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- /*
- * Example of how a rexx file can operate on a list file created by
- * FM/2 (the list file should contain filenames only).
- */
- /* get name of listfile from command line */
- parse arg listfile
- /* if no listfile name was given, issue help and exit */
- if listfile = '' then
- do
- say 'Give the name of a listfile as an argument to this REXX script.'
- exit
- end
- /* see if the listfile given exists -- exit with error message if not */
- rc = stream(listfile,'C','QUERY EXISTS')
- if rc = '' then
- do
- say "File "listfile" doesn't exist."
- exit
- end
- /* attempt to open the listfile given on the command line */
- rc = stream(listfile,'C','OPEN')
- /* if open was successful, enter loop */
- if rc = 'READY:' then
- do
- counter = 0 /* initialize counter */
- /* read each line of the listfile into filename */
- do while lines(listfile) = 1
- filename = linein(listfile)
- /* remove any leading/trailing blanks */
- filename = strip(filename,'b')
- /* process only non-blank strings */
- if filename \= '' then
- /*
- * here you would do something to/with the file in filename
- * since this is just an example, we'll just print the name
- */
- do
- say filename
- counter = counter + 1 /* count files processed */
- end
- end
- /* close the listfile */
- rc = stream(listfile,'C','CLOSE')
- end
- else
- do
- say 'Error opening 'listfile'.'
- exit
- end
- /* we're done */
- say ' **We processed 'counter' files.'