home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; The INT2WHLP configuration file has sections and entries similar to
- ; Windows INI files.
- ; Sections have identifiers enclosed in brackets [], starting at the left
- ; margin. A section extends up to the next line starting with a left
- ; bracket [ at the left margin.
- ; Entries have identifiers starting at the left margin and extending up
- ; to an equal sign =. The value of an entry is the string or integer after
- ; the equal sign. INT2WHLP interprets digit 0 as boolean value false and
- ; any non-zero integer as boolean true when interpreted with the
- ; profileBoolean() procedure.
- ; Section and entry identifiers are not case sensitive, however spaces
- ; are significant caracters in identifiers. There may not be excessive
- ; spaces around the equal sign in entries (i.e. only spaces which are part
- ; of the identifier or value).
- ; A semicolon ; at the left margin identifies a comment.
- ; In the following text enabled identifiers specify default program
- ; settings (unless otherwise noted), and commented-out identifiers are
- ; examples of valid values.
- ; The FILES section specifies the pathes for the input and output files.
- ; These values can also be specified as program parameters, program
- ; parameters take precedence over values defined in the configuration
- ; file. The program will request values if neither program parameters,
- ; nor the configuration file, define values.
- inPath=
- ; inPath=c:\interrup
- ; The input files are in directory C:\INTERRUP.
- outPath=
- ; outPath=.
- ; Pass the output files to the current directory.
- ; The OPTIONS section specifies values which can also be set by program
- ; parameter options. Program paramter options take precedence over values
- ; specified in the configuration file.
- build=
- ; build=(WINENV | APP1) & TESTBUILD
- ; Copies the build expression to the HPJ file's [OPTIONS] section build=
- ; entry. See also the [BUILDTAGS] section. Program option -b. Note that
- ; the OR operator "|" cannot be passed as a program option, only the
- ; configuration file can pass the OR operator to the program.
- compression=none
- ; compression=medium
- ; compression=high
- ; Sets HC31 compression option. Program option -c.
- filterFile=
- ; filterFile=INTWIN.FLT
- ; Should be empty for a compilation of the entier Interrupt List, or define
- ; a filter file for a partial compilation. Program option -f.
- ; NOTE! It is recommended not to perform a partial compilation because
- ; references to tables may be missing.
- singlesInMain=0
- ; singlesInMain=1
- ; If 1, interrupt numbers with only one entry are inserted directly in the
- ; compressed index rather than a reference to a one-entry subindex, provided
- ; that the number of compressed index columns is set to 1. singlesInMain=1
- ; may be an advantage for a strongly filtered list. Program option -1.
- twoIndexes=1
- ; twoIndexes=0
- ; Enables or disables the expanded index. Program option -2.
- errorLog=0
- ; errorLog=1
- ; Disables or enables HC31's log file OutPath\INTWIN.ERR. Program option -e.
- headers=1
- ; headers=0
- ; If 1, insert a header for each new interrupt number in the expanded index.
- ; Program option -h.
- indexColumns=1
- ; indexColumns=4
- ; indexColumns=8
- ; indexColumns=16
- ; Specifies the number of columns in the compressed index. Program option -i.
- markKeys=1
- ; markKeys=0
- ; Controls whether or not keywords (like "See also:", "Notes:") are marked
- ; (bolded). The program compiles the List 20% faster, and HC31 yields a 1%
- ; shorter .HLP file when disabled, but the readability of the result is lower.
- ; Program option -m.
- equalBlanks=1
- ; equalBlanks=0
- ; Specifies whether or not spaces are inserted around the equal sign in
- ; register search strings, e.g. "INT 21 AH = 4C" or "INT 21 AH=4C". Program
- ; option -q.
- releaseNo=41
- ; releaseNo=40
- ; Controls Interrupt List release number dependent behavior of INT2WHLP.
- ; Implemented influence:
- ; releaseNo<41: Tables are not treated as separate topics, no table cross
- ; references.
- ; Program option -r
- scrollIndexTitle=1
- ; scrollIndexTitle=0
- ; Index windows have a general header and a title. If scrollIndexTitle=1,
- ; the title scrolls with the rest of the index window, otherwise the title
- ; is part of the non-scrolling header region. Program option -s.
- tableWindow=1
- ; tableWindow=0
- ; If 1, tables referenced from text (with a #nnnn hotspot) appear in
- ; a secodary window. The table can be copied to the main window with a
- ; "Copy to main" hotspot included in all tables.
- ; If 0, tables appear in the main window.
- ; Program option -t
- expandedIndex=1
- ; expandedIndex=0
- ; 1 or 0 causes the Interrupt List Index initially to pop up in expanded (all
- ; entries in one window) or in compressed (index with subindexes) format.
- ; Program option -x
- ; The CONFIG section defines WINHELP setups and defaults.
- pos and size=
- ; pos and size=(0,0,980,1023)
- ; Defines the position and size of the initial main window. The format is
- ; (xpos,ypos,width,height) and valid values are 0..1023, defining 1024th
- ; of the screen witdh and hight. xpos+width and ypos+hight may not exceed
- ; 1023.
- secondary pos and size=(43,0,980,1023)
- ; secondary pos and size=(243,0,780,850)
- ; Defines the position and size of the secondary window. The format is the
- ; same as for "pos and size". The initial size of a secondary window MUST
- ; be defined. Users of large, high resolution screens may prefer the choice
- ; that is disabled above.
- ; The entry is ignored if secondary table windows are disabled.
- background=
- ; background=(255,255,255)
- ; Defines the background color of the normal text window in the format
- ; (red,green,blue). Valid values are 0..255. (255,255,255) defines a
- ; white background color.
- header background=
- ; header background=(255,255,192)
- ; Defines the background color of the non-scrolling part of the windows.
- ; (255,255,192) defines a light yellow color.
- text font=modern Courier New
- ; Defines the font used for the plain text. Due to the tables in the
- ; Interrupt List, this should be a fixed pitch font, and because it should
- ; be a TrueType font to take advantage of the font sizing, Windows 3.1
- ; has no alternatives. "modern" is the font family (modern=fixed pitch,
- ; roman=proportionally spaced serif, swiss=proportionally spaced sans serif),
- ; and "Courier New" is the font name.
- ; If point size 10 or 12 (see deciPoints) is used, the bitmapped font
- ; "modern Courier" can be used, though.
- header font=roman Times New Roman
- ; header font=swiss Arial
- ; Font used for headers.
- deciPoints=90
- ; deciPoints=95
- ; deciPoints=100
- ; deciPoints=120
- ; 10 times the font point size. A 9 point font can be displayed on a
- ; standard VGA screen without the need of horizontal scroll. The point
- ; size is not true typographical point size, it varies with screen
- ; resolution and size, and a larger point size is preferable for a high
- ; resolution screen with small dimensions. HC31 assigns size in half-points,
- ; corresponding to deciPoints increments of 5.
- header deciPoints=140
- header 2nd deciPoints=120
- ; Two font sizes used in the headers.
- ; The INTWINCONFIG section is optional and is not used for program generated
- ; output. Entries in the section are copied to the help project file's
- ; [CONFIG] section. It can be used to insert macros in the final help file.
- ;InsertItem("mnu_help","mnu_h","&INTWIN Help","JI(`',`idHelp')",0)
- ; The WINDOWS section defines the number of extra "windows" included in
- ; the compilation in addition to the Interrupt List.
- number=4
- ; Number of additional windows (5 are defined, but only 4 enabled).
- ; NB! number=0 is the program default, and the following windows are not
- ; defined by default.
- ; For each window defined by the [WINDOWS] number=n entry, there must be
- ; a section [WINDOW 1], ... [WINDOW 9], [WINDOW 10], ... [WINDOW n] with
- ; 3 obligatory entries and some optional entries.
- [WINDOW 1]
- title=Ports
- id=idPorts
- ; title and id are obligatory entries defining the topic title and
- ; identifier (context string). [WINDOW i] sections with an empty title=
- ; or id= entry are ignored, and a warning is printed on the screen.
- ; See comment "Help windows topic titles and identifiers" in INT2WHLP.INC
- ; for reserved identifiers.
- type=2
- ; There are 3 window types: type=1 are single entry windows referenced
- ; directly from the main index. type=1 is the default type. type=2 are
- ; windows with their own index, which is referenced from the main index.
- ; The differences between type=1 and type=2 are the browse chain linkage
- ; and the default "file n type=" value. type=3 defines a window with at
- ; least one RTF file defining the window properties. The RTF file must
- ; have a topic with the identifier (context string) defined by id=, and
- ; that topic should have a title defined by title= and contain an index
- ; for the system.
- ; files=1
- ; The entry files= defines the number of files included in the current
- ; window. Only type=3 windows can have more than one file, and files=1 is
- ; the default value.
- file 1=ports.lst
- ; For each file i = 1..n defined by the files=n entry (normally only 1)
- ; there must be a file i=<file name> entry specifying a file. See a later
- ; paragraph about default directories.
- ;
- ; file 1 type=2
- ; There are 4 file types: file i type=1 are files passed to the program's
- ; ProcessFile() procedure. file i type=2 are files passed to the program's
- ; ProcessPort() procedure. file i type=3 are RTF files defining their own
- ; and other included files' properties. file i type=4 are files assigned
- ; their own titles and identifiers (context strings). type=4 files are
- ; passed to the program's ProcessFile() procedure, and they should be
- ; referenced from an RTF file.
- ; The default file i type= value is the window's type= value.
- ; Files' default directories depend on the file types. File types 1 and 2
- ; are typically files included in the Interrupt List: PORTS.LST, MEMORY.LST
- ; etc. Therefore, the default directory for file types 1 and 2 is the
- ; InPath directory. File type 3 are typically the user's own file or one
- ; of the RTF files supplied in this package, so the default directory
- ; is 1) the current directory or 2) INT2WHLP's home directory. File type
- ; 4 are the users own files, and the default directory is the current
- ; directory.
- ; In all cases the full path (a path including a drive, the root, or the
- ; current or parent directory . or ..) can be specified to override the
- ; default directory.
- ;
- ; file i title=<title>
- ; file i id=<id>
- ; file i chain=<browse chain>
- ; Type 4 files have titles, identifiers, and browse chain definitions.
- ; The default values are "<window title> - i", "<window id>_i", and
- ; "<window id>:5" where i is the current file number. The empty value is
- ; legal for file i chain= and causes the file to be excluded from any
- ; browse chain.
- ; See comment "Help windows topic titles and identifiers" in INT2WHLP.INC
- ; for implemented browse chains.
- [WINDOW 2]
- title=Memory
- id=idMemory
- ; type=1 is the default window type
- ; files=1 is the default number of files
- file 1=memory.lst
- ; file 1 type=1 is the default type because the window type is 1.
- [WINDOW 3]
- title=CPU
- id=idCPU
- file 1=86bugs.lst
- [WINDOW 4]
- title=CMOS
- id=idCMOS
- file 1=cmos.lst
- ;[WINDOW 5]
- ; (This part is disabled due to aliases required by the assosiated file)
- ;title=Miscellaneous Information
- ;id=MISC_INF_0
- ;type=3
- ; type=3 specifies a window with its own definition in an RTF file.
- ; MISC_INF_0 is the identifier (context string) for one of the topics in
- ; the RTF file. That topic is normally an index for other topics in the
- ; file.
- ;
- ; files=1 is the default number of files
- ;file 1=misc_inf.rtf
- ; (misc_inf.rtf references context strings that should be defined in the
- ; ALIAS part of the configuration file)
- ; file 1 type=3 is the default type because the window type is 3. It
- ; specifies an RTF file.
- ; The ALIAS section is optional and is not used for program generated
- ; output. It compiles an ALIAS list to the HPJ file. Two of the RTF files
- ; supplied in this pasckage (SEL_TOPC.RTF and MISC_INF.RTF) require
- ; some aliases.
- ; [ALIAS]
- ; id87err=INT 10 ---- - CPU-generated (80286+) - COPROCESSOR ERROR
- ; idVideo_00=INT 10 00-- - VIDEO - SET VIDEO MODE
- ; idVideo_1013=INT 10 1013 - VIDEO - SELECT VIDEO DAC COLOR PAGE (VGA)
- ; Each entry is of the form
- ; id=<modified INT header>
- ; where id is a user defined identifier (context string) no longer than 18
- ; characters, and <modified INT header> is an INT header with flags removed
- ; from char. pos. 9+ (i.e. if char. 9 is not "-" then delete up to, but not
- ; including, a "-" character), and with a register value (from the divider
- ; line char. pos. 13-16) + a space inserted at char. pos. 8-12, as shown in
- ; the example. The program substitutes the actual identifier (context string)
- ; for the <modified INT header> and copies the id=actual_id part to an
- ; [ALIAS] section in the HPJ file. The example would result in an HPJ
- ; section (based on Interrupt List release 40):
- ;
- ; [ALIAS]
- ; id87err=10_1
- ; idVideo_00=10_2
- ; idVideo_1013=10_46
- ;
- ; The entries must appear in the same order as the <modified INT header>
- ; appear in the Interrupt List. The program can assign more than one user
- ; defined id to the same interrupt entry in the list, the entries must of
- ; course be consecutive and have identical <modified INT header> values.
- ;
- ; Empty lines and lines starting with a semicolon (;) are ignored.
- ; Also the TABLEALIAS section is optional and compiles an ALIAS list to the
- ; HPJ file. SEL_TOPC.RTF require some tabel aliases.
- ; idListList=21 52-- Format of List of Lists:
- ; Each entry is of the form
- ; id=II FUNC <title>
- ; where id is a user defined identifier (context string) no longer than 18
- ; characters, II is a two digit hexadecimal number and FUNC is four characters
- ; describing the subfunction where the table is located. II and FUNC are also
- ; characters 11-12 and 13-16 of the previous divider line. <title> is the
- ; table's title. The program substitutes the actual identifier (context
- ; string) for the II FUNC <title> part and copies the id=actual_id part to
- ; an [ALIAS] section in the HPJ file, mixed with the output from an [AIAS]
- ; section in the configuration file. The example would insert in an HPJ
- ; [ALIAS] section an entry like (depending on Interrupt List release):
- ;
- ; idListList=t0724
- ;
- ; The entries must appear in the same order as the tables appear in the
- ; Interrupt List. The program can assign more than one user defined id to
- ; the same table.
- ;
- ; Empty lines and lines starting with a semicolon (;) are ignored.
- ; The INTWINCONFIG section is optional and is not used for program generated
- ; output. It is included to facilitate copying macros to the [CONFIG]
- ; section in the Help Project File.
- ; InsertItem("mnu_help","mnu_hlp","&INTWIN Help","JI(`',`idHelp')",0)
- ; The BUILDTAGS section is optional and is not used for program generated
- ; output. It is included to support users' RTF files with conditional
- ; build. If the user's RTF files have build tags ("*" footnotes), the tags
- ; must be defined in a BUILDTAGS section in the configuration file.
- ; APP1
- ;
- ; The BUILGTAGS section is simply copied to the HPJ file, ignoring empty
- ; lines and lines starting with a semicolon (;).
- ;
- ; See also the [OPTIONS] section's build= entry.
- ; The BAGGAGE section is optional and is not used for program generated
- ; output. It is included to support inclusion of baggage in the help file.
- ;
- ; The BAGGAGE section is simply copied to the HPJ file, ignoring empty
- ; lines and lines starting with a semicolon (;).