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- INTSUM.EXE - Interrupt Summary and Viewer
- For Ralf Brown's Interrupt List
- Copyright (c) 1995 Daniel D. Miller
- Written by Daniel D. Miller (derelict@netcom.com)
- Version 1.2, released 07-31-95 11:44am
- ===============================================================================
- IntSum is a character-mode MSDOS program for viewing the Interrupt List.
- It supports Release 45 and later, and will also work with earlier releases
- which follow the same file format. It has the following features (some of
- which are not yet implemented, or not PROPERLY implemented, in this
- preliminary release of the program):
- -> Automatically supports current screen size in rows (it will work
- properly with screens wider than 80 columns, but doesn't use the
- extra width for anything).
- -> IntSum automatically generates its own indexed reference file,
- the first time that it is run. The INTPRINT summary is not used.
- -> There are NO size limits on reference or listing files.
- -> Display colors may be set via entries in INTSUM.INI.
- This file will automatically be created in the same directory
- as INTSUM.EXE, the first time INTSUM is run.
- -> Save Current Topic to File (from reference list only).
- -> Combined-file support is now working!!
- ===============================================================================
- INTSUM.EXE is hereby released as freeware, though I retain the copyright on
- it. This means you may distribute it anywhere you wish, to anyone you wish,
- and use it for any private or commercial purpose, but you may not charge
- money for it (except for reasonable distribution fees for diskettes,etc.),
- nor may you modify the program in any way (except to hack the color table,
- if you wish, until I get the config file implemented).
- ===============================================================================
- Combined-file support
- When IntSum prepares to create a new index file (because INTERRUP.IDX is
- missing), it first searches for INTERRUP.LST in the directory where
- IntSum was found. If such file is located, the index is built from that;
- otherwise, the index is built from INTERRUP.A and its brethren.
- ===============================================================================
- DOS PATH utilization
- IntSum now searches for the interrupt_list files, index, INI file, and any
- other files in the directory where INTSUM.EXE was executed. This means you
- can now path to IntSum and execute it without having to actually change
- to that directory. For this to work, of course, IntSum must be in the
- same directory as the interrupt-list files.
- ===============================================================================
- Configuration file
- The first time that IntSum is executed, it will create a configuration file
- called INTSUM.INI in the directory where INTSUM.EXE is located. This file
- contains all the colors used by the program. Once the file is created, you
- can edit it with any text editor, and set them to whatever colors you like.
- The file uses standard 8-bit DOS color scheme, where bit 7 is BLINK,
- bits 6-4 are background and bits 3-0 are foreground. Values can be entered
- in hex as 0xHH, octal as 0DDD, or decimal as DDD. If still confused, look
- up strtol() in a C-library reference manual. I presume that anyone who
- is looking at an interrupt list is familiar with the DOS video color scheme.
- ===============================================================================
- *BUGS* ?!?!? _WHAT_ Bugs???
- Some of the known bugs, omissions and absent features are:
- -> List: can't scroll or search into next/previous files.
- This probably won't be done for awhile unless I get a lot of
- requests, because it's pretty difficult, and I'd rather ponder
- cross-referencing.
- -> Following cross-references to other topics in the IntList and
- FarCalls lists is a dream that is still in the pondering stage.
- I welcome any mail with comments, bug reports (especially!!), requests,
- Karma Cookies, Brickbats, or whatever else you have offer. As improved/fixed
- versions become available, I will send copies via email to anyone who has such
- an account and requests it. Just send an email request to derelict@netcom.com.
- Snail-mail support will not be offered at this point unless I get severe
- pressure, as I don't have easy access to daytime post offices.
- Please address all mail to:
- derelict@netcom.com
- OR: Daniel D. Miller
- 36355 BridgePointe Drive
- Newark, CA 94560