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- @echo off
- echo.
- echo This batch program compiles Ralf Brown's Interrupt List to a WINHELP file
- echo in the current directory (defined as OutPath in INT2WHLP.CFG). INT2WHLP
- echo will request the InPath directory containing the Interrupt List files.
- echo.
- echo Up to 10 parameters to this program are passed to INT2WHLP. Thus for example
- echo %0 -2-
- echo will compile a helpfile without the expanded index.
- echo.
- echo 12 MB free disk space are required for the compilation (based on release 40).
- echo.
- echo HC31 is expected to be found on the DOS path.
- echo.
- echo Intermediate files are deleted after the compilation.
- echo.
- pause
- echo.
- echo The following time estimates are based on Interrupt List release 40 and
- echo a 486/33MHz based computer.
- echo.
- echo Compiling to RTF files (appr. 80 seconds)
- echo.
- shift
- int2whlp %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- if NOT errorlevel 2 goto warnings
- echo.
- echo Some error occured, quitting.
- echo.
- goto done
- :warnings
- if NOT errorlevel 1 goto hc
- echo.
- echo Warning(s) issued, press Ctrl C and answer Y to quit, or
- pause
- :hc
- echo.
- echo Compiling RTF files to a HLP file (appr. 33 minutes - high compression,
- echo existing INTWIN.PH file)
- echo.
- if exist intwin.hlp del intwin.hlp
- hc31 intwin
- if exist intwin.hlp goto delete
- echo.
- echo Some error occured, intermediate files are not deleted.
- echo.
- goto done
- :delete
- echo.
- echo.
- echo Deleting intermediate files.
- echo.
- echo Press Ctrl C to quit, or any other key to delete the files.
- pause>NUL
- del index.rtf>NUL
- del int.rtf>NUL
- del subint.rtf>NUL
- del table.rtf>NUL
- del inttopic.rtf>NUL
- del tabtopic.rtf>NUL
- del intwin.hpj>NUL
- :done