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- 0 Jupiter Moons Orbit Graph for %s %d
- 1 1: Io 2: Europa 3: Ganymede 4: Callisto
- 2 W
- 3 E
- 4 Day of Month (at Midnight)
- 5 Planet Orbit Graph for %d
- 6 RA
- 7 Month
- 8 Planet Magnitude Graph for %d
- 9 Magnitude
- 10 Planet Illuminated Fraction Graph for %d
- 11 Illum. Frac.
- 12 Planet Angular Diameter Graph for %d
- 13 Diameter (sec)
- 14 Planet-Sun Distance Graph for %d
- 15 Planet-Earth Distance Graph for %d
- 16 Distance (AU)
- 17 Planet Angle Graph for %s, %s %d
- 18 Angle (degrees)
- 19 Equation of Time Graph for %d
- 20 Minutes
- 21 Day Length Graph for %d (%s %c)
- 22 Hours
- 23 Sun Angle Graph for %d (%s %c)
- 24 Angle at Transit
- 25 Analemma Graph for %d (%s %c)
- 26 Sun Shadow at Mean Solar Noon (numbers denote months)
- 27 Sunrise Graph for %d (%s %c)
- 28 Azimuth of Sun
- 29 Moon Angular Speed Graph for %d
- 30 Degrees per Day
- 31 Moon Illuminated Fraction Graph for %s %d
- 32 Illum. Frac.
- 35 Out of memory
- 36 Must enter location name
- 41 Cannot load city location database
- 42 No name
- 44 Cannot save city location database
- 45 Cannot close city location database
- 46 Save city location database?
- 47 Save assigned colors?
- 52 Astronomy Lab 2
- 53 Year must be between 1000 and 3000
- 54 Month must be between 1 and 12
- 55 Day must be between 1 and 31
- 56 Hours must be between 0 and 23
- 57 Minutes must be between 0 and 59
- 58 Invalid date
- 59 Invalid number
- 60 Time speed must be between -64 and 64
- 61 View angle must be between 5░ and 90░
- 62 Astronomy Lab 2 - Error
- 63 Ecliptic Top
- 64 Ecliptic Side
- 65 Select at least one planet
- 66 Jupiter Moons Side
- 67 Jupiter Moons Top
- 68 Select at least one moon
- 69 Stop month cannot be less than start month
- 70 Calendar
- 71 Moon Apsides
- 72 Meteor Showers
- 73 Twilight
- 74 Almanac
- 75 Seasons
- 76 Dates of Easter
- 77 Solar Eclipses
- 78 Lunar Eclipses
- 79 Stop year cannot be less than start year
- 80 Planet View Info
- 81 Planet Conj/Opp
- 82 Equation of Time
- 83 Day Length
- 84 Sun Angle
- 85 Analemma
- 86 Sunrise
- 87 Moon Angular Speed
- 88 Moon Illum. Frac.
- 89 ALW.INI
- 90 Planet Orbit
- 91 Planet Magnitude
- 92 Planet Illum. Frac.
- 93 Planet Diameter
- 94 eta Coronae Bor.
- 95 gamma Virginis
- 96 eta Cassiopeiae
- 97 zeta Orionis
- 98 Sirius
- 99 delta Geminorum
- 100 Castor
- 101 Procyon
- 102 alpha Centauri
- 103 Antares
- 104 Select a binary star
- 105 Year must be between -4000 and 32000
- 106 Planet Distance
- 107 Select at least one item to view
- 108 Select a star
- 109 Turbo mode requires that you track a planet or star
- 110 Latitude must be between 0░ and 90░
- 111 Longitude must be between 0░ and 180░
- 112 Minutes must be between 0 and 59
- 113 Seconds must be between 0 and 59
- 114 Time zone must be between -12 and 12 hours
- 115 Elevation must be between -400 and 8900 meters
- 123 Latitude cannot be greater than 60░
- 124 1: Io
- 125 2: Europa
- 126 3: Ganymede
- 127 4: Callisto
- 128 ALW.EXE
- 131 Generating Report: %s%% complete (will finish in %s min, %s sec)
- 132 Ecliptic
- 133 Planetarium
- 134 Jupiter & Moons
- 135 Binary Star
- 136 Date: %s
- 137 Time: %s
- 138 Julian Date (UT)
- 139 Theta: %s░
- 140 Rho: %s"
- 141 RA: %s
- 142 DEC: %s
- 143 GST: %s
- 144 LST: %s
- 145 Alt: %s
- 146 Azi:%s (%s)
- 147 Turbo is On
- 148 Turbo is Off
- 149 Tracking is On
- 150 Tracking is Off
- 151 View Angle: %s░
- 153 N
- 154 NE
- 155 E
- 156 SE
- 157 S
- 158 SW
- 159 W
- 160 NW
- 161 NM
- 162 FQ
- 163 FM
- 164 LQ
- 165 MEQ
- 166 JSO
- 167 SEQ
- 168 DSO
- 174 January
- 175 February
- 176 March
- 177 April
- 178 May
- 179 June
- 180 July
- 181 August
- 182 September
- 183 October
- 184 November
- 185 December
- 186 Day/Night
- 187 Date: %s Time: %s Time Speed: %s
- 188 Winter
- 189 Spring
- 190 Summer
- 191 Autumn
- 192 Seasons Report for %s
- 193 %s: %s %s %s Length: %s days
- 194 Dates of Easter Report for %s
- 195 Printing
- 196 d
- 197 m
- 198 s
- 199 h
- 200 No name
- 201 Rigel
- 202 Algjebbah
- 203 Bellatrix
- 204 Thabit
- 205 Mintaka
- 206 Heka
- 207 Hatysa
- 208 Alnilam
- 209 Alnitak
- 210 Saiph
- 211 Betelgeuse
- 212 Propus
- 213 Tejat
- 214 Alhena
- 215 Mebsuta
- 216 Alzirr
- 217 Mekbuda
- 218 Wesat
- 219 Castor
- 220 Pollux
- 221 Hassaleh
- 222 Sadatoni
- 223 Capella (dub
- 224 Menkarlina
- 225 Muscida
- 226 Ta tsun
- 227 Talita
- 228 Tania boreal
- 229 Tania austr.
- 230 Merak
- 231 Dubhe
- 232 Alula austr.
- 233 Alula borea.
- 234 Alkafzah
- 235 Phad
- 236 Megrez
- 237 Alioth
- 238 Mizar
- 239 Alcor
- 240 Alkaid
- 241 Giansar
- 242 Thuban
- 243 Edasich
- 244 Aldihibain
- 245 Aldhibah
- 246 Alwaid
- 247 Dziban
- 248 Juza
- 249 Eltamin
- 250 Tais
- 251 Alrakis
- 252 Tyl
- 253 Polaris
- 254 Kocab
- 255 Pherkad maj.
- 256 Alifa
- 257 Yildun
- 258 Praecipua
- 259 Alterf
- 260 Subra
- 261 Asad austra.
- 262 Rassalas
- 263 Regulus
- 264 Adhafera
- 265 Algieba
- 266 Zosma
- 267 Chort
- 268 Denebola
- 269 Vega
- 270 Sheliak
- 271 Sulaphat
- 272 Aladfar
- 273 Albireo
- 274 Sadr
- 275 Deneb
- 276 Gienah
- 277 V.832 cyg
- 278 Azelfafage
- 279 (double)
- 280 Alderamin
- 281 Alphirk
- 282 Garnet star"
- 283 Kurdah
- 284 Proto cephed
- 285 Alrai
- 286 Alpheratz
- 287 Mirach
- 288 Almaak
- 289 Chaph
- 290 Shedir
- 291 Achird
- 292 Cih
- 293 Marfak
- 294 Ruchbah
- 295 Segin
- 296 Enif
- 297 Biham
- 298 Homan
- 299 Matar
- 300 Sadalbari
- 301 Scheat
- 302 Markab
- 303 Algenib
- 304 Kerb
- 305 Algol
- 306 Misam
- 307 Mirphak
- 308 Ati
- 309 Atik
- 310 Menkib
- 311 Nembus
- 312 Rasasmothala
- 313 Arcturus
- 314 Seginus
- 315 Izar
- 316 Nekkar
- 317 Alkalurops
- 318 Diadem
- 319 Nusakan
- 320 Alphekka
- 321 Rotanev
- 322 Svalocin
- 323 Kitalpha
- 324 Cujam
- 325 Kornephoros
- 326 Rutilicus
- 327 Rasalgethi
- 328 Sarin
- 329 Masym
- 330 Gomeisa
- 331 Procyon
- 332 Chara
- 333 Cor caroli
- 334 Dheneb
- 335 Althalimain
- 336 Tarazed
- 337 Altair
- 338 Alshain
- 339 Unukalhai
- 340 Alya (dbl)
- 341 Tegmine
- 342 Asellus bor.
- 343 Asellus aus.
- 344 Acubens
- 345 Mesartim a
- 346 Mesartim b
- 347 Sheratan
- 348 Hamal
- 349 Botein
- 350 Electra (p)
- 351 Taygete (p)
- 352 Maia (p)
- 353 Merope (p)
- 354 Alcyone (p)
- 355 Atlas (p)
- 356 Pleione (p)
- 357 Primus hyade
- 358 Hyades
- 359 Ain hyades
- 360 Aldebaran
- 361 Al nath
- 362 Alheka
- 363 Zavijava
- 364 Zaniah
- 365 Arich
- 366 Minelauva
- 367 Vindemiatrix
- 368 Spica
- 369 Heze
- 370 Syrma
- 371 Khambalia
- 372 Zubenel-genu
- 373 Zubenalgubi
- 374 Zubenelchema
- 375 Zubenelhakra
- 376 Dschubba
- 377 Graffias
- 378 Jabhat al ak
- 379 Jabbah
- 380 Alniyat
- 381 Antares
- 382 Wei
- 383 Lesath
- 384 Shaula
- 385 Sargas
- 386 Girtab
- 387 Alnasr
- 388 Polis
- 389 Kaus merid.
- 390 Kaus austral
- 391 Kaus boreali
- 392 Nunki
- 393 Ascella
- 394 Albaldah
- 395 Arkab
- 396 Rukbat
- 397 Al giedi 1
- 398 Al giedi 2
- 399 Dabih
- 400 Nashira
- 401 Deneb al gie
- 402 Albali
- 403 Sadalsuud
- 404 Sadalmelik
- 405 Ancha
- 406 Sadachiba
- 407 Alpherg
- 408 Al rischa
- 409 Baten kaitos
- 410 Diphda
- 411 Mira
- 412 Alkaffaljidh
- 413 Menkar
- 414 Alphard
- 415 (v.red)
- 416 F hydrae
- 417 Yed prior
- 418 Yed post
- 419 Marfik
- 420 Han
- 421 Sabik
- 422 Rasalhague
- 423 Cheleb
- 424 Alkes
- 425 Nihal
- 426 Arneb
- 427 Phurad
- 428 Mirzam
- 429 Sirius
- 430 Adhara
- 431 Muliphen
- 432 Wezea
- 433 Aludra
- 434 Alkhiba
- 435 Minkar
- 436 Algorel
- 437 Kraz
- 438 Achernar
- 439 Azha
- 440 Acamar
- 441 Zibal
- 442 Angetenar
- 443 Rana
- 444 Zaurak
- 445 Beid
- 446 Keid
- 447 Theemini
- 448 Sceptrum
- 449 Kursa
- 450 * microscopi
- 451 Formalhaut
- 452 Asmidiske
- 453 Suhail hadar
- 454 Turais
- 455 Phakt
- 456 Wazn
- 457 Choo
- 458 Canopus
- 459 Avior
- 460 Miaplacidus
- 461 Tureis
- 462 Menkent
- 463 Agena
- 464 Alpha centau
- 465 Acrux 1
- 466 Acrux 2
- 467 Mimosa
- 468 Alnair
- 469 Al dhanab
- 470 Men
- 471 Kekouan
- 472 * octans
- 473 Ankaa
- 474 Atria
- 475 Koo she
- 476 Al suhail
- 477 Markeb
- 500 And
- 501 Ant
- 502 Aps
- 503 Aqr
- 504 Aql
- 505 Ara
- 506 Ari
- 507 Aur
- 508 Boo
- 509 Cae
- 510 Cam
- 511 Cnc
- 512 CVn
- 513 CMa
- 514 CMi
- 515 Cap
- 516 Car
- 517 Cas
- 518 Cen
- 519 Cep
- 520 Cet
- 521 Cha
- 522 Cir
- 523 Col
- 524 Com
- 525 CrA
- 526 CrB
- 527 Crv
- 528 Crt
- 529 Cru
- 530 Cyg
- 531 Del
- 532 Dor
- 533 Dra
- 534 Equ
- 535 Eri
- 536 For
- 537 Gem
- 538 Gru
- 539 Her
- 540 Hor
- 541 Hya
- 542 Hyi
- 543 Ind
- 544 Lac
- 545 Leo
- 546 LMi
- 547 Lep
- 548 Lib
- 549 Lup
- 550 Lyn
- 551 Lyr
- 552 Men
- 553 Mic
- 554 Mon
- 555 Mus
- 556 Nor
- 557 Oct
- 558 Oph
- 559 Ori
- 560 Pav
- 561 Peg
- 562 Per
- 563 Phe
- 564 Pic
- 565 Psc
- 566 PsA
- 567 Pup
- 568 Pyx
- 569 Ret
- 570 Sge
- 571 Sgr
- 572 Sco
- 573 Scl
- 574 Sct
- 575 Ser
- 576 Sex
- 577 Tau
- 578 Tel
- 579 Tri
- 580 TrA
- 581 Tuc
- 582 UMa
- 583 UMi
- 584 Vel
- 585 Vir
- 586 Vol
- 587 Vul
- 588 XXX
- 600 Planet Data Report
- 603 Planet Mean Dist Period of Inclination Equatorial
- 604 From Sun Revolution Diameter
- 605 (AU) (km)
- 607 Mercury 0#39 88 days 7░ 4880
- 608 Venus 0#72 224#7 days 3#4░ 12100
- 609 Earth 1#00 365#24 days 0░ 12756
- 610 Mars 1#52 687 days 1#9░ 6794
- 611 Jupiter 5#20 11#86 years 1#3░ 143200
- 612 Saturn 9#54 29#46 years 2#5░ 120000
- 613 Uranus 19#18 84 years 0#8░ 52290
- 614 Neptune 30#06 165 years 1#8░ 50450
- 615 Pluto 39#44 248 years 17#2░ 2200-2300
- 617 !
- 618 !
- 619 !
- 620 !
- 621 !
- 622 !
- 623 !
- 624 !
- 625 !
- 626 !
- 627 !
- 628 !
- 629 !
- 630 !
- 631 !
- 632 !
- 633 !
- 634 !
- 635 !
- 636 !
- 637 !
- 638 !
- 639 !
- 640 !
- 641 Apogee
- 642 Perigee
- 643 Moon Apsides Report for %s
- 644 Date Hour Apsis Distance (km) Diameter
- 645 %s %2d %-7s %6ld %s░
- 646 Twilight Report for %s
- 647 Date Sun Astronomical Nautical Civil
- 648 Rise Set Begin End Begin End Begin End
- 649 %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s
- 650 Cannot generate Twilight Report for latitude greater than 60░
- 651 -----
- 652 Meteor Showers Report for %s
- 653 Date Meteor Shower ZHR RA DEC Illum. Frac. Longitude
- 654 %s %-18s %s %7s %4s %s %s░
- 655 ??
- 656 SR
- 657 SS
- 658 MR
- 659 MS
- 660 SE
- 661 LE
- 662 +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
- 663 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
- 664 Calendar Report for %s
- 665 Perihelion
- 666 Aphelion
- 667 No Apsis
- 668 Planet Apsides Report for %s
- 669 %s %-10s Distance from Sun: %s AU
- 670 Superior Conjunction
- 671 Inferior Conjunction
- 672 Conjunction
- 673 Opposition
- 674 (Transit)
- 675 (Occultation)
- 676 Planet Conjunction/Opposition Report for %s
- 677 Date Hour Event
- 678 %s %s %-20s %-13s
- 679 No Event
- 680 Planet View Info Report for %s
- 681 Date Rise Set RA Dec Elongation Ill Fr DIST(AU)
- 682 %s %s %s %s %10s %11s %s %s
- 683 %-20s Latitude: %s %c Longitude: %s %c
- 684 Local Time = UT %c %s hours Elevation: %d meters
- 685 Cannot load star database
- 686 Star database not loaded
- 687 Printer has not been selected or is improperly configured
- 688 Cannot print to current printer
- 689 Astronomy Lab 2 - Fatal error
- 690 Internal error - please contact product support
- 691 No system resources available
- 692 No timer available
- 693 GDI error
- 694 Cannot load menu accelerators
- 695 Window error
- 696 Insufficient memory to store report contents
- 697 Clipboard error
- 698 Cannot create dialog box
- 700 Introduction to Reports Generated by Astronomy Lab 2
- 702 In all reports, times and dates are in standard time (not daylight
- 703 savings time or summer time). Times are in 24 hour format.
- 705 Abbreviations used in reports:
- 707 AU Astronomical Units
- 708 D Degrees
- 709 DEC Declination
- 710 DIST Distance
- 711 DSO December Solstice
- 712 E East
- 713 FM Full Moon
- 714 FQ First Quarter Moon
- 715 H Hours
- 716 ILL FR,
- 717 ILLUM FRAC Illuminated Fraction
- 718 JSO June Solstice
- 719 KM Kilometers
- 720 LE Lunar Eclipse
- 721 LQ Last Quarter Moon
- 722 M Minutes
- 723 MEQ March Equinox
- 724 MR Moon Rise
- 725 MS Moon Set
- 726 N North
- 727 NM New Moon
- 728 RA Right Ascension
- 729 S South, Seconds
- 730 SE Solar Eclipse
- 731 SEQ September Equinox
- 732 SR Sunrise
- 733 SS Sunset
- 734 UT Universal Time
- 735 W West
- 736 ZHR Zenithal Hourly Rate
- 737 !
- 738 !
- 739 !
- 740 !
- 741 !
- 742 !
- 743 !
- 744 !
- 745 !
- 746 !
- 747 !
- 748 !
- 749 !
- 750 !
- 751 !
- 752 !
- 753 !
- 754 !
- 755 !
- 756 !
- 757 !
- 758 !
- 759 !
- 760 !
- 761 !
- 762 !
- 763 !
- 764 !
- 765 !
- 766 !
- 767 !
- 768 !
- 769 !
- 770 !
- 771 !
- 772 !
- 773 !
- 774 !
- 775 !
- 776 !
- 777 !
- 778
- 779
- 780 The time of maximum eclipse (above) does not necessarily specify when the
- 781 eclipse will be maximal when viewed from the specified location.
- 782
- 783 To see how the eclipse will look at the specified location, run a
- 784 Planetarium movie of the eclipse.
- 785 !
- 786 !
- 787 !
- 788 !
- 789 !
- 790 !
- 791 !
- 792 !
- 793 !
- 794 !
- 795 !
- 796 !
- 797 !
- 798 !
- 799 !
- 800 Quadrantids
- 801 Virginids
- 802 Lyrids
- 803 alpha-Scorpiids
- 804 eta-Aquarids
- 805 alpha-Scorpiids
- 806 Ophiuchids
- 807 Ophiuchids
- 808 Capricornids
- 809 Capricornids
- 810 alpha-Cygnids
- 811 Capricornids
- 812 delta-Aquarids
- 813 Piscis Australids
- 814 alpha-Capricornids
- 815 iota-Aquarids
- 816 Perseids
- 817 alpha-Cygnids
- 818 Piscids
- 819 Piscids
- 820 Piscids
- 821 Orionids
- 822 Taurids
- 823 Leonids
- 824 Puppids-Velids
- 825 Geminids
- 826 Ursids
- 827 Puppids-Velids
- 830 Solar Eclipse Report for %s
- 831 Solar eclipse on %s
- 832 Sun rise: %s
- 833 Sun set: %s
- 834 Time of maximum eclipse: %s
- 835 Eclipse is total
- 836 Eclipse is annular
- 837 Eclipse is annular-total
- 838 Eclipse is partial, maximum magnitude = %s
- 839 Eclipse is visible in the northern hemisphere
- 840 Eclipse is visible in the southern hemisphere
- 841 Lunar Eclipse Report for %s
- 842 Lunar eclipse on %s
- 843 Moon rise: %s
- 844 Moon set: %s
- 845 Magnitude: %s
- 846 Partial phase begins: %s
- 847 Total phase begins: %s
- 848 Time of maximum eclipse: %s
- 849 Total phase ends: %s
- 850 Partial phase ends: %s
- 851 Insufficient memory to copy report to clipboard
- 852 Insufficient memory to copy screen image to clipboard
- 853 alw.hlp
- 854 Help error
- 855 Cannot save color information in file ALW.INI
- 856 Cannot save location information in file ALW.INI
- 857 Cannot create font
- 858 Cannot print graphics on currently selected printer
- 859 Cannot load world map
- 860 Menu error
- 861 Memory error
- 862 Dialog box error
- 863 %s %s pt
- 864 Select a font
- 865 Printing: %s%% complete
- 866 Insufficient memory for Jet Trails
- 867 Select a printer
- 870 Sun
- 871 Moon
- 872 Earth
- 873 Mercury
- 874 Venus
- 875 Mars
- 876 Jupiter
- 877 Saturn
- 878 Uranus
- 879 Neptune
- 880 Pluto
- 881 Umbra
- 882 Penumbra
- 883 Io
- 884 Europa
- 885 Ganymede
- 886 Callisto
- 887 Stars
- 888 Main Star
- 889 Companion
- 1000 Eclipses Graph
- 1001 Eclipses Graph for %d to %d
- 1002 Year
- 1003 No default printer. Use Control Panel to install and select a default printer.
- 1010 Real Time
- 1011 1 Hour
- 1012 1 Day
- 1013 1 Week
- 1014 1 Month
- 1015 Paused
- 1016 Time Speed: %3d
- 1017 Time Speed: %s
- 1100 Software\Personal MicroCosms\Astronomy Lab 2\2.03\
- 1101 Cannot store/retrieve data to/from the registry
- 1102 Moon Nodes
- 1103 Moon Nodes Report for %s
- 1104 Date Time Node Illuminated Fraction
- 1105 %s %s %-10.10s %s
- 1106 Ascending
- 1107 Descending
- 1108 ALW Printout #%d