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- --------------
- Cool Edit 1.51
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- Copy (or unzip) all the files into their own program directory, like C:\COOL or
- something similar. From File Manager, select COOL.EXE and drag it into your
- favorite Program Manager group. Alternately, you can go File->New from Program
- Manager and select Browse, then find COOL.EXE and choose it.
- There have been some nice new features added since 1.34. Luckily, the final
- ZIP size did not increase 'that' much. If you wish to save space on your hard
- drive, it is OK to remove any of the .FLT files you want. Each .FLT file
- allows Cool Edit to load a certain file format. If there are formats that you
- never use, you can delete the associated .FLT file for that format. For
- example, if you never use the Next/Sun AU file format, then delete the file
- AU.FLT from your \COOL program directory. You may also remove .XFM files if
- there are effects that you never use. Please keep the STRETCH.XFM, FILTER.XFM
- and AMPLIFY.XFM modules though, as they are crucial for operation in other
- parts of the program.
- Following are the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes since version 1.50:
- * Added support for Microsoft ACM file formats
- * New Zero-Crossing function (F4) finds the zero crossings
- * Added A-Law, mu-Law, byte-reversed, and unsigned formats to PCM raw data
- format
- * Added optional header to PCM raw data format
- * Added a 5-bit IMA ADPCM compression for higher quality ADPCM at 25% more
- space
- * Record level meters with logarithmic display and right-mouse config menu
- * Record level meters made larger, and display on playback and record as well
- * User defined number of Undo levels
- * Functions work on entire waveform when no selection is made
- * Undo Music wasn't working properly
- * Invalid undo directory is handled properly now
- * Paste Special gave "not enough memory for undo" when not necessary
- * Toolbar help popups do not disable keyboard anymore
- * Moved location of 'fact' chunk in WAV files for more compatibility
- Following are the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes since version 1.34:
- * Merge button added to Cue list to concatonate two cue items into one range.
- * Added Open Append function and the ability to open multiple files into a
- single Cool Edit instance.
- * Three-level undo incorporated so you can Undo the last 3 actions.
- * Added 6000Hz VOX file format.
- * New Reverb function is ideal for simulating room spaces from shower stalls
- to grand amphitheatres.
- * New RMS option added to Compressor function so the exact output RMS value
- can be generated for any RMS input value.
- * New Cool Edit Lite option now available for those who don't need all the
- extra widgets and gizmos.
- * New registration address in Arizona. I have started a new company called
- Syntrillium Software Corporation.
- * Application startup time sped up by not checking for CD-ROM drive at app
- startup, but instead checking only when opening the CD Player.
- * Clicking on the 'black' area of the green slider bar pages one screen left or
- right.
- * Cue items may be added to the cue list by pressing F8 or Add while audio is
- playing or recording to mark the current play or record position.
- * Cue list markers now display as red arrows, and cue range indicators display
- as blue brackets above and below the waveform display.
- * Current play time is displayed in the window when audio is playing.
- * Added hand icon to graphs to more easily edit graphs.
- * Made separate Undo and Temp directories.
- * Convert Sample Type function is now undoable as well.
- * Added a maximum display size in Settings, so only the first N seconds will
- be displayed, instead of the entire waveform if desired.
- * Added option to Info to keep Cool Edit from adding extra RIFF info.
- * Added more FFT sizes to the Noise Reduction function.
- * Added final length setting to Stretch function so data can be entered as a
- percentage of stretching, or new stretched length.
- * VOX formats will prompt "Convert to ...?" instead of auto-converting.
- * Transform and Generate menu items and toolbar items are now sorted
- alphabetically (except for Reverse, Silence, Invert and Music).
- * Green slider bar made more apparent (bigger) to be easier to use.
- * Dithering to 8-bit audio had rail-to-rail spikes if original 16-bit audio
- was clipping.
- * Single channel Noise Reduction and Filtering was corrupt.
- * Sometimes Noise Reduction would halt at 99% and never complete.
- * EQ presets for Echo function, and Stretch presets were a little flakey.
- * GP Fault occurred when cursor was out of view and Play was pressed in Play
- From Cursor mode.
- * Adjusted play bar speed to (hopefully) work properly for Sound Blaster Pros.
- * 8-bit Stretch function truncated all negative values (very weird!)
- * Stretching waves that were near clipping used to distort.
- * AU file filter saved 8-bit audio improperly, or only wrote a header.
- * There was a possible problem with Undo corrupting previous instances' undo
- buffers. Also in an intermediate build the Undo buffers were never erased.
- * Sound Blaster cards used to give Divede By Zero when Play was pressed.
- Thanks to everyone who sent in suggestions and found bugs and such! I have
- fixed all the bigs, and implemented some of the suggested features. But I
- still did not have time to get around to them all.
- Check out the Cool Edit Home Page at http://www.ep.se/cool/ courtesy of
- ElektroPost Sweden.
- To Register, see the Registration section of COOL.HLP (choose Help->Contents
- from within Cool Edit). I have 3 registration levels that you can choose
- from:
- $50 - Basic Registration. You will receive a registration number that will
- unlock your copy so you can use any function at any time.
- $100 - Preferred Registration. You will receive a registration number, and
- automatically receive ShareWare updates as they are released. You are
- also placed on my 'preferred' list which will entitle you to other
- goodies in the future.
- $25 - Lite Version. You will receive a registration number that will turn
- your copy into a registered wave editor with only the bare wave editing
- essentials. If you have no need for all the fancy effects offered by
- Cool Edit, then register at this level.
- Send a check drawn on a US bank, or US money order to:
- Syntrillium Software Corporation
- P.O. Box 60274
- Phoenix, AZ 85082-0274
- FAX: 602-941-8170
- email: Syntrill@aol.com
- Cool Edit is (c)1992-1995 David Johnston and (c)1995 Syntrillium Corporation