOPEN "%1"_PLOT]P
  530. \application
  531. \topic
  532. CLSID\a&
  533. {27C1ABE0-12F0-11CF-A427-00805FE418F6}
  534. \AuxUserType
  535. DrawingA
  536. AutoCAD LTA
  537. \DefaultIconP
  538. \DefaultIconQ
  539. \InprocHandler32P
  540. \InprocHandler32Q
  541. ole32.dllA
  542. \InsertableP
  543. \InsertableQ
  544. \LocalServer32P
  545. \LocalServer32Q
  546. \MiscStatusP
  547. \MiscStatusQ
  548. \ProgIDP
  549. \ProgIDQ
  550. \Verb
  551. &Edit,0,2A
  552. ACLT.INI
  553. Software\b
  554. Software\b
  555. Software\b
  556. Software\b
  557. \Recent File ListP
  558. Software\b
  559. \SettingsP
  560. CLSID\b
  561. \InProcServerP
  562. \InProcServerQ
  563. \InProcServer32P
  564. \InProcServer32Q
  565. AcDbObjecta&
  566. {ebe4b2a0-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  567. AcDbDictionarya&
  568. {ebe4b2a6-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  569. AcDbEntitya&
  570. {ebe4b2a1-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  571. AcDb3dSolida&
  572. {ebe4b2a2-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  573. AcDbBlockBegina&
  574. {ebe4b2a3-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  575. AcDbBlockEnda&
  576. {ebe4b2a4-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  577. AcDbBlockReferencea&
  578. {ebe4b2a5-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  579. AcDbMInsertBlocka&
  580. {ebe4b2a7-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  581. AcDbBodya&
  582. {ebe4b2a8-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  583. AcDbCurvea&
  584. {ebe4b2a9-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  585. AcDb2dPolylinea&
  586. {ebe4b2aa-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  587. AcDb3dPolylinea&
  588. {ebe4b2ab-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  589. AcDbArca&
  590. {ebe4b2ac-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  591. AcDbCirclea&
  592. {ebe4b2ad-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  593. AcDbEllipsea&
  594. {ebe4b2ae-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  595. AcDbLeadera&
  596. {ebe4b2af-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  597. AcDbLinea&
  598. {ebe4b2b0-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  599. AcDbRaya&
  600. {ebe4b2b1-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  601. AcDbSplinea&
  602. {ebe4b2b2-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  603. AcDbXlinea&
  604. {ebe4b2b3-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  605. AcDbDimensiona&
  606. {ebe4b2b4-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  607. AcDb2LineAngularDimensiona&
  608. {ebe4b2b5-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  609. AcDb3PointAngularDimensiona&
  610. {ebe4b2b6-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  611. AcDbAlignedDimensiona&
  612. {ebe4b2b7-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  613. AcDbDiametricDimensiona&
  614. {ebe4b2b8-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  615. AcDbOrdinateDimensiona&
  616. {ebe4b2b9-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  617. AcDbRadialDimensiona&
  618. {ebe4b2ba-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  619. AcDbRotatedDimensiona&
  620. {ebe4b2bb-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  621. AcDbFacea&
  622. {ebe4b2bc-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  623. AcDbFaceRecorda&
  624. {ebe4b2bd-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  625. AcDbFcfa&
  626. {ebe4b2be-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  627. AcDbMlinea&
  628. {ebe4b2bf-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  629. AcDbMTexta&
  630. {ebe4b2c0-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  631. AcDbOleFramea&
  632. {ebe4b2c1-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  633. AcDbPointa&
  634. {ebe4b2c2-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  635. AcDbPolyFaceMesha&
  636. {ebe4b2c3-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  637. AcDbPolygonMesha&
  638. {ebe4b2c4-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  639. AcDbRegiona&
  640. {ebe4b2c5-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  641. AcDbSequenceEnda&
  642. {ebe4b2c6-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  643. AcDbShapea&
  644. {ebe4b2c7-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  645. AcDbSolida&
  646. {ebe4b2c8-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  647. AcDbTexta&
  648. {ebe4b2c9-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  649. AcDbAttributea&
  650. {ebe4b2ca-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  651. AcDbAttributeDefinitiona&
  652. {ebe4b2cb-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  653. AcDbTracea&
  654. {ebe4b2cc-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  655. AcDbVertexa&
  656. {ebe4b2cd-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  657. AcDb2dVertexa&
  658. {ebe4b2ce-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  659. AcDb3dPolylineVertexa&
  660. {ebe4b2cf-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  661. AcDbPolyFaceMeshVertexa&
  662. {ebe4b2d0-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  663. AcDbPolygonMeshVertexa&
  664. {ebe4b2d1-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  665. AcDbViewporta&
  666. {ebe4b2d2-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  667. AcDbZombieEntitya&
  668. {ebe4b2d3-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  669. AcDbGroupa&
  670. {ebe4b2d4-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  671. AcDbMlineStylea&
  672. {ebe4b2d5-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  673. AcDbSymbolTablea&
  674. {ebe4b2d6-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  675. AcDbAbstractViewTablea&
  676. {ebe4b2d7-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  677. AcDbBlockTablea&
  678. {ebe4b2d8-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  679. AcDbDimStyleTablea&
  680. {ebe4b2d9-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  681. AcDbFontTablea&
  682. {ebe4b2da-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  683. AcDbLayerTablea&
  684. {ebe4b2db-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  685. AcDbLinetypeTablea&
  686. {ebe4b2dc-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  687. AcDbRegAppTablea&
  688. {ebe4b2dd-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  689. AcDbTextStyleTablea&
  690. {ebe4b2de-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  691. AcDbUCSTablea&
  692. {ebe4b2df-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  693. AcDbViewportTablea&
  694. {ebe4b2e0-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  695. AcDbViewTablea&
  696. {ebe4b2e1-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  697. AcDbVXTablea&
  698. {ebe4b2e2-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  699. AcDbSymbolTableRecorda&
  700. {ebe4b2e3-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  701. AcDbAbstractViewTableRecorda&
  702. {ebe4b2e4-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  703. AcDbViewportTableRecorda&
  704. {ebe4b2e5-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  705. AcDbViewTableRecorda&
  706. {ebe4b2e6-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  707. AcDbBlockTableRecorda&
  708. {ebe4b2e7-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  709. AcDbDimStyleTableRecorda&
  710. {ebe4b2e8-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  711. AcDbFontTableRecorda&
  712. {ebe4b2e9-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  713. AcDbLayerTableRecorda&
  714. {ebe4b2ea-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  715. AcDbLinetypeTableRecorda&
  716. {ebe4b2eb-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  717. AcDbRegAppTableRecorda&
  718. {ebe4b2ec-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  719. AcDbTextStyleTableRecorda&
  720. {ebe4b2ed-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  721. AcDbUCSTableRecorda&
  722. {ebe4b2ee-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  723. AcDbVXTableRecorda&
  724. {ebe4b2ef-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  725. AcDbZombieObjecta&
  726. {ebe4b2f0-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  727. AcDbXrecorda&
  728. {ebe4b2f1-a73d-11ce-80cf-0800091ab67e}
  729. edit(
  730. SETUPSTR862R3
  731. Disk Space0
  732. temp.txt
  733. temp.txt
  734. In function '%s':
  735. Unable to create dialog.
  736. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB.
  737. Errorb4
  738. _sdSIZEa
  739. %s-%ldb
  740. SdRegisterUserEx!
  741. ResultA
  742. szNameA
  743. szCompanyA
  744. szSerialA
  745. SdRegisterUserEx!
  746. szNameA
  747. szCompanyA
  748. szSerialA
  749. ResultA
  750. SdRegisterUser!
  751. ResultA
  752. szNameA
  753. szCompanyA
  754. SdRegisterUser!
  755. szNameA
  756. szCompanyA
  757. ResultA
  758. SdConfirmRegistration!
  759. ResultA
  760. SdConfirmRegistration!
  761. ResultA
  762. SdConfirmNewDir!
  763. ResultA
  764. SdConfirmNewDir!
  765. ResultA
  766. SdAskDestPath!
  767. ResultA
  768. szDirA
  769. SdAskDestPath!
  770. szDirA
  771. ResultA
  772. SdWelcome!
  773. ResultA
  774. SdWelcome!
  775. ResultA
  776. SdShowInfoList!
  777. ResultA
  778. SdShowInfoList!
  779. ResultA
  780. SdSelectFolder!
  781. ResultA
  782. szFolderA
  783. SdSelectFolder!
  784. szFolderA
  785. ResultA
  786. SdSetupType!
  787. ResultA
  788. szDirA
  789. SdSetupType!
  790. szDirA
  791. ResultA
  792. SdShowAnyDialog!
  793. ResultA
  794. SdShowAnyDialog!
  795. ResultA
  796. SdDisplayTopics!
  797. ResultA
  798. SdDisplayTopics!
  799. ResultA
  800. SdShowMsg!
  801. SdShowMsg/
  802. _sdRECTa
  803. _sdRECTa
  804. bottom2
  805. SdAskOptionsList!
  806. ResultA
  807. ComponentA
  808. SdAskOptionsList!
  809. ComponentA
  810. ResultA
  811. SdShowFileMods!
  812. ResultA
  813. nSelectionA
  814. SdShowFileMods!
  815. nSelectionA
  816. ResultA
  817. SdShowDlgEdit1!
  818. ResultA
  819. szEdit1A
  820. SdShowEdit1!
  821. szEdit1A
  822. ResultA
  823. SdShowDlgEdit2!
  824. ResultA
  825. szEdit1A
  826. szEdit2A
  827. SdShowEdit2!
  828. szEdit1A
  829. szEdit2A
  830. ResultA
  831. SdShowDlgEdit3!
  832. ResultA
  833. szEdit1A
  834. szEdit2A
  835. szEdit3A
  836. SdShowEdit3!
  837. szEdit1A
  838. szEdit2A
  839. szEdit3A
  840. ResultA
  841. SdAskOptions!
  842. ResultA
  843. ComponentA
  844. SdAskOptions!
  845. ComponentA
  846. ResultA
  847. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  848. ResultA
  849. ComponentA
  850. szDirA
  851. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  852. szDirA
  853. ComponentA
  854. ResultA
  855. SdComponentMult!
  856. ResultA
  857. ComponentA
  858. SdComponentMult!
  859. ComponentA
  860. ResultA
  861. SdOptionsButtons!
  862. ResultA
  863. SdOptionsButtons!
  864. ResultA
  865. SdBitmap!
  866. ResultA
  867. SdBitmap!
  868. ResultA
  869. SdComponentDialog2!
  870. ResultA
  871. ComponentA
  872. SdComponentDialog2!
  873. ComponentA
  874. ResultA
  875. SdComponentDialogEx
  876. SdComponentDialogEx!
  877. SdComponentDialog!
  878. ResultA
  879. ComponentA
  880. szDirA
  881. SdComponentDialog!
  882. szDirA
  883. ComponentA
  884. ResultA
  885. SdLicense!
  886. ResultA
  887. ResultA
  888. SdStartCopy!
  889. ResultA
  890. ResultA
  891. SdFinishReboot!
  892. ResultA
  893. BootOptionA
  894. ResultA
  895. BootOptionA
  896. ResultA
  897. ResultA
  898. BootOptionA
  899. SdFinish!
  900. ResultA
  901. bOpt1A
  902. bOpt2A
  903. ResultA
  904. bOpt1A
  905. bOpt2A
  906. _EWQo
  907. 3.00.071