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- /************************************************************************/
- /* INTPRINT.C by Ralf Brown. Donated to the Public Domain. */
- /* Please do not remove my name from any copies or derivatives. */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Program History: */
- /* v1.00 4/23/89 initial public release */
- /* with 4/30/89 list */
- /* v1.10 5/21/89 added -I and -f */
- /* v1.11 1/6/90 fixed #endif's for compilers which don't handle */
- /* labels */
- /* v1.20 6/8/90 added -r */
- /* v1.30 7/14/90 added -b, tables now stay aligned on odd indents */
- /* v1.40 10/6/90 added -B based on changes by Naoto Kimura, -w */
- /* v1.40a 5/6/91 HP LaserJet II support by Russ Herman */
- /* v1.41 7/9/91 HP PCL support by P.J.Farley III */
- /* v2.00 9/1/91 modular printer definitions */
- /* printing multipart interrupt list */
- /* v2.01 2/9/92 fixed summary entry for non-numeric AX= and AH= */
- /* smarter page breaks */
- /* v2.02 2/18/92 bugfix & isxdigit suggested by Aaron West */
- /* v2.10 3/14/92 updated to handle extra flags in headings */
- /* v2.11 5/23/92 bugfix pointed out by Joe White */
- /* v2.20 6/12/92 added -F based on code by Richard Brittain */
- /* added -H and Panasonic printer def by Lewis Paper */
- /* v2.21 10/14/92 fixed error in -H/-r interaction */
- /* updated for new 'Bitmask of' section */
- /* v2.22 2/15/93 exclude Index: by default, -x to force inclusion */
- /* changed 'Bitmask of' to 'Bitfields for' */
- /* v2.23 5/24/93 fix to allow INT/AL= to appear correctly in summary*/
- /* v2.24 7/15/93 -k and infinite-length pages by Bent Lynggaard */
- /* v3.00 6/4/94 -T, -V, and multi-file break section skipping */
- /* major speedups; checked for BC++3.1 compatibility */
- /* v3.01 6/11/94 bugfix: crashed with -l0 -L1 on lines >=80 chars */
- /* v3.02 1/7/95 bugfix by Mark Shapiro: garbage with -B -PHP_PCL */
- /* v3.03 1/14/95 changes for Borland C++ 4.x size minimization */
- /* v3.04 3/25/95 malloc/sbrk and other bugfixes */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Recompiling: */
- /* Turbo C / Borland C++ */
- /* tcc -mt -lt -O -a -Z -p -k- intprint */
- /* bcc -mt -lt -a -d -O1agim -p intprint.c */
- /* Borland C++ 4.x (as .EXE, from John <tenthumbs@bix.com>) */
- /* bcc -ms -a -d -O1agim -p intprint.c noehs.lib */
- /************************************************************************/
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h> /* S_IREAD, S_IWRITE */
- #define VERSION "3.04"
- /***********************************************/
- /* portability definitions */
- #define _other_ /* assume no system-specific match */
- /*--------------------------------------------------*/
- /* first system: MS-DOS with Turbo/Borland C */
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- # define PROTOTYPES
- # include <alloc.h>
- # include <io.h> /* open, close, read, lseek, etc. */
- int _Cdecl isatty(int handle) ;
- /* definitions to reduce size of executable */
- unsigned int _Cdecl _stklen = 1024 ;
- #define close _close
- #define read _read
- #define write _write
- void _Cdecl _setenvp(void) {} /* don't need environment--don't include it */
- void *_Cdecl malloc(size_t size)
- { void *x = sbrk(size) ; return (x==(char*)-1) ? 0 : x ; }
- void _Cdecl free(void *var) { (void)var ; }
- /* since our free() doesn't do anything, macro it out of existence */
- #define free(p)
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- void _Cdecl _setupio(void) {}
- #pragma warn -eff
- /* BC++ v3.1 sets __BORLANDC__ to 0x0410!! */
- #if __BORLANDC__ >= 0x0400 && __BORLANDC__ != 0x0410
- /* Changes by John Sasse to minimize executable size */
- #if 1
- /* the preferred way */
- /* Borland claims they "might" stop supporting these functions. Right */
- #define _close(a) _rtl_close(a)
- #define _creat(a,b) _rtl_creat(a,b)
- #define _open(a,b) _rtl_open(a,b)
- #define _read(a,b,c) _rtl_read(a,b,c)
- #define _write(a,b,c) _rtl_write(a,b,c)
- #if __BORLANDC__ == 0x400
- /* They forgot to change this in 4.00 only */
- #undef _read
- #endif
- #else
- #pragma warn -obs /* the easy way */
- #endif /* 1 */
- #endif /* __BORLANDC__ >= 0x400 */
- #endif /* __BORLANDC__ */
- #undef _other_
- #endif /* __TURBOC__ */
- #ifdef __MSDOS__
- # define LINE_TERMINATOR '\n'
- #endif
- /*--------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Gnu C compiler */
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- #define PROTOTYPES
- #define NEED_ITOA
- #define NEED_ULTOA
- #define NEED_STRUPR
- #undef _other_
- #endif /* __GNUC__ */
- /*--------------------------------------------------*/
- /* generic Unix definitions */
- #ifdef unix
- # include <sys/unistd.h> /* open, close, read, lseek, etc. */
- # include <sysent.h> /* open, close, read, lseek, etc. */
- extern int isatty(int) ;
- # define LINE_TERMINATOR '\n'
- #endif
- /*--------------------------------------------------*/
- /* any other system */
- #ifdef _other_
- /* unknown compiler/system, so set configuration #defines */
- #if 0 /* set to 1 if compiler supports ANSI-style prototypes, 0 otherwise */
- #define PROTOTYPES
- #endif
- #if 1 /* set to 0 if library contains strnicmp(), 1 otherwise */
- #endif
- #if 1 /* set to 0 if library contains isxdigit(), 1 otherwise */
- #endif
- #if 1 /* set to 0 if library contains strupr(), 1 otherwise */
- #define NEED_STRUPR
- #endif
- #if 1 /* set to 0 if library contains three-arg itoa(), 1 otherwise */
- #define NEED_ITOA
- #endif
- #if 1 /* set to 0 if library contains three-arg ultoa(), 1 otherwise */
- #define NEED_ULTOA
- #endif
- #endif /* _other_ */
- /*--------------------------------------------------*/
- /* the last character of the line termination sequence, i.e. '\n' for CRLF */
- /* and LF, '\r' if your system uses CR or LFCR */
- #define LINE_TERMINATOR '\n'
- #endif /* LINE_TERMINATOR */
- /*--------------------------------------------------*/
- /* catchall for macros which might not be defined */
- #ifndef O_BINARY
- # define O_BINARY 0
- #endif
- #ifndef _Cdecl
- # define _Cdecl
- #endif
- /***********************************************/
- #ifndef FALSE
- #define FALSE 0
- #endif
- #ifndef TRUE
- #define TRUE !FALSE
- #endif
- /***********************************************/
- #define MAXLINE 82 /* at most 80 chars per line (plus CR and newline) */
- #define MAXPAGE 200 /* at most 200 lines per page */
- #define lengthof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
- #define divider_line(line) (line[0] == '-' && memcmp(line+1,"-------",7) == 0)
- #ifdef __MSDOS__
- #define start_of_entry(s) (((int*)s)[0]==(256*'N'+'I')&&((int*)s)[1]==(256*' '+'T'))
- #define index_line(l) \
- (((int*)l)[0]==(256*'n'+'I')&&((int*)l)[1]==(256*'e'+'d')&& \
- ((int*)l)[2]==(256*':'+'x'))
- #else
- #define start_of_entry(s) (memcmp(s,"INT ",4) == 0)
- #define index_line(line) (line[0] == 'I' && memcmp(line+1,"ndex:",5) == 0)
- #endif
- #define section_start(line) is_keyword(line,section_start_keys,lengthof(section_start_keys))
- #define start_of_table(line) (is_keyword(line,table_start_keys,lengthof(table_start_keys)))
- #define section_file_start(s) (s[0] == '-' && memcmp(s+1,"-------!---Section",18) == 0)
- /***********************************************/
- /* stub functions to reduce executable size */
- /***********************************************/
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- /* Changes by John Sasse */
- /* BC++ v3.1 sets __BORLANDC__ to 0x0410!! */
- #if __BORLANDC__ >= 0x0400 && __BORLANDC__ != 0x0410
- /* Everything within this conditional may be placed in
- * a separate source file if desired.
- */
- /* stack overflow checking can never be allowed inside
- the run-time library */
- #pragma option -N-
- #include <errno.h>
- /* the next 3 include files are necessary only if this
- is compiled as a separate file */
- #if 0
- #include <io.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #endif
- /* declarations */
- void _Cdecl __ErrorMessage (const char *__message);
- int pascal near __IOerror (int _doserror_);
- int pascal near __DOSerror (int _doserror_);
- void _Cdecl _abort (void);
- /* may be referenced by a lot of things */
- int _Cdecl _doserrno = 0;
- /*
- The _rtl_* functions all call __IOError which originally
- referenced sys_nerr and sys_errlist. Unfortunately, the
- source file for these also contains perror which calls
- fputs. Hence you get lots of extra code.
- This is a very minimal replacement.
- */
- int pascal near __IOerror(int _doserror_)
- {
- /* if _doserror_ is < 0, it might be a System V error.
- we don't care */
- _doserrno = (_doserror_ < 0) ? (-1) : _doserror_;
- errno = EIO; /* a default value */
- return (-1);
- }
- /* __DOSerror and __IOerror are in the same source file.
- This may not actually be called. Better safe ...
- */
- #if 1
- int pascal near __DOSerror(int _doserror_)
- {
- __IOerror(_doserror_);
- return (_doserror_);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- The startup code, among others, references _setargv which
- references abort. The run-time library version says "raise
- (SIGABRT)", bringing in a lot of unnecessary code.
- */
- void _Cdecl abort (void)
- {
- _abort ();
- }
- /* necessary to avoid referencing _streams */
- #if 1
- #define STDERR 2
- void _Cdecl __ErrorMessage(const char *msg)
- {
- _rtl_write(STDERR, msg, strlen(msg));
- }
- #endif
- /* restore command line state; note the "." */
- #pragma option -N.
- #endif /* __BORLANDC__ >= 0x400 */
- #endif /* __BORLANDC__ */
- /***********************************************/
- /* replacement file I/O function macros */
- /***********************************************/
- typedef struct
- {
- int fd ;
- int buf_maxsize ;
- char *buf ;
- unsigned long bufoffset ;
- int bufsize ;
- int bufpos ;
- int write ; /* file is output file if nonzero */
- } IP_FILE ;
- #define ip_putc(c,fp) \
- ((fp)->buf[fp->bufpos++]=(c),\
- ((fp)->bufpos>=(fp)->buf_maxsize&&ip_flush(fp)==-1)?-1:0)
- /* output the indicated counted string to the given file */
- #define ip_putcstr(s,fp) ip_write((s)->str,(s)->len,fp)
- /* output the given string literal to the indicated file */
- #define ip_putlit(s,fp) ip_write((s),sizeof(s)-1,fp)
- /* output the given string variable to the indicated file */
- #define ip_puts(s, fp) ip_write(s,strlen(s),fp)
- #ifdef __MSDOS__
- #define newline(fp) ip_write("\r\n",2,fp)
- #else
- #define newline(fp) ip_putc('\n',fp)
- #endif
- /***********************************************/
- typedef struct /* a counted string */
- {
- int len ; /* the string's length */
- char *str ; /* the actual contents of the string */
- } cstr ;
- #define CSTR(s) { sizeof(s)-1, (s) } /* for defining a counted string literal */
- #define cstrlen(s) ((s)->len) /* how long is the counted string? */
- typedef struct
- {
- char *name ; /* for selecting the appropriate printer */
- cstr init1, init2 ; /* initialization strings */
- cstr marginl, marginc, marginr ; /* margins: duplex even, non-duplex, duplex odd */
- cstr duplex_on ; /* turn on duplex mode */
- cstr term1, term2 ; /* cleanup strings */
- cstr bold_on, bold_off ; /* boldface on/off */
- int indent ; /* how many extra spaces to indent */
- int lines_per_page ; /* how many lines to print on each page */
- int page_length ; /* how many lines on each page */
- int page_width ; /* how many printable columns per line? */
- void (*put_line)(IP_FILE *,int) ;/* function to call to print out divider line */
- void (*set_typeface)(IP_FILE *,char *) ;
- #else
- void (*put_line)() ; /* function to call to print out divider line */
- void (*set_typeface)() ;
- #endif /* PROTOTYPES */
- int *flag ; /* flag to set when using this printer definition */
- typedef struct filter_list
- {
- struct filter_list *next ;
- char str[1] ; /* will allocate enough for actual string */
- typedef struct
- {
- int part ;
- int first_on_page ; /* TRUE if a new entry starts at the top of the page */
- char desc[24] ;
- int len ;
- } HEADER ;
- typedef struct
- {
- /* char *name ;*/
- char name[14] ;
- int length ;
- /***********************************************/
- void usage(void) ;
- void fatal(char *msg) ;
- void warning(char *msg) ;
- int unwanted_section(char *buf) ;
- IP_FILE *ip_fdopen(int fd,char *buf,int bufsiz, int maxsiz, int write) ;
- IP_FILE *ip_open_write(char *name, int trunc, char *buf, int bufsiz) ;
- IP_FILE *ip_open_read(char *name, char *buf, int bufsiz) ;
- int ip_close(IP_FILE *fp) ;
- unsigned long ip_fgets(char *buf, int max, IP_FILE *fp) ;
- int ip_write(char *buf, int count, IP_FILE *fp) ;
- int ip_flush(IP_FILE *fp) ;
- void get_raw_line(char *buf) ;
- void get_line(char *buf) ;
- void indent_to(int where,IP_FILE *fp) ;
- void put_line(IP_FILE *fp, int len) ;
- void HPPCL_put_line(IP_FILE *fp, int len) ;
- void HPPCL_set_typeface(IP_FILE *fp,char *typeface) ;
- int is_keyword(char *s, KEYWORDS *keys, unsigned int numkeys) ;
- void output_line(char *line,IP_FILE *fp) ;
- void fill_buffer(int lines, int lines_per_page) ;
- int find_page_break(int lines) ;
- int summarize(int line, int pages_printed) ;
- void start_format(char *line) ;
- void write_summary_header(IP_FILE *fp, char *title, int offsets, int tables) ;
- void show_offset(int line,IP_FILE *fp) ;
- void add_table(int i) ;
- FILT_LIST *add_filter_info(FILT_LIST *list,char *str) ;
- void build_filter_lists(char *file) ;
- int make_description(char *desc,int line) ;
- char *determine_heading(int last) ;
- void print_buffer(int last,int body_lines,int lines_per_page,int total_lines,
- int use_FF) ;
- void select_printer(char *name) ;
- void display_printers(void) ;
- static void reset_printer_and_close(IP_FILE *fp) ;
- int _Cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) ;
- #else
- void put_line() ;
- void HPPCL_put_line() ;
- void HPPCL_set_typeface() ;
- void show_offset() ;
- #endif /* PROTOTYPES */
- /***********************************************/
- /* I/O buffers */
- /***********************************************/
- char stderr_buf[256] ;
- char filter_buf[256] ;
- char infile_buf[8192] ;
- char outfile_buf[8192] ;
- char summary_buf[4096] ;
- char formats_buf[3072] ;
- char tables_buf[3072] ;
- /***********************************************/
- IP_FILE *err ;
- IP_FILE *infile ;
- IP_FILE *outfile ;
- char *input_file ;
- int input_file_namelen ;
- char buffer[MAXPAGE][MAXLINE] ;
- unsigned long line_offsets[MAXPAGE] ;
- char num[6] ;
- int need_summary ;
- char summary_line[2*MAXLINE] ;
- int summary_line_len ;
- int pages_printed = 0 ;
- int page_width = 0 ; /* page width in characters, 0 = use prtdef */
- int indent = 0 ; /* number of columns to indent lines */
- char *indent_string = NULL ; /* what to add at start of line to indent */
- int indent_len = 0 ; /* length of indent_string */
- int widow_length = 8 ; /* number of lines to scan for good place to break */
- int page_numbers = FALSE ; /* add page numbers to bottom of page? */
- int multi_file = FALSE ; /* printing multipart interrupt list? */
- int out_of_files = FALSE ; /* hit end of last file for multipart printing? */
- int do_summary = FALSE ; /* create a one-line-per-call summary? */
- int do_tables = FALSE ; /* create a one-line-per-table index? */
- int do_formats = FALSE ; /* create a separate file with data structures? */
- int do_filter = FALSE ; /* using a filtering file? */
- int do_headers = FALSE ; /* add page headings? */
- int include_index_lines = FALSE ;
- int IBM_chars = FALSE ; /* printer can handle IBM graphics characters */
- int boldface = FALSE ; /* boldface titles and Return:/Notes: ? */
- int printer_bold = FALSE ; /* boldface using printer control sequences? */
- int echo_format = FALSE ;
- int duplex = FALSE ;
- int HPPCL_mode = FALSE ;
- int show_offsets = FALSE ;
- int keep_divider_lines = FALSE ;
- IP_FILE *summary ;
- IP_FILE *tables ;
- IP_FILE *formats ;
- PRINTER_DEF *printer = NULL ;
- unsigned long current_line_offset = 0 ;
- unsigned long offset_adjust = 0 ;
- unsigned int first_page = 0 ;
- unsigned int last_page = ~0 ;
- int prev_table = 0 ;
- FILT_LIST *includes = NULL ;
- FILT_LIST *excludes = NULL ;
- HEADER header_first = { 0, FALSE, "" } ;
- HEADER header_last = { 0, FALSE, "" } ;
- /***********************************************/
- PRINTER_DEF printers[] =
- {
- { "default",
- CSTR(""), CSTR(""),
- CSTR(""), CSTR(""), CSTR(""),
- CSTR(""),
- CSTR(""), CSTR(""),
- CSTR(""), CSTR(""),
- -1,
- 60,
- 0,
- 79,
- put_line,
- },
- { "Epson FX80, 12 cpi",
- CSTR("\033M"), CSTR(""),
- CSTR("\033l\004"), CSTR("\033l\007"), CSTR("\033l\014"),
- CSTR(""),
- CSTR("\033P"), CSTR("\033l\000"),
- CSTR("\033E"), CSTR("\033F"),
- 0,
- 60,
- 0,
- 87, /* 96 - left margin - 1 right margin */
- put_line,
- },
- { "Panasonic KX-P1124i / 10 cpi Epson",
- CSTR(""), CSTR(""),
- CSTR(""), CSTR(""), CSTR(""),
- CSTR(""),
- CSTR(""), CSTR(""),
- CSTR("\033E"), CSTR("\033F"),
- -1,
- 60,
- 0,
- 79,
- put_line,
- },
- { "HP PCL",
- CSTR("\033(8U"), CSTR(""),
- CSTR("\033&a4c4L"), CSTR("\033&a8c8L"), CSTR("\033&a12c12L"),
- CSTR("\033&l1S"),
- CSTR("\033E"), CSTR(""),
- CSTR("\033(s3B"), CSTR("\033(s0B"),
- 0,
- 69,
- 0,
- 87, /* 96 - left margin - 1 right margin */
- HPPCL_put_line,
- HPPCL_set_typeface,
- &HPPCL_mode,
- },
- #define HPPCL_FONT_ON_A "\033(s0p12h10v0s0b"
- /* HP PCL4/5 Font select: Roman-8;Upright12Pitch10PointMediumWeight */
- #define HPPCL_FONT_ON_B "T\033&l6.8571C"
- /* HP PCL4/5 Font select: End typeface select;VMI=7LPI: (48/7)-48th's inches*/
- #define HPPCL_IBM_LN_A "\033&f0S\033*p-15Y\033*c"
- /* HP PCL4/5 IBM Line: Push Pos;Up 15/720";Hor.Rule ???/300ths" long */
- #define HPPCL_IBM_LN_B "a3b0P\033&f1S"
- /* HP PCL4/5 IBM Line: 3/300ths" high,Print rule;Pop Position */
- { "LaserJet II",
- CSTR("\033(10U"),CSTR(""),
- CSTR("\033&a4c4L"), CSTR("\033&a8c8L"), CSTR("\033&a12c12L"),
- CSTR(""),
- CSTR("\033E"),CSTR(""),
- CSTR("\033(s3B"),CSTR("\033(s0B"),
- 0,
- 54,
- 60,
- 79,
- put_line,
- &IBM_chars,
- },
- } ;
- #define NUM_PRINTERS lengthof(printers)
- /***********************************************/
- #define KEYWORD_ENTRY(s) { s, sizeof(s)-1 }
- KEYWORDS section_start_keys[] =
- {
- KEYWORD_ENTRY("Index:"),
- KEYWORD_ENTRY("Notes:"),
- KEYWORD_ENTRY("Program:"),
- KEYWORD_ENTRY("Range:"),
- KEYWORD_ENTRY("Return:"),
- KEYWORD_ENTRY("SeeAlso:"),
- } ;
- KEYWORDS table_start_keys[] =
- {
- KEYWORD_ENTRY("Bitfields "),
- KEYWORD_ENTRY("Format "),
- KEYWORD_ENTRY("Values "),
- } ;
- /***********************************************/
- #ifdef isxdigit
- #endif
- int strnicmp(char *s1,char *s2,unsigned int len) ;
- #endif
- int strnicmp(s1,s2,len)
- char *s1,*s2 ;
- unsigned int len ;
- {
- char c1, c2 ;
- while (*s1 && *s2 && len > 0)
- {
- len-- ;
- c1 = (islower(*s1) ? toupper(*s1) : *s1) ;
- c2 = (islower(*s2) ? toupper(*s2) : *s2) ;
- if (c1 != c2 || len == 0) /* mismatch or substrings exhausted? */
- return (c1 - c2) ;
- s1++ ;
- s2++ ;
- }
- return 0 ; /* strings match exactly on first 'len' characters */
- }
- #endif /* NEED_STRNICMP */
- #ifdef NEED_STRUPR
- char *strupr(char *s) ;
- #endif
- char *strupr(s)
- char *s ;
- {
- char *orig_s = s ;
- char c ;
- if (s)
- while (*s)
- {
- c = *s ;
- *s++ = (islower(c) ? toupper(c) : c) ;
- }
- return orig_s ;
- }
- #endif /* NEED_STRUPR */
- int isxdigit(int c) ;
- #endif
- int isxdigit(c)
- int c ;
- {
- return isdigit(c) || (memchr("ABCDEFabcdef",c,12) != NULL) ;
- }
- #endif /* NEED_ISXDIGIT */
- #ifdef NEED_ITOA
- char *itoa(int num,char *buf,int radix) ;
- #endif
- char *itoa(num,buf,radix) /* not everybody has the same itoa() as TurboC */
- int num ; /* minimal implementation */
- char *buf ;
- int radix ;
- {
- int count = 0 ;
- int i ;
- char tmp ;
- do {
- buf[count++] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[num % radix] ;
- num /= radix ;
- } while (num) ;
- buf[count] = '\0' ;
- if (count > 1)
- for (i = 0 ; i < count / 2 ; i++)
- {
- tmp = buf[i] ;
- buf[i] = buf[count-i-1] ;
- buf[count-i-1] = tmp ;
- }
- return buf ;
- }
- #endif /* NEED_ITOA */
- #ifdef NEED_ULTOA
- char *ultoa(unsigned long num,char *buf,int radix) ;
- #endif
- char *ultoa(num,buf,radix) /* not everybody has the same ultoa() as TurboC */
- unsigned long num ; /* minimal implementation */
- char *buf ;
- int radix ;
- {
- int count = 0 ;
- int i ;
- char tmp ;
- do {
- buf[count++] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[num % radix] ;
- num /= radix ;
- } while (num) ;
- buf[count] = '\0' ;
- if (count > 1)
- for (i = 0 ; i < count / 2 ; i++)
- {
- tmp = buf[i] ;
- buf[i] = buf[count-i-1] ;
- buf[count-i-1] = tmp ;
- }
- return buf ;
- }
- #endif /* NEED_ULTOA */
- /***********************************************/
- void usage()
- {
- ip_putlit("\
- Usage: intprint [options] intlist [>|>>]output\r\n\
- Options:\r\n\
- Filtering:\t-Ffile\tprint only entries matching filtering info in 'file'\r\n\
- \t\t-k\tkeep original divider lines\r\n\
- \t\t-rN:M\tprint only pages N through M\r\n\
- \t\t-x\tinclude Index: lines in formatted output\r\n\
- Formatting:\t-b\tboldface headings\t-B\tbold with control codes\r\n\
- \t\t-d\t(duplex) print even/odd pages with different indents\r\n\
- \t\t-e\t(elite) 96 chars/line\t-tN\tselect typeface N\r\n\
- Pagination:\t-H\tadd page headers\t-iN\tindent N spaces\r\n\
- \t\t-p\tnumber pages\t\t-nN\tN pages already printed\r\n\
- \t\t-wN\twidow lines control\r\n\
- \t\t-lN\tprint length\t\t-LN\ttotal page length\r\n\
- \t\t\t(0 = infinite)\t(use linefeeds if > #lines printed)\r\n\
- Printer:\t-I\tIBM graphics characters\r\n\
- \t\t-Pname\tassume printer 'name'\t-P?\tlist printers\r\n\
- Summaries:\t-ffile\tdata structure formats\t-sfile\tINT calls\r\n\
- \t\t-Tfile\tlist tables\r\n\
- Misc:\t\t-m\tprocess multiple parts\t-V\tmake INTERVUE summary\r\n\
- "
- ,err) ;
- ip_flush(err) ;
- exit(1) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void fatal(msg)
- char *msg ;
- {
- ip_putlit("UNRECOVERABLE ERROR:",err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- ip_puts(msg,err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- ip_flush(err) ;
- exit(1) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void warning(msg)
- char *msg ;
- {
- ip_putlit("Warning: ",err) ;
- ip_puts(msg,err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- IP_FILE *ip_fdopen(fd,buf,bufsiz,maxsiz,write)
- int fd ;
- char *buf ;
- int bufsiz, maxsiz, write ;
- {
- IP_FILE *fp = (IP_FILE *)malloc(sizeof(IP_FILE)) ;
- if (fp)
- {
- fp->fd = fd ;
- fp->buf = buf ;
- fp->bufsize = bufsiz ;
- fp->buf_maxsize = maxsiz ;
- fp->bufpos = 0 ;
- fp->bufoffset = 0 ;
- fp->write = write ;
- }
- return fp ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- IP_FILE *ip_open_write(name,trunc,buf,bufsiz)
- char *name ;
- char *buf ;
- int trunc ;
- int bufsiz ;
- {
- int fd ;
- if (name && *name == '\0')
- fd = 1 ; /* open stdout */
- else
- {
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- if (trunc)
- fd = _creat(name,0) ; /* create with no attribute bits sets */
- else
- fd = _open(name,O_WRONLY) ;
- #else
- if (trunc) trunc = O_TRUNC ;
- fd = open(name,O_WRONLY|O_BINARY|O_CREAT|trunc,S_IREAD|S_IWRITE) ;
- #endif
- if (fd == -1)
- return 0 ;
- if (!trunc)
- lseek(fd,0L,SEEK_END) ;
- }
- return ip_fdopen(fd,buf,bufsiz,bufsiz,1) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- IP_FILE *ip_open_read(name,buf,bufsiz)
- char *name ;
- char *buf ;
- int bufsiz ;
- {
- int fd, siz ;
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- if ((fd = _open(name,O_RDONLY)) != -1)
- #else
- if ((fd = open(name,O_RDONLY | O_BINARY,0)) != -1)
- #endif
- {
- siz = read(fd,buf,bufsiz) ;
- if (siz == -1)
- return 0 ;
- return ip_fdopen(fd,buf,siz,bufsiz,0) ;
- }
- else
- return 0 ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- int ip_flush(fp)
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- {
- if (fp->write && fp->bufpos)
- {
- if (fp->bufpos > fp->buf_maxsize)
- fp->bufpos = fp->buf_maxsize ;
- if (write(fp->fd,fp->buf,fp->bufpos) == -1)
- return -1 ;
- fp->bufpos = 0 ;
- }
- return 0 ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- int ip_close(fp)
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- {
- if (ip_flush(fp) == -1 || close(fp->fd) == -1)
- return -1 ;
- free(fp) ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- unsigned long ip_fgets(buf, max, fp)
- char *buf ;
- int max ;
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- {
- unsigned long line_offset = fp->bufoffset + fp->bufpos ;
- char *end ;
- int len ;
- int new_bufpos ;
- char *fpbuf = fp->buf ;
- int bufpos = fp->bufpos ;
- --max ;
- if (bufpos + max < fp->bufsize)
- {
- end = (char *)memchr(fpbuf+bufpos,LINE_TERMINATOR,max) ;
- if (end)
- {
- new_bufpos = (end-fpbuf) ;
- len = new_bufpos++ - bufpos ;
- /* eradicate rest of multi-character line terminator */
- while (len > 0 && fpbuf[bufpos+len-1] <= ' ')
- len-- ;
- }
- else
- {
- len = max ;
- new_bufpos = bufpos + len ;
- }
- if (len)
- memcpy(buf,fpbuf+bufpos,len) ;
- buf[len] = '\0' ;
- bufpos = new_bufpos ;
- }
- else
- {
- for (len = 1 ; len <= max ; len++)
- {
- *buf = fpbuf[bufpos++] ;
- if (bufpos >= fp->bufsize)
- {
- if (fp->bufsize < fp->buf_maxsize)
- {
- fp->bufsize = bufpos = 0 ;
- fpbuf[0] = '\0' ; /* dummy value to ensure empty string */
- }
- else
- {
- fp->bufoffset += fp->buf_maxsize ;
- fp->bufsize = read(fp->fd,fpbuf,fp->buf_maxsize) ;
- bufpos = 0 ;
- }
- if (fp->bufsize <= 0)
- {
- line_offset = (unsigned long)-1 ; /* signal end of file */
- if (*buf != LINE_TERMINATOR)
- break ;
- }
- }
- if (*buf == LINE_TERMINATOR)
- break ;
- else
- buf++ ;
- }
- if (len > max) /* did we overflow before hitting EOL? */
- *buf = '\0' ; /* if yes, plug in the terminator */
- else
- /* eradicate rest of multi-character line terminator */
- while (len-- > 0 && *buf <= ' ')
- *buf-- = '\0' ;
- }
- fp->bufpos = bufpos ;
- return line_offset ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- int ip_write(buf, count, fp)
- char *buf ;
- int count ;
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- {
- if (fp->bufpos + count < fp->buf_maxsize)
- {
- memcpy(fp->buf+fp->bufpos,buf,count) ;
- fp->bufpos += count ;
- }
- else
- while (count > 0)
- {
- int partial = fp->buf_maxsize - fp->bufpos ;
- if (count < partial)
- partial = count ;
- memcpy(fp->buf+fp->bufpos,buf,partial) ;
- buf += partial ;
- fp->bufpos += partial ;
- count -= partial ;
- if (fp->bufpos >= fp->buf_maxsize && ip_flush(fp) == -1)
- return -1 ;
- }
- return 0 ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- #define indent_line(fp) if(indent_string)ip_write(indent_string,indent_len,fp)
- /***********************************************/
- void indent_to(where,fp)
- int where ;
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- {
- where += indent ;
- while (where >= 8)
- {
- ip_putc('\t',fp) ;
- where -= 8 ;
- }
- if (where)
- ip_write(" ",where,fp) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void put_line(fp,len)
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- int len ;
- {
- static char line[8] = { 196, 196, 196, 196, 196, 196, 196, 196 } ;
- if (IBM_chars)
- {
- while (len >= 8)
- {
- ip_write(line,8,fp) ;
- len -= 8 ;
- }
- if (len)
- ip_write(line,len,fp) ;
- }
- else
- {
- while (len >= 8)
- {
- ip_write("--------",8,fp) ;
- len -= 8 ;
- }
- if (len)
- ip_write("--------",len,fp) ;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void HPPCL_put_line(fp,len)
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- int len ;
- {
- ip_putlit(HPPCL_IBM_LN_A,fp) ;
- ip_puts(itoa((len * 25), num, 10),fp) ;
- ip_putlit(HPPCL_IBM_LN_B,fp) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void HPPCL_set_typeface(fp,typeface)
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- char *typeface ;
- {
- ip_putlit(HPPCL_FONT_ON_A,fp) ;
- if (typeface)
- ip_puts(typeface,fp) ;
- else
- ip_putlit("8",fp) ;
- ip_putlit(HPPCL_FONT_ON_B,fp) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- int is_keyword(s,keys,numkeys)
- char *s ;
- KEYWORDS *keys ;
- unsigned int numkeys ;
- {
- register int cmp ;
- register unsigned int i ;
- KEYWORDS *currkey ;
- int firstchar = *s ;
- do {
- i = numkeys / 2 ;
- currkey = &keys[i] ;
- cmp = (firstchar - currkey->name[0]) ;
- if (cmp == 0)
- cmp = memcmp(s,currkey->name,currkey->length) ;
- if (cmp < 0)
- numkeys = i ;
- else if (cmp > 0)
- {
- keys = currkey+1 ;
- numkeys -= i+1 ;
- }
- else
- return TRUE ;
- } while (numkeys) ;
- return FALSE ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void output_line(line,fp)
- char *line ;
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- {
- if (*line)
- {
- int pos = 0 ;
- int len = strlen(line) ;
- indent_line(fp) ;
- if (boldface)
- {
- if (start_of_entry(line) || start_of_table(line))
- {
- if (printer_bold)
- {
- ip_putcstr(&printer->bold_on,fp) ;
- ip_write(line,len,fp) ;
- ip_putcstr(&printer->bold_off,fp) ;
- newline(fp) ;
- return ;
- }
- else
- {
- ip_write(line,len,fp) ;
- ip_putc('\r',fp) ;
- indent_line(fp) ;
- }
- }
- else if (section_start(line))
- {
- pos = (char *)memchr(line,':',len) - line ;
- if (printer_bold)
- {
- ip_putcstr(&printer->bold_on,fp) ;
- ip_write(line,pos,fp) ;
- ip_putcstr(&printer->bold_off,fp) ;
- line += pos ; /* adjust because no longer at left edge */
- len -= pos ;
- }
- else
- {
- ip_write(line,pos,fp) ;
- ip_putc('\r',fp) ;
- indent_line(fp) ;
- }
- }
- } /* boldface */
- if (indent & 7) /* indenting by other than a multiple of 8 ? */
- {
- while (*line)
- {
- if (*line == '\t')
- {
- ip_write(" ",8-(pos&7),fp) ;
- pos = 0 ; /* absolute column doesn't matter, only mod 8 */
- }
- else
- {
- ip_putc(*line,fp) ;
- pos++ ;
- }
- line++ ;
- }
- }
- else
- ip_write(line,len,fp) ;
- }
- newline(fp) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void get_raw_line(buf)
- char *buf ;
- {
- IP_FILE *in ;
- buf[0] = '\0' ;
- if (out_of_files)
- return ;
- current_line_offset = ip_fgets(buf,MAXLINE,infile) ;
- if (current_line_offset == (unsigned long)-1)
- if (multi_file)
- {
- offset_adjust += lseek(infile->fd,0L,SEEK_END) ;
- input_file[input_file_namelen-1]++ ;
- ip_close(infile) ;
- if ((in = ip_open_read(input_file,infile_buf,sizeof(infile_buf)))
- != NULL)
- {
- infile = in ;
- current_line_offset = ip_fgets(buf,MAXLINE,infile) ;
- }
- else
- {
- out_of_files = TRUE ;
- return ;
- }
- }
- else
- out_of_files = TRUE ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- int unwanted_section(buf)
- char *buf ;
- {
- int found ;
- char str[MAXLINE] ;
- FILT_LIST *p ;
- if (start_of_entry(buf)) /* is it an interrupt entry? */
- {
- strcpy(str,buf) ;
- (void) strupr(str) ;
- /* section is unwanted if *any* exclude string matches */
- for (p = excludes ; p ; p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->str && strstr(str, p->str) != NULL)
- return TRUE ;
- }
- /* if still wanted, set to TRUE if *no* include string matches */
- found = FALSE ;
- for (p = includes ; p ; p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->str && strstr(str, p->str) != NULL)
- {
- found = TRUE ;
- break ;
- }
- }
- if (!found)
- return TRUE ;
- }
- return FALSE ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void get_line(buf)
- char *buf ;
- {
- static char next_line[MAXLINE] ;
- static int readahead = FALSE ;
- /* get the next line from the file, skipping unwanted entries */
- if (readahead)
- {
- strcpy(buf,next_line) ;
- readahead = FALSE ;
- }
- else
- {
- do {
- get_raw_line(buf) ;
- } while (!include_index_lines && index_line(buf)) ;
- if (section_file_start(buf))
- do {
- get_raw_line(buf) ;
- } while (buf[0] && !divider_line(buf)) ;
- if (do_filter)
- {
- /* if we read a divider line while filtering, we have to look ahead */
- strcpy(next_line,buf);
- while (next_line[0] && divider_line(next_line))
- {
- strcpy(buf,next_line) ; /* we may be returning the divider */
- get_raw_line(next_line) ;
- if (unwanted_section(next_line))
- {
- while (!divider_line(next_line))
- get_raw_line(next_line) ;
- }
- else /* section is wanted, so return divider and then next line */
- readahead = TRUE ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void fill_buffer(lines,lines_per_page)
- int lines, lines_per_page ;
- {
- int i ;
- /* copy remainder, if any, from last page to top of current page */
- if (lines)
- for (i = lines ; i < lines_per_page ; i++)
- {
- strcpy(buffer[i-lines], buffer[i]) ;
- line_offsets[i-lines] = line_offsets[i] ;
- }
- else
- lines = lines_per_page ;
- for (i = lines_per_page - lines ; i < lines_per_page ; i++)
- {
- get_line(buffer[i]) ;
- line_offsets[i] = current_line_offset + offset_adjust ;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************/
- int find_page_break(lines)
- int lines ;
- {
- int i ;
- char *buf ;
- for (i = 0 ; i < widow_length ; i++)
- {
- buf = buffer[lines-i-1] ;
- if (buf[0] == '\0' || divider_line(buf))
- return lines - i ;
- else if (section_start(buf))
- return lines - i - 1 ;
- }
- return lines ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- int summarize(line, pages_printed)
- int line, pages_printed ;
- {
- char *s, reg ;
- int i ;
- int max_descrip ;
- int len, numlen ;
- s = buffer[line] ;
- if (start_of_entry(s))
- {
- memcpy(summary_line," -- -- -- ",10) ;
- summary_line[1] = s[4] ; /* output interrupt number */
- summary_line[2] = s[5] ;
- len = 4 ;
- s = buffer[line+1] ;
- while (*s && isspace(*s))
- s++ ;
- if (*s == 'A')
- {
- reg = s[1] ;
- while (*s && *s != '=')
- s++ ;
- s++ ; /* skip the equal sign */
- while (*s && isspace(*s))
- s++ ; /* skip the space between equal sign and number */
- if (isxdigit(*s) && isxdigit(s[1]))
- {
- if (reg == 'L')
- len += 3 ;
- summary_line[len++] = *s++ ;
- summary_line[len++] = *s++ ;
- if (reg == 'X')
- {
- len++ ;
- summary_line[len++] = *s++ ;
- summary_line[len] = *s ;
- }
- }
- }
- len = 10 ;
- if (page_numbers)
- {
- itoa(pages_printed,num,10) ;
- numlen = strlen(num) ;
- for (i = numlen ; i < 3 ; i++)
- summary_line[len++] = ' ' ;
- memcpy(summary_line+len,num,numlen) ;
- len += numlen ;
- summary_line[len++] = ' ' ;
- }
- s = buffer[line] + 7 ; /* find function description */
- if (*s && *s != '-') /* does the heading contain flags? */
- {
- while (*s && !isspace(*s))
- summary_line[len++] = *s++ ;
- summary_line[len++] = '>' ;
- summary_line[len++] = ' ' ;
- while (*s && *s != '-')
- s++ ;
- }
- while (*s && !isspace(*s))
- s++ ;
- while (*s && isspace(*s))
- s++ ;
- max_descrip = (page_width > sizeof(summary_line)-1) ?
- sizeof(summary_line)-1 : page_width ;
- while (len < max_descrip && *s)
- summary_line[len++] = *s++ ;
- summary_line[len] = '\0' ;
- summary_line_len = len ;
- return 1 ;
- }
- else
- return 0 ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void start_format(line)
- char *line ;
- {
- indent_line(formats) ;
- (*printer->put_line)(formats,79) ;
- newline(formats) ;
- indent_line(formats) ;
- ip_puts(summary_line,formats) ;
- newline(formats) ;
- indent_line(formats) ;
- ip_putc('\t',formats) ;
- ip_puts(line+10,formats) ;
- newline(formats) ;
- echo_format = TRUE ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void show_offset(line,fp)
- int line ;
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- {
- char offset_string[12] ;
- int len ;
- ultoa(line_offsets[line],offset_string,16) ;
- len = strlen(offset_string) ;
- ip_write("00000000",8-len,fp) ;
- ip_write(offset_string,len,fp) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void add_table(i)
- int i ;
- {
- char firstchar ;
- char num[6] ;
- char *end ;
- int len ;
- int summary_width ;
- char found = FALSE ;
- prev_table++ ;
- firstchar = buffer[i][0] ;
- if (firstchar == 'C' || firstchar == 'V') /* Call.. or Values... ? */
- {
- if (i > 0 && buffer[i-1][0] == '(')
- {
- memcpy(num,buffer[i-1]+7,4) ;
- num[4] = '\0' ;
- len = 4 ;
- found = TRUE ;
- }
- }
- else if (firstchar == 'B' || firstchar == 'F') /* Bitfields.. or Format..? */
- {
- end = strrchr(buffer[i+1]+7,')') ; /* rule out Bit(s) as only match */
- if (end)
- {
- memcpy(num,end-4,4) ;
- num[4] = '\0' ;
- len = 4 ;
- found = TRUE ;
- }
- }
- if (!found)
- {
- itoa(prev_table,num,10) ;
- len = strlen(num) ;
- }
- indent_line(tables) ;
- if (show_offsets)
- show_offset(i,tables) ;
- ip_write(" 0000",5-len,tables) ;
- ip_write(num,len,tables);
- if (page_numbers)
- {
- summary_width = 13 ;
- while (summary_line[summary_width] != ' ')
- summary_width++ ;
- summary_width++ ; /* include the blank we found */
- }
- else
- summary_width = 10 ;
- ip_write(summary_line,summary_width,tables) ;
- len = strlen(buffer[i])-1 ;
- if (len > page_width - summary_width - 5)
- len = page_width - summary_width - 5 ;
- ip_write(buffer[i],len,tables) ;
- newline(tables) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- int make_description(desc,line)
- char *desc ;
- int line ;
- {
- char *start = desc ;
- summarize(line,pages_printed) ;
- memcpy(desc,"INT ", 4) ;
- desc += 4 ;
- *desc++ = summary_line[1] ;
- *desc++ = summary_line[2] ;
- if (summary_line[4] != '-')
- {
- memcpy(desc,", AH=", 5) ;
- desc += 5 ;
- *desc++ = summary_line[4] ;
- *desc++ = summary_line[5] ;
- }
- if (summary_line[7] != '-')
- {
- memcpy(desc,", AL=", 5) ;
- desc += 5 ;
- *desc++ = summary_line[7] ;
- *desc++ = summary_line[8] ;
- }
- *desc = '\0' ;
- return (desc-start)+1 ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- char *determine_heading(last)
- int last ;
- {
- int i ;
- static char heading[MAXLINE] ;
- char save[25] ;
- char num[10] ;
- /* ugly hack to keep the combination of -H and -T from showing wrong page */
- /* numbers for tables--copy last summary line from previous page to safe */
- /* place before processing current page, then restore it */
- memcpy(save,summary_line,sizeof(save)) ;
- if (start_of_entry(buffer[0]))
- {
- header_first.len = make_description(header_first.desc,0) ;
- header_first.part = 1 ;
- header_first.first_on_page = TRUE ;
- }
- else if (header_last.part == 0) /* very first entry? */
- {
- for (i = 0 ; i < last ; i++)
- if (start_of_entry(buffer[i]))
- {
- header_first.len = make_description(header_first.desc,i) ;
- header_first.part = 1 ;
- header_first.first_on_page = TRUE ;
- break ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- header_first.len = header_last.len ;
- memcpy(header_first.desc,header_last.desc,header_last.len) ;
- header_first.part = header_last.part + 1 ;
- header_first.first_on_page = FALSE ;
- }
- /* assume entry spans entire page */
- header_last.len = header_first.len ;
- memcpy(header_last.desc,header_first.desc,header_first.len) ;
- header_last.part = header_first.part ;
- header_last.first_on_page = header_first.first_on_page ;
- /* find last entry on page */
- if (header_first.part > 0)
- {
- for (i = last-1 ; i > 0 ; i--)
- if (start_of_entry(buffer[i]))
- {
- header_last.len = make_description(header_last.desc,i) ;
- header_last.part = 1 ;
- header_last.first_on_page = FALSE ;
- break ;
- }
- memcpy(heading,header_first.desc,header_first.len) ;
- if (header_first.part > 1)
- {
- strcat(heading," (Part ") ;
- strcat(heading,itoa(header_first.part,num,10)) ;
- strcat(heading,")") ;
- }
- if (memcmp(header_first.desc,header_last.desc,header_last.len) != 0 ||
- header_first.part != header_last.part)
- {
- strcat(heading," to ") ;
- strcat(heading,header_last.desc) ;
- if (header_last.part > 1)
- {
- strcat(heading," (Part ") ;
- strcat(heading,itoa(header_last.part,num,10)) ;
- strcat(heading,")") ;
- }
- }
- memcpy(summary_line,save,sizeof(save)) ;
- return heading ;
- }
- else /* no headings yet */
- {
- memcpy(summary_line,save,sizeof(save)) ;
- return NULL ;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void print_buffer(last,body_lines,lines_per_page,total_lines,use_FF)
- int last, body_lines, lines_per_page, total_lines ;
- int use_FF ;
- {
- int i, len ;
- int headpos ;
- int print_this_page = (pages_printed>=first_page && pages_printed<=last_page);
- pages_printed++ ;
- if (do_headers)
- {
- char *heading ;
- if ((heading = determine_heading(last)) != NULL)
- {
- if (print_this_page)
- {
- len = strlen(heading) ;
- headpos = 40-len/2 ;
- indent_to(headpos,outfile) ;
- if (boldface)
- {
- if (printer_bold)
- {
- ip_putcstr(&printer->bold_on,outfile) ;
- ip_write(heading,len,outfile) ;
- ip_putcstr(&printer->bold_off,outfile) ;
- }
- else
- {
- ip_write(heading,len,outfile) ;
- ip_putc('\r',outfile) ;
- indent_to(headpos,outfile) ;
- ip_write(heading,len,outfile) ;
- }
- }
- else
- ip_write(heading,len,outfile) ;
- }
- }
- newline(outfile) ;
- newline(outfile) ;
- }
- for (i = 0 ; i < last ; i++)
- {
- if (print_this_page)
- {
- char *line = buffer[i] ;
- if (*line)
- {
- if (!keep_divider_lines && divider_line(line))
- {
- indent_line(outfile) ;
- (*printer->put_line)(outfile,79) ;
- newline(outfile) ;
- echo_format = FALSE ;
- }
- else
- {
- output_line(line, outfile) ;
- if (echo_format)
- output_line(line,formats) ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- newline(outfile) ;
- echo_format = FALSE ;
- }
- }
- /* need summary lines if doing summary, formats, or table index */
- if (need_summary)
- {
- if (summarize(i,pages_printed) && do_summary && summary)
- {
- if (show_offsets)
- show_offset(i,summary) ;
- ip_write(summary_line,summary_line_len,summary) ;
- newline(summary) ;
- }
- if (do_formats && memcmp(buffer[i],"Format ",7) == 0)
- start_format(buffer[i]) ;
- if (do_tables && start_of_table(buffer[i]))
- add_table(i) ;
- }
- }
- if (print_this_page)
- {
- if (page_numbers)
- {
- for (i = last ; i <= body_lines ; i++)
- newline(outfile) ;
- itoa(pages_printed, num, 10) ;
- i = strlen(num) ;
- if (!duplex)
- indent_to(38-i/2,outfile) ;
- else if (pages_printed & 1) /* odd-numbered page? */
- indent_to(75-i/2,outfile) ;
- else
- indent_to(2,outfile) ;
- ip_putlit("- ", outfile) ;
- ip_write(num, i, outfile) ;
- ip_putlit(" -", outfile) ;
- newline(outfile) ;
- }
- if (use_FF)
- ip_putc('\f',outfile) ;
- else
- for (i = page_numbers?lines_per_page:last ; i<total_lines ; i++)
- newline(outfile) ;
- if (duplex)
- {
- if (pages_printed & 1) /* next page even or odd? */
- ip_putcstr(&printer->marginl, outfile) ; /* even page */
- else
- ip_putcstr(&printer->marginr, outfile) ; /* odd page */
- }
- }
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void display_printers()
- {
- int i ;
- ip_putlit("Valid printer names are:",err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_PRINTERS ; i++)
- {
- ip_putc('\t',err) ;
- ip_puts(printers[i].name,err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- }
- ip_putlit("When entering the printer name, use either a dash or an",err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- ip_putlit("underscore in place of blanks. Case is ignored, and the",err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- ip_putlit("name may be abbreviated to the shortest unique prefix.",err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- exit(1) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void select_printer(name)
- char *name ;
- {
- int i, len, prt = -1 ;
- len = strlen(name) ;
- for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) /* convert dashes and underscores to blanks */
- if (name[i] == '-' || name[i] == '_')
- name[i] = ' ' ;
- for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_PRINTERS ; i++)
- if (strnicmp(name,printers[i].name,len) == 0)
- if (prt == -1)
- prt = i ;
- else
- fatal("Ambiguous printer name! Use -P? to list printers.") ;
- if (prt == -1)
- fatal("Unknown printer name! Use -P? to list printers.") ;
- else
- printer = &printers[prt] ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- FILT_LIST *add_filter_info(list,str)
- FILT_LIST *list ;
- char *str ;
- {
- FILT_LIST *newfilt ;
- int len = strlen(str)+1 ;
- if ((newfilt = (FILT_LIST *)malloc(sizeof(struct filter_list)+len))
- != NULL)
- {
- newfilt->next = list ;
- memcpy(newfilt->str,str,len) ;
- strupr(newfilt->str) ;
- }
- else
- fatal("out of memory") ;
- return newfilt ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void build_filter_lists(file)
- char *file ;
- {
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- char buf[MAXLINE] ;
- int len ;
- long result ;
- if ((fp = ip_open_read(file,filter_buf,sizeof(filter_buf))) == NULL)
- {
- warning("unable to open filtering file, will print entire list.") ;
- do_filter = FALSE ;
- }
- else /* OK, file is open, so start reading */
- {
- do {
- buf[0] = '\0' ;
- result = ip_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) ;
- len = strlen(buf) ;
- if (len > 1)
- {
- switch (buf[0])
- {
- case '+':
- includes = add_filter_info(includes,buf+1) ;
- break ;
- case '-':
- excludes = add_filter_info(excludes,buf+1) ;
- break ;
- case '#': /* comment lines */
- default:
- break ;
- }
- }
- } while (result != -1) ;
- ip_close(fp) ;
- do_filter = TRUE ;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************/
- void write_summary_header(fp,title,show_offsets,show_table)
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- char *title ;
- int show_offsets, show_table ;
- {
- /* set up the printer */
- ip_putcstr(&printer->init1,fp) ;
- ip_putcstr(&printer->init2,fp) ;
- ip_putcstr(&printer->marginc,fp) ;
- /* now start writing the actual header */
- indent_to(show_offsets?8:0,fp) ;
- ip_putlit("\t\t\t\t",fp) ;
- ip_puts(title,fp) ;
- newline(fp) ;
- indent_to(show_offsets?8:0,fp) ;
- ip_putlit("\t\t\t\t",fp) ;
- (*printer->put_line)(fp,strlen(title)) ;
- newline(fp) ;
- newline(fp) ;
- indent_line(fp) ;
- if (show_offsets)
- ip_putlit("Offset ", fp) ;
- if (show_table)
- ip_putlit("Tbl# ",fp) ;
- ip_putlit("INT AH AL", fp) ;
- if (page_numbers)
- ip_putlit(" Page", fp) ;
- ip_putlit("\t\t\tDescription", fp) ;
- newline(fp) ;
- indent_line(fp) ;
- (*printer->put_line)(fp,page_width+(show_offsets?8:0)) ;
- newline(fp) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- static void reset_printer_and_close(fp)
- IP_FILE *fp ;
- {
- ip_putcstr(&printer->term1,fp) ;
- ip_putcstr(&printer->term2,fp) ;
- ip_close(fp) ;
- }
- /***********************************************/
- int _Cdecl main(argc,argv)
- int argc ;
- char *argv[] ;
- {
- int lines_per_page = -1 ;
- int total_lines = -1 ;
- int use_FF = TRUE ;
- int last_line ;
- int body_lines ;
- char *typeface = NULL ;
- char *summary_file = NULL ;
- char *table_file = NULL ;
- char *formats_file = NULL ;
- char *filter_file = NULL ;
- char *last_page_num ;
- err = ip_fdopen(2,stderr_buf,sizeof(stderr_buf),sizeof(stderr_buf),1) ;
- ip_putlit("INTPRINT v", err) ;
- ip_putlit(VERSION, err) ;
- ip_putlit(" by Ralf Brown and others. Donated to the Public Domain.",err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- ip_flush(err) ;
- if (argc == 1 && isatty(0))
- usage() ; /* give help if invoked with no args and keybd input */
- while (argc >= 2 && argv[1][0] == '-')
- {
- switch (argv[1][1])
- {
- case 'B':
- printer_bold = TRUE ;
- /* fall through to -b */
- case 'b':
- boldface = TRUE ;
- break ;
- case 'd':
- duplex = TRUE ;
- break ;
- case 'e':
- indent = 8 ;
- page_width = 87 ; /* 96 - indent - 1 right margin */
- break ;
- case 'f':
- formats_file = argv[1]+2 ;
- break ;
- case 'F':
- filter_file = argv[1]+2 ;
- break ;
- case 'H': /* page headers */
- do_headers = TRUE ;
- break ;
- case 'i':
- indent = atoi(argv[1]+2) ;
- break ;
- case 'I':
- IBM_chars = TRUE ;
- break ;
- case 'k':
- keep_divider_lines = TRUE ;
- break ;
- case 'l':
- lines_per_page = atoi(argv[1]+2) ;
- break ;
- case 'L':
- total_lines = atoi(argv[1]+2) ;
- break ;
- case 'm':
- multi_file = TRUE ;
- break ;
- case 'n':
- pages_printed = atoi(argv[1]+2) ;
- break ;
- case 'P':
- if (argv[1][2] == '?')
- display_printers() ;
- else
- select_printer(argv[1]+2) ;
- break ;
- case 'p':
- page_numbers = TRUE ;
- break ;
- case 'r':
- first_page = atoi(argv[1]+2) ;
- last_page_num = strchr(argv[1]+2, ':') ;
- last_page = last_page_num ? atoi(last_page_num+1) : 0 ;
- if (last_page == 0)
- last_page = ~0 ;
- break ;
- case 's':
- summary_file = argv[1]+2 ;
- break ;
- case 't':
- typeface = argv[1]+2 ;
- break ;
- case 'T':
- table_file = argv[1]+2 ;
- break ;
- case 'V':
- show_offsets = IBM_chars = TRUE ;
- break ;
- case 'w':
- widow_length = atoi(argv[1]+2) ;
- break ;
- case 'x':
- include_index_lines = TRUE ;
- break ;
- default:
- usage() ;
- }
- argv++ ;
- argc-- ;
- }
- if (printer == NULL)
- select_printer("default") ;
- /* apply any necessary overrides to parameters */
- if (printer->indent != -1)
- indent = printer->indent ;
- if (lines_per_page < 0)
- lines_per_page = printer->lines_per_page ;
- if (total_lines <= 0)
- total_lines = printer->page_length ;
- if (page_width <= 0)
- page_width = printer->page_width ;
- if (show_offsets && page_width < 80)
- page_width = 80 ;
- if (printer->flag)
- *(printer->flag) = TRUE ;
- if (cstrlen(&printer->bold_on) == 0) /* control sequences for bold? */
- printer_bold = FALSE ; /* if not, don't try to use them */
- /* build the indent string */
- if (indent)
- {
- char *t ;
- int ind = indent ;
- indent_len = indent/8 + indent%8 ;
- t = indent_string = (char *)malloc(indent_len+1) ;
- while (ind >= 8)
- {
- *t++ = '\t' ;
- ind -= 8 ;
- }
- while (ind > 0)
- {
- *t++ = ' ' ;
- ind-- ;
- }
- }
- /* open the summary file, if any */
- if (summary_file && *summary_file)
- if ((summary = ip_open_write(summary_file,!pages_printed,summary_buf,
- sizeof(summary_buf)))
- != NULL)
- do_summary = TRUE ;
- else
- warning("unable to open summary file") ;
- /* open the table index file, if any */
- if (table_file && *table_file)
- if ((tables = ip_open_write(table_file,!pages_printed,tables_buf,
- sizeof(tables_buf)))
- != NULL)
- do_tables = TRUE ;
- else
- warning("unable to open table index file") ;
- /* open the data formats file, if any */
- if (formats_file && *formats_file)
- if ((formats = ip_open_write(formats_file,!pages_printed,formats_buf,
- sizeof(formats_buf)))
- != NULL)
- do_formats = TRUE ;
- else
- warning("unable to open formats file") ;
- need_summary = (do_summary || do_formats || do_tables) ;
- /* initialize filtering data, if specified */
- if (filter_file && *filter_file)
- build_filter_lists(filter_file) ;
- if (total_lines <= lines_per_page)
- {
- total_lines = lines_per_page ;
- use_FF = TRUE ;
- }
- else
- use_FF = FALSE ;
- if (argc == 2 || argc == 3)
- {
- input_file = argv[1] ;
- input_file_namelen = strlen(input_file) ;
- if ((infile = ip_open_read(input_file,infile_buf,sizeof(infile_buf))) == NULL)
- fatal("unable to open input file") ;
- if (argc == 3)
- {
- outfile = ip_open_write(argv[2],!pages_printed,outfile_buf,
- sizeof(outfile_buf)) ;
- if (outfile == NULL)
- fatal("unable to open output file") ;
- }
- else
- outfile = ip_open_write("",0,outfile_buf,sizeof(outfile_buf)) ;
- }
- else
- usage() ;
- if (lines_per_page > MAXPAGE)
- {
- ip_putlit("Surely you jest! I can't handle pages that long.",err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- usage() ;
- }
- else if (lines_per_page == 0) /* infinite page? */
- {
- widow_length = 0 ;
- if (total_lines <= 0)
- total_lines = MAXPAGE ;
- lines_per_page = total_lines ;
- use_FF = do_headers = page_numbers = FALSE ;
- }
- else
- {
- if (lines_per_page < 20)
- {
- ip_putlit("Surely your printer can handle at least 20 lines per page!",
- err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- ip_putlit("Adjusting page length....",err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- lines_per_page = 20 ;
- }
- if (widow_length < 3 || widow_length > lines_per_page / 2)
- {
- ip_putlit("Widow lines (-w) must be set to at least 3 and at most one-half of the",err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- ip_putlit("page length. Using default of 8 lines.",err) ;
- newline(err) ;
- widow_length = 8 ;
- }
- }
- /* set up the printer */
- ip_putcstr(&printer->init1,outfile) ;
- ip_putcstr(&printer->init2,outfile) ;
- if (printer->set_typeface)
- (*printer->set_typeface)(outfile,typeface) ;
- if (duplex)
- {
- ip_putcstr(&printer->duplex_on,outfile) ;
- if (pages_printed & 1) /* next page odd or even? */
- ip_putcstr(&printer->marginl,outfile) ; /* even */
- else
- ip_putcstr(&printer->marginr,outfile) ; /* odd */
- }
- else
- ip_putcstr(&printer->marginc,outfile) ; /* non-duplex, so center */
- /* start the auxiliary files if this is the first part processed */
- if (pages_printed == 0)
- {
- /* start the summary file */
- if (do_summary)
- write_summary_header(summary,"Interrupt Summary",show_offsets,FALSE) ;
- /* start the table index file */
- if (do_tables)
- write_summary_header(tables,"Table Summary",show_offsets,TRUE) ;
- /* start the data formats file */
- if (do_formats)
- write_summary_header(formats,"Data Structure Formats",FALSE,FALSE) ;
- }
- if (page_numbers)
- body_lines = lines_per_page - 2 ;
- else
- body_lines = lines_per_page ;
- if (do_headers)
- body_lines -= 2 ;
- last_line = 0 ;
- while (!out_of_files)
- {
- fill_buffer(last_line,body_lines) ;
- last_line = find_page_break(body_lines) ;
- print_buffer(last_line,body_lines,lines_per_page,total_lines,use_FF) ;
- }
- if (last_line < body_lines)
- {
- int i ;
- for (i = last_line ; i < body_lines ; i++)
- {
- strcpy(buffer[i-last_line], buffer[i]) ;
- line_offsets[i-last_line] = line_offsets[i] ;
- }
- print_buffer(body_lines-last_line,body_lines,lines_per_page,total_lines,
- use_FF) ;
- }
- ip_close(infile) ;
- /* reset the printer */
- reset_printer_and_close(outfile) ;
- ip_puts(itoa(pages_printed, num, 10), err) ;
- ip_putlit(" pages", err) ;
- if (do_summary)
- reset_printer_and_close(summary) ;
- if (do_tables)
- {
- ip_putlit(", ", err) ;
- ip_puts(itoa(prev_table, num, 10), err) ;
- ip_putlit(" tables", err) ;
- reset_printer_and_close(tables) ;
- }
- if (do_formats)
- reset_printer_and_close(formats) ;
- newline(err) ;
- ip_close(err) ;
- return 0 ;
- }