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- 'This is a sample application as described in the chapter
- 'Liberty BASIC Graphical Features
- 'The purpose of this application is to allow the entry of three
- 'sets of numerical data and then to plot them in contrasting
- 'colors superimposing each other. The concepts utilized here
- 'include handling the spreadsheet, using buttons, and drawing
- 'into a graphical window using several colors
- nomainwin ' do not open a main window
- 'create 3 arrays
- dim columnOne(10)
- dim columnTwo(10)
- dim columnThree(10)
- 'set up the size of the spreadsheet window
- WindowWidth = 500
- WindowHeight = 348
- 'set up the buttons
- bmpbutton #sheet, "grphbttn.bmp", [graph], LR, -17, -15
- bmpbutton #sheet, "loadbttn.bmp", [load], LR, 18, -15
- bmpbutton #sheet, "savebttn.bmp", [save], LR, 53, -15
- 'open the window
- open "GRAPHER, a Liberty BASIC application" for spreadsheet as #sheet
- print #sheet, "trapclose [quit]"
- print #sheet, "indirect" 'use indirect control mode
- print #sheet, "select B4" 'position the selector at B4
- 'display some simple instructions and also the column headings
- print #sheet, "cell A1 'Please enter 3 columns of data below and click on Graph."
- print #sheet, "cell A3 'Item # Set 1 Set 2 Set 3"
- 'place the numbers 1 to 10 to the left of the column information
- for index = 1 to 10
- print #sheet, "cell A"; str$(index+3); " '"; str$(index)
- next index
- 'specify columns B,C,D from 4 to 13 as user (entry) columns and to accept numbers
- for index = 4 to 13
- print #sheet, "user B"; str$(index); " number"
- print #sheet, "user C"; str$(index); " number"
- print #sheet, "user D"; str$(index); " number"
- next index
- 'display title header and set up the cell to hold it to accept a string
- print #sheet, "cell A15 'Title for the graph:"
- print #sheet, "user A16 string"
- 'force display of the spreadsheet
- print #sheet, "flush"
- [inputLoop] ' wait for input (button clicks)
- input r$
- goto [inputLoop]
- [graph] 'display a graph of the data in the spreadsheet
- 'if a graph is already displayed, then close its window
- if plotFlag > 0 then close #graph
- plotFlag = 1
- 'get the column data from the spreadsheet
- 'and look for the peak (greatest) y value
- peak = 0
- for index = 4 to 13
- print #sheet, "result? B"; str$(index)
- input #sheet, r$ : columnOne(index-3) = val(r$)
- if val(r$) > peak then peak = val(r$)
- print #sheet, "result? C"; str$(index)
- input #sheet, r$ : columnTwo(index-3) = val(r$)
- if val(r$) > peak then peak = val(r$)
- print #sheet, "result? D"; str$(index)
- input #sheet, r$ : columnThree(index-3) = val(r$)
- if val(r$) > peak then peak = val(r$)
- next index
- 'set up the size of the graph window based on peak
- WindowWidth = 320 + 70
- WindowHeight = 64 + peak + 25 + 20
- yScale = 1
- if WindowHeight > 400 then yScale = 400 / WindowHeight : WindowHeight = 450
- 'get the title of the graph from the spreadsheet
- print #sheet, "result? A16"
- input #sheet, title$
- ' open a window for the graph with one button
- button #graph, Done, [done], LR, 25, 10
- open title$ for graphics_nsb as #graph
- 'draw a scale
- print #graph, "place 0 "; 15 * yScale + 35
- print #graph, "down"
- print #graph, "\ "; peak
- print #graph, "size 2 ; place 50 "; 15 * yScale + 35
- print #graph, "goto 55 "; 15 * yScale + 35
- print #graph, "goto 55 "; (peak + 5 + 15) * yScale + 35
- print #graph, "goto 305 "; (peak + 5 + 15) * yScale + 35
- 'set the size of the graphics pen
- print #graph, "size 3"
- 'add ten to peak to move it away from the top of the window
- peak = peak + 15
- 'plot columnOne in red
- print #graph, "color red"
- print #graph, "up"
- print #graph, "goto 60 "; ((peak - columnOne(1)) * yScale) + 35
- print #graph, "down"
- for x = 60 to 285 step 25
- print #graph, "goto "; x; " "; (peak - columnOne(int((x-35)/25))) * yScale + 35
- next x
- 'plot columnTwo in green
- print #graph, "color green"
- print #graph, "up"
- print #graph, "goto 60 "; ((peak - columnTwo(1)) * yScale) + 35
- print #graph, "down"
- for x = 60 to 285 step 25
- print #graph, "goto "; x; " "; (peak - columnTwo(int((x-35)/25))) * yScale + 35
- next x
- 'plot columnThree in blue
- print #graph, "color blue"
- print #graph, "up"
- print #graph, "goto 60 "; ((peak - columnThree(1)) * yScale) + 35
- print #graph, "down"
- for x = 60 to 285 step 25
- print #graph, "goto "; x; " "; (peak - columnThree(int((x-35)/25))) * yScale + 35
- next x
- 'display the title in black in the upper left corner
- print #graph, "color black"
- print #graph, "up"
- print #graph, "goto 50 "; 20
- print #graph, "font Roman 10 30"
- print #graph, "\ "; title$
- 'force display of the graph
- print #graph, "flush"
- goto [inputLoop] ' drawing finished, go back and poll for input
- [done] 'close graph window if Done button is clicked
- plotFlag = 0
- close #graph
- goto [inputLoop]
- [load] 'load a spreadsheet
- filedialog "Load Grapher File", "*.ABC", fileName$
- if fileName$ = "" then [inputLoop]
- print #sheet, "load "; fileName$
- goto [inputLoop]
- [save] 'save a spreadsheet
- filedialog "Save Grapher File", "*.ABC", fileName$
- if fileName$ = "" then [inputLoop]
- print #sheet, "save "; fileName$
- goto [inputLoop]
- [quit] 'exit the Grapher application if desired
- confirm "Quit Grapher?"; quit$
- if quit$ = "no" then [inputLoop]
- if plotFlag = 1 then close #graph
- close #sheet
- end