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- This is a sort of a guide to using the INT2WHLP precompiler. INT2WHLP
- transfers Ralf Brown's Interrupt List to some RTF (Rich-Text Format) files
- which can be used as input for Microsoft's HC31 WINHELP file compiler.
- This text gives also some hints on using the the results of the compilation.
- The easy way to compile the list is this:
- Change to the directory where you want your INTWIN.HLP file. There should
- be at least 16 Mb free space on the disk. It can be the directory with the
- Interrupt List files (which we will call the Source Directory), but it is
- better to use a separate directory not to mess up the Source Directory. A
- subdirectory under the Source Directory would be fine. Copy the following
- files to the directory:
- It is handy also to have:
- I2W-HINT.TXT (this file)
- in the directory. For a partial compilation of the List, FLT_METH.RTF is
- required (see paragraph FLT_METH.RTF in I2W-FILE.TXT).
- Make sure that the following files are in the Source Directory:
- where INTERRUP.LST is the concatenation of INTERRUP.A, INTERRUP.B, ... .
- Make sure that HC31.EXE is somewhere on the DOS path.
- Type
- at the DOS prompt to start the compilation. On a 486/33MHz computer it
- takes INT2WHLP 1 1/2 minut to precompile release 41 of the List, and it
- takes HC31 40 minutes to create the INTWIN.HLP file.
- Parameters to INTWIN will be passed to INT2WHLP, thus a compilation with
- only the compressed interrupt index can be made with
- INTWIN -2-
- This will reduce the size of the resulting help file from about 5 Mb to
- about 4.85 Mb (release 44).
- It has happened that the Interrupt List was changed so INT2WHLP failed to
- find aliases for some context strings. If this happens, a new INT2WHLP.CFG
- file will be included in INTERnnZ.ZIP (see COMPRESSION). If other errors
- occur during the compilation of the List, the README file in INTERnnZ.ZIP
- will give hints about how to solve the problem.
- INT2WHLP returns errorlevel 240 - 245 if a fatal error occurs. It returns
- errorlevel 1 if one or more warnings are issued (inconsistent Interrupt
- List). The INTWIN batch file will let the user bail out (with ^C) if a
- warning errorlevel was returned from INT2WHLP's compilation of the List.
- It is recommended to terminate the batch file and fix the inconsistency in
- the Interrupt List, and compile again.
- The INT2WHLP program lets you personalize your INTWIN.HLP file. If you use
- high resolution graphics on a large screen, then read the comments in the
- [CONFIG] section of the INT2WHLP.CFG file. For more details, see the files
- The HC31 program supports three levels of compression: high, medium, and
- none. Medium compressed and uncompressed files are about 15% and 100%
- longer than highly compressed files, respectively. HC31 can use an existing
- Phrases file (a .PH file with compression information), and it needs not to
- be exactly up-to-date. Compiling release 41 with a PH file from release 40
- gives a file about 4% longer than a compilation with an up-to-date PH file.
- Compiling the compression information file is very resource consuming. For
- Interrupt List release 41 compiled with INT2WHLP v. 1.10:
- 631 kb < required DOS RAM < 730 kB
- 27 Mb < required free disk space < 50 Mb
- The compilation of the compression info took 20 minutes, and the rest of
- the compilation took 40 minutes on a 486/33MHx computer. Actually, when
- the computer gave up due to insufficient RAM when 631 kb were available,
- it had already created an INTWIN.PH file that was identical to the final
- file.
- The INTWIN.PH file included in this package is based on the previous
- release of the Interrupt List, with the date and release number updated
- to the current release number and the expected release date. Please
- verify that the release date from line 1 in INTERRUP.A appears in two
- locations of INTWIN.PH, or update the file if needed. This is essential
- because the string appears in about 260 locations in the help file.
- We will compile a Phrases file when a new list is released, and upload
- it to SimTel a day or two after the release of the List in file
- INTERnnZ.ZIP where nn is the List release number. See INTERRUP.1ST for
- SimTel mirror sites.
- The default settings allow you to display the List on a normal 640x480 VGA
- screen without the need of horizontal scroll. If you use high resolution
- graphics on a large screen, you will want to define another size of the
- secondary window used to display the tables, see comments in the [CONFIG]
- section in file INT2WHLP.CFG.
- If you use a high resolution graphics on a screen with small dimensions, you
- might want to use a larger font. The file package I2W-TEST.ZIP contains files
- that let you experiment with different fonts with very short INT2WHLP and
- HC31 compilation times. Unzip the package to a subdirectory under your
- INT2WHLP directory and read its README file.
- Tools are availabe to edit the position and size of the table window in an
- already compiled INTWIN.HLP file, e.g. WH_wEdit in the package WH_EDxxx.ZIP
- (xxx >= 111) in SimTel directory SimTel/win3/winhelp.
- DOS graphics characters where 176 <= code <= 223 are not converted to correct
- Windows equivalents. Horizontal and vertical single and double framing
- characters are converted to "-" and "|", and other graphics characters are
- converted to "+".
- INT2WHLP cannot handle more than 63 per line of other characters with code
- > 126.
- INTWIN facilitates seaching interrupt topics with many different keys, based
- on:
- a. Elements in the interrupt header line.
- b. Keys in the file CATEGORY.KEY for the appropriate interrupt
- category.
- c. Combinations of interrupt number and register contents.
- d. Category letters.
- For example,
- --------D-215E01CH00-----------------------------
- INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - SET MACHINE NAME
- AX = 5E01h
- CH = 00h undefine name (make it invalid)
- will be listed with the following search keys:
- DOS 3.1+ network \ a
- DOS kernal \
- kernal (DOS) > b
- operating systems (DOS) /
- INT 21 AX = 5E01 CH = 00 \
- INT 21 AX = 5E01 \
- INT 21 AH = 5E \
- INT 21 1) \
- 21 5E01 CH00 \
- 21 5E01 > c
- 21 5E 2) /
- 21 1) /
- AX = 5E01 /
- AH = 5E 3) /
- CH = 00 /
- D! 4) d
- 1) WINHELP lists only the first 400 search hits.
- 2) The short form of an interrupt using AL to specify a function has two
- leading dashes in the function number, e.g. the short form of
- INT 2D AL = 10 is 2D --10.
- Two dashes can be appended to the short form of an interrupt using AH for
- funtion number, to distinguish the string from the more general string
- used also as keyword for interrupts with the same value in the high part
- of the AX register, e.g. 10 00-- will give less search hits than 10 00.
- 3) Use AH = nn to search for functions called with nn in AH or in the high
- byte of AX. Use AX = nn-- to search for functions called with nn in AH and
- no specific value in AL.
- 4) Because WINHELP's search facility does not distinguish between letter case,
- the search keys for capital letter categories are the letter followed by
- an exclamation mark.
- Tables are separate topics in help files compiled with version 1.08+ of
- INT2WHLP. When referenced from a "#nnnn" hotspot, the table pops up in a
- secondary window, thus the user can easily change between the source in
- the main help window and the referenced table in the secondary window.
- However, secondary windows are less flexible than the main window: topics
- are not recorded in the history list, you cannot browse between topics (<<
- and >> pushbuttons), and the topics cannot be copied or printed from the
- secondary window. Therefore all tables have a "Copy to Main" hotspot at the
- top.
- The table topic titles include the interrupt number and subfunction where
- the table is defined, and there is a hotspot at the end of each table that
- pops up the appropriate interrupt in the main window.
- There are two search keys for each table topic: "#nnnn" where nnnn is the
- four digit table number, and the table title as given in the Interrupt List
- ("Bitfields for ...", "Call ... with:", "Format of ...", "Values for ...").
- WinHelp's search facility offers search for predefined words or phrases.
- Various utilities offer full text search in help files, i.e. search the help
- file for any word or phrase the user specifies. These utilities are normally
- implememted as one or more dynamic link library files (DLLs), and macros are
- inserted in the help file to invoke the text search.
- Oxford Computer Consultants include a special version of their FTS utility
- in the Interrupt List. To use the facility, copy HINTSRCH.DLL from Oxford
- Computer Consultants' program package HINTSRCH.ZIP to your Windows SYSTEM
- directory. INT2WHLP's configuration file inserts the proper macros in
- INTWIN.HLP. One of these macros inserts a "Find Text" pushbutton on
- WinHelp's button bar. HINTSRCH.DLL works only with INTWIN, see material in
- Oxford Computer Consultant's package for information about their products.
- Also Microsoft offers an FTS kit. Microsoft's kit uses an index file causing
- the search to be extremely fast. A disadvantage is that it takes long time to
- compile the index file, and it occupies much disk space (it is 70% longer
- than INTWIN.HLP, 8.8 Mb vs. 5.2 Mb for Interrupt List release 45). For the
- benefit of those who have access to Microsoft's FTS kit and want to use it,
- INT2WHLP's configuration file inserts bag.ini as baggage in INTWIN.HLP, this
- file is required by the kit. Utilities are available that can edit the macros
- section of INTWIN.HLP to include the macros for Microsoft's kit (WH_wEdit,
- see section HIGH RESOLUTION GRAPHICS). The baggage causes no harm if it is
- unused, and it occupies only about 100 bytes.
- The Help Window includes some extra shortcut pushbuttons.
- "Print" sends the current topic to the currently selected printer. To select
- another printer, use "Print Select..." from the "File" menu.
- "Copy" copies the current topic to the Cllipboard. To copy only part of the
- topic, use "Copy..." from the "Edit" menu.
- "Exit" closes both the main window and an open secodary (table) window.
- Selecting "Close" from the control menu or pressing Alt F4 closes only the
- main window.
- "Print" and "Exit" are equivalent to selecting "Print Topic" and "Exit" from
- the "File" menu.