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- Dear Shareware Vendor:
- This file contains our distribution policy and information on
- all products.
- Open Windows has a simple distribution policy: You have
- permission to distribute our shareware in its original form as
- long as you:
- * identify it as shareware (with an appropriate definition)
- * leave all intellectual property (copyright) notices in place
- ..and as long as we do not request that you stop.
- That's it.
- You may rearchive or unarchive our programs but please do NOT
- change the compression method of the internal .XX_ files. They
- have been archived with Microsoft's COMPRESS.EXE and MUST remain
- in this format in order for the included installation program to
- work correctly.
- We want the widest possible distribution, and don't want to stand
- in your way as long as you are honest with our mutual customer.
- The following 13 files MUST be included in the distribution:
- Our normal distribution sequence is:
- 1 New versions are offered to our registered users and are
- automatically shipped to new users registering an out-of-date
- copy.
- 2 New versions are posted on CIS in the WINSHARE forum.
- 3 ASP distribution members are included in the regular ASP
- CD-ROM mailing. This saves both of us money and effort;
- if you are not an ASP vendor or bulletin board member,
- please consider joining.
- 4 Then, we send copies of major revisions of software to
- non-ASP vendors who have notified us of their interest. If
- you are a catalog house, send us a copy of the catalog in
- which the program appears, together with a copy of the
- diskette(s) containing the program(s) you wish to distribute;
- we will send you a copy of any major updates to our software.
- If you run a bulletin board, send us a diskette(s) containing
- the program(s) you wish to distribute, and your mailing
- address, and we will update the diskette and mail it back
- to you.
- If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints, please
- contact me:
- Dick Bryant
- Open Windows
- P.O. Box 49746
- Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9746
- CompuServe - 75236,3243
- Internet - 75236.3243@compuserve.com
- AmericaOnLine - DickBryant
- _______
- ____|__ | (tm)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- _________________________________________________________________
- Package Name: WinJottr 1.0
- BBS/CIS Name: JOTTR_10.ZIP/JOTTR.ZIP (JOTTR_nn where nn is
- the revision number).
- Major Heading: Editor, Windows, Journal, Utilities
- Configuration: IBM PC-compatible running Windows 3.1 or later
- First Release: 1994
- Purchase Price: $9.95
- Shipping and Handling: $3.00
- Customer Support: 6 months with registration - free upgrades
- through next major release
- Description: WinPrice 1.0 <ASP> - EverReady Desktop Notepad
- Designed exclusively to streamline your note-taking. Easy
- to use; position anywhere - uses < 10% of an SVGA screen.
- Short-cut keys for DateStamp and all standard Windows edit
- commands. Searchable, 30K capacity ideal for holding a
- month or more of that important random data. Windows 3.1
- and VBRUN300.DLL required.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Package Name: WinUpD8R 3.0
- BBS/CIS Name: UPD8R_30.ZIP/UPD8R.ZIP (UPD8R-nn where nn is
- the revision number).
- Major Heading: Utilities, Windows, Backup, File Transfer.
- Configuration: IBM PC-compatible running Windows 3.1 or later
- First Release: 1992
- Purchase Price: $15.00
- Shipping and Handling: $3.00
- Customer Support: 6 months with registration - free upgrades
- through next major release
- Key Words: Windows File Transfer Update UpD8 UpD8R Backup
- ASP Shareware
- Description: WinUpD8R 3.0 <ASP>
- WinUpD8R 3.0 helps users manage their files between
- multiple computers - maintaining the most up-to-date
- files on all machines without the hassle of cable
- hookups or modem transfers.
- WinUpD8R 3.0 is the only program available for the
- Windows environment that is specifically designed for
- floppy-net support. It provides single-click 'UpD8'
- of multiple directories across multiple drives.
- Site License Available: Yes
- ________________________________________________________________
- Package Name: WinFlash 3.0
- BBS/CIS Name: FLASH_30.ZIP/FLASH.ZIP (FLASHnn where nn is
- the revision number).
- Major Heading: Education, Games, Windows, FlashCards
- Configuration: IBM PC-compatible running Windows 3.1 or later
- First Release: 1993
- Purchase Price: $19.95
- Shipping and Handling: $3.00
- Customer Support: 6 months with registration - free upgrades
- through next major release
- Key Words: Windows Education WinFlash Flashcard Multimedia
- ASP Shareware
- Description: WinFlash 3.0 <ASP>
- This is a major upgrade adding fonts, colors, .BMP graphics,
- .WAV sounds and a new "Auto Learn" mode which customizes the
- selection of questions to focus on those not yet learned.
- Questions and answers can be up to 1000 characters and can be
- edited from within the program.
- WinFlash is easy for children to use - no computer experience
- is needed. Memorize coursework or professional material fast!
- Windows 3.1 required - Shareware
- Site License Available: Yes
- _________________________________________________________________
- Package Name: WinPrice 1.0
- BBS/CIS Name: PRICE_10.ZIP/PRICE.ZIP (PRICE_nn where nn is
- the revision number).
- Major Heading: Finance, Windows, Home Finance, Calculators
- Configuration: IBM PC-compatible running Windows 3.1 or later
- First Release: 1994
- Purchase Price: $9.95
- Shipping and Handling: $3.00
- Customer Support: 6 months with registration - free upgrades
- through next major release
- Description: WinPrice 1.0 <ASP>
- WinPrice selects the best pricing between two alternatives.
- No more struggling with the "Is 1 liter of GummySlurp for
- $1.29 a better buy than 1 gallon for $4.88?" issue!!
- WinPrice automatically accounts for differences in the units
- used in the two cases AND will give its results in either metric
- or English units as desired. Easy to use - educational for
- children. Windows 3.1 required. Shareware.
- Site License Available: Yes
- ________________________________________________________________
- Package Name: BailOut 2.0
- Major Heading: Windows, Utilities
- Configuration: IBM PC-compatible running Windows 3.1 or later
- First Release: 1992
- Purchase Price: $0
- Customer Support: None
- Description: BailOut 2.0 <ASP>
- BAILOUT 2.0 <ASP> - A single-click Windows exit utility. Can
- reside on the Desktop or inside a "most used" Group. Uses
- standard Windows calls, so WinApps with unsaved files still
- generate a dialog allowing the files to be saved. Windows 3.1
- or better required. Freeware
- Site License Available: N/A
- ________________________________________________________________