PC World Komputer 1996 February
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BASIC Source File
413 lines
'Tic Tac Toe
'Requires Liberty BASIC v1.0 for Windows or better
'or Liberty BASIC v0.6 for OS/2 or better
'Copyright 1993, Shoptalk Systems
'All Rights Reserved
' set up the board
dim board$(9)
dim razz$(9)
loadbmp "title", "titlettt.bmp"
loadbmp "square", "squarttt.bmp"
WindowWidth = 314
WindowHeight = 400
button #brd, " T ", [1], UL, 10, 60
button #brd, " I ", [2], UL, 110, 60
button #brd, " C ", [3], UL, 210, 60
button #brd, " T ", [4], UL, 10, 160
button #brd, " A ", [5], UL, 110, 160
button #brd, " C ", [6], UL, 210, 160
button #brd, " T ", [7], UL, 10, 260
button #brd, " O ", [8], UL, 110, 260
button #brd, " E ", [9], UL, 210, 260
button #brd, "Pass Move", [skipMove], UL, 210, 10
textbox #brd.comment, 10, 27, 170, 25
menu #brd, "&Help", "&Instructions", [instruct], "&About Tic Tac Toe", [about]
open "Tic Tac Toe Playing Board" for graphics_nsb as #brd
print #brd, "trapclose [quit]";
print #brd, "size 3 ; down";
gosub [drawBoard]
yourName$ = "Human"
prompt "What is your name?"; yourName$
razz$(0) = "Boooh! Hisss!"
razz$(1) = "Oh! I'm Scared!"
razz$(2) = "No Dur!"
razz$(3) = "Why that move?"
razz$(4) = "Lost Cause."
razz$(5) = "No Hope."
razz$(6) = "Change Careers."
razz$(7) = "Major Bummer!"
razz$(8) = "Boring."
razz$(9) = "I'm insulted."
[start] 'start game (or restart)
for x = 1 to 9 : board$(x) = " " : next x
gosub [modelBoard]
turn = 0
true = 1
false = 0
pass = false
comment$ = "Your Turn, " + yourName$
lastComment$ = ""
moveCounter = 0
gosub [comment]
input position$
goto [playLoop]
' X moves
if board$(val(position$)) <> " " then notice "Illegal Move!" : goto [playLoop]
moveCounter = moveCounter + 1
pass = false
board$(val(position$)) = "X"
gosub [drawX]
gosub [modelBoard]
gosub [checkForWinOrDraw]
goto [oMoves]
pass = true
' O moves
gosub [computeMove]
board$(val(position$)) = "O"
gosub [drawO]
gosub [modelBoard]
gosub [checkForWinOrDraw]
goto [playLoop]
position$ = "1" : goto [move]
position$ = "2" : goto [move]
position$ = "3" : goto [move]
position$ = "4" : goto [move]
position$ = "5" : goto [move]
position$ = "6" : goto [move]
position$ = "7" : goto [move]
position$ = "8" : goto [move]
position$ = "9" : goto [move]
print #brd, "fill lightgray";
print #brd, "drawbmp title 7 2";
for x = 4 to 204 step 100
for y = 54 to 254 step 100
print #brd, "drawbmp square "; x; " "; y ;
next y
next x
print #brd, "flush";
if comment$ = "" or comment$ = lastComment$ then return
print #brd.comment, comment$
gosub [xlatePosition]
print #brd, "size 6";
print #brd, "color darkred";
print #brd, "line "; squareX-11; " "; squareY-16; " "; squareX+19; " "; squareY+24
print #brd, "line "; squareX+19; " "; squareY-16; " "; squareX-11; " "; squareY+24
print #brd, "color red";
print #brd, "line "; squareX-15; " "; squareY-20; " "; squareX+15; " "; squareY+20
print #brd, "line "; squareX+15; " "; squareY-20; " "; squareX-15; " "; squareY+20
print #brd, "flush";
gosub [xlatePosition]
print #brd, "size 7";
print #brd, "color darkblue";
print #brd, "place "; squareX+5; " "; squareY+5
print #brd, "circle 20";
print #brd, "color blue";
print #brd, "place "; squareX; " "; squareY
print #brd, "circle 20";
print #brd, "flush";
position = val(position$)
squareX = 55
if instr("258", position$) > 0 then squareX = 155
if instr("369", position$) > 0 then squareX = 255
squareY = int((val(position$)+2)/3)*100+5
row1$ = board$(1)+board$(2)+board$(3)
row2$ = board$(4)+board$(5)+board$(6)
row3$ = board$(7)+board$(8)+board$(9)
col1$ = board$(1)+board$(4)+board$(7)
col2$ = board$(2)+board$(5)+board$(8)
col3$ = board$(3)+board$(6)+board$(9)
diag1$ = board$(1)+board$(5)+board$(9)
diag2$ = board$(7)+board$(5)+board$(3)
' create some sort of intimidating comment
newComment$ = razz$(int(rnd(1)*10))
if comment$ = newComment$ then [computeMove] ' try again
comment$ = newComment$
if pass = true then comment$ = "You pass."
gosub [comment]
'check for instant win!
if moveCounter < 3 then [defend]
if row1$ = "OO " then position$ = "3" : return
if row1$ = " OO" then position$ = "1" : return
if row1$ = "O O" then position$ = "2" : return
if row2$ = "OO " then position$ = "6" : return
if row2$ = " OO" then position$ = "4" : return
if row2$ = "O O" then position$ = "5" : return
if row3$ = "OO " then position$ = "9" : return
if row3$ = " OO" then position$ = "7" : return
if row3$ = "O O" then position$ = "8" : return
if col1$ = "OO " then position$ = "7" : return
if col1$ = " OO" then position$ = "1" : return
if col1$ = "O O" then position$ = "4" : return
if col2$ = "OO " then position$ = "8" : return
if col2$ = " OO" then position$ = "2" : return
if col2$ = "O O" then position$ = "5" : return
if col3$ = "OO " then position$ = "9" : return
if col3$ = " OO" then position$ = "3" : return
if col3$ = "O O" then position$ = "6" : return
if diag1$ = "OO " then position$ = "9" : return
if diag1$ = " OO" then position$ = "1" : return
if diag1$ = "O O" then position$ = "5" : return
if diag2$ = "OO " then position$ = "3" : return
if diag2$ = " OO" then position$ = "7" : return
if diag2$ = "O O" then position$ = "5" : return
'make the purely defensive moves
if moveCounter = 1 then [attack]
if row1$ = "XX " then position$ = "3" : return
if row1$ = " XX" then position$ = "1" : return
if row1$ = "X X" then position$ = "2" : return
if row2$ = "XX " then position$ = "6" : return
if row2$ = " XX" then position$ = "4" : return
if row2$ = "X X" then position$ = "5" : return
if row3$ = "XX " then position$ = "9" : return
if row3$ = " XX" then position$ = "7" : return
if row3$ = "X X" then position$ = "8" : return
if col1$ = "XX " then position$ = "7" : return
if col1$ = " XX" then position$ = "1" : return
if col1$ = "X X" then position$ = "4" : return
if col2$ = "XX " then position$ = "8" : return
if col2$ = " XX" then position$ = "2" : return
if col2$ = "X X" then position$ = "5" : return
if col3$ = "XX " then position$ = "9" : return
if col3$ = " XX" then position$ = "3" : return
if col3$ = "X X" then position$ = "6" : return
if diag1$ = "XX " then position$ = "9" : return
if diag1$ = " XX" then position$ = "1" : return
if diag1$ = "X X" then position$ = "5" : return
if diag2$ = "XX " then position$ = "3" : return
if diag2$ = " XX" then position$ = "7" : return
if diag2$ = "X X" then position$ = "5" : return
' now make the offensive moves
moves$ = ""
if instr(diag1$,"X") > 0 then [d2]
if board$(1) = " " then moves$ = moves$ + "1"
if board$(5) = " " then moves$ = moves$ + "5"
if board$(9) = " " then moves$ = moves$ + "9"
i = int(rnd(1)*len(moves$))+1
position$ = mid$(moves$, i, 1)
if instr(diag2$,"X") > 0 then [moreMoves]
if board$(7) = " " then moves$ = moves$ + "7"
if board$(5) = " " then moves$ = moves$ + "5"
if board$(3) = " " then moves$ = moves$ + "3"
i = int(rnd(1)*len(moves$))+1
position$ = mid$(moves$, i, 1)
' now make random moves
all$ = row1$ + row2$ + row3$
blanks$ = ""
for i = 1 to 9
if mid$(all$, i, 1) = " " then blanks$ = blanks$ + chr$(48+i)
next i
if blanks$ = "" then position$ = "" : return
i = int(rnd(1)*len(blank$))+1
position$ = mid$(blanks$, i, 1)
notice "Error, no move computed"
'check to see if the game has been won or drawn
' check for win
i$ = ","
letter$ = "XXX"
for i = 1 to 2
if instr(row1$+i$+row2$+i$+row3$, letter$) > 0 then [win]
if instr(col1$+i$+col2$+i$+col3$, letter$) > 0 then [win]
if instr(diag1$+i$+diag2$, letter$) > 0 then [win]
letter$ = "OOO"
next i
'check to see if the board is full
if instr(row1$+row2$+row3$, " ") > 0 then return
'the game is a draw
confirm "Draw! Play again?"; play$
if play$ = "yes" then print #brd, "cls "; : gosub [drawBoard] : goto [start]
goto [quit]
if letter$ = "OOO" then notice "I WIN! HA HA HA!"
if letter$ = "XXX" then notice "You win "; yourName$; "!!!, Bummer!"
confirm "Play again?"; play$
if letter$ = "OOO" and play$ = "no" then notice "Sore loser!"
if play$ = "yes" then print #brd, "cls "; : gosub [drawBoard] : goto [start]
if instructIsOpen = 1 then close #instruct
close #brd
WindowHeight = 250
UpperLeftX = 300
UpperLeftY = 50
button #instruct, "OK", [closeInstruct], LR, 5, 5
open "Tic Tac Toe Instructions" for graphics_nsb as #instruct
print #instruct, "trapclose [closeInstruct]";
text$ = "\ "
text$ = text$ + "\Tic Tac Toe"
text$ = text$ + "\Copyright 1993, Shoptalk Systems"
text$ = text$ + "\ "
text$ = text$ + "\Instructions:"
text$ = text$ + "\ "
text$ = text$ + "\ In this game, you play against the"
text$ = text$ + "\ computer. You are X, and the computer"
text$ = text$ + "\ is O. The one to get 3 in a row wins."
text$ = text$ + "\ If no one gets three in a row, then"
text$ = text$ + "\ it is a draw."
print #instruct, text$
print #instruct, "flush";
instructIsOpen = 1
goto [playLoop]
close #instruct
instructIsOpen = 0
goto [playLoop]
notice "About Tic Tac Toe"+chr$(13)+"Tic Tac Toe, A Liberty BASIC program"
goto [playLoop]