<+C><:#568,9360>This document introduces WideOpen and explains how unregistered users can register their copy and gain support for additional applications .
<+C><:#1704,9360>One of the most useful features of Windows 95 is the ability to use long, descriptive names for files, up to 255 characters long. Unfortunately, older, 16-bit applications such as Word, Excel, Ami Pro, etc. are limited to short file names (only 8 characte
rs) and continue to use the old-style open dialogs. So "Letter to Grandmother" becomes LETTER~1.DOC. Nine times out of ten, you won</R>t have the foggiest idea who "~1" is when it comes time to open up the document in your favorite application.
<+C><:#1420,9360>WideOpen solves these problems by seamlessly replacing the Open and SaveAs dialogs of a growing list of popular applications with the new Windows 95 dialogs. In addition to long file names, you also get shortcuts, document icons, and many other features of
Windows 95. WideOpen provides simple one-click installation and de-installation, and is available for a low registration fee.
<+C><:#1420,9360>This trial version of WideOpen for Ami Pro is intended for a limited-time evaluation. There are currently registered versions available for Word 6, Excel 5, and Ami Pro 3.1. Registered users receive technical support and priority in requests for new featu
res and supported applications. Upgrades for registered users are free by e-mail and require only a nominal shipping and handling charge by snail-mail.
<+C><:#852,9360>To receive the registered version by e-mail, fill out the form on the following page and include an e-mail address with your registration fee. To receive the registered version on disk by snail-mail, please remember to include postage and handling.
<+C><:#284,9360>I welcome your questions or comments by e-mail at pbogle@lcs.mit.edu.
<:#284,9360>WideOpen for Word 6.0 $___ for __ copies at $10 each
<:#284,9360>WideOpen for Excel 5.0 $___ for __ copies at $10 each
<:#284,9360>WideOpen for Ami Pro 3.1 $___ for __ copies at $10 each
<:#284,9360>Shipping and Handling $_<+#>3<-#>_ total
<:#240,9360><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0><+">(snail mail orders only)<-"><:f>
<:#284,9360><+!>Site Licenses (indicate Word, Excel, and/or Ami Pro)<-!>
<:#284,9360>up to 10 users $ 75 each for __ Word __Excel __Ami Pro
<:#284,9360>up to 50 users $250 each for __ Word __Excel __Ami Pro
<:#284,9360>Unlimited users $500 each for __ Word __Excel __Ami Pro
<:#284,9360> Total $_________
<:#284,9360>Make check or money order payable to Phillip Bogle. Please send to:
<:#284,9360>Phillip Bogle
<:#284,9360>3217 164th Place SE
<:#284,9360>Bellevue, WA 98008
<:#568,9360>Thank you for helping to support the development of WideOpen. Please see the next page for a survey on what features and applications you would like to add to WideOpen.
<:p<* >>
@Title@<:#432,9360>Feature Requests
<:#284,9360>Please help us determine what features you would like in future products.
<:#284,9360>1. Where did you find WideOpen?
<:#284,9360> Friend CompuServe AOL Prodigy The Internet Other _______________
<:#284,9360>2. What applications would you like to see supported in future versions of WideOpen?