PC World Komputer 1996 February
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;New Script Alt+N
This option clears the currently loaded script
from the screen and resets the script filename to
WORKING.SPT. You will NOT be asked if you wish to
save the file before clearing.
;Load Script Alt+L
This option loads an existing SuperShow script
file into the editor. When choosing this option,
a dialog box will appear containing all script
files (.SPT files) in the current directory.
You may also choose another drive or directory.
Choose the script file to load by pressing the Tab
and arrow keys and then press Enter. The file
will then be loaded into the Editor.
;Save Script Alt+F
This option allows you to save the current script
file. A window appears with the default script
file name/path. If that's acceptable press enter.
You may also change the name of the script file.
;Merge Script Alt+M
Frequently, the best way to build presentations is
with separate scripts for each part of your show.
The merge feature lets you combine multiple
scripts into one script file.
Choosing this option will open a dialog box with
names of the script files in the current
directory. Choose a file to merge and press
enter. The file will be appended to the end of
the current script.
;Print Script
When choosing this option, all lines of the
currently loaded script will be sent to your line
printer. ShowPrep uses LPT port #1 as the printer
port. Other printer ports are not supported.
;Search Script Alt-F2
This option pop-ups a window requesting the search
word/phrase. Type the information and press
enter. The search will find the next occurance of
the entered word or phrase. The search always
occurs forward from the current cursor position.
;Search/Replace Alt-F3
Similar to Search, this choice also has the
ability to replace the word/phrase with another.
In addition to the search window, you will find a
replace window. Enter the information you wish to
search; press the tab key; enter the replacement
information and press enter.
;Save/Run Script F10
This is the presentation preview option. Choosing
this item will save your script and then run it.
You may also press the F10 function key directly
from the editor.
;Configuration F2
This option allows you to set up the configuration
parameters for ShowPrep, including the colors of
the ShowPrep editor, whether the insert key is
active (on) upon start up and entering external
program hooks.
When entering external program hooks, be sure to
include the drive, path, filename and any command
line parameter. An example is:
;DOS Shell
Choosing this option will shell out of ShowPrep
putting you at a DOS prompt in current directory.
You may perform normal DOS tasks like Copy, Erase,
Dir, etc. DO NOT load any TSR's (memory resident)
programs while in the shell. To return, type EXIT
at the prompt and press Enter.
;Quit Alt+F1
Choosing this option exits ShowPrep and returns
you to the DOS prompt or calling program.
;File Error On
If you choose to insert this command into your
script then each time a called file is not found
then the program will stop and display a message
that says the file was not found. The default is
File Error On.
You may wish to have the File Error set to ON
during development and then change it to OFF
before you create your runtime executable file.
;File Error Off
If you choose to insert this command into your
script then each time a called file is not found
then the program will continue with the next
script command without stopping. The default is
File Error On.
You may wish to have the File Error set to ON
during development and then change it to OFF
before you create your runtime executable file.
;Super ToolBox Alt+T
This option will switch you to Super ToolBox.
ToolBox features several imaging tools such as
sizing, cropping, palette/image conversion,
printing and more. You may also copy, move,
delete, print and view your pcx images.
;Preview Font File Alt+P
This option provides you a list custom fonts
available in the current directory. Highlight the
desired font and press Enter. A sample of the
font is displayed. Press Esc to choose another
font or press Esc twice to return to the editor.
;Preview Sound File
This tool will preview the various types of sound
files. A check box appears listing the types.
Choose the type you wish to hear and press Enter.
The types are:
MUS: PC Speaker sound files (no sound card
VOC: Digital Audio file (Sound card reqd).
CMF: FM synthesizer music (Sound card reqd).
MID: Midi music (Sound card required).
XBVOC: Same as VOC above but limited in size to
conventional memory available.
To preview VOC, CMF and MID files, you must first
load SBFMDRV (for CMF) or SBMIDI (for MID) then
SBSIM. If you are going to use sound frequently,
you probably should use a batch file as an
external program hook in the F4 Tools menu. See
the manual for details.
You may press Esc at any time to choose another
file or press Esc twice to return to ShowPrep.
;Preview Flic File
This tool will preview FLI and FLC animation
files. These animation files are created using
programs like AutoDesk Animator, or the shareware
Video For DOS (VFD).
This option provides you a list FLI and FLC files
available in the current directory. Highlight the
desired file and press Enter.
The animation sequence will continue over & over
until a key is pressed. Press Esc to choose
another file or press Esc twice to return to the
ShowPrep Editor. The file, FLICKER.EXE, must be
in the SuperShow directory for this tool.
;MakeShow (Make Runtime)
Makeshow is the tool that creates a run-time
version of your presentation; a version you may
distribute without payment of any royalties or
fees. The proper syntax for using Makeshow is:
MAKESHOW [script.spt/fileout.exe]
You may run makeshow from ShowPrep through this
tool menu or directly from the DOS command line.
See the chapter titled RUN-TIME MODULES in your
manual for further details.
;Make Project
This is similar to MakeShow in that this option
will create a run-time file. In addition, Make
Project will create a project directory, copy all
your images, fonts, sound and animation files to
that directory; strip all comments and path names
from your commands and create a run-time file.
Using Make Project will allow you to keep all your
image files, font files, etc. in separate
directories, gathering only the ones needed for a
particular presentation.
;Box Draw
This tool assists in drawing and positioning
pop-up boxes on screen. A dialog box appears
listing the pcx files in the current directory.
Highlight the image upon which you wish to use the
boxdraw tool and then press the Enter.
The image appears with an expandable box. Use the
cursor keys to move the sides of the box. Press
the S key to switch between left/upper and
right/lower sides of the box. Use the space bar
to increase/decrease pixel movement. When the box
appears as you wish, press Enter and the box
command will be written to your script at the
current cursor location in ShowPrep.
;Circle Draw
This tool assists in drawing and positioning
circles on screen. A dialog box will appears
listing the pcx files in the current directory.
Highlight the image upon which you wish to use the
circle tool and press Enter.
The up, down, left & right cursor keys moves the
entire circle on your screen. To change the size
& shape, use the Pg, Home & End keys. PgUp
increases the height, PgDn decreases the height.
Home increases the width and the End key decreases
the width.
;Pixel Locate
This tool locates pixel coordinates on a pcx
image. You'll need this info to position text or
images. A dialog box appears listing the pcx
images in the current directory. Highlight the
image you wish and press the Enter key.
The image appears with the mouse cursor located
near the center of the screen. The pixel
coordinates appear in the upper left hand corner.
As you move the mouse, the coordinates change in
relation to the location of the mouse cursor. Move
the cursor to the point where you wish to locate
your text or drawing and note the pixel location.
Press Esc to return to ShowPrep.
; 16 Color Palette
There are an infinite number of palettes when
using pcx images. This tool determines the
numbers assigned to each color in a 16 color
A dialog box appears listing the pcx images in the
current directory. Highlight the image in question
and press Enter. A palette map image appears on
your screen showing the correct color numbers for
the chosen image's palette.
The file PAL16.PCX must be located in the current
directory when using this tool.
;256 Color Palette
There are an infinite number of palettes when
using pcx images. This tool determines the
numbers assigned to each color in a 256 color
A dialog box appears listing the pcx images in the
current directory. Highlight the image in question
and press Enter. A palette map image will appear
on your screen showing you the correct color
numbers for the chosen image's palette.
The file PAL256.PCX must be located in the current
directory when using this tool.
;SHOW @ Alt+S
This script command is used to display an image at
a desired pixel location using a designated
transition effect. The proper syntax is:
Show @ x,y filename.ext #
where x is the pixel column, y is the pixel row,
filename is the DOS filename, .ext is .PCX, and #
is a number between 0 and 48 which designates the
desired transition effect.
Using the pull-down menu will take you through
each step and then automatically write the command
to your script.
;CLR Alt+C
This script command is used to clear the screen at
the desired pixel location using a designated
color and transition effect. Proper syntax is:
CLR color#,fx#,x1,y1,x2,y2
where color# is a number between 0 and 255, fx# is
a transition effect number between 0 and 48. x1
and y1 are the beginning pixel column and row and
x2 and y2 are the ending pixel column and row.
;Animation Alt+A
This option will display a list of all script
commands that may be used when creating animation
in your presentation.
Further help is available from that list by
highlighting the command and pressing F1.
;Set Animate1
This command designates a list of pcx images you
wish to include in an animation sequence. The
proper syntax for this process is:
Set Animate1
End Set
The maximum number of images used in an animation
sequence depends on the size of the images and
memory available to your system. Consult the
chapter titled Animation in your manual for full
details on the animation process.
;Set Animate2
This command allows you to create a second list of
images to include in an animation sequence. The
proper syntax for this process is:
Set Animate2
End Set
The maximum number of images used in an animation
sequence depends on the size of the images and
memory available to your system. Consult the
chapter titled Animation in your manual for full
details on the animation process.
;End Set
This is the final command used when creating a
list of images to include in an animation
sequence. See Set Animate1 help for the syntax.
;Put @
The Put command is used to transparently display
an image at a designated pixel location. The
proper syntax is:
Put @ x,y filename.ext
where x is the pixel column, y is the pixel row,
filename.pcx is the name of your PCX image.
The transparent color is chosen with the KeyColor
script command.
The Animate1 command is used to display the
animation sequence created by Set Animate1. The
proper syntax for this command is:
Animate1 x1,y1,x2,y2,step#,restore#
where x1 is the beginning pixel column, y1 is the
beginning pixel row, x2 and y2 are the ending
column & row, respectively. Step# designates how
many steps the images move for each animation.
Restore# is a number between 0 & 2 and determines
whether the image will remain displayed on the
screen at the end of the animation sequence.
The speed of the animation may be controlled by
using the FxDelay script command. Consult the
chapter titled Animation in your manual for full
details on the animation process.
The Animate2 command is used to display the
animation sequence created by Set Animate2. The
proper syntax for this command is:
Animate2 x1,y1,x2,y2,step#,restore#
where x1 is the beginning pixel column, y1 is the
beginning pixel row, x2 and y2 are the ending
column & row, respectively. Step# designates how
many steps the images move for each animation.
Restore# is a number between 0 & 2 and determines
whether the image will remain displayed on the
screen at the end of the animation sequence.
The speed of the animation may be controlled by
using the FxDelay script command. Consult the
chapter titled Animation in your manual for full
details on the animation process.
This command is used for displaying single image
animation. The proper syntax is:
PFloat x1,y1,x2,y2,step#,restore#,filename.pcx
x1 is the beginning column, y1 is the beginning
row, x2 and y2 are the ending column and row,
respectively. Step# designates how many steps the
image moves during each cycle. Restore# is a
number between 0 and 2. Zero (0) means the image
will disappear from the display at the end of the
sequence. 1 means the image will leave a trail
from beginning to end. 2 means the image will
remain on the screen at the end of the sequence.
Filename.pcx is the name of the image to float.
The speed of PFloat effect may be controlled by
using the FxDelay script command. Consult the
chapter titled Animation in your manual for full
details on the animation process.
This command is used for displaying a text message
using an animation effect. The proper syntax is:
TFloat x1,y1,x2,y2,step#,restore#,"message"
x1 and y1 are the beginning row and column, x2 and
y2 are the ending column and row, respectively.
Step# designates how many steps the message moves
during each cycle. Restore# is a number between 0
and 2. Zero means the text will disappear from the
display at the end of the sequence. 1 means the
text will leave a trail from beginning to end. 2
means the text will remain on the screen at the
end of the sequence. "Message" are the words you
wish to float.
The speed of TFloat effect may be controlled by
using the FxDelay script command. Consult the
chapter titled Animation in your manual for full
details on the animation process.
;Kill Animate
This command frees the memory used to store images
you created used in Set Animate# command. Once
the animation sequence is completed and won't be
used again, you should free memory by using this
command. It's important to use this command
before re-using the Set Animate# command.
This command designates which color will be
transparent during an animation, float or put
sequence. The syntax is:
KeyColor [colornumber]
where colornumber is an associated color number
between 0 and 255. The default KeyColor is black
which is color number 0 (zero).
;Flic @
This command will play FLI and FLC animation
files. These animation files are created using
programs like AutoDesk Animator, or the shareware
Video For DOS (VFD).
The syntax for showing this file is:
FLIC @ x,y [Filename.Ext] {/Rx} {/G} {/V}
where x is the pixel column and y is the pixel row
where you wish the FLC/FLI file to be located.
Filename.Ext is the name of the FLI or FLC file
you wish to show. There are also 3 optional
switches when using the FLIC command.
The /R is to set the number of repitions of the
animation sequence. If left off, the sequence
will occur until a key is pressed or 1000 times.
The /G switch when present will leave the video
mode set to the FLI or FLC file and display the
first image of that file.
The /V switch will force the FLI or FLC file to
play in SVGA mode 640x480x256. If the /V switch
is left off, then the mode is determined by the
FLI/FLC file.
This command is for setting the speed of a
FLC/FLI file. The proper syntax is:
FLCDelay #
where # is the number of milliseconds to delay
between frames of a FLI/FLC file.
;Do Loop
A Do Loop allows you to repeat a designated series
of script commands. Here is an example of a Do
Loop script sequence:
Do Loop
Color 0,0
Print @ 100,100 "This is a test"
Wait .5
Color 15,0
Print @ 100,100 "This is a test"
Wait .5
Loop 10
This would flash the message "This is a test"
every second for ten times. The maximum loop
number is 20. Do not nest a second Do Loop inside
an existing Do Loop.
This is the end statement of a Do Loop sequence.
The proper syntax is:
Loop [number#]
where number# is a number between 2 and 20. See
the help on Do Loop for a sample sequence.
This command sets the number of horizontal and
vertical pixels displayed during a transition
effect. Changing these numbers creates dozens of
different effects for each transition. It also
affects the speed with which an image appears. The
proper syntax is:
PIXNUM [horiz#,vert#]
where horiz# is the horizontal pixel number and
vert# is the vertical pixel number. The default
is 8,8.
FxDelay controls the speed of transition and
animation effects. The higher the number, the
slower the effect. The syntax is:
FxDelay [number#]
where number# is a number from 0 to 5000. In
reality you probably would not use a number larger
than 200. The default is zero (0).
;Special FX Alt+X
Choosing this option will display a list of all
special effects script commands that may be used
when creating your presentation.
Further help is available from that list by
highlighting the command and pressing F1.
;EscKey On
This command activates the Esc key as the active
termination key. That means when the Esc key is
pressed, the show will end as soon as the current
script command is completed.
When a presentation is ended by pressing the Esc
key a DOS Error Level number 27 is returned. DOS
Error Level may be read/recognized in a batch
file. This is useful if you wish to determine how
someone exited your presentation.
EscKey On is the default.
;EscKey Off
This command de-activates the Esc key as the
active termination key. This means when the Esc
key is pressed, the show will continue to run
until the script is completed or a Stop script
command is encountered.
EscKey On is the default.
This special effects command will shake the video
display for a designated number of cycles. The
proper syntax is:
Shake #
where # is the number of cycles you wish to shake
the video display.
This command creates a flashing marquee effect on
selected colors. The syntax is:
Flash [Color#,TotColors,Repeat,Delay]
where Color# is the beginning color number,
TotColors is the number of colors to flash, Repeat
is the number of times to flash and Delay is a
number that designates the speed of the flashing
effect. The higher the Delay number, the slower
the flashing rate.
This re-maps a color number to a different color
number for one display sequence. The syntax is:
Paint [Old#,New#)
where Old# is the color number you wish to change
and New# is the color you wish to change to.
This command generates a kaleidoscope screen using
the current palette. The syntax is:
Kalid [number]
where number is any number between -32000 and
32000. By designating a number you guarantee that
the same pattern will be drawn each time you run
your presentation.
This command is used to set the parameters for the
Crawl special effect. The syntax is:
Crwlat [x,y,x2,Delay]
where x is the pixel column start, y is the pixel
row, and x2 is the pixel column end; Delay is the
number of seconds you wish the message to crawl
across the screen.
This command will display a ticker tape type
message while waiting for a key press or for a
specified amount of time. The syntax is:
Crawl ["Message"]
where "Message" is the text you wish to display
using the crawl effect. The text should be
surrounded by quotes.
;Type @
This command will display a line of text with a
typewriter sound effect. The syntax is:
Type @ [x,y "Message"]
where x and y are the beginning pixel column and
row and "Message is the text you wish to display
using the Type effect. The text should be
surrounded by quotes.
;SType @
This command will display a line of text with a
silent typewriter effect. The syntax is:
SType @ [x,y "Message"]
where x and y are the beginning pixel column and
row and "Message is the text you wish to display
using the Type effect. The text should be
surrounded by quotes.
;$Type @
This command will display a single line of user
input text stored in string using the typewriter
sound effect. The syntax is:
$Type @ [x,y,$#]
where x and y are the beginning pixel column and
row and $# is the number of the user input string
you wish to display using the Type effect.
;Logo At
This command sets the location of the 3D logo
effect. The syntax is:
Logo At [x,y]
where x & y are beginning pixel column and row.
;Logo ,
This command displays a text line using one of
three 3D logo special effects. The syntax is
Logo [color#,"Message"]
where color# is the foreground color of the text
and "Message" is the text you wish to display
using this effect. The text should be surrounded
by quotation marks.
;Logo1 ,
This command displays a text line using one of
three 3D logo special effects. The syntax is
Logo1 [color#,"Message"]
where color# is the foreground color of the text
and "Message" is the text you wish to display
using this effect. The text should be surrounded
by quotation marks.
;Logo2 ,
This command displays a text line using one of
three 3D logo special effects. The syntax is
Logo2 [color#,"Message"]
where color# is the foreground color of the text
and "Message" is the text you wish to display
using this effect. The text should be surrounded
by quotation marks.
;Explode @
This command will cause an image to grow on screen
until it has reached full size. The syntax is:
Explode @ [x,y,filename.ext,scale%]
where x and y are the offset from center of the
pixel column and row locations, filename.ext is
the name of the image file, and scale% is a number
from 2 to 25 that determines how quickly the image
will grow to full size.
;Scale @
This command will display a scaled version of an
image file. The proper syntax is:
Scale @ [x,y,filename.ext,%]
where x and y are the beginning pixel column and
row locations, filename.ext is the name of the
image file, and % represents the amount of scaling
you wish to occur.
;Date @
This command will display the current date using
the currently active font. The syntax is:
Date @ [x,y]
where x and y are the pixel column and row
locations where you wish the date displayed. The
date will display in the American MM/DD/YY format.
;EDate @
This command will display the current date using
the currently active font. The syntax is:
EDate @ [x,y]
where x and y are the pixel column and row
locations where you wish the date displayed. The
date will display in the Internaitonal DD/MM/YY
;Time1 @
This command will display the current time in
hours, minutes and seconds using the currently
active font. The syntax is:
Time1 @ [x,y,delay]
where x and y are the pixel column and row
where you wish the time displayed and delay is the
amount of time you wish the the time displayed.
;Time2 @
This command will display the current time in
hours and minutes using the currently active font.
The syntax is:
Time2 @ [x,y,delay]
where x and y are the pixel column and row where
you wish the time displayed and delay is the
amount of time you wish the the time displayed.
;Time3 @
This command will display the current time in
hours and minutes using military time in the
currently active font. The syntax is:
Time3 @ [x,y,delay]
where x and y are the pixel column and row where
you wish the time displayed and delay is the
amount of time you wish the the time displayed.
;Time4 @
This command will display the current time in
hours, minutes and seconds using military time in
the currently active font. The syntax is:
Time4 @ [x,y,delay]
where x and y are the pixel column and row
where you wish the time displayed and delay is the
amount of time you wish the the time displayed.
This command will delay a presentation for a
designated number of seconds, or until a key or
mouse click occurs. The syntax is:
Delay [seconds]
where seconds is the number of seconds you wish to
delay the currently running presentation.
Pause is used to halt the currently running
presentation. The presentation will resume if a
user presses a key or clicks the mouse.
Sleep is almost identical to Delay, but uses a
different timer. Occasionally, Delay may
interfere with sound being played in the
background. If that occurs, try the Sleep
command. The proper syntax is:
Sleep [seconds]
where seconds is the number of seconds you wish to
delay the currently running script.
Wait is a forced delay command. Where Delay and
Sleep will end if the user strikes a key or clicks
the mouse, Wait will not respond to any mouse
action or keypress except the Esc key if the
EscKey On command is active. The syntax is:
Wait [seconds]
where seconds is the number of seconds you wish to
delay. Wait also is the most accurate of the
timing commands and you may actually designate
time in tenths of seconds. If you need to control
the speed of a Do Loop or coordinate sound with
video, Wait is the ideal timing command to use.
Run will execute any program file with an .exe,
.com or .bat extension. This includes shows you
create with the MakeShow utility. You may also
include an optional line label parameter. Once
the called program is run, you will NOT return to
the calling script. This command only works in a
compiled (created by MakeShow) version of your
presentation. The syntax is:
where FILENAME.EXT is the program file name. The
optional line label parameter is for running other
presentations created with the MakeShow utility.
By including a line label, the presentation you
are running will begin at the label you designate
in the Run command.
The TRun command is identical to the Shell command
except that the video mode is switched to text
mode. This will blank your screen. As opposed to
Run, TRun shells to DOS, which means upon task
completion, you are returned to the calling
script. This command will work from ShowPrep or
in a compiled version. The proper syntax is:
TRun [FILENAME.EXT] or [DOS parameters]
where FILENAME.EXT is a program file. You may use
TRun to perform such DOS tasks as listing a
directory or copying a file. Upon return, your
show continues at the next script command
following the TRun command.
Shell is similar to Trun except the video card
remains set in the current mode. This means you
may continue to display a screen from your show
and still shell a program file. Example: Playing
an external sound file while displaying an image
or images on your screen. The syntax is:
Shell [FILENAME.EXT] or [DOS parameters]
where FILENAME.EXT is a program file. You may use
Shell to perform DOS tasks such as listing a
directory or copying a file. Upon return, your
show continues at the next script command
following the Shell command.
When the Stop command is encountered, the show
ends and returns to ShowPrep (or DOS in a
compiled version). In the compiled version only,
you may set an error level number that then may be
read by a DOS batch file. For example, if you
wish to set error level 1 upon executing the Stop
command the proper syntax is:
Stop 1
There is an automatic error level set if a user
ends a show by pressing the Esc key (The EscKey
Off command would be active). This is error level
This command is similar to stop except that it
leaves the screen set to the last video mode set
with the Screen Mode script command and it does
not clear the screen. This command is only active
in a compiled (runtime .EXE) version. You may set
an error level number that then may be read by a
DOS batch file. For example, if you wish to set
error level 1 upon executing the Exit command the
proper syntax is:
Exit 1
There is an automatic error level set if a user
ends a show by pressing the Esc key (The EscKey
Off command would be active). This is error level
;Screen Mode
This command sets a specific screen mode. A menu
of all screen modes appears on your screen.
Highlight the desired mode and press the Enter key
and the screen mode command will be placed in your
script at the current cursor location.
This is used to set foreground and background
colors for displaying text, boxes, circles, etc.
The syntax is:
Color [fg,bg]
where fg is the foreground color and bg is the
background color.
This command will cause the palette of the
designated image to become the active palette.
The syntax is:
PAL [filename.ext]
where filename.ext is the name of the image file.
This command does NOT load the image file, only
the palette from that image.
This command will draw a rectangle on the screen
using the active colors. The syntax is:
Box [x1,y1,x2,y2]
where x1 and y1 are the beginning pixel column and
row locations and x2 and y2 are the ending pixel
column and row locations.
This command will draw an ellipse on the screen
using the active colors. The syntax is:
Circle [x,y,h,v]
where x and y designate the pixel location of
where the ellipse will be centered, h is the
horizontal axis and v the vertical axis.
This command is used to fill a box or circle with
a specified fill character. The syntax is:
Fill [style]
where style is the fill type. The choices are
solid, brick, diagonal, link, smalldot and
This command will tile the screen (also referred
to as wall-paper) with a designated image. The
proper syntax is:
Tile [x1,y1,x2,y2,filename.ext FD#]
where x1 and y1 are the beginning pixel column and
row locations, x2 and y2 are the ending pixel
column and row locations, and filename.ext is the
name of the image file and FD# is the type of
screen transition (2-48) desired.
This is a line label command. A line label must
always by preceded by a colon. Line labels are
used in conditional branching. See the manual for
details on creating conditional branching.
This is a conditional branching command. It's
purpose is to register a keypress or mouse click
by the user of your show. The syntax is:
INPUT [delay]
where delay is the number of seconds the show will
wait to receive a keypress or mouse click before
going on to the next script command.
This is a conditional branching command. It's
purpose is to send program specific instructions
if a designated key was pressed by the user during
an INPUT command. The syntax is:
IF [key] GOTO :[line label]
where key is the key pressed and line label is the
label to goto when that key is pressed.
This is a conditional branching command used in
conjunction with the GOSUB command. It's
purpose is to return the show to the script line
immediately following the GOSUB command. The
syntax is simply:
SuperShow remembers the line number of the GOSUB
statement and simply returns to that line number
plus one. You may not nest GOSUB/RETURN script
commands. See the GOSUB help for more detail.
This command will force the program to a
designated line label. The proper syntax is:
GOTO :[name]
where name is the label where the show is to go.
This command will force the program to branch to a
designated line label. It will continue to
execute the presentation one line at a time until
it encounters a RETURN script command. At the
RETURN command, the program will branch back to
the line immediately following the GOSUB command.
The proper syntax is:
GOSUB :[name]
where name is the label where the show is to go.
GOSUB is short for go to a subroutine. With
GOSUB, you only need to script repetitive tasks
one time.
;Count Commands
This option will display a list of all counting
and scoring script commands.
Further help is available from that list by
highlighting the command and pressing F1.
This counting & scoring command adds a count of
one to the existing TCount number.
This counting & scoring command adds a count of
one to the existing FCount number.
This counting & scoring command adds a count of
one to the existing RCount number.
This command will re-set the number count for
TCount, FCount and RCount to zero.
;CPrint TCount
This will print the TCount number to the screen
using the active font.
;CPrint FCount
This will print the FCount number to the screen
using the active font.
;CPrint RCount
This will print the RCount number to the screen
using the active font.
;CPrint Score
This will print a score percentage based on the
total TCount & FCount number divided by TCount.
;If TCount
This is a conditional branching command based on
the value of TCount. It gives you the ability to
execute any SuperShow command based on the numeric
value of TCount. The proper syntax is:
IF TCOUNT [operator] [number] THEN [command]
where operator is either = (equal sign), < (less
than sign), > (greater than sign); number is the
number you wish to activate the branching; and
command is the SuperShow script command. For
example, if you wish to print the words "Hello
World" when TCount is equal to 4 the proper syntax
would be:
IF TCOUNT = 4 THEN PRINT @ 10,10 "Hello World"
See the conditional branching in the manual for
more detail.
;If FCount
This is a conditional branching command based on
the value of FCount. It gives you the ability to
execute any SuperShow command based on the numeric
value of FCount. The proper syntax is:
IF FCOUNT [operator] [number] THEN [command]
where operator is either = (equal sign), < (less
than sign), > (greater than sign); number is the
number you wish to activate the branching; and
command is the SuperShow script command. For
example, if you wish to print the words "Hello
World" when FCount is equal to 4 the proper syntax
would be:
IF FCOUNT = 4 THEN PRINT @ 10,10 "Hello World"
See the conditional branching in the manual for
more detail.
;If RCount
This is a conditional branching command based on
the value of RCount. It gives you the ability to
execute any SuperShow command based on the numeric
value of RCount. The proper syntax is:
IF RCOUNT [operator] [number] THEN [command]
where operator is either = (equal sign), < (less
than sign), > (greater than sign); number is the
number you wish to activate the branching; and
command is the SuperShow script command. For
example, if you wish to print the words "Hello
World" when RCount is equal to 4 the proper syntax
would be:
IF RCOUNT = 4 THEN PRINT @ 10,10 "Hello World"
See the conditional branching in the manual for
more detail.
;Let TCount
This command lets you set the value of TCount to a
fixed value. For example, if you wish to make
TCount equal to 10 the syntax is:
LET TCount = 10
;Let FCount
This command lets you set the value of FCount to a
fixed value. For example, if you wish to make
FCount equal to 10 the syntax is:
LET FCount = 10
;Let RCount
This command lets you set the value of RCount to a
fixed value. For example, if you wish to make
RCount equal to 10 the syntax is:
LET RCount = 10
This command allows you to choose a random number
and assign it to one of the count variables. The
proper syntax for this command is:
Randomize RCount [#]
where # is the maximum number in the random list.
For example if you wanted to choose a random
number between 1 and 100 and assign that number to
the TCount variable the syntax is:
Randomize TCount 100
You then could set a series of IF/THEN script
commands to act upon the random number chosen.
For example if you wanted to go to a specific line
label if TCount was equal to 50 you'd follow the
above script command with the following line:
;FONT Directory Alt+Z
This option will pop-up a dialog box listing the
custom fonts in the current directory. Highlight
the desired font, press Enter and the FONT command
and filename will be inserted in your script.
This option will insert a FONT command in your
script making the ROM 8x8 font the active font.
This option will insert a FONT command in your
script making the ROM 8x14 font the active font.
This option will insert a FONT command in your
script making the ROM 8x16 font the active font.
;Textfade Alt+Q
This option pops up a dialog box listing the text
fade effects. Highlight the effect, press Enter
and the text fade will be inserted in your script.
;Print @
This command is used to print text to the screen.
The proper syntax is:
Print @ [x,y "Message"]
where x and y are the beginning pixel column and
row locations and "Message" is the text you wish
to display.
This option pops up a dialog box listing the text
styles. Highlight a style, press Enter and the
text style command will be placed in your script.
Styles are cumulative, meaning that you may have
multiple styles (such as bold, underline and
overlay) active at the same time. Style Shadow
automatically sets to Overlay since this is
necessary for a font shadow to appear. To reset
the text style choose style normal.
This command affects the rotation angle of the
custom and rom fonts. The syntax is:
Rotate [angle]
where angle is 0, 90, 180 or 270.
This command sets the shadow offset and color for
the font shadow effect. The proper syntax is:
Shadow x,y,colr
where x is the pixel column offset, y is the pixel
row offset and colr is the number designating what
color the shadow will be. The default is 3,3,0,
which means the shadow is offset 3 row and column
pixels and the shadow color is black (0).
The shadow does not appear on text unless the
command STYLE SHADOW is used.
This command will access an external ascii text
file and allow scrolling of that text on the
screen. The syntax is:
Scroll [x1,y1,x2,y2,textfile.txt]
where x1 and y1 designate the upper left corner of
the scroll box; x2 and y2 designate the lower
right corner of the scroll box; and textfile.txt
is the file you wish to display in the scroll box.
Scroll is a very powerful command that allows you
to create electronic book and magazine publishing.
The actual scrolling occurs using the cursor keys
or mouse hot spots designated with the MouseSC
command. In addition to scrolling text, you may
go forward and backward, article to article,
return to a table of contents page, etc. View the
script PUBLISH.SPT for a sample magazine.
This command sets a time out delay, in seconds,
when using the Scroll script command. This means
that when the delay is reached, your presentation
will automatically procede to the script command
immediately following the Scroll command. For
example, if you wish to exit from a Scroll command
after 1 minute you would issue the following:
SCDelay 60
A SCDelay of zero (the default) means there will
be no time out and the only exit from the Scroll
command is by mouse click of key press.
;TXPrev :
This command is used in conjuntion with the
scroll and other publishing commands. It sets a
specific line label to go to when the user clicks
on the Previous button or presses the F9 function
key while scrolling text with the Scroll command.
The proper syntax is:
TxPrev :[Line Label]
where Line Label is the name of the label you wish
to go to when this function is activated. See the
section on Publishing in the manual for more
;TXOthr :
This command is used in conjuntion with the
scroll and other publishing commands. It sets a
specific line label to go to when the user clicks
on the Contents button or presses the Esc key
while scrolling text with the Scroll command. The
proper syntax is:
TxPrev :[Line Label]
where Line Label is the name of the label you wish
to go to when this function is activated. See the
section on Publishing in the manual for more
;TXLabl :
This command is used in conjuntion with the
scroll and other publishing commands. It sets a
specific line label to go to when the user clicks
on a hot button or presses the F2 funtion key
while scrolling text with the Scroll command. The
proper syntax is:
TxLabl :[Line Label]
where Line Label is the name of the label you wish
to go to when this function is activated. See the
section on Publishing in the manual for more
;$ Variable Commands
This displays a list of all user input commands.
Further help is available from that list by
highlighting the command and pressing F1.
;Get @ $
This user input command allows the user of your
presentation to input a line of information that
you may later retrieve or save. Maximum number of
lines is 21. The syntax is:
Get @ [x,y] $[#]
where x and y are the starting pixel column and
row locations and # is a string ($) number between
zero and 20. As the user inputs text from the
keyboard, the input will be displayed on the
screen using the active font.
;$Print @
This command will print the contents of a user
string to the screen using the current active
font. The syntax is:
$Print @ [x,y] $[#]
where x and y are the starting pixel column and
row and # is the user string number to display.
This command designates the length of the string
allowed for user input. The syntax is:
$Size [#]
where # is the number of characters allowed for
user input. The $Size affects both the Get and
Read commands.
This is the command used to read an external user
input file. The proper syntax is:
Read textfile.txt [/# TO #]
Read $# [/# TO #]
where textfile.txt is the name of the textfile you
wish to read. Instead of the actual filename you
may alternatively use a user string number.
The first # in the TO option is where in the
text file you begin reading. The second # is the
last string number you wish to read from that
file. For example, if you wish to read in lines
10 through 20 ($10 - $20) in an ascii text file
named MYFILE.TXT, the proper syntax would be:
;Save $
This command will save all user input strings to a
file named with $ parameter. The syntax is:
Save $[#]
where # is a number from 0 to 20 and is a user
string that's been designated as a filename.
Example: $1 = "myfile.txt" followed by Save $1
will saved all user input strings to myfile.txt.
This command is identical to the TFloat animation
script command except that it will float a user
input literal instead of a message surrounded by
quotes. The syntax is:
$TFloat x1,y1,x2,y2,stp,res,$#
For more detail, see the help message available
under TFloat located in animation commands (F5
pulldown menu) in ShowPrep.
;$ =
This command forces the designated user string
number to contain the quoted text. The syntax is:
$[#] = "Message"
where # is a string number between 0 and 20 and
"Message" is the text you wish to designate.
;If $ =
This is a conditional branching command based on
the literal value of the word (string) stored in
the string variable. The proper syntax is:
If $# = ["string"] THEN [command]
where # is a number from 0 to 20; where "string"
is a literal word (this should be in quotes) you
wish to use to activate the branching; and command
is the SuperShow script command you wish to
For example if you wanted to print the words
"Welcome, Friend" when $1 was equal to "Hello"
then the syntax would be
If $1 = "Hello" THEN Print @10,10 "Welcome Friend"
Any SuperShow script command may be entered after
the THEN word. See the chapter on conditional
branching for more detail.
This command will play a .MID midi music file in
the background if you have a Sound Blaster or
compatible music card. The syntax is:
MIDPlay [filename.mid]
where filename.mid is the name of the sound file
you wish to play. You must load the external
driver's, SBMIDI.EXE & SBSIM.COM, prior to running
your presentation when playing .MID sound files.
This command will play a .VOC digital sound file
in the background if you have a Sound Blaster or
compatible music card. The syntax is:
VOCPlay [filename.voc]
where filename.voc is the name of the sound file
you wish to play. You must load the external
driver, SBMIDI.EXE, prior to running your
presentation when playing .VOC sound files with
the VOCPlay command.
This command will play a .CMF synthesized music
file in the background if you have a Sound Blaster
or compatible music card. The syntax is:
CMFPlay [filename.cmf]
where filename.cmf is the name of the sound file
you wish to play. You must load the external
driver's, SBFMDRV.COM & SBSIM.COM, prior to
running your presentation when playing .CMF sound
The XBVOCPlay command plays a digitized .VOC file
in the background. The main differences between
this and the VOCPlay option is that XBVOCPlay does
not require loading of drivers with SBSIM, but
will only play .VOC files up to about 180K in
size. You may optionally choose to loop the VOC
up to 32000 times. The syntax is:
XBVOCPlay [filename.voc] {Loop#}
where filename.voc is the name of the sound file
you wish to play and Loop# is the number of times
you wish to play the sound file in a loop. If you
leave the Loop# blank, the sound file will play
one time.
A loop # of -1 will check to see if a sound card
is present. If a sound card is detected, the
sound will play one time through the sound card.
If not, it will attempt to play the .VOC file
through the PC Speaker using the VOC2PC utility,
available separately from PC West.
A loop # of -2 will force the .VOC file to play
through the PC Speaker if VOC2PC is found.
This command stops the sound and frees the memory
used to play .MID files with the MIDPlay command.
It is important to use this command before playing
another .MID file.
This command stops the sound and frees the memory
used to play .CMF files with the CMFPlay command.
It is important to use this command before playing
another .CMF file.
This command stops the sound and frees the memory
used to play .VOC files with the VOCPlay command.
It is important to use this command before playing
another .VOC file.
This command stops the sound and frees the memory
used to play .VOC files with the XBVOCPlay
command. It is important to use this command
before playing another .VOC file.
This command will directly play music through your
pc speaker. The proper syntax is:
Play [notes]
where notes may be a single or multiple music
notes or other music language commands. See the
chapter titled Music Language for details on the
built in music language of SuperShow.
This command will play an external music file
(.MUS) in the background, through your pc speaker.
The syntax is:
XPlay [filename.mus]
where filename.mus is the name of the external
music file you wish to play.
This is an extremely handy command that will play
an external music file (.MUS) in the background
(through the pc speaker) in place of a .MID or
CMF music file if no sound card driver is
detected. The syntax is:
X2Play [filename.mus]
where filename.mus is the name of the .MUS music
file you wish to be played. If a sound card
driver is loaded, SuperShow will ignore this
command. If one is not detected, the command will
play the music file. This way you can send out
the same presentation without worrying about
whether or not your end user has a sound card.
;Kill Sound
This option will bring up a dialog box containing
several sound kill commands. Highlight the
individual command and press F1 from this dialog
box for help on each command.
This command stops sound and frees the memory used
to play .MUS files with the XPlay command.
This command will play one of 10 different beep
sequences through your pc speaker. The syntax is:
Sound [#]
where # is a number from 1 to 10.
There are three possible choices. 0 is a general
midi file, 1 is a basic midi file and 2 is an
extended midi file. The proper syntax is:
MapMidi #
where # is the either 0, 1 or 2. If you have
loaded the SBMIDI and SBSIM sound drivers and
don't hear any music, re-mapping the midi may
provide the solution.
This will pause a .MID, .CMF or VOC file. The
proper syntax is:
SBPause #
where # is either 1 for a .CMF file, 2 for a .VOC
file, or 5 for a .MID file. The sound file may be
unpaused by using the SBResume script command.
This will unpause a .MID, .CMF or .VOC file
stopped by the SBPause command. The proper syntax
SBResume #
where # is either 1 for a .CMF file, 2 for a .VOC
file, or 5 for a .MID file. The sound file may be
paused by using the SBPause script command.
This command can set the volume of Sound Blaster
Pro or SB16 cards or higher. The proper syntax
SBVol [LV, RV, #)
where LV is a number between 0 and 255 which will
set the volume for the left speaker, RV is a
number between 0 and 255 which will set the volume
for the right speaker; # is a number between 0 and
6 to designate which type of sound is affected.
These numbers are 0 for the master volume (all
sound), 1 for VOC, 2 for .MID & .CMF files. and 6
for the PC Speaker. You must have loaded the
appropriate drivers and SBSIM before being able to
use this command.
This script command will quickly fade out the
master volume of all sound playing through the
Sound Blaster card. The proper syntax is:
;Blaster On
This command serves as a sound on or sound off
flag. If Blaster On is encountered, all sound
commands will play their designated files. If
Blaster Off is issued, then all sound commands
will be ignored and thus not played. This lets
you give your user the option of whether or not
they wish to hear sound.
This command does NOT load any sound drivers.
;Blaster Off
This command serves as a sound on or sound off
flag. If Blaster On is encountered, all sound
commands will play their designated files. If
Blaster Off is issued, then all sound commands
will be ignored and thus not played. This lets
you give your user the option of whether or not
they wish to hear sound.
This command does NOT load any sound drivers.
;Mouse On
This command will make the mouse cursor visible
during your show. You may turn the mouse on or
off any number of times during a presentation.
;Mouse Off
This command will make the mouse cursor invisible
during your show. You may turn the mouse on or
off any number of times during a presentation.
;Mouse At
This command will locate the mouse cursor at a
desired pixel column and row. The syntax is:
Mouse At [x,y]
where x and y are the pixel column and row
This is the command to create mouse input
hot-spots on the screen to be detected during the
INPUT script command. The syntax is:
MouseIn# [x1,y1,x2,y2 :label]
where # is a number from 0 to 25 designating one of
twenty six possible mouse inputs. x1 and y1
designate the upper left pixel column and row of
the hot-spot area; x2 and y2 designate the lower
right pixel column and row of the hot-spot area;
:label is the line label name to which the
presentation branches if a user clicks on this
This command creates mouse hot-spots on the screen
to be detected during the SCROLL command. Syntax is
MouseSC# [x1,y1,x2,y2]
where # is a number from 0 to 10 designating one of
11 mouse inputs. x1 & y1 designate upper left
pixel column and row and x2 & y2 designate lower
right pixel column and row of the hot-spot area.
These are programmed for exact functions. They are:
0 = Home key 1 = Pg Down 2 = Pg Up
3 = Line Down 4 = Line Up 5 = TxPrev :
6 = Next 7 = TxOther : 8 = End Key
9 = Hot Key (TxLabl :) 10 = Print Text File
5 sends the presentation to the label designated by
TxPrev, 6 to the next script command, 7 to the
label designated by TxOther, 9 to the label
designated by TxLabl and 10 will send the text file
being scrolled to a line printer if connected and
turned on.
Please see the chapter titled Publishing in the
manual for more detail.
;Mouse Cursor
Choosing this menu option will pop-up a dialog box
containing the names of the nine different mouse
cursor's. Highlight the desired name and press
Enter. The syntax is:
Mouse Cursor [name,color#]
where name is the cursor type and color# is the
color in which the cursor will appear.
This command will reset all the hot spots created
by the MouseIn script command to zero's. This
global function prevents you from having to reset
each one individually.
This command will reset all the hot spots created
by the MouseSC script command to zero's. This
global function prevents you from having to reset
each one individually.
This command checks to see if a minimum 640x480
256 color system is being used. If not, it will
then execute the Script command following the Then
statement. For example, if you wanted to branch
to a line label named :MSG if no SVGA card was
detected then the proper syntax would be:
This command checks to see if a True Color video
adapter is present. If not, it will then execute
the Script command following the Then statement.
For example, if you wanted to branch to a line
label named :MSG if no True Color card was
detected then the proper syntax would be:
;If NOEMS Then
This command checks to see if Expanded memory is
present. If not, it will then execute the Script
command following the Then statement. For
example, if you wanted to branch to a line label
named :MSG if no expanded memory was detected,
then the proper syntax would be:
;If NOXMS Then
This command checks to see if Extended memory is
present. If not, it will then execute the Script
command following the Then statement. For
example, if you wanted to branch to a line label
named :MSG if no extended memory was detected,
then the proper syntax would be: