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- UK Registration/Order Form - Liberty BASIC for Windows v1.2
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Your ú24.90 buys:
- - the most recent versions of Liberty BASIC and FreeForm !!
- - the runtime engine (for royalty free distribution of your programs!)
- - tech support
- - upgrade notices and low cost upgrades
- - a copy of the shareware OS/2 version (optional)
- - A free evaluation copy of BASIC Training. (See below)
- Add ú6.95 for an illustrated, bound manual.
- CREDIT CARD ORDERS (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Diners Club):
- Call: +44 (0) 1889 56460
- or FAX to +44 (0) 1889 563219.
- or E-Mail sales@ttp.co.uk
- FAX credit card orders MUST have complete and valid cardholder
- information including address, phone number and card expiration date!!
- ---------------------- To order by mail -------------------------
- Liberty BASIC registration:
- ú24.90 x _______ copies = ú______________.___
- Illustrated Manual:
- ú6.95 x _______ copies = ú______________.___
- Shipping ú3.00 = ú_____________3.00_
- [ ] OS/2 shareware version: FREE!! = ú 0.00
- Sub-Total ú______________.___
- VAT @ 17.5% (EC Residents only *) ú______________.___
- Total ú______________.___
- * non UK VAT registration number _____________________
- Please mail these copies to:
- ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- Make cheques & EuroCheques payable to The Thompson Partnership.
- The Thompson Partnership
- Lion Buildings
- Market Place
- Staffs.
- ST14 8HZ
- UK
- Telephone +44 (0) 1889 564601
- Fax +44 (0) 1889 563219
- CIS 70007,5560
- E-Mail sales@ttp.co.uk
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- To order in the US contact:
- Shoptalk Systems
- PO Box 1062
- Framingham, MA 01701
- 508-872-5315
- Compuserve: 71231,1532
- Internet: carlg@world.std.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Registered users will receive a free evaluation copy of BASIC Training
- (copyright Cascoly Software).
- A complete introduction to Basic, starting with the simplest elements and
- working up to advanced concepts.
- BASIC TRAINING is shareware. It's a complete introduction to the elements
- of Basic. The table of contents includes:
- Simple Controls Looping, Color & Sound
- Arrays & DATA GOSUBs and Functions
- Files Simple Graphics
- This interactive tutorial comes complete with numerous examples that you
- can run and modify.