home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* edit the numeric values to chage option */
- /* 1 is on and 0 is off for on/off parameters */
- undo_limit 30000
- key_map 0
- exclusive_map 0
- tab_size 3
- right_margin 79
- left_margin 0
- indent 4
- ordinary_colour 7
- changed_colour 3
- background_colour 0
- command_colour 4
- command_back_colour 7
- tab_compress 0
- auto_indent 1
- auto_wrap 0
- copy_indent 0
- right_justify 0
- error_beep 1
- overwrite_warn 0
- inc_update 0
- pan_sense 0
- dos_print 1
- always_load 1
- font_name System Monospaced
- font_size 10
- edit_x_pos 300
- edit_y_pos 12
- edit_width 320
- edit_height 452
- plot_x_pos -4
- plot_y_pos 6
- plot_width 303
- plot_height 457
- printer_name
- printer_path PRN
- index_names (null)
- /* Starting in the first column of a definition must appear the key word */
- /* or function key identifying the macro. This is followed by the macro */
- /* body. Function keys may not appear in macro bodies.*/
- /* macro definitions require two characters per keystroke and are encoded as follows: */
- /* Sequences are in ASCII order.*/
- /* Ordinary characters prepend with _ */
- /* Control Keys prepend with ^ ^M Return, ^[ esc */
- /* Alt Keys prepend with % */
- /* Cursor keys prepend with # #. Del, #0 Ins - #9 PgUp */
- /* Ctrl Cursor Keys prepend with # #N Del, #P Ins - #Y PgUp */
- /* Alt Cursor Keys prepend with # #n Del, #p Ins - #y PgUp */
- /* Function Keys prepend with $ $1 - S< */
- /* Shift Function Keys prepend with $ $= - $H */
- /* function key macro definitions */
- $1 ^[_?^M
- $2 ^W
- $3 ^Q
- $4 ^W^Q
- $5 ^[
- $6 ^[_c_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_e^M
- $7 ^[_e_
- $8 ^[_r_
- $9 ^U
- $: ^N
- $I #7_#_i_n_c_l_u_d_e^`_<_s_p_l_o_t_._h_>^M_m_a_i_n_(_)^M#6#6#6_{^M_}#8
- $J _i_f^`_(_)^M#6#6#6_{^M_}#8#8
- $K _e_l_s_e^M#6#6#6_{^M_}#8
- $L _f_o_r^`_(_;_;_)^M#6#6#6_{^M_}#8#8#6
- $M _w_h_i_l_e^`_(_)^M#6#6#6_{^M_}#8#8#6#6#6
- $N _d_o^M#6#6#6_{^M_}^M#4#4#4_w_h_i_l_e^`_(_)_;#4#4
- $O _b_r_e_a_k_;
- $P _c_o_n_t_i_n_u_e_;
- $Q _r_e_t_u_r_n_;
- $R _c_h_a_r^`_;#4
- $S _i_n_t^`_;#4
- $T _f_l_o_a_t^`_;#4
- $U _d_o_u_b_l_e^`_;#4
- $V _s_w_i_t_c_h^`_(_)^M#6#6#6_{^M_}#8#8#6#6#6#6
- $W _c_a_s_e^`_:#4
- $X _d_e_f_a_u_l_t^`_:#4
- $\ ^^
- $] ^_
- $;
- $<
- $=
- $>
- $?
- $@
- $A
- $B
- $C
- $D
- $E
- $F
- $G
- $H
- $Y
- $Z
- $[
- $^
- $_
- $`