home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- nomainwin
- dim name$(500)
- dim stage$(7)
- stage$(0) = "All"
- stage$(1) = "Initial Phone Call"
- stage$(2) = "Opening Mailer"
- stage$(3) = "Follow Up Call"
- stage$(4) = "Special Offer Mailer"
- stage$(5) = "Closing Phone Call"
- gosub [loadNames]
- gosub [openMainWindow]
- [inputLoop]
- input r$
- goto [inputLoop]
- [openMainWindow]
- WindowWidth = 510
- WindowHeight = 350
- 'open the main window
- button #main, " &OK ", [acceptEntry], UL, 440, 290
- statictext #main, "Contacts", 10, 10, 60, 20
- listbox #main.contacts, name$(, [editName], 10, 35, 160, 120
- statictext #main, "Filter Contacts", 10, 170, 160, 20
- combobox #main.filter, stage$(, [loadNamesFiltered], 10, 190, 160, 120
- button #main, "&Edit", [editName], UL, 10, 290
- button #main, "&Add", [addName], UL, 65, 290
- texteditor #main.memo, 265, 190, 225, 90
- statictext #main, "Name", 200, 10, 60, 20
- textbox #main.name, 265, 10, 225, 25
- statictext #main, "Address", 200, 40, 60, 20
- textbox #main.addr, 265, 40, 225, 25
- statictext #main, "City", 200, 70, 60, 20
- textbox #main.city, 265, 70, 225, 25
- statictext #main, "State", 200, 100, 60, 20
- textbox #main.state, 265, 100, 40, 25
- statictext #main, "Zip", 330, 100, 40, 20
- textbox #main.zip, 380, 100, 108, 25
- statictext #main, "Phone #", 200, 130, 60, 20
- textbox #main.phone, 265, 130, 225, 25
- statictext #main, "Stage", 200, 160, 60, 20
- combobox #main.stage, stage$(, [inputLoop], 265, 160, 225, 110
- open "Liberty Contact Manager" for dialog_nf as #main
- print #main, "trapclose [quit]"
- print #main.filter, "select All";
- print #main.contacts, "singleclickselect"
- return
- [loadNames]
- open "contact3.dat" for random as #contacts len = 650
- field #contacts, 20 as name$, 20 as address$, 15 as city$, 2 as state$, 10 as zip$, 15 as phone$, 20 as stage$, 500 as memo$, 48 as fill$
- if eof(#contacts) <> 0 then close #contacts : gosub [initializeNames] : goto [loadNames]
- get #contacts, 1
- contactCount = val(name$)
- if contactCount = 0 then close #contacts : return
- for index = 2 to contactCount + 1
- gettrim #contacts, index
- name$(index - 1) = name$
- next index
- close #contacts
- return
- [loadNamesFiltered]
- print #main.filter, "selection?"
- input #main.filter, filter$
- open "contact3.dat" for random as #contacts len = 650
- field #contacts, 20 as name$, 20 as address$, 15 as city$, 2 as state$, 10 as zip$, 15 as phone$, 20 as stage$, 500 as memo$, 48 as fill$
- get #contacts, 1
- contactCount = val(name$)
- if contactCount = 0 then close #contacts : return
- for index = 2 to contactCount + 1
- gettrim #contacts, index
- if filter$ = stage$ or filter$ = "All" then name$(index - 1) = name$ else name$(index - 1) = ""
- next index
- close #contacts
- print #main.contacts, "reload"
- goto [inputLoop]
- [initializeNames]
- open "contact3.dat" for random as #contacts len = 650
- field #contacts, 20 as name$, 20 as address$, 15 as city$, 2 as state$, 10 as zip$, 15 as phone$, 20 as stage$, 500 as memo$, 48 as fill$
- name$ = "4"
- put #contacts, 1
- name$ = "Carl Gundel"
- stage$ = "Initial Phone Call"
- put #contacts, 2
- name$ = "Ray Lukas"
- stage$ = "Special Offer Mailer"
- put #contacts, 3
- name$ = "Bill West"
- stage$ = "Initial Phone Call"
- put #contacts, 4
- name$ = "Alex Guevara"
- stage$ = "Special Offer Mailer"
- put #contacts, 5
- close #contacts
- return
- [editName]
- addName = 0
- print #main.contacts, "selection?"
- input #main.contacts, selection$
- if selection$ = "" then [inputLoop]
- recIndex = 0
- for index = 1 to contactCount
- if selection$ = name$(index) then recIndex = index
- next index
- if recIndex = 0 then [inputLoop] 'This should never need to happen
- gosub [getContactRecord]
- print #main.name, name$
- print #main.addr, address$
- print #main.city, city$
- print #main.state, state$
- print #main.zip, zip$
- print #main.phone, phone$
- print #main.stage, "selectindex 7"
- for index = 0 to 5
- if stage$(index) = stage$ then print #main.stage, "selectindex "; index + 1
- next index
- print #main.memo, "!cls" ;
- print #main.memo, memo$ ;
- goto [inputLoop]
- [addName]
- addName = 1
- print #main.name, ""
- print #main.addr, ""
- print #main.city, ""
- print #main.state, ""
- print #main.zip, ""
- print #main.phone, ""
- print #main.stage, "selectindex 7"
- print #main.memo, "!cls" ;
- goto [inputLoop]
- [getContactRecord]
- open "contact3.dat" for random as #contacts len = 650
- field #contacts, 20 as name$, 20 as address$, 15 as city$, 2 as state$, 10 as zip$, 15 as phone$, 20 as stage$, 500 as memo$, 48 as fill$
- gettrim #contacts, recIndex + 1
- close #contacts
- return
- [acceptEntry]
- print #main.name, "!contents?";
- input #main.name, name$
- print #main.addr, "!contents?";
- input #main.addr, address$
- print #main.city, "!contents?";
- input #main.city, city$
- print #main.state, "!contents?";
- input #main.state, state$
- print #main.zip, "!contents?";
- input #main.zip, zip$
- print #main.phone, "!contents?";
- input #main.phone, phone$
- print #main.stage, "selection?";
- input #main.stage, stage$
- print #main.memo, "!selectall";
- print #main.memo, "!selection?";
- input #main.memo, memo$
- print #main.memo, "!cls";
- print #main.memo, memo$
- if addName = 1 then contactCount = contactCount + 1 : recIndex = contactCount
- name$(recIndex) = name$
- print #main.contacts, "reload"
- gosub [saveContactRecord]
- addName = 0
- goto [loadNamesFiltered]
- [saveContactRecord]
- open "contact3.dat" for random as #contacts len = 650
- field #contacts, 20 as name$, 20 as address$, 15 as city$, 2 as state$, 10 as zip$, 15 as phone$, 20 as stage$, 500 as memo$, 48 as fill$
- put #contacts, recIndex + 1
- close #contacts
- if addName = 0 then return
- open "contact3.dat" for random as #contacts len = 650
- field #contacts, 20 as count$, 630 as fill$
- count$ = str$(contactCount)
- put #contacts, 1
- close #contacts
- return
- [quit]
- print #main, "trapclose"
- close #main
- end