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- New stuff's at the bottom. This list isn't necessarily comprehensive.
- 2.00:
- o A whole new look for FM/2 -- the same thing, only more so. Some
- things were enhanced, some dropped, some replaced or superceded.
- Still, if you used 1.x you should feel at home.
- [lazy bum skipped a few...]
- 2.06:
- o In the Collector's Seek-and-scan dialog, the All HDs button now skips
- removable drives (like CD-ROMs) for convenience.
- o Quick tree works around the OS/2 DosFindFirst bug that prevents FAT
- root drives from being found.
- o Added "separator" attribute for tool buttons -- causes a small amount
- of space to be added after the button with the attribute, for
- appearance (grouping of buttons).
- o Added ability to turn on titles below bitmap buttons in toolbar (it'll
- have to be short and sweet) and grouped all toolbar toggles under a
- Toolbar conditional cascade submenu.
- 2.07:
- o Added "View Bookshelf" and "View Helpfiles" utilities.
- o Fixed bug in Quick Tree added while fixing the last one...
- o VTree now saves its size and position on desktop (Ron Gawer wanted
- that). VDir doesn't, as you can have several of them open at once
- and it would be somewhat irritating to have them all on top of each
- other.
- 2.08:
- o Added "must have" attributes to Filter.
- o Fixed Undelete dialog so selecting a new drive from the combobox
- causes the listbox to be refreshed for that drive, and so a missing
- DELETE environment variable for the selected drive doesn't cause the
- dialog to abort unless you select Cancel in the information box (so
- you can pick a different drive).
- o Added limited optional logging for some simple but critical
- operations (copy, move, rename, delete).
- o Documented "start minimized" command line argument.
- o Added "don't save/restore state of dir windows this time" command
- line argument.
- 2.09:
- o Changed things so the little notification box doesn't steal the
- focus when it comes up. Duh.
- o Added "Backup Profile", "Change System Profiles" and "Replace System
- Profiles" to the INI viewer.
- o Fixed some glitches in new mask "must have" attribute processing.
- o Found and fixed bug in Collector's Seek & Scan that could cause FM/2
- to trap.
- o Added a Settings notebook containing global toggles and such.
- Slower than the menus, but Ron Hester asked for it, and I allus do
- what Ron says...
- o Return of the weirding ... but that'd be telling.
- o Added optional split status line.
- 2.10:
- o Added Undo buttons to Settings notebook pages.
- o Fixed bug wherein Save state of dir windows toggle was ignored.
- o Put in some comma formatting to prevent an untimely death.
- o Fixed bug wherein Doubleclick Opens toggle was ignored.
- o Added a couple more Settings pages.
- o Made appropriate Settings pages available to standalone modules.
- o Tweaked a few menus for a more consistent appearance.
- 2.11:
- o Fixed odd bug in second status line in Directory Containers.
- o Fixed rename buglet that caused rename from menu/button to
- give funny default drive.
- o Added drag and drop to INI Viewer to allow moving and copying
- data between different INI files.
- o Added FM2PLAY.EXE to allow playing multimedia files (via MMPM/2)
- from FM/2 easily. Usage: FM2PLAY.EXE <file> [<file> <file...>].
- There's a menu item for it.
- o Added "associat.txt" containing recommended associations for use
- with FM/2. Please send your ideas for this list.
- o Enhanced the Bookshelf Viewer.
- 2.12:
- o AV/2 will now ignore an association if it contains the string
- "AV2.EXE" in the command line (meaning it might call itself).
- o Fixed "Lowercase name" bug.
- o Worked over the context menus again, added a couple more
- accelerator keys.
- o Hooked Help button in Child Window dialog to some help.
- 2.13:
- o Added ability to set type of selection used in some containers (in
- the Settings Notebook on the "Windows" page).
- o Selecting "Settings Notebook" in the FM3.EXE monolithic app, even
- from container context menus, will always bring up a full settings
- notebook.
- o Slightly reduced memory usage for HPFS drives (ah, another reason
- to use HPFS...).
- o Fixed bug in SetIcon.
- o Did some more work on FM2PLAY.EXE to make it more eye-appealing and
- maybe a bit more functional.
- o Shortened tasklist title for registered users.
- 2.14:
- o FM/2 will now detect that a CD-ROM drive which didn't have a disk in
- it or had a music disk in it when FM/2 was started is a CD-ROM drive
- when accessed later with a data disk in it, and change the icon
- accordingly. This also applies to hard drives that were locked when
- FM/2 started, by happy coincidence, and should work on other
- removable media drives.
- o Hints given in error popup for some access errors (for example, when
- clicking on an empty diskette drive).
- o Install.cmd will not change the parameters field of objects that it
- creates if the File Manager/2 folder already existed. It will still
- update the paths.
- o VTree honors drive exclusions like it should have in the first place.
- o VTree will delete a directory if the Shredder refuses for some reason.
- o Added VTree->WPS folder toggle.
- o Shortened VTree tasklist title for registered users.
- o FM/2 will attempt to fit smaller files onto diskettes when a larger
- file in the list to be moved/copied won't fit before prompting you to
- change diskettes due to a disk full condition.
- o Help for toolbar buttons shows up when mouse passes over them --
- figured out how to implement without excessive message passing (IOW,
- to my satisfaction).
- 2.15:
- o Added "Collect list in file(s)" command.
- o Added "Collect from a list file" command.
- o Added "Select List" command.
- o System VIO fonts have been renamed, jumping between "System" and
- "System VIO", a couple of times now. To top it off, when the name
- changes, the sizes do, too (i.e. 7.System == 5.System VIO, more or
- less). Warp is now GA and uses "System VIO" again, so I've changed
- it back to that. If some fonts don't look right on your 2.11 system,
- I'm sorry, but I'm trying to hit a moving target. Don't shoot me,
- I'm just the piano player.
- o Did some other stuff, but forgot to write it down and have now
- forgotten what it was. Old age is hell.
- 2.16:
- o Added "Update objects" command.
- o Added "Optimize" command. Be sure to read the online help on this
- one (under "Context Menus").
- o Added toolbar changing buttons (buttons that automatically load a
- new toolbox into the toolbar). See comments in online help under
- "Toolbar->Add Tool."
- o Hmmm...Warp has broken the DM_DROPHELP message within an application
- -- the passed DRAGINFO structure is inaccessible (apparently already
- deallocated). An appropriate error message will be displayed, and
- the code's still there so that when IBM fixes it it'll automagically
- start working again.
- 2.17:
- o Optimized for speed: Quick trees, tree sizes.
- o Dug the names of the new color palettes out of Warp's INI files.
- Under 2.x both color palette commands (one new) load the same object.
- Under Warp they load the two different palette objects available.
- o Added swapfile/memory watch when Drive Tree is active window in FM/2.
- o Added HPFSOPT.EXE program to optimize HPFS drives.
- 2.18:
- o Added ability to use the undocumented DosQProcStat API in the Process
- Killer. While this will enable the Process Killer to work without an
- English version of PSTAT.EXE being present, DosQProcStat is an API
- subject to change by IBM, so beware.
- o Added FATOPT.EXE program to optimize FAT drives. THIS IS A BETA
- o Tweaked the online help, adding more hypertext links and detail.
- 2.19:
- o Added "Ideal size" System Menu command and titlebar button -- an
- alternative to maximizing.
- o More work on help file hypertext links using suggestions from a
- registered user. Added a labelled bitmap showing the layout of FM/2
- windows.
- o Worked around weird bugs in Sizes and deleting toolbar buttons that
- shouldn't be bugs but nonetheless cause problems on some machines.
- o Added some one-line help fields to some dialogs to guide the user
- along.
- o Added the "Close" checkbox to the Edit Associations dialog, to allow
- executing an association to shut down FM/2 (or a VDir window, mainly
- for use by folks using FM/2 to replace the Drives objects).
- o Added "Start Minimized" and "Start Maximized" buttons to the Windows
- page of the Settings notebook. FM/2 starts normal size then adjusts
- (that lets it size all its windows right first, and gives you something
- to return to from the maximized state).
- 2.20:
- o Fixed stupid bug that made FM/2 freak out on restart if you turned the
- toolbar off and left it off (duh).
- o Move-drag onto archives allowed now (if you have the archiver for that
- archive type configured to allow moving files, of course).
- o Fixed bug in longname<->shortname conversion (FAT<->HPFS).
- o Found a nasty way to get Warp's printer objects to recognize FM/2's
- D&D.
- o Extract dialog can be told to remember its settings (extract directory,
- masks, "with directories") distinctly from those set in Archive
- Containers.
- o Added a few pictures to the online help for extreme novices.
- o Added new "Compare Select" submenu with commands that can make
- selections based on comparing unfiltered files in all open Directory
- Containers. Powerful stuff.
- o Added "Hide objects" command (selective individual object filtering).
- o Fixed bug -- drag to toolbar quit working when toolbar code rewritten.
- o Slight modification to ARCHIVER.BB2 -- -1 for filename position means
- to use the last "field" of an archive listing for the filename.
- o FM/2 is compiled with optimization turned off now -- caught it
- generating bad code in the new Compare Select module and don't trust
- it (again).
- 2.21:
- o Shift and CTRL modifiers for double-clicking objects in Drive Tree,
- Directory Containers and Collector implemented. Shift causes new
- FM/2 window to open (directories; direct to View for files), CTRL
- causes default WPS open.
- o More stuff in the help file (sheesh -- this has gotta stop). The
- online help should now make a rather complete manual when printed
- together with the READ.ME file (see READ.ME for suggestions).
- o INSTALL now makes an object for the online help so that it can be
- viewed without starting FM/2 (using SEEHELP.EXE, included).
- o Added Filter "Always show directories" toggle.
- o Ideal size button supports a psuedo-restore operation, allowing
- toggling between two sizes (mine and yours).
- o Other stuff I forget.
- 2.22:
- o Additional detail and options are presented when FM/2 can't figure
- out how to list the contents of an archive (ARCHIVER.BB2
- misconfigured or archive bad) via new dialog. This should make
- determining what the archive problem is much easier when the
- inevitable problem arises.
- o Added duplicate file finder to Seek-and-Scan dialog. Finds files
- with same name and/or size and filedate.
- 2.23:
- o Enhancements to potential dupe finder per user requests and other
- stuff I thunk up all by my lonesome.
- o Placed "Seek and scan" on the Utility pulldown. All it does is
- start the Collector and post it a WM_COMMAND message as though you'd
- clicked Seek and scan on its context menu. Maybe even folks who
- don't read the help can find it now (who knows?).
- 2.24:
- o Added "Remote bug" toggle since network FSD developers can't seem to
- consistently produce working DosFindFirst/Next code to save their
- lives.
- o Undelete enhancements.
- 2.25:
- o Added "Edit" and "Refresh" to Archive Containers per user request.
- o Added Drag and drop dialog and corresponding toggle per user request.
- 2.26:
- o Fixed stupid new bug in moving files from HPFS->FAT with long
- filenames.
- o Fixed bug in RemoteBug fix that conflicted with another fix for
- remote FSD bugs. I'm getting sick of working around remote FSD
- bugs -- think I'll just let the LAN folks fix _their_ stuff from
- now on...
- o Made titlebar of Drive Tree containers respond to request for context
- menu as if it were container whitespace per user request.
- o Added "Min on dir open" toggle -- a more elegant solution to a taste
- thing (IMHO) than a user requested feature.
- o Chord on status windows brings up window dialog like it does on
- client window whitespace.
- o Added "Append to clipboard" command to internal viewer/editor's
- Edit menu.
- o Moved "Write block" command out of Edit->Blocks submenu of internal
- viewer/editor to the main Edit submenu as "Copy to file" so it's
- accessible in readonly (viewing) mode while I was at it.
- o Added informational tweaking to viewer/editor's Edit->Undo menu
- command.
- o Added "Walk" button to Seek and scan dialog.
- o Added special FM/2 Association command line "<>" to indicate that the
- default WPS view should be opened for matching files.
- 2.27:
- o Added "Move & rename" and "Copy & rename" commands per user request.
- This extends into the drag and drop dialog (said dialog is now on by
- default, BTW).
- o Many tiny tweaks that no one will ever notice (for instance,
- filenames containing "&" are now quoted on command lines where they
- weren't before).
- o Added EXAMPLE.CMD to archive as an example of how REXX scripts can
- manipulate files listed in listfiles created by FM/2. This allows
- Commands to circumvent the apx. 1000 character limit of OS/2 command
- lines.
- o Made notification window look more homogenous.
- 2.28:
- o Added optional user directory list dropdown box on main window
- (maintenance of the list is still performed in the Walk Directories
- dialog).
- o Added Drives submenu on Drive Tree's views context menu -- select a
- drive from it and the tree scrolls to show it and makes it the
- current object.
- o Restricted filename quoting in command lines to absolute essentials
- -- some programs are broken and choke on quoted filenames. We
- absolutely cannot have LIST choking if it can be avoided.
- o Double-clicking a directory in the Drive Tree container will cause an
- existing Directory Container looking into that directory, if one
- exists, to come to the foreground rather than opening a new one; if
- the existing window is minimized, it'll be restored. Ditto for new
- userlist dropdown.
- o FM/2 can now launch Windows apps seamless -- maybe. Sheesh, I'd
- use a DOS app first...
- 2.29:
- o Added "Topic" entry field in Bookshelf Viewer dialog.
- o Added "Quick arc find" toggle in Settings notebook; can speed up
- drag and drop operations on floppy/network drives.
- o Worked around PM bug in custom frame controls.
- o Added "Directory Container state" saving and restoring in a dropdown
- list (turned on with "Toggle quicklists" under Config menu).
- o Fixed drag and drop bug (couldn't move, duh). Smartened up drag and
- drop while I was at it; no sense offering options not really
- available due to media type (i.e. can't copy to a CD-ROM).
- o Added "Launch" button to drag and drop dialog.
- o Added quick-help for dropdown lists (in status box 2).
- o Added ability to drop onto userlist dropdown to add a directory.
- Also added popup maintenance menu (add and delete directories to/from
- list).
- 2.30:
- o I forget.
- 2.31:
- o Added "Minimize to databar" toggle, also accessible as a standalone
- miniapp.
- o Tree remembers directories, once expanded.
- o An individual drive may now be rescanned in the Drive Tree (related
- to the above).
- o More keyboard shortcuts for the rodently challenged.
- o Drag from recessed text fields in Directory and Archive Containers
- now possible (drags the directory or archive, respectively).
- o Default Commands command (Do it yourself) added.
- o Extract path can now be assigned "*" meaning "use directory in which
- the archive resides."
- o More menu compaction (well, you think of a term for it).
- o New "See all files" window (still under construction, but already
- much faster and very functional, without the standard listbox
- limitation of 32767 maximum items). Loads, sorts and displays
- 15,792 files from two local fixed drives in 18 seconds on my
- 486/66DX2 with normal (for me, of course) background load.
- o Fixed buglet in Archive Container status display.
- o More user suggestions implemented.
- 2.32:
- o See all files window fleshed out.
- o Added "Viewer outside," "Arcboxes outside," "INI viewer outside" and
- "Collector outside" toggles to Toggles2 page of internal Settings
- notebook.
- o Added "Save" button to Directory Sizes dialog
- o Sort type can now be changed in Details view by holding ALT and
- clicking the title of the field to sort on (assuming titles are
- turned on and the field is one for which sorting is available,
- of course).
- o Added toggle to allow user to select default delete type.
- o Added "toolbox" dropdown to user lists.
- o Added sample toolboxes to archive.
- o Info and EA dialogs now include listbox, lets you scroll through all
- objects instead of popping up for each selected object. EAS.EXE
- mini-app inherits this; now accepts multiple filenames.
- o Check list dialogs now allow calling up the Info dialog for files in
- the list.
- 2.33:
- o Added new internal viewer -- loads files at least five times faster
- than the old viewer (which is still available via a toggle in the
- internal Settings notebook).
- o See all files window retains settings, is a bit slicker.
- o Fixed bug -- rename box came up for each file moved/copied.
- o Fixed bug -- FM/2 didn't start right with toolbar turned off. Weird.
- o Worked around Warp bug -- PM locks up if you select a codepage that
- hasn't been prepared. This should be ignored as in previous versions
- of OS/2, but crashes the system instead (sheesh).
- o Warp apparently still has a 64k limit to what the clipboard can hold.
- While I could limit what you send to the clipboard, this is (hopefully)
- one of those limits which will vanish with further updates to OS/2
- itself, so I'll just caution you about it.
- o Colors are adjustable in See all files windows.
- o Several fonts are available in See all files windows (all fixed width).
- o See all files window allows entering multiple keys to find a file if
- the keys are entered within one second of each other.
- o System info command made somewhat more human-readable.
- 2.34:
- o Added "Tile backwards" toggle, but don't use it (it's a DOS-think
- knee-jerk thing to do).
- o Viewer won't "restore" the container that called it when it closes if
- the container is maximized.
- o Filtering speeded up when Autoview window is open.
- o Show a little patch of color beside color names in Colors dialogs.
- o Added "Folder after extract" toggle.
- o Added ^F3 close monolithic app toggle (command id 1111 if anyone's
- interested).
- o More commands in INI viewer (rename, copy appname/keyname) and
- enhanced existing Add/Edit INI record commands.
- o Changed method of storing a few things so that they're both easily
- human editable (for power users) and so they allow me to
- "preconfigure" some things (for new users). If you're upgrading from
- previous versions, there's a CONVERT.EXE that'll copy your old
- settings to the appropriate format and get rid of old baggage.
- o Added "Userlist switches" toggle to internal Settings notebook.
- o Added "%r/%R" to metastrings.
- o Added "Extract" to drag and drop dialog.
- o Height of autoview window can be changed.
- o More info displayed in drive info dialog.
- o INSTALL is a bit smarter.
- o Added two new buttons on status line -- different behaviors depending on
- whether you click with B1 or B2 and the shift state.
- 2.35:
- o Performance tuning.
- o Implemented "minor" user suggestions.
- o Added "Recent Dirs" toggle -- automatically adds temporary
- directories to UserList as you change directories. You can make them
- permanent by Adding them as usual.
- o FM/2 may handle DOS archivers now (actually, it does -- I tested with
- ARJ); however, you'll have to set them up for yourself and I won't
- support them. Don't forget that DOS archivers don't support EAs.
- o If you have GBM.DLL on your LIBPATH or in the FM/2 directory, FM/2
- will use it to display GBM-supported raster file types when they're
- double-clicked. GBM currently supports most OS/2 and Windows
- bitmaps, .GIF, .PCX, .TIF, .TGA, .IFF, .VID, .PGM, .KPS, .IAX, .XBM,
- .SPR, and .PSE files. And it's free.
- o Changed some icons around for a fresher look, added some for display
- when you aren't loading icons from disk (for scanning speed).
- o Added "Settings" button to Info dialog.
- 2.36:
- o Added "Rename existing" button to Rename dialog -- allows you to
- rename (move) an existing target file system object out of the way
- before moving or copying another file system object to that name.
- o Fixed "obscure" bug (reporting user's words :-) causing FM/2 to
- enter a loop when "Views" cascade was selected from the action
- bar menu when an internal Archive Container was the current window.
- o Tutorial section added to online help.
- o When a bitmapped graphic file is viewed, the window is sized to fit
- on the screen even when the image is larger than the screen.
- Proportion is maintained for the initial window positioning. You can
- stretch the size of the window. The bitmap is scaled to fit. GBM is,
- of course, still required to directly view images in FM/2.
- o Changed toolbar button help to "bubble" style, added toggle to disable.
- o Added Directory Compare (DirCmp:) field to Files/Dirs page of internal
- Settings notebook.
- o Added %d and %D metastrings for Commands.
- o Percentages in Directory Sizes dialog more accurate (to nearest
- thousandth).
- o "Include subdirectories" toggle in Directory Compare dialog.
- o Fixed bug in 2.35a's INSTALL.CMD. Can you say "duh?" Apparently I can.
- o As usual, many little things no one will notice.
- 2.37:
- o Added "Autoview comments" notebook toggle (page 2) and Config menu
- items for same. You can have FM/2 autoview file contents _or_
- .COMMENTS EAs -- handy for looking at files that were downloaded by
- a package that puts the file description in that EA. You can also
- get to that EA on the third page of a WPS object's File page or via
- FM/2's Edit EAs dialog, BTW.
- o CTRL + Shift + B1 doubleclick opens an object's WPS Settings notebook.
- o You can now link-drag a root directory (drive) from the Drive Tree.
- For cryin' out loud, BE CAREFUL!
- o Credit card registrations via BMT Micro are now available.
- o Directory Containers can now have independent sorts if you DON'T use
- the "Immediate Updates" toggle. When you set a sort (or filter) in
- the internal Settings notebook, you're setting a default for
- subsequently created Directory Containers. When you set a sort (or
- filter) using the popup menu of a Directory Container, you're
- changing only that container. States will now also save the type of
- view (Icon, Details, etc.), sort and filter settings for each open
- Directory Container.