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- ' This simple Rolodex application is a demonstrator for
- ' the registered version of Liberty BASIC 1.0 or higher version
- ' programming system for Windows 3.x
- ' In this demo we touch upon adding buttons to a text window,
- ' sequential file i/o, and more
- ' do not open a main window
- nomainwin
- dim cards$(100) ' set up one hundred rolodex cards
- gosub [loadCards]
- if cardLimit = 0 then cards$(0) = "Shoptalk Systems" + chr$(13) + "508-872-5315" + chr$(13) : cardLimit = 1
- cardNumber = 0
- WindowWidth = 225
- WindowHeight = 226
- bmpbutton #rolo, "lbttn.bmp", [previous], UL, 5, 3
- bmpbutton #rolo, "rbttn.bmp", [next], UL, 34, 3
- bmpbutton #rolo, "addbttn.bmp", [add], UL, 63, 3
- bmpbutton #rolo, "lensbttn.bmp", [find], UL, 92, 3
- bmpbutton #rolo, "xoutbttn.bmp", [del], UL, 121, 3
- bmpbutton #rolo, "tohdrive.bmp", [save], UL, 150, 3
- texteditor #rolo.text, 5, 32, 213, 150
- open "Liberty Rolodex" for window_nf as #rolo
- print #rolo, "trapclose [quit]"
- print #rolo.text, cards$(cardNumber) ;
- [mainLoop]
- input r$
- goto [mainLoop]
- [loadCards]
- cardLimit = 0
- open "rolodeck.dat" for input as #data
- if eof(#data) <> 0 then close #data : return
- while eof(#data) = 0 and cardLimit < 100 and line$ <> "EOF"
- card$ = ""
- line$ = ""
- while line$ <> "EOC" and line$ <> "EOF" ' End Of Card
- input #data, line$
- if line$ <> "EOC" then card$ = card$ + line$ + chr$(13)
- wend
- if line$ <> "EOF" then cards$(cardLimit) = card$ : cardLimit = cardLimit + 1
- wend
- close #data
- return
- [next] ' >> was pressed. move foreward to the next card and display it
- if cardNumber + 1 >= cardLimit then [mainLoop]
- gosub [cardRead]
- cardNumber = cardNumber + 1
- print #rolo.text, "!cls"
- print #rolo.text, cards$(cardNumber);
- goto [mainLoop]
- [previous] ' << was pressed. back up to the previous card and display it
- if cardNumber <= 0 then [mainLoop]
- gosub [cardRead]
- cardNumber = cardNumber - 1
- print #rolo.text, "!cls"
- print #rolo.text, cards$(cardNumber);
- goto [mainLoop]
- [find] ' Find was pressed. find and display the card containing findString$
- prompt "Find what?"; findString$
- for searchIndex = 0 to cardLimit - 1
- matchIndex = instr(cards$(searchIndex), findString$)
- if matchIndex > 0 then cardNumber = searchIndex
- next searchIndex
- print #rolo.text, "!cls"
- print #rolo.text, cards$(cardNumber);
- goto [mainLoop]
- [add] ' Add was pressed. add a new card to the end of the deck
- if cards$(cardNumber) = "" then [mainLoop]
- if cardLimit >= 99 then [mainLoop]
- cardNumber = cardLimit
- print #rolo.text, "!cls"
- print #rolo.text, "New Card."
- print #rolo.text, "Click on Save When Done."
- print #rolo.text, "!selectall"
- goto [mainLoop]
- [del] ' Del was pressed. delete the currently displayed card
- if cardNumber = cardLimit then [mainLoop]
- confirm "Delete: Are you sure?" ; answer$
- if answer$ = "no" then [mainLoop]
- for index = cardNumber + 1 to cardLimit
- cards$(index-1) = cards$(index)
- next index
- cardLimit = cardLimit - 1
- if cardNumber = cardLimit and cardNumber > 0 then cardNumber = cardNumber - 1
- if cardLimit = 0 then cardLimit = 1
- print #rolo.text, "!cls"
- print #rolo.text, cards$(cardNumber);
- goto [mainLoop]
- [save] ' Save was pressed. save the entire deck of cards
- gosub [cardRead]
- if cardNumber = cardLimit then cardLimit = cardLimit + 1
- ' save each card into rolodeck.dat ending each card with EOC
- ' and ending the file in EOF
- open "rolodeck.dat" for output as #data
- for index = 0 to cardLimit - 1
- print #data, cards$(index); "EOC"
- next index
- print #data, "EOF"
- close #data
- goto [mainLoop]
- [quit] ' close event occurred.. save the entire deck of cards
- confirm "Quit Rolodex?"; r$
- if r$ = "no" then [mainLoop]
- gosub [cardRead]
- if cardNumber = cardLimit then cardLimit = cardLimit + 1
- ' save each card into rolodeck.dat ending each card with EOC
- ' and ending the file in EOF
- print #rolo.text, "!cls"
- print #rolo.text, "Saving data..."
- open "rolodeck.dat" for output as #data
- for index = 0 to cardLimit - 1
- print #data, cards$(index); "EOC"
- next index
- print #data, "EOF"
- close #data
- close #rolo
- end
- [cardRead] ' read the contents of the window into the current card slot
- print #rolo.text, "!modified?"
- input #rolo.text, m$
- if m$ = "false" then return
- ' find out how many lines of text are displayed
- print #rolo.text, "!lines"
- input #rolo.text, size
- ' place the contents of #rolo into card$
- card$ = ""
- for index = 1 to size
- print #rolo.text, "!line "; index ;
- input #rolo.text, line$
- card$ = card$ + line$ + chr$(13)
- next index
- ' remove extra blank lines from end of card
- while right$(card$, 2) = chr$(13) + chr$(13)
- card$ = left$(card$, len(card$) - 1)
- wend
- cards$(cardNumber) = card$
- return