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- ' This is a turtle graphics demo for LB V1.0
- nomainwin ' open no main window
- size$ = "100"
- size = val(size$)
- color$ = "black"
- button #1, Triangle, [triangle], LR, 104, -12
- button #1, Square, [square], LR, 38, -12
- button #1, Size, [size], LR, -12, -12
- button #1, Red, [colorRed], UL, 5, 5
- button #1, Blue, [colorBlue], UL, 46, 5
- button #1, Green, [colorGreen], UL, 95, 5
- menu #1, &Colors, &red, [colorRed], &blue, [colorBlue], &green, [colorGreen]
- menu #1, &Graph, &square, [square], &triangle, [triangle], &size, [size], |, &quit, [quit]
- open "This is a turtle graphics window!" for graphics_nsb as #1
- print #1, "trapclose [quit]"
- [loop] ' stop and wait for buttons to be pressed
- input a$
- goto [loop]
- [triangle]
- print #1, "color "; color$
- print #1, "cls ; home ; down ; north"
- for x = 1 to size
- print #1, "turn 122 ; go "; str$(x*2)
- next x
- print #1, "flush"
- goto [loop]
- [square]
- print #1, "color "; color$
- print #1, "cls ; home ; down ; north"
- for x = 1 to size
- print #1, "turn 88 ; go "; str$(x*2)
- next x
- print #1, "flush"
- goto [loop]
- [colorRed]
- color$ = "red"
- goto [loop]
- [colorBlue]
- color$ = "blue"
- goto [loop]
- [colorGreen]
- color$ = "green"
- goto [loop]
- [size]
- prompt "What size figure?"; size$
- size = val(size$)
- if size > 0 then [loop]
- beep
- notice "Size must be > 0"
- goto [size]
- [quit]
- confirm "Do you want to quit Buttons?"; quit$
- if quit$ = "no" then [loop]
- close #1
- end