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- ' Hanoi.bas
- ' This simple Liberty BASIC program let's the user
- ' play the puzzle "Tower of Hanoi".
- ' We don't want a main window
- nomainwin
- ' Prepare the variables that hold the disk data
- tiny = 1
- small = 1
- medium = 1
- large = 1
- gosub [openWindow]
- gosub [drawPuzzle]
- print #hanoi, "when leftButtonUp [beginMove]" ;
- [inputLoop]
- if hanoiStarted = 0 then print #hanoi, "redraw" ; : hanoiStarted = 1
- input r$
- goto [inputLoop]
- [openWindow] 'Open the puzzle's window
- WindowWidth = 410
- WindowHeight = 300
- open "Tower of Hanoi" for graphics_nsb as #hanoi
- print #hanoi, "trapclose [quitHanoi]" ;
- return
- [drawPuzzle] ' Draw the pegs
- print #hanoi, "cls ; fill black ; down ; backcolor black" ;
- print #hanoi, "color darkgray ; size 10 ; line 100 120 100 220" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 200 120 200 220" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 300 120 300 220" ;
- print #hanoi, "color lightgray ; size 15 ; line 0 220 400 220" ;
- [drawDisks] ' Draw the disks
- peg1 = 207
- peg2 = 207
- peg3 = 207
- if large <> 1 then [largeIsNotOne]
- print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color red" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 60 "; peg1; " 140 "; peg1 ;
- peg1 = peg1 - 10
- goto [drawMedium]
- [largeIsNotOne]
- if large <> 2 then [largeIsNotTwo]
- print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color red" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 160 "; peg2; " 240 "; peg2 ;
- peg2 = peg2 - 10
- goto [drawMedium]
- [largeIsNotTwo]
- print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color red" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 260 "; peg3; " 340 "; peg3 ;
- peg3 = peg3 - 10
- [drawMedium] ' Draw the medium size disk
- if medium <> 1 then [mediumIsNotOne]
- print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color green" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 70 "; peg1; " 130 "; peg1 ;
- peg1 = peg1 - 10
- goto [drawSmall]
- [mediumIsNotOne]
- if medium <> 2 then [mediumIsNotTwo]
- print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color green" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 170 "; peg2; " 230 "; peg2 ;
- peg2 = peg2 - 10
- goto [drawSmall]
- [mediumIsNotTwo]
- print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color green" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 270 "; peg3; " 330 "; peg3 ;
- peg3 = peg3 - 10
- [drawSmall] ' Draw the small size disk
- if small <> 1 then [smallIsNotOne]
- print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color blue" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 80 "; peg1; " 120 "; peg1 ;
- peg1 = peg1 - 10
- goto [drawTiny]
- [smallIsNotOne]
- if small <> 2 then [smallIsNotTwo]
- print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color blue" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 180 "; peg2; " 220 "; peg2 ;
- peg2 = peg2 - 10
- goto [drawTiny]
- [smallIsNotTwo]
- print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color blue" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 280 "; peg3; " 320 "; peg3 ;
- peg3 = peg3 - 10
- [drawTiny] ' Draw the tiny size disk
- if tiny <> 1 then [tinyIsNotOne]
- print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color yellow" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 90 "; peg1; " 110 "; peg1 ;
- peg1 = peg1 - 10
- goto [finishDrawing]
- [tinyIsNotOne]
- if tiny <> 2 then [tinyIsNotTwo]
- print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color yellow" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 190 "; peg2; " 210 "; peg2 ;
- peg2 = peg2 - 10
- goto [finishDrawing]
- [tinyIsNotTwo]
- print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color yellow" ;
- print #hanoi, "line 290 "; peg3; " 310 "; peg3 ;
- peg3 = peg3 - 10
- [finishDrawing]
- print #hanoi, "flush" ;
- return
- [beginMove] ' Start to move a disk
- if MouseX < 60 or MouseX > 340 then notice "Oops! No pin there!" : goto [inputLoop]
- if MouseY > 215 or MouseY < 120 then notice "Oops! No pin there!" : goto [inputLoop]
- peg = int((MouseX + 50) / 100)
- noDisks$ = "There are no disk on that pin!"
- if tiny <> peg and small <> peg and medium <> peg and large <> peg then notice noDisks$ : goto [inputLoop]
- print #hanoi, "place 10 10 ; color white ; backcolor black" ;
- print #hanoi, "\\ Peg "; peg; " has been selected.\ Please select a destination peg." ;
- print #hanoi, "when leftButtonUp [endMove]" ;
- goto [inputLoop]
- [endMove] ' Finish moving a disk
- if MouseX < 60 or MouseX > 340 then notice "Oops! No pin there!" : goto [inputLoop]
- if MouseY > 215 or MouseY < 120 then notice "Oops! No pin there!" : goto [inputLoop]
- ontoPeg = int((MouseX + 50) / 100)
- if ontoPeg = peg then [resetSelection]
- ' Determine which disk to move
- if large = peg then disk$ = "large"
- if medium = peg then disk$ = "medium"
- if small = peg then disk$ = "small"
- if tiny = peg then disk$ = "tiny"
- ' Determine if move is legal
- moveOnto$ = "nothing"
- if large = ontoPeg then moveOnto$ = "large"
- if medium = ontoPeg then moveOnto$ = "medium"
- if small = ontoPeg then moveOnto$ = "small"
- if tiny = ontoPeg then moveOnto$ = "tiny"
- if moveOnto$ = "nothing" then [finishMove]
- if disk$ = "large" and moveOnto$ = "medium" then [illegalMove]
- if disk$ = "large" and moveOnto$ = "small" then [illegalMove]
- if disk$ = "medium" and moveOnto$ = "small" then [illegalMove]
- if disk$ = "medium" and moveOnto$ = "tiny" then [illegalMove]
- if disk$ = "small" and moveOnto$ = "tiny" then [illegalMove]
- [finishMove]
- print #hanoi, "when leftButtonUp [beginMove]"
- if disk$ = "large" then large = ontoPeg
- if disk$ = "medium" then medium = ontoPeg
- if disk$ = "small" then small = ontoPeg
- if disk$ = "tiny" then tiny = ontoPeg
- gosub [drawPuzzle]
- if tiny = 3 and small = 3 and medium = 3 and large = 3 then [youWin]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [illegalMove]
- notice "That move is not allowed!"
- [resetSelection]
- print #hanoi, "when leftButtonUp [beginMove]" ;
- print #hanoi, "place 10 10 ; color black ; backcolor black" ;
- print #hanoi, "\\ Peg "; peg; " has been selected.\ Please select a destination peg." ;
- goto [inputLoop]
- [youWin]
- beep
- notice "You win!"
- confirm "Play another?"; answer$
- if answer$ = "no" then [quitHanoi]
- tiny = 1
- small = 1
- medium = 1
- large = 1
- gosub [drawPuzzle]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [quitHanoi]
- print #hanoi, "trapclose"
- close #hanoi
- end