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- 'Freeform v1.2 for Liberty BASIC
- 'Copyright 1995, Shoptalk Systems
- 'All Rights Reserved
- 'This program lets you graphically lay out
- 'windows and their controls, and then converts
- 'this visual layout to Liberty BASIC source code
- 'that you can paste into your Liberty BASIC
- 'programming session. This current version is
- 'for the Windows version of Liberty BASIC
- 'but with only a little modification, it can be
- 'made to work with the OS/2 version
- 'This program REQUIRES Liberty BASIC for Windows v1.2
- 'or better
- 'set up an arrays to hold control specs
- dim type$(100)
- dim label$(100)
- dim names$(100)
- dim xOrg(100)
- dim yOrg(100)
- dim width(100)
- dim height(100)
- dim corner$(100)
- dim branchLabel$(100)
- dim segment(100)
- dim handle$(100)
- dim bmpName$(100)
- dim arrayName$(100)
- dim menu$(20)
- dim menuItem$(20, 30)
- dim menuItemLocal$(30)
- dim menuItemCount(20)
- dim winType$(20)
- index = 0
- resizeable$ = " combobox textbox listbox groupbox windowframe textedit button " 'add more as you go
- newControlNumber = 0 'increment by one each time a new control is added
- qu$ = chr$(34)
- controlsThatBranch$ = " button listbox combobox bmpbutton checkbox radiobutton "
- snapOn = 1
- xInterval = 8
- yInterval = 5
- createInspect = 1
- formName$ = "untitled.fre"
- windowXOrigin = 70
- windowYOrigin = 10
- windowXExtent = 550
- windowYExtent = 410
- windowLabel$ = "untitled"
- windowType$ = "dialog"
- winHandle$ = "#main"
- menuCount = 0
- loadbmp "systemBox", "systembx.bmp"
- loadbmp "minBox", "minbx.bmp"
- loadbmp "maxBox", "maxbx.bmp"
- loadbmp "comboButton", "cmbobttn.bmp"
- loadbmp "radioButton", "radibttn.bmp"
- loadbmp "checkBox", "checkbox.bmp"
- loadbmp "scrollUp", "scrlup.bmp"
- loadbmp "scrollDown", "scrldown.bmp"
- loadbmp "scrollRight", "scrlrght.bmp"
- loadbmp "scrollLeft", "scrlleft.bmp"
- winType$(0) = "window"
- winType$(1) = "window_nf"
- winType$(2) = "dialog"
- winType$(3) = "dialog_nf"
- winType$(4) = "dialog_modal"
- winType$(5) = "dialog_nf_modal"
- gosub [loadIniFile]
- [setUpWindowAndOpenIt]
- nomainwin
- menu #form, "&Files", "&New", [newFile], "&Open", [openFile], "&Save", [saveFile]
- menu #form, "&Control", "&Inspect", [inspectControl], "&Delete", [deleteControl], |, "Move to &front", [moveToFront], "Move to &back", [moveToBack]
- menu #form, "&Output", "&Produce Code", [produceCode], "Produce Code + Outline", [produceCodeAndOutline]
- menu #form, "&Window", "&Title", [changeTitle], "T&ype", [changeWindowType], "&Handle", [changeHandle]
- menu #form, "O&ptions", "&Auto Snap to Grid", [gridDialog], "&Settings", [settingsDialog]
- menu #form, "&Menu", "&Add a Menu", [addAMenu], "&Remove a Menu", [removeMenu], "&Edit Menus", [editMenus]
- bmpbutton #form, "textbttn.bmp", [addStaticText], UL, 5, 40
- bmpbutton #form, "efldbttn.bmp", [addField], UL, 35, 40
- bmpbutton #form, "bttnbttn.bmp", [addButton], UL, 5, 70
- bmpbutton #form, "usrdbttn.bmp", [addBmpButton], UL, 35, 70
- bmpbutton #form, "lboxbttn.bmp", [addListBox], UL, 5, 100
- bmpbutton #form, "cboxbttn.bmp", [addComboBox], UL, 35, 100
- bmpbutton #form, "rdiobttn.bmp", [addRadioButton], UL, 5, 130
- bmpbutton #form, "chbxbttn.bmp", [addCheckBox], UL, 35, 130
- bmpbutton #form, "gboxbttn.bmp", [addGroupBox], UL, 5, 160
- bmpbutton #form, "tedtbttn.bmp", [addTextEdit], UL, 35, 160
- open "FreeForm v1.2 for Liberty BASIC" for graphics_fs_nsb as #form
- print #form, "font fixedsys 8 15";
- print #form, "trapclose [quit]";
- [drawTheWindow]
- gosub [renderWindow]
- gosub [addWindowFrame]
- goto [setForSelection]
- [addWindowFrame] 'add the window frame as the first object
- objectCount = objectCount + 1
- idx = objectCount
- xOrg(idx) = 70
- yOrg(idx) = 10
- width(idx) = 550
- height(idx) = 410
- type$(idx) = "windowframe"
- return
- [addButton] 'add a new button to the form
- text$ = ""
- prompt "Please enter text for this button"; text$
- if left$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = mid$(text$, 2)
- if right$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = left$(text$, len(text$) - 1)
- if text$ = "" then [inputLoop]
- newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
- objectCount = objectCount + 1
- idx = objectCount
- xOrg(idx) = 80
- yOrg(idx) = 40
- label$(idx) = text$
- width(idx) = 8 * (len(label$(idx))) + 10
- height(idx) = 15 + 10
- type$(idx) = "button"
- names$(idx) = "button"+str$(newControlNumber)
- corner$(idx) = "UL"
- branchLabel$(idx) = "["+names$(idx)+"Click]"
- gosub [renderButton]
- if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [addBmpButton] 'add a new bmpButton to the form
- bmp$ = ""
- filedialog "Select a bitmap for this button", "*.bmp", bmp$
- if bmp$ = "" then [inputLoop]
- newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
- objectCount = objectCount + 1
- idx = objectCount
- xOrg(idx) = 100
- yOrg(idx) = 50
- type$(idx) = "bmpbutton"
- names$(idx) = "bmpbutton"+str$(newControlNumber)
- corner$(idx) = "UL"
- bmpName$(idx) = bmp$
- loadbmp bmp$, bmp$
- branchLabel$(idx) = "["+names$(idx)+"Click]"
- gosub [renderBmpButton]
- if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [addField] 'add a new field (textBox) to the form
- newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
- objectCount = objectCount + 1
- idx = objectCount
- xOrg(idx) = 100
- yOrg(idx) = 50
- width(idx) = 100
- height(idx) = 25
- type$(idx) = "textbox"
- names$(idx) = "textbox"+str$(newControlNumber)
- gosub [renderTextBox]
- if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [addTextEdit] 'add a new field (textBox) to the form
- newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
- objectCount = objectCount + 1
- idx = objectCount
- xOrg(idx) = 100
- yOrg(idx) = 50
- width(idx) = 100
- height(idx) = 100
- type$(idx) = "textedit"
- names$(idx) = "textedit"+str$(newControlNumber)
- gosub [renderTextEdit]
- if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [addComboBox] 'add a new combobox to the form
- newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
- objectCount = objectCount + 1
- idx = objectCount
- xOrg(idx) = 100
- yOrg(idx) = 50
- width(idx) = 100
- height(idx) = 100
- type$(idx) = "combobox"
- names$(idx) = "combobox"+str$(newControlNumber)
- branchLabel$(idx) = "["+names$(idx)+"DoubleClick]"
- arrayName$(idx) = "array$("
- gosub [renderComboBox]
- if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [addListBox] 'add a new listbox to the form
- newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
- objectCount = objectCount + 1
- idx = objectCount
- xOrg(idx) = 100
- yOrg(idx) = 50
- width(idx) = 100
- height(idx) = 100
- type$(idx) = "listbox"
- names$(idx) = "listbox"+str$(newControlNumber)
- branchLabel$(idx) = "["+names$(idx)+"DoubleClick]"
- arrayName$(idx) = "array$("
- gosub [renderListBox]
- if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [addStaticText] 'add statictext to the form
- text$ = ""
- prompt "Please enter the text you would like to add:"; text$
- if left$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = mid$(text$, 2)
- if right$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = left$(text$, len(text$) - 1)
- if text$ = "" then [inputLoop]
- newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
- objectCount = objectCount + 1
- idx = objectCount
- xOrg(idx) = 100
- yOrg(idx) = 50
- label$(idx) = text$
- width(idx) = 8 * len(label$(idx))
- height(idx) = 20
- type$(idx) = "statictext"
- names$(idx) = "statictext"+str$(newControlNumber)
- corner$(idx) = ""
- gosub [renderStaticText]
- if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [addGroupBox] 'add groupbox to the form
- text$ = "No Text"
- prompt "Please enter the text this GroupBox :"; text$
- if left$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = mid$(text$, 2)
- if right$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = left$(text$, len(text$) - 1)
- if text$ = "" then [inputLoop]
- if text$ = "No Text" then text$ = ""
- newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
- objectCount = objectCount + 1
- idx = objectCount
- xOrg(idx) = 100
- yOrg(idx) = 50
- width(idx) = 100
- height(idx) = 100
- type$(idx) = "groupbox"
- names$(idx) = "groupbox"+str$(newControlNumber)
- corner$(idx) = ""
- label$(idx) = text$
- gosub [renderGroupBox]
- if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [addRadioButton] 'add radiobutton to the form
- text$ = ""
- prompt "Please enter a label for the radiobutton:"; text$
- if left$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = mid$(text$, 2)
- if right$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = left$(text$, len(text$) - 1)
- if text$ = "" then [inputLoop]
- newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
- objectCount = objectCount + 1
- idx = objectCount
- xOrg(idx) = 100
- yOrg(idx) = 50
- type$(idx) = "radiobutton"
- names$(idx) = "radiobutton"+str$(newControlNumber)
- corner$(idx) = "UL"
- label$(idx) = text$
- branchLabel$(idx) = "["+names$(idx)+"Set] ["+names$(idx)+"Reset]"
- gosub [renderRadioButton]
- if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [addCheckBox] 'add checkbox to the form
- text$ = ""
- prompt "Please enter a label for the checkbox"; text$
- if left$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = mid$(text$, 2)
- if right$(text$, 1) = qu$ then text$ = left$(text$, len(text$) - 1)
- if text$ = "" then [inputLoop]
- newControlNumber = newControlNumber + 1
- objectCount = objectCount + 1
- idx = objectCount
- xOrg(idx) = 100
- yOrg(idx) = 50
- type$(idx) = "checkbox"
- names$(idx) = "checkbox"+str$(newControlNumber)
- corner$(idx) = "UL"
- label$(idx) = text$
- branchLabel$(idx) = "["+names$(idx)+"Set] ["+names$(idx)+"Reset]"
- gosub [renderCheckBox]
- if createInspect then gosub [deselectOnly] : index = idx : gosub [selectDeselect] : goto [inspectControl]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [inputLoop]
- input r$
- goto [inputLoop]
- [renderWindow]
- 'render the window depending on the value of windowType$
- xOrg = windowXOrigin
- yOrg = windowYOrigin
- xExt = windowXExtent
- yExt = windowYExtent
- print #form, "cls";
- print #form, "backcolor white ; color black ; down ; size 1";
- print #form, "place "; xOrg + 4; " "; yOrg + 4;
- print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrg + xExt - 4; " "; yOrg + yExt - 4;
- if instr(windowType$, "_nf") > 0 then [noResizingFrame]
- 'draw resizing frame
- print #form, "color lightgray ; size 3";
- if windowType$ = "dialog" then print #form, "color darkgray";
- print #form, "place "; xOrg + 2; " "; yOrg + 2;
- print #form, "box "; xOrg + xExt - 2; " "; yOrg + yExt - 2;
- print #form, "color black ; size 1";
- print #form, "place "; xOrg; " "; yOrg;
- print #form, "box "; xOrg + xExt; " "; yOrg + yExt;
- [noResizingFrame]
- 'draw titlebar
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor darkblue";
- if left$(windowType$, 6) = "dialog" then print #form, "backcolor darkgray";
- print #form, "place "; 4 + xOrg; " "; 4 + yOrg;
- print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrg + xExt - 4; " "; 4 + yOrg + 20;
- print #form, "place "; int(xExt/2) + xOrg - len(windowLabel$) * 4; " "; 18 + yOrg;
- print #form, "color white";
- print #form, "\"; windowLabel$;
- 'draw buttons
- print #form, "drawbmp systemBox "; xOrg + 4; " "; 4 + yOrg;
- print #form, "backcolor white ; color black ; down ; size 1";
- if windowType$ = "dialog" then print #form, "color white" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg + 4; " "; yOrg + 4;
- print #form, "box "; xOrg + xExt - 4; " "; yOrg + yExt - 4;
- if left$(windowType$, 6) = "dialog" then [drawMenus]
- if instr(windowType$, "_nf") then print #form, "drawbmp minBox "; xOrg + xExt - 24; " "; 4 + yOrg; : goto [drawMenus]
- print #form, "drawbmp minBox "; xOrg + xExt - 43; " "; 4 + yOrg;
- print #form, "drawbmp maxBox "; xOrg + xExt - 24; " "; 4 + yOrg;
- [drawMenus]
- if menuCount = 0 then [dontDrawMenus]
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor white" ;
- print #form, "place "; 4 + xOrg; " "; 23 + yOrg;
- print #form, "box "; xOrg + xExt - 4; " "; 24 + yOrg + 20 ;
- string$ = ""
- underline$ = ""
- for x = 0 to menuCount - 1
- item$ = menu$(x)
- hkIndex = instr(menu$(x), "&")
- if hkIndex = 0 then [noHotKey]
- item$ = left$(item$, hkIndex - 1) + mid$(item$, hkIndex + 1)
- underline$ = underline$ + chr$(len(string$)+hkIndex)
- [noHotKey]
- string$ = string$ + item$ + " "
- next x
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor white" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg + 10; " "; 38 + yOrg ;
- print #form, "\"; string$;
- if len(underline$) = 0 then [dontDrawMenus]
- for x = 1 to len(underline$)
- print #form, "place "; xOrg + 10 + (asc(mid$(underline$, x, 1)) - 1) * 8; " "; yOrg + 40 ;
- print #form, "north ; turn 90 ; go 8";
- next x
- [dontDrawMenus]
- print #form, "flush" ;
- return
- [changeTitle]
- 'change the window's title
- newWindowLabel$ = windowLabel$
- prompt "Specify the window's title"; newWindowLabel$
- if newWindowLabel$ <> "" then windowLabel$ = newWindowLabel$
- gosub [redrawAll]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [changeWindowType]
- WindowWidth = 380
- WindowHeight = 200
- 'change the window's type
- statictext #type.statictext1, "Select the type of window desired:", 14, 11, 272, 20
- combobox #type.types, winType$(, [selectWinType], 22, 36, 256, 115
- button #type, "Accept", [acceptWinType], UL, 302, 36
- button #type, "Cancel", [cancelWinType], UL, 302, 71
- open "Select Window Type" for dialog_modal as #type
- print #type.types, "select "; windowType$
- print #type, "trapclose [cancelWinType]"
- defaultType$ = windowType$
- goto [inputLoop]
- [selectWinType] 'Perform action for the combobox named 'types'
- 'select the type of window desired
- print #type.types, "selection?";
- input #type.types, defaultType$
- goto [inputLoop]
- [acceptWinType] 'Perform action for the button named 'acceptWinType'
- 'accept the selected window type
- windowType$ = defaultType$
- close #type
- gosub [redrawAll]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [cancelWinType] 'Perform action for the button named 'cancelWinType'
- 'close the window, don't accept type change
- close #type
- goto [inputLoop]
- [changeHandle]
- 'change the window's handle
- prompt "Specify the window's handle (starts with a #)"; result$
- if result$ = "" then [inputLoop]
- winHandle$ = result$
- if left$(winHandle$, 1) <> "#" then winHandle$ = "#" + winHandle$ : notice "Window handle defaults to: " + winHandle$
- goto [inputLoop]
- [renderButton]
- 'render the statictext at idx.
- 'assume an font 8 bits wide
- type$(idx) = "button"
- xOrgIdx = xOrg(idx)
- yOrgIdx = yOrg(idx)
- print #form, "place "; xOrgIdx; " "; yOrgIdx ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrgIdx; " "; yOrgIdx ;
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor lightgray ; size 1" ;
- print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrgIdx+width(idx); " "; yOrgIdx+height(idx) ;
- print #form, "size 2 ; color darkgray ; place "; xOrgIdx+2; " "; yOrgIdx+2 ;
- print #form, "box "; xOrgIdx+width(idx)-1; " "; yOrgIdx+height(idx)-1 ;
- print #form, "color white" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrgIdx+2; " "; yOrgIdx+height(idx)-3 ;
- print #form, "goto "; xOrgIdx+2; " "; yOrgIdx+2 ;
- print #form, "goto "; xOrgIdx+width(idx)-3; " "; yOrgIdx+2 ;
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor lightgray ; size 1" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrgIdx+int((width(idx)-len(label$(idx))*8)/2) ;_
- " "; yOrgIdx+int((height(idx)-15)/2)+12 ;
- print #form, "\"; label$(idx);
- gosub [createOrderMarker]
- print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
- print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
- print #form, "up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- segment(idx) = id
- return
- [renderStaticText]
- 'render the statictext at idx.
- 'assume an font 8 bits wide, 15 high
- type$(idx) = "statictext"
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+15-3 ; " ; place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+15-3 ;
- print #form, "down ; color black ; backcolor white" ;
- print #form, "\"; label$(idx);
- gosub [createOrderMarker]
- print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
- print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
- print #form, "up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- segment(idx) = id
- return
- [renderRadioButton]
- 'render the radiobutton at idx.
- 'assume an font 8 bits wide, 15 high
- type$(idx) = "radiobutton"
- width(idx) = 8 * len(label$(idx)) + 16
- height(idx) = 20
- print #form, "down" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx);
- print #form, "drawbmp radioButton "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx);
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor white" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+16; " "; yOrg(idx)+15-3 ;
- print #form, "\"; label$(idx);
- gosub [createOrderMarker]
- print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
- print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
- print #form, "up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- segment(idx) = id
- return
- [renderCheckBox]
- 'render the checkbox at idx.
- 'assume an font 8 bits wide, 15 high
- type$(idx) = "checkbox"
- width(idx) = 8 * len(label$(idx)) + 16
- height(idx) = 20
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
- print #form, "down" ;
- print #form, "drawbmp checkBox "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx);
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor white" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+16; " "; yOrg(idx)+15-3 ;
- print #form, "\"; label$(idx);
- gosub [createOrderMarker]
- print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
- print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
- print #form, "up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- segment(idx) = id
- return
- [renderBmpButton]
- 'render the bmpbutton at idx.
- 'assume an font 8 bits wide
- type$(idx) = "bmpbutton"
- width(idx) = 20
- height(idx) = 20
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
- print #form, "drawbmp "; bmpName$(idx); " "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx);
- gosub [createOrderMarker]
- print #form, "down ; "; orderMarker1$ ;
- print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
- print #form, "up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- segment(idx) = id
- return
- [renderComboBox]
- 'render the comboBox at idx.
- type$(idx) = "combobox"
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
- print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-24; " "; yOrg(idx)+22 ;
- print #form, "drawbmp comboButton "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-16 ; " "; yOrg(idx) ;
- gosub [createOrderMarker]
- print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
- print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
- print #form, "up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- segment(idx) = id
- return
- [renderTextBox]
- 'render the textbox at idx.
- type$(idx) = "textbox"
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ; " ; place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
- print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx) ;
- gosub [createOrderMarker]
- print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
- print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
- print #form, "up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- segment(idx) = id
- return
- [renderTextEdit]
- 'render the textedit at idx.
- type$(idx) = "textedit"
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
- print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx) ;
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor lightgray" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-17; " "; yOrg(idx);
- print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-17 ;
- print #form, "drawbmp scrollUp "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-17; " "; yOrg(idx);
- print #form, "drawbmp scrollDown "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-17; " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-33;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-17;
- print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx) ;
- print #form, "drawbmp scrollLeft "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-17;
- print #form, "drawbmp scrollRight "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-33; " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-17;
- gosub [createOrderMarker]
- print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
- print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
- print #form, "up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- segment(idx) = id
- return
- [renderListBox]
- 'render the listbox at idx.
- type$(idx) = "listbox"
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
- print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx) ;
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor lightgray" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-17; " "; yOrg(idx);
- print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx); " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx) ;
- print #form, "drawbmp scrollUp "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-17; " "; yOrg(idx);
- print #form, "drawbmp scrollDown "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-17; " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-17;
- gosub [createOrderMarker]
- print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
- print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
- print #form, "up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- segment(idx) = id
- return
- [renderGroupBox]
- 'render the groupbox at idx. assume a font 8x15.
- type$(idx) = "groupbox"
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx); " "; yOrg(idx) ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+4 ; " "; yOrg(idx)+8 ;
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
- print #form, "down ; boxfilled "; xOrg(idx)+width(idx)-4; " "; yOrg(idx)+height(idx)-7 ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(idx)+8; " "; yOrg(idx)+15 ;
- print #form, "\"; label$(idx);
- gosub [createOrderMarker]
- print #form, orderMarker1$ ;
- print #form, orderMarker2$ ;
- print #form, "up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- segment(idx) = id
- return
- [createOrderMarker]
- orderMarker1$ = ""
- orderMarker2$ = ""
- if displayOrdering = 0 then return
- orderMarker1$ = "color white ; backcolor black ; place " + str$(xOrg(idx)-4) + " " + str$(yOrg(idx)+7)
- orderMarker2$ = "\" + str$(idx - 1)
- return
- [inspectControl]
- 'pop up a dialog for displaying/modifying control
- 'properties
- if index < 2 then [inputLoop]
- if inspectIsOpen = 1 then close #inspect
- WindowHeight = 200
- WindowWidth = 472
- textbox #inspect.labelField, 140, 15, 220, 25
- textbox #inspect.nameField, 140, 46, 220, 25
- textbox #inspect.branchLabelField, 140, 77, 220, 25
- textbox #inspect.arrayNameField, 140, 108, 220, 25
- statictext #inspect.type, "Label:", 17, 21, 200, 20
- statictext #inspect.type, "Name:", 17, 52, 200, 20
- statictext #inspect.statictext2, "Branch Label(s):", 17, 83, 200, 20
- statictext #inspect.statictext4, "Array:", 17, 113, 114, 20
- button #inspect, "Accept", [acceptInspect], UL, 372, 15
- button #inspect, "Cancel", [cancelInspect], UL, 372, 46
- statictext #inspect.statictext15, "n/a = not", 374, 79, 70, 20
- statictext #inspect.statictext16, "applicable", 374, 95, 70, 20
- open "Modify Control" for dialog_modal as #inspect
- print #inspect, "trapclose [cancelInspect]";
- inspectIsOpen = 1
- print #inspect.labelField, label$(index)
- print #inspect.type, type$(index) + " name:"
- print #inspect.nameField, names$(index)
- print #inspect.branchLabelField, branchLabel$(index)
- if instr(" button statictext checkbox radiobutton groupbox ", type$(index)) = 0 then print #inspect.labelField, "n/a"
- if instr(controlsThatBranch$, type$(index)) = 0 then print #inspect.branchLabelField, "n/a"
- if instr(" listbox combobox ", type$(index)) > 0 then print #inspect.arrayNameField, arrayName$(index) else print #inspect.arrayNameField, "n/a"
- goto [inputLoop]
- [acceptInspect]
- 'set the properties as modified by the user
- isModified = 1 'the form has been modified
- hasLabel = instr(" button statictext checkbox radiobutton groupbox ", type$(index))
- if hasLabel > 0 then print #inspect.labelField, "!contents?" : input #inspect.labelField, label$ : label$(index) = label$
- print #inspect.nameField, "!contents?" : input #inspect.nameField, names$ : names$(index) = names$
- branches = instr(controlsThatBranch$, type$(index))
- if branches > 0 then print #inspect.branchLabelField, "!contents?" : input #inspect.branchLabelField, bLabel$ : branchLabel$(index) = bLabel$
- usesArray = instr(" listbox combobox ", type$(index))
- if usesArray > 0 then print #inspect.arrayNameField, "!contents?" : input #inspect.arrayNameField, aName$ : arrayName$(index) = aName$
- close #inspect
- inspectIsOpen = 0
- if hasLabel > 0 then gosub [redrawAll]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [cancelInspect]
- 'close the inspector window
- close #inspect
- inspectIsOpen = 0
- goto [inputLoop]
- [setForSelection]
- 'set up event handling for the default behavior (selection)
- print #form, "when leftButtonDown [selectControl]";
- print #form, "when leftButtonDouble [inspectControl]";
- print #form, "when leftButtonMove" ;
- print #form, "when leftButtonUp" ;
- goto [inputLoop]
- [selectControl]
- 'set up event handling
- print #form, "when leftButtonUp [setForSelection]" ;
- print #form, "when leftButtonDown" ;
- 'highlight the control at the mouse click position
- x = MouseX : y = MouseY
- if index = 0 then [dontDeselect]
- 'check to see if the resize handle has been clicked on, if applicable
- if instr(resizeable$, type$(index)) = 0 then [deselect]
- if x < xOrg(index)+width(index)-3 or x > xOrg(index)+width(index)+3 then [deselect]
- if y < yOrg(index)+height(index)-3 or y > yOrg(index)+height(index)+3 then [deselect]
- goto [resizeControl]
- [deselect]
- print #form, "delsegment "; selectId -1 ;
- gosub [selectDeselect]
- index = 0
- print #form, "delsegment "; selectId - 1 ;
- [dontDeselect]
- gosub [determineControl]
- if newIndex = 0 then [setUpMovementEvent]
- index = newIndex
- gosub [selectDeselect]
- lastMouseX = MouseX
- lastMouseY = MouseY
- [setUpMovementEvent]
- if type$(newIndex) = "windowframe" then [inputLoop]
- print #form, "when leftButtonMove [beginObjectMove]" ;
- goto [inputLoop]
- [determineControl]
- 'based on x/y, determine which control is selected
- 'set newIndex to point to this control, if found
- 'otherwise set newIndex to 0
- if objectCount = 0 then return
- newIndex = 0
- for i = objectCount to 1 step -1
- if newIndex > 0 then [skipControl]
- if type$(i) = "" then [skipControl]
- if x < xOrg(i) or x > xOrg(i)+width(i) then [skipControl]
- if y < yOrg(i) or y > yOrg(i)+height(i) then [skipControl]
- newIndex = i
- i = 1
- [skipControl]
- next i
- return
- [selectDeselect]
- 'select or deselect the object at index by drawing handles
- xOrgIdx = xOrg(index)
- yOrgIdx = yOrg(index)
- xow = xOrgIdx+width(index)
- yoh = yOrgIdx+height(index)
- print #form, "rule xor ; down";
- if type$(index) = "windowframe" then [drawSizingHandle]
- print #form, "color darkgray ; backcolor white" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrgIdx-3; " "; yOrgIdx-3 ;
- print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrgIdx+3; " "; yOrgIdx+3 ;
- print #form, "place "; xow-3; " "; yOrgIdx-3 ;
- print #form, "boxfilled "; xow+3; " "; yOrgIdx+3 ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrgIdx-3; " "; yoh-3 ;
- print #form, "boxfilled "; xOrgIdx+3; " "; yoh+3 ;
- [drawSizingHandle]
- if instr(resizeable$, type$(index)) > 0 then print #form, "backcolor black" ;
- print #form, "place "; xow-3; " "; yoh-3 ;
- print #form, "boxfilled "; xow+3; " "; yoh+3 ;
- print #form, "rule over ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" ;
- input #form, selectId
- return
- [deselectOnly] 'if there is a selected control, deselect it
- if index = 0 then return 'nothing is selected, do nothing
- print #form, "delsegment "; selectId -1 ;
- gosub [selectDeselect]
- index = 0
- print #form, "delsegment "; selectId - 1 ;
- return
- [beginObjectMove]
- 'if the mouse has only slightly moved, ignore the event
- if abs(MouseX - x) < 3 and abs(MouseY - y) < 3 then [inputLoop]
- 'set up to begin moving the selected object
- print #form, "delsegment "; selectId - 1 ;
- print #form, "when leftButtonMove [additionalObjectMoves]" ;
- print #form, "when leftButtonUp [acceptMovement]" ;
- [additionalObjectMoves]
- 'adjust the position of the selected object, then draw an object frame the size of the
- 'selected object at that new position using xor rule. set event handling to manage
- 'additional movements or termination of this object's movement.
- gosub [eraseObjectFrame]
- gosub [snapMouse]
- xOrg(index) = xOrg(index) + (MouseX - lastMouseX)
- yOrg(index) = yOrg(index) + (MouseY - lastMouseY)
- gosub [snapXY]
- lastMouseX = MouseX
- lastMouseY = MouseY
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(index); " "; yOrg(index) ;
- print #form, "down ; rule xor ; box "; xOrg(index)+width(index); " "; yOrg(index)+height(index) ;
- print #form, "rule over ; up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- print #form, "delsegment "; id - 1 ;
- goto [inputLoop]
- [eraseObjectFrame]
- 'erase the object frame (for movement)
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(index); " "; yOrg(index) ;
- print #form, "down ; rule xor ; box "; xOrg(index)+width(index); " "; yOrg(index)+height(index) ;
- print #form, "rule over ; up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- print #form, "delsegment "; id - 1 ;
- return
- [acceptResizing]
- if width(index) < 25 then width(index) = 25
- if height(index) < 25 then height(index) = 25
- if type$(index) <> "windowframe" then [acceptMovement]
- if width(index) < 100 then width(index) = 100
- if height(index) < 50 then height(index) = 50
- windowXExtent = width(index)
- windowYExtent = height(index)
- [acceptMovement]
- 'end the movement phase, and redraw all objects
- print #form, "delsegment "; segment(index) - 1 ;
- gosub [redrawAll]
- 'index = 0
- gosub [selectDeselect]
- firstObjectMove = false
- goto [setForSelection]
- [resizeControl]
- 'set up to begin resizing the selected object
- firstObjectMove = true
- print #form, "delsegment "; selectId - 1 ;
- print #form, "when leftButtonMove [additionalResizes]" ;
- print #form, "when leftButtonUp [acceptResizing]" ;
- gosub [snapMouse]
- lastMouseX = MouseX
- lastMouseY = MouseY
- [additionalResizes]
- 'adjust the position of the selected object, then draw an object frame the size of the
- 'selected object at that new position using xor rule. set event handling to manage
- 'additional movements or termination of this object's movement.
- if firstObjectMove = false then gosub [eraseObjectFrame]
- gosub [snapMouse]
- width(index) = width(index) + (MouseX - lastMouseX)
- height(index) = height(index) + (MouseY - lastMouseY)
- gosub [snapWH]
- lastMouseX = MouseX
- lastMouseY = MouseY
- print #form, "color black ; backcolor white ; size 1" ;
- print #form, "place "; xOrg(index); " "; yOrg(index) ;
- print #form, "down ; rule xor ; box "; xOrg(index)+width(index); " "; yOrg(index)+height(index) ;
- print #form, "rule over ; up ; flush" ;
- print #form, "segment" : input #form, id
- print #form, "delsegment "; id - 1 ;
- goto [inputLoop]
- [snapMouse] 'if snapOn is selected, then snap the mouse to grid
- if snapOn = 0 then return
- MouseX = int((MouseX + int(xInterval / 2)) / xInterval) * xInterval
- MouseY = int((MouseY + int(yInterval / 2)) / yInterval) * yInterval
- return
- [snapWH] 'if snapOn is selected, then snap the width & height to grid
- if snapOn = 0 then return
- width(index) = int((width(index) + int(xInterval / 2)) / xInterval) * xInterval
- height(index) = int((height(index) + int(yInterval / 2)) / yInterval) * yInterval
- return
- [snapXY] 'if snapOn is selected, then snap the x,y position to grid
- if snapOn = 0 then return
- xOrg(index) = int((xOrg(index) + int(xInterval / 2)) / xInterval) * xInterval
- yOrg(index) = int((yOrg(index) + int(yInterval / 2)) / yInterval) * yInterval
- return
- [redrawAll]
- 'redraw all controls
- isModified = 1 'the form has been modified
- print #form, "cls";
- index = 0
- gosub [renderWindow]
- if objectCount = 0 then return
- for idx = 1 to objectCount
- typeIdx$ = type$(idx)
- if typeIdx$ = "textbox" then gosub [renderTextBox] : goto [redrawNext]
- if typeIdx$ = "statictext" then gosub [renderStaticText] : goto [redrawNext]
- if typeIdx$ = "button" then gosub [renderButton] : goto [redrawNext]
- if typeIdx$ = "combobox" then gosub [renderComboBox] : goto [redrawNext]
- if typeIdx$ = "listbox" then gosub [renderListBox] : goto [redrawNext]
- if typeIdx$ = "bmpbutton" then gosub [renderBmpButton] : goto [redrawNext]
- if typeIdx$ = "radiobutton" then gosub [renderRadioButton] : goto [redrawNext]
- if typeIdx$ = "checkbox" then gosub [renderCheckBox] : goto [redrawNext]
- if typeIdx$ = "groupbox" then gosub [renderGroupBox] : goto [redrawNext]
- if typeIdx$ = "textedit" then gosub [renderTextEdit]
- [redrawNext]
- next idx
- return
- [moveToBack]
- 'move the selected control to the back (first item drawn)
- if index < 2 or objectCount < 2 then [inputLoop]
- if index = 2 then gosub [redrawAll] : goto [inputLoop]
- tmpType$ = type$(index)
- tmpLabel$ = label$(index)
- tmpNames$ = names$(index)
- tmpXOrigin = xOrg(index)
- tmpYOrigin = yOrg(index)
- tmpWidth = width(index)
- tmpHeight = height(index)
- tmpCorner$ = corner$(index)
- tmpBranchLabel$ = branchLabel$(index)
- tmpSegment = segment(index)
- tmpHandle$ = handle$(index)
- tmpBmpName$ = bmpName$(index)
- for idx = index - 1 to 2 step -1
- type$(idx+1) = type$(idx)
- label$(idx+1) = label$(idx)
- names$(idx+1) = names$(idx)
- xOrg(idx+1) = xOrg(idx)
- yOrg(idx+1) = yOrg(idx)
- width(idx+1) = width(idx)
- height(idx+1) = height(idx)
- corner$(idx+1) = corner$(idx)
- branchLabel$(idx+1) = branchLabel$(idx)
- segment(idx+1) = segment(idx)
- handle$(idx+1) = handle$(idx)
- bmpName$(idx+1) = bmpName$(idx)
- next idx
- type$(2) = tmpType$
- label$(2) = tmpLabel$
- names$(2) = tmpNames$
- xOrg(2) = tmpXOrigin
- yOrg(2) = tmpYOrigin
- width(2) = tmpWidth
- height(2) = tmpHeight
- corner$(2) = tmpCorner$
- branchLabel$(2) = tmpBranchLabel$
- segment(2) = tmpSegment
- handle$(2) = tmpHandle$
- bmpName$(2) = tmpBmpName$
- gosub [redrawAll]
- index = 0 'necessary here
- goto [inputLoop]
- [moveToFront]
- 'move the selected control to the front (last item drawn)
- if index < 2 or objectCount < 2 then [inputLoop]
- if index = objectCount then gosub [redrawAll] : goto [inputLoop]
- tmpType$ = type$(index)
- tmpLabel$ = label$(index)
- tmpNames$ = names$(index)
- tmpXOrigin = xOrg(index)
- tmpYOrigin = yOrg(index)
- tmpWidth = width(index)
- tmpHeight = height(index)
- tmpCorner$ = corner$(index)
- tmpBranchLabel$ = branchLabel$(index)
- tmpSegment = segment(index)
- tmpHandle$ = handle$(index)
- tmpBmpName$ = bmpName$(index)
- for idx = index to objectCount - 1
- type$(idx) = type$(idx+1)
- label$(idx) = label$(idx+1)
- names$(idx) = names$(idx+1)
- xOrg(idx) = xOrg(idx+1)
- yOrg(idx) = yOrg(idx+1)
- width(idx) = width(idx+1)
- height(idx) = height(idx+1)
- corner$(idx) = corner$(idx+1)
- branchLabel$(idx) = branchLabel$(idx+1)
- segment(idx) = segment(idx+1)
- handle$(idx) = handle$(idx+1)
- bmpName$(idx) = bmpName$(idx+1)
- next idx
- type$(objectCount) = tmpType$
- label$(idx) = tmpLabel$
- names$(objectCount) = tmpNames$
- xOrg(objectCount) = tmpXOrigin
- yOrg(objectCount) = tmpYOrigin
- width(objectCount) = tmpWidth
- height(objectCount) = tmpHeight
- corner$(objectCount) = tmpCorner$
- branchLabel$(objectCount) = tmpBranchLabel$
- segment(objectCount) = tmpSegment
- handle$(objectCount) = tmpHandle$
- bmpName$(objectCount) = tmpBmpName$
- gosub [redrawAll]
- gosub [selectDeselect]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [deleteControl]
- 'delete the selected control
- if index < 2 then [inputLoop]
- 'delete graphical segments and clean up display
- print #form, "delsegment "; selectId -1 ;
- gosub [selectDeselect]
- print #form, "delsegment "; selectId - 1 ;
- for idx = index to objectCount
- type$(idx) = type$(idx+1)
- label$(idx) = label$(idx+1)
- names$(idx) = names$(idx+1)
- xOrg(idx) = xOrg(idx+1)
- yOrg(idx) = yOrg(idx+1)
- width(idx) = width(idx+1)
- height(idx) = height(idx+1)
- corner$(idx) = corner$(idx+1)
- branchLabel$(idx) = branchLabel$(idx+1)
- segment(idx) = segment(idx+1)
- handle$(idx) = handle$(idx+1)
- bmpName$(idx) = bmpName$(idx+1)
- arrayName$(idx) = arrayName$(idx+1)
- next idx
- objectCount = objectCount - 1
- gosub [redrawAll]
- index = 0
- goto [inputLoop]
- [produceCodeAndOutline]
- 'set a flag so that an outline will be added
- produceOutline = 1
- [produceCode]
- 'produce code for the controls in the form
- if objectCount < 2 then notice "No objects. Code not produced" : goto [inputLoop]
- if codeIsOpen = 1 then close #code
- open "Free Form output window" for text as #code
- codeIsOpen = 1
- print #code, ""
- print #code, ""
- print #code, " WindowWidth = "; windowXExtent
- print #code, " WindowHeight = "; windowYExtent
- print #code, ""
- for x = 2 to objectCount
- if type$(x) = "button" then gosub [codeForButton]
- if type$(x) = "combobox" then gosub [codeForComboBox]
- if type$(x) = "textbox" then gosub [codeForTextBox]
- if type$(x) = "listbox" then gosub [codeForListBox]
- if type$(x) = "bmpbutton" then gosub [codeForBmpButton]
- if type$(x) = "statictext" then gosub [codeForStaticText]
- if type$(x) = "radiobutton" then gosub [codeForRadioButton]
- if type$(x) = "checkbox" then gosub [codeForCheckBox]
- if type$(x) = "groupbox" then gosub [codeForGroupBox]
- if type$(x) = "textedit" then gosub [codeForTextEdit]
- print #code, code$
- next x
- if menuCount = 0 then [noMenuCode]
- if left$(windowType$, 6) = "dialog" then print #code, " '*** menus are not supported in windows of type "; windowType$; " ***"
- for x = 0 to menuCount - 1
- print #code, " menu "; winHandle$; ", "; qu$; menu$(x); qu$;
- if menuItemCount(x) = 0 then print #code, ", "; chr$(34); "&FixMe"; chr$(34); ", [fixMe] ' <-- this menu has no items!" : goto [produceNextMenu]
- for y = 0 to menuItemCount(x) - 1
- print #code, ", ";
- mi$ = menuItem$(x, y)
- print #code, qu$; left$(mi$, instr(mi$, chr$(0)) - 1) ; qu$;
- print #code, ", "; mid$(mi$, instr(mi$, chr$(0)) + 1) ;
- next y
- print #code, ""
- [produceNextMenu]
- next x
- [noMenuCode] 'don't produce menu code
- print #code, " open "; qu$; windowLabel$; qu$; " for "; windowType$; " as "; winHandle$
- if produceOutline = 0 then [doneProducingCode]
- [produceOutline]
- inputLoopLabel$ = "[" + mid$(winHandle$, 2) + ".inputLoop]"
- print #code, ""
- print #code, ""
- print #code, inputLoopLabel$; " 'wait here for input event"
- print #code, " input aVar$"
- print #code, " goto "; inputLoopLabel$
- print #code, ""
- produceOutline = 0
- branchLabels$ = ""
- for x = 2 to objectCount
- if left$(trim$(branchLabel$(x)), 1) <> "[" then [nextOutlineObject]
- if instr(trim$(branchLabel$(x)), " ") > 0 then gosub [handleMultiBranchLabels] : goto [nextOutlineObject]
- if instr(branchLabels$, branchLabel$(x)) > 0 then [nextOutlineObject]
- branchLabels$ = branchLabels$ + " " + branchLabel$(x)
- print #code, ""
- print #code, ""
- print #code, branchLabel$(x); " 'Perform action for the "; type$(x); " named '"; names$(x); "'"
- print #code, ""
- print #code, " 'Insert your own code here"
- print #code, ""
- print #code, " goto "; inputLoopLabel$
- [nextOutlineObject]
- next x
- if menuCount = 0 then [doneProducingCode]
- for x = 0 to menuCount - 1
- for y = 0 to menuItemCount(x) - 1
- mi$ = menuItem$(x, y)
- bl$ = mid$(mi$, instr(mi$, chr$(0)) + 1)
- if instr(branchLabels$, bl$) > 0 then [writeNextMenuItem]
- branchLabels$ = branchLabels$ + " " + bl$
- print #code, ""
- print #code, ""
- print #code, bl$; " 'Perform action for menu "; menu$(x); ", item "; left$(mi$, instr(mi$, chr$(0)) - 1)
- print #code, ""
- print #code, " 'Insert your own code here"
- [writeNextMenuItem]
- next y
- next x
- [doneProducingCode]
- notice "Done. Copy this code into your program."
- goto [inputLoop]
- [handleMultiBranchLabels] 'handle the case where a control has more than 1 branching option
- if instr(branchLabels$, word$(branchLabel$(x), 1)) > 0 then [nextMultiBranchLabel]
- print #code, ""
- print #code, ""
- print #code, word$(branchLabel$(x), 1); " 'Perform action for the "; type$(x); " named '"; names$(x); "'"
- print #code, ""
- print #code, " 'Insert your own code here"
- print #code, ""
- print #code, " goto "; inputLoopLabel$
- branchLabels$ = branchLabels$ + " " + word$(branchLabel$(x), 1)
- [nextMultiBranchLabel]
- if instr(branchLabels$, word$(branchLabel$(x), 2)) > 0 then [doneMultiBranchLabel]
- print #code, ""
- print #code, ""
- print #code, word$(branchLabel$(x), 2); " 'Perform action for the "; type$(x); " named '"; names$(x); "'"
- print #code, ""
- print #code, " 'Insert your own code here"
- print #code, ""
- print #code, " goto "; inputLoopLabel$
- branchLabels$ = branchLabels$ + " " + word$(branchLabel$(x), 2)
- [doneMultiBranchLabel]
- return
- [codeForButton]
- 'produce code for a text button
- code$ = " button "+winHandle$+", "+qu$+label$(x)+qu$+", "+branchLabel$(x)+", "+corner$(x)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
- return
- [codeForBmpButton]
- 'produce code for a bmp button
- code$ = " bmpbutton "+winHandle$+", "+qu$+bmpName$(x)+qu$+", "+branchLabel$(x)+", "+corner$(x)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)
- return
- [codeForTextBox]
- 'produce code for a text box
- code$ = " textbox "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
- return
- [codeForStaticText]
- 'produce code for a static text
- code$ = " statictext "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+qu$+label$(x)+qu$+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
- return
- [codeForGroupBox]
- 'produce code for a group box
- code$ = " groupbox "+winHandle$+", "+qu$+label$(x)+qu$+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
- return
- [codeForListBox]
- 'produce code for a listbox
- code$ = " listbox "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+arrayName$(x)+", "+branchLabel$(x)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
- return
- [codeForComboBox]
- 'produce code for a listbox
- code$ = " combobox "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+arrayName$(x)+", "+branchLabel$(x)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
- return
- [codeForRadioButton]
- 'produce code for a radiobutton
- code$ = " radiobutton "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+qu$+label$(x)+qu$+", "+word$(branchLabel$(x), 1)+", "+word$(branchLabel$(x), 2)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
- return
- [codeForCheckBox]
- 'produce code for a checkbox
- code$ = " checkbox "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+qu$+label$(x)+qu$+", "+word$(branchLabel$(x), 1)+", "+word$(branchLabel$(x), 2)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
- return
- [codeForTextEdit]
- 'produce code for a text edit box
- code$ = " texteditor "+winHandle$+"."+names$(x)+", "+str$(xOrg(x)-xOrg-4)+", "+str$(yOrg(x)-yOrg-20-4)+", "+str$(width(x))+", "+str$(height(x))
- return
- [newFile]
- 'clear the contents of the form editor and start over
- if isModified = 1 then gosub [formIsModified]
- newControlNumber = 0
- windowLabel$ = "untitled"
- windowType$ = "window"
- objectCount = 0
- winHandle$ = "#main"
- windowXExtent = 550
- windowYExtent = 410
- gosub [clearMenuData]
- gosub [addWindowFrame]
- gosub [redrawAll]
- isModified = 0
- goto [inputLoop]
- [saveFile]
- 'abort if no controls
- if objectCount < 2 then notice "No controls. Save aborted" : goto [inputLoop]
- 'save the form into a *.fre file
- if formName$ = "" then formName$ = "untitled.fre"
- filedialog "Save form", "*.fre", formName$
- if formName$ = "" then [inputLoop]
- gosub [saveFormSubroutine]
- notice "Done. File saved as " + formName$
- goto [inputLoop]
- [saveFormSubroutine] 'the subroutine portion of the save routine
- open formName$ for output as #formOut
- print #formOut, newControlNumber
- print #formOut, windowLabel$
- print #formOut, windowType$
- print #formOut, objectCount
- print #formOut, winHandle$
- print #formOut, snapOn
- print #formOut, xInterval
- print #formOut, yInterval
- print #formOut, menuCount
- print #formOut, windowXExtent
- print #formOut, windowYExtent
- for i = 2 to objectCount
- print #formOut, type$(i)
- print #formOut, label$(i)
- print #formOut, names$(i)
- print #formOut, xOrg(i)
- print #formOut, yOrg(i)
- print #formOut, width(i)
- print #formOut, height(i)
- print #formOut, corner$(i)
- print #formOut, branchLabel$(i)
- print #formOut, segment(i)
- print #formOut, handle$(i)
- print #formOut, bmpName$(i)
- print #formOut, arrayName$(i)
- next i
- 'Now write the menu information
- if menuCount = 0 then [noMenusToSave]
- for i = 0 to menuCount - 1
- print #formOut, menu$(i)
- print #formOut, menuItemCount(i)
- if menuItemCount(i) = 0 then [noMenuItemsToSave]
- for j = 0 to menuItemCount(i) - 1
- print #formOut, menuItem$(i, j)
- next j
- [noMenuItemsToSave]
- next i
- [noMenusToSave]
- close #formOut
- return
- [openFile]
- 'load the form from a *.fre file
- if isModified = 1 then gosub [formIsModified]
- filedialog "Load form", "*.fre", formName$
- if formName$ = "" then [inputLoop]
- gosub [clearMenuData]
- objectCount = 0
- gosub [addWindowFrame]
- open formName$ for input as #formIn
- input #formIn, newControlNumber
- input #formIn, windowLabel$
- input #formIn, windowType$
- input #formIn, objectCount
- input #formIn, winHandle$
- input #formIn, snapOn
- input #formIn, xInterval
- input #formIn, yInterval
- input #formIn, menuCount
- input #formIn, windowXExtent
- input #formIn, windowYExtent
- width(1) = windowXExtent
- height(1) = windowYExtent
- for i = 2 to objectCount
- input #formIn, tmp$ : type$(i) = tmp$
- input #formIn, tmp$ : label$(i) = tmp$
- input #formIn, tmp$ : names$(i) = tmp$
- input #formIn, tmp : xOrg(i) = tmp
- input #formIn, tmp : yOrg(i) = tmp
- input #formIn, tmp : width(i) = tmp
- input #formIn, tmp : height(i) = tmp
- input #formIn, tmp$ : corner$(i) = tmp$
- input #formIn, tmp$ : branchLabel$(i) = tmp$
- input #formIn, tmp : segment(i) = tmp
- input #formIn, tmp$ : handle$(i) = tmp$
- input #formIn, tmp$ : bmpName$(i) = tmp$
- if trim$(tmp$) > "" then loadbmp tmp$, tmp$
- input #formIn, tmp$ : arrayName$(i) = tmp$
- next i
- if menuCount = 0 then [noMenusToRead]
- for i = 0 to menuCount - 1
- input #formIn, tmp$ : menu$(i)=tmp$
- input #formIn, tmp : menuItemCount(i) = tmp
- if menuItemCount(i) = 0 then [noMenuItemsToRead]
- for j = 0 to menuItemCount(i) - 1
- input #formIn, tmp$ : menuItem$(i, j) = tmp$
- next j
- [noMenuItemsToRead]
- next i
- [noMenusToRead]
- close #formIn
- gosub [redrawAll]
- isModified = 0
- goto [inputLoop]
- [gridDialog] 'open a dialog box for selecting & adjusting snap to grid
- WindowWidth = 350
- WindowHeight = 225
- if gridDialogIsOpen = 1 then close #gridDialog
- statictext #gridDialog.statictext2, "Select here whether control positions will", 26, 16, 336, 20
- statictext #gridDialog.statictext5, "automatically snap to gridded positions,", 26, 35, 320, 20
- statictext #gridDialog.statictext6, "and what the interval will be.", 26, 54, 240, 20
- checkbox #gridDialog.snapOnOff, "Snap to Grid", [snapOn], [snapOff], 26, 85, 120, 20
- statictext #gridDialog.statictext7, "X interval:", 34, 112, 70, 20
- textbox #gridDialog.xIntrvl, 111, 106, 38, 25
- statictext #gridDialog.statictext9, "Y interval:", 178, 112, 70, 20
- textbox #gridDialog.yIntrvl, 255, 106, 38, 25
- button #gridDialog, "OK", [acceptGridDialog], UL, 99, 149
- button #gridDialog, "Cancel", [cancelGridDialog], UL, 29, 149
- open "Snap to Grid" for dialog_modal as #gridDialog
- print #gridDialog, "trapclose [cancelGridDialog]"
- gridDialogIsOpen = 1
- if snapOn = 1 then snapOnSelected = 1 : print #gridDialog.snapOnOff, "set"
- print #gridDialog.xIntrvl, xInterval
- print #gridDialog.yIntrvl, yInterval
- goto [inputLoop]
- [snapOn] 'Perform on action for the checkbox named 'snapOnOff'
- snapOnSelected = 1
- goto [inputLoop]
- [snapOff] 'Perform off action for the checkbox named 'snapOnOff'
- snapOnSelected = 0
- goto [inputLoop]
- [acceptGridDialog]
- snapOn = snapOnSelected
- print #gridDialog.xIntrvl, "!contents?"
- input #gridDialog.xIntrvl, xInterval
- print #gridDialog.yIntrvl, "!contents?"
- input #gridDialog.yIntrvl, yInterval
- [cancelGridDialog]
- gridDialogIsOpen = 0
- close #gridDialog
- goto [inputLoop]
- [addAMenu] 'add a new menu item
- if addMenuIsOpen = 1 then close #newMenu
- WindowWidth = 400
- WindowHeight = 230
- listbox #newMenu.menuNames, menu$(, [inputLoop], 14, 36, 120, 120
- statictext #newMenu.statictext2, "Defined Menus", 14, 16, 104, 20
- statictext #newMenu.statictext3, "Enter new menu name here:", 150, 16, 200, 20
- textbox #newMenu.newMenuName, 150, 36, 208, 25
- button #newMenu, "Accept", [acceptNewMenu], UL, 302, 131
- button #newMenu, "Cancel", [cancelNewMenu], UL, 302, 101
- open "Add a Menu" for dialog_modal as #newMenu
- print #newMenu, "trapclose [cancelNewMenu]";
- addMenuIsOpen = 1
- goto [inputLoop]
- [cancelNewMenu] 'Perform action for the button named 'cancelNewMenu'
- 'close the dialog box
- close #newMenu
- addMenuIsOpen = 0
- goto [inputLoop]
- [clearMenuData] 'reset menu data arrays and indices
- for x = 0 to 20
- menu$(x) = ""
- for y = 0 to 30
- menuItem$(x, y) = ""
- next y
- next x
- menuCount = 0
- return
- [acceptNewMenu] 'Perform action for the button named 'acceptNewMenu'
- 'add this menu onto the list of menus, and update the display as needed
- print #newMenu.newMenuName, "!contents?";
- input #newMenu.newMenuName, result$
- if result$ = "" then notice "Please type a name for a new menu." : goto [inputLoop]
- close #newMenu
- menu$(menuCount) = result$
- menuCount = menuCount + 1
- if menuCount > 1 then gosub [redrawAll] : goto [inputLoop]
- 'since this is the first menu added, reposition all controls 20 pixels down
- if objectCount < 2 then gosub [redrawAll] : goto [inputLoop]
- for x = 2 to objectCount
- yOrg(x) = yOrg(x) + 20
- next x
- gosub [redrawAll]
- addMenuIsOpen = 0
- goto [inputLoop]
- [removeMenu] 'remove a menu from the list of menus
- if menuCount = 0 then notice "No menus to remove." : goto [inputLoop]
- if removeMenuIsOpen = 1 then close #removeMenu
- WindowWidth = 330
- WindowHeight = 195
- statictext #removeMenu.statictext1, "Select a menu to remove:", 26, 16, 192, 20
- listbox #removeMenu.menusToRemove, menu$(, [acceptRemoveMenu], 22, 41, 208, 100
- button #removeMenu, "Accept", [acceptRemoveMenu], UL, 246, 81
- button #removeMenu, "Cancel", [cancelRemoveMenu], UL, 246, 111
- open "Remove a Menu" for dialog_modal as #removeMenu
- print #removeMenu, "trapclose [cancelRemoveMenu]";
- removeMenuIsOpen = 1
- goto [inputLoop]
- [acceptRemoveMenu] 'get the name of the selected item, and remove it
- print #removeMenu.menusToRemove, "selectionIndex?"
- input #removeMenu.menusToRemove, result
- close #removeMenu
- removeMenuIsOpen = 0
- if result = 0 then notice "No item selected. Menu not removed." : goto [inputLoop]
- menuCount = menuCount - 1
- result = result - 1
- if result = menuCount then menu$(result) = "" : goto [checkForEmptyMenuBar]
- for x = result to menuCount
- menu$(x) = menu$(x+1)
- next x
- [checkForEmptyMenuBar] 'if there are no more menus, shift controls up 20 pixels
- if menuCount > 0 then gosub [redrawAll] : goto [inputLoop]
- for x = 2 to objectCount
- yOrg(x) = yOrg(x) - 20
- next x
- gosub [redrawAll]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [cancelRemoveMenu] 'close the remove menu dialog
- close #removeMenu
- removeMenuIsOpen = 0
- goto [inputLoop]
- [editMenus] 'edit menu order and menu contents
- if menuCount = 0 then notice "No menus to edit." : goto [inputLoop]
- if editMenuIsOpen = 1 then close #editMenu
- WindowWidth = 450
- WindowHeight = 375
- listbox #editMenu.menuList, menu$(, [selectMenuToEdit], 14, 31, 112, 105
- listbox #editMenu.menuItems, menuItemLocal$(, [selectMenuItemToEdit], 14, 166, 288, 145
- statictext #editMenu.statictext6, "Menus:", 14, 11, 48, 20
- statictext #editMenu.statictext14, "Menu line items -> Branch labels:", 14, 146, 240, 20
- button #editMenu, "&Close", [closeMenuEdit], UL, 326, 21
- button #editMenu, "&New Item", [addNewMenuItem], UL, 310, 166
- button #editMenu, "&Edit", [editMenuItem], UL, 310, 196
- button #editMenu, "Move &Up", [moveMenuItemUp], UL, 310, 226
- button #editMenu, "&Move Dn", [moveMenuItemDown], UL, 310, 256
- button #editMenu, "&Delete", [deleteMenuItem], UL, 310, 286
- button #editMenu, "&To Top", [moveMenuToTop], UL, 134, 41
- open "Edit Menus" for dialog_modal as #editMenu
- print #editMenu, "trapclose [closeMenuEdit]";
- print #editMenu.menuList, "singleclickselect";
- print #editMenu.menuItems, "singleclickselect";
- editMenuIsOpen = 1
- menuItemIndex = 0
- result = 0
- goto [inputLoop]
- [selectMenuToEdit] 'Perform action for the listbox named 'menuList'
- 'populate the listbox named menuItems
- print #editMenu.menuList, "selectionIndex?"
- input #editMenu.menuList, result
- for x = 0 to 29
- mil$ = menuItem$(result - 1, x)
- if mil$ <> "" then mil$ = left$(mil$, instr(mil$, chr$(0)) - 1) + " -> " + mid$(mil$, instr(mil$, chr$(0)) + 1)
- menuItemLocal$(x) = mil$
- next x
- print #editMenu.menuItems, "reload"
- menuItemIndex = 0
- goto [inputLoop]
- [moveMenuToTop] 'move the selected menu to the top of the list
- 'if there is no selection, or if the selected item is already on top, do nothing
- if result = 0 or result = 1 then [inputLoop]
- menu$(20) = menu$(result - 1)
- for x = 0 to 29
- menuItem$(20, x) = menuItem$(result - 1, x)
- next x
- for x = result - 1 to 1 step -1
- menu$(x) = menu$(x - 1)
- for y = 0 to 29
- menuItem$(x, y) = menuItem$(x - 1, y)
- next y
- next x
- menu$(0) = menu$(20)
- menu$(20) = ""
- for x = 0 to 29
- menuItem$(0, x) = menuItem$(20, x)
- menuItem$(20, x) = ""
- next x
- print #editMenu.menuList, "reload"
- print #editMenu.menuList, "selectIndex 1"
- result = 1
- 'now continue on to the next routine!
- [selectMenuItemToEdit] 'Perform action for the listbox named 'menuItems'
- 'set the selection index for the menu item to edit
- print #editMenu.menuItems, "selectionIndex?"
- input #editMenu.menuItems, menuItemIndex
- goto [inputLoop]
- [addNewMenuItem] 'Perform action for the button named 'newItemButton'
- 'Insert your own code here
- if result = 0 then [inputLoop]
- if editMenuItemIsOpen = 1 then gosub [closeEditMenuItem]
- menuItemCount(result - 1) = menuItemCount(result - 1) + 1
- menuItemIndex = menuItemCount(result - 1)
- editMenuItemAction$ = "ADD"
- goto [editMenuItemProperties]
- [editMenuItem] 'Perform action for the button named 'editMenuItem'
- 'Insert your own code here
- if menuItemIndex = 0 then [inputLoop]
- if editMenuItemIsOpen = 1 then gosub [closeEditMenuItem]
- editMenuItemAction$ = "EDIT"
- goto [editMenuItemProperties]
- [moveMenuItemUp] 'Perform action for the button named 'moveMenuItemUp'
- 'Insert your own code here
- if menuItemIndex = 1 or menuItemIndex = 0 then [inputLoop]
- tmpMi$ = menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1)
- menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1) = menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 2)
- menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 2) = tmpMi$
- gosub [reloadLocalMenuItems]
- menuItemIndex = menuItemIndex - 1
- print #editMenu.menuItems, "selectIndex "; menuItemIndex
- goto [inputLoop]
- [moveMenuItemDown] 'Perform action for the button named 'moveMenuItemDown'
- 'Insert your own code here
- if result = 0 then [inputLoop]
- if menuItemIndex = menuItemCount(result - 1) or menuItemIndex = 0 then [inputLoop]
- tmpMi$ = menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1)
- menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1) = menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex)
- menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex) = tmpMi$
- gosub [reloadLocalMenuItems]
- menuItemIndex = menuItemIndex + 1
- print #editMenu.menuItems, "selectIndex "; menuItemIndex
- goto [inputLoop]
- [deleteMenuItem] 'Perform action for the button named 'deleteMenuItem'
- 'Insert your own code here
- if result = 0 then [inputLoop]
- if menuItemCount(result - 1) = 0 or menuItemIndex = 0 then [inputLoop]
- for x = menuItemIndex to 30
- menuItem$(result - 1, x - 1) = menuItem$(result - 1, x)
- next x
- gosub [reloadLocalMenuItems]
- menuItemIndex = 0
- return
- [reloadLocalMenuItems] 'reload the contents of the menu items listbox
- for x = 0 to 29
- mil$ = menuItem$(result - 1, x)
- if mil$ <> "" then mil$ = left$(mil$, instr(mil$, chr$(0)) - 1) + " -> " + mid$(mil$, instr(mil$, chr$(0)) + 1)
- menuItemLocal$(x) = mil$
- next x
- print #editMenu.menuItems, "reload"
- return
- [closeMenuEdit] 'Perform action for the button named 'closeMenuEdit'
- 'close the menu editing dialog and redraw the form
- for x = 0 to 29 : menuItemLocal$(x) = "" : next x
- close #editMenu
- editMenuIsOpen = 0
- 'gosub [redrawAll]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [editMenuItemProperties] 'open a dialog for editing menu item properties
- WindowWidth = 350
- WindowHeight = 150
- textbox #menuItems.name, 134, 16, 184, 25
- textbox #menuItems.branchLabel, 134, 51, 184, 25
- statictext #menuItems.statictext6, "Name:", 22, 21, 40, 20
- statictext #menuItems.statictext7, "Branch Label:", 22, 56, 104, 20
- button #menuItems, "Accept", [acceptMenuItemProps], UL, 198, 86
- button #menuItems, "Cancel", [cancelMenuItemProps], UL, 262, 86
- open "Menu Item Properties" for dialog_modal as #menuItems
- editMenuItemIsOpen = 1
- print #menuItems.name, "???"
- print #menuItems.branchLabel, "[???]"
- if menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1) = "" then [inputLoop]
- mi$ = menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1)
- print #menuItems.name, left$(mi$, instr(mi$, chr$(0)) - 1)
- print #menuItems.branchLabel, mid$(mi$, instr(mi$, chr$(0)) + 1)
- goto [inputLoop]
- [acceptMenuItemProps] 'Perform action for the button named 'acceptMenuItemProps'
- 'accept the edited menu item
- print #menuItems.name, "!contents?";
- input #menuItems.name, nResult$
- print #menuItems.branchLabel, "!contents?";
- input #menuItems.branchLabel, blResult$
- if nResult$ = "" or blResult$ = "" then notice "Bad menu item properties." : goto [inputLoop]
- blr$ = blResult$
- if left$(blResult$, 1) <> "[" then blResult$ = "[" + blResult$
- if right$(blResult$, 1) <> "]" then blResult$ = blResult$ + "]"
- if blr$ <> blResult$ then notice "Branch Label was " + blr$ + ", defaulting to " + blResult$
- menuItem$(result - 1, menuItemIndex - 1) = nResult$ + chr$(0) + blResult$
- menuItemLocal$(menuItemIndex - 1) = nResult$ + " -> " + blResult$
- close #menuItems
- editMenuItemIsOpen = 0
- print #editMenu.menuItems, "reload"
- goto [inputLoop]
- [cancelMenuItemProps] 'Perform action for the button named 'cancelMenuItemProps'
- 'close the window
- gosub [closeEditMenuItem]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [closeEditMenuItem] 'close the window before opening it again
- 'close the window
- close #menuItems
- if editMenuItemAction$ = "ADD" then menuItemCount(result - 1) = menuItemCount(result - 1) - 1
- editMenuItemIsOpen = 0
- return
- [formIsModified] 'the form has been modified, offer to save
- isModified = 0 ' set the isModified flag to be 0
- if objectCount < 2 then return ' if there are no objects, don't offer to save form
- confirm "Save changes to " + formName$ + "?"; answer$
- if answer$ = "yes" then gosub [saveFormSubroutine]
- return
- [settingsDialog] 'edit the settings for FreeForm
- WindowWidth = 336
- WindowHeight = 165
- checkbox #settings.creationInspect, "Inspect each control when created", [creationInspectSet], [creationInspectClear], 22, 16, 280, 19
- checkbox #settings.displayOrdering, "Display control ordering", [displayOrderingSet], [displayOrderingReset], 22, 36, 208, 19
- button #settings, "Accept", [settingsAccept], UL, 254, 71
- button #settings, "Cancel", [settingsCancel], UL, 254, 101
- open "Settings" for dialog_modal as #settings
- print #settings, "trapclose [settingsCancel]"
- createInspectValue = createInspect
- if createInspect > 0 then print #settings.creationInspect, "set"
- displayOrderingValue = displayOrdering
- if displayOrdering > 0 then print #settings.displayOrdering, "set"
- [settings.inputLoop] 'wait here for input event
- input aVar$
- goto [settings.inputLoop]
- [creationInspectSet] 'set value for inspect on create
- createInspectValue = 1
- goto [settings.inputLoop]
- [creationInspectClear] 'set value for no inspect on create
- createInspectValue = 0
- goto [settings.inputLoop]
- [displayOrderingSet] 'set value for displaying of control ordering
- displayOrderingValue = 1
- goto [settings.inputLoop]
- [displayOrderingReset] 'set value for non-displaying of control ordering
- displayOrderingValue = 0
- goto [settings.inputLoop]
- [settingsAccept] 'accept the settings
- createInspect = createInspectValue
- displayOrdering = displayOrderingValue
- close #settings
- gosub [redrawAll]
- goto [inputLoop]
- [settingsCancel] 'discard any settings changes
- close #settings
- goto [settings.inputLoop]
- [loadIniFile] 'load the user preferences
- open "fflite.ini" for input as #ini
- if eof(#ini) then close #ini : gosub [saveIniFile] : return
- input #ini, xInterval 'snap to x
- input #ini, yInterval 'snap to y
- input #ini, snapOn 'snap to on/off
- input #ini, createInspect 'inspect each control when created
- input #ini, displayOrdering 'display control ordering
- close #ini
- return
- [saveIniFile] 'save the user preferences
- open "fflite.ini" for output as #ini
- print #ini, xInterval
- print #ini, yInterval
- print #ini, snapOn
- print #ini, createInspect
- print #ini, displayOrdering
- close #ini
- return
- [quit] 'exit Freeform
- if isModified = 1 then gosub [formIsModified]
- 'quit freeform
- gosub [saveIniFile]
- close #form
- if codeIsOpen then close #code
- end