home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit UserInterface;
- {the fancy user interface}
- {if you want to write your own user interface, you should write a unit,
- having the same name and interface as this one and recompile the
- INTHELP program }
- interface
- procedure GetFileNames (var InFile, OutFile : String);
- {Is called by INTHELP to retrieve the names of the input (InFile) and
- output (OutFile) file.}
- procedure StartPass1;
- {Is called by INTHELP prior to starting its first pass on the input
- file. You could use this procedure (and the following) to keep the
- user informed about the work that is being done by the program}
- procedure StartPass2;
- {Is called by INTHELP prior to starting the second pass on the input
- file}
- procedure PutLineNumber (Number : LongInt);
- {Is called by INTHELP each time a new line is read from the input file.
- Number specifies the line number of that line.}
- procedure Finished (LastTopic : Word);
- {Is called by INTHELP when it has finished its work. LastTopic specifies
- the highest topic number used by INTHELP.}
- implementation
- {quite a list, isn't it}
- const
- LeftX : Byte = 19;
- RightX : Byte = 60;
- TopY : Byte = 8;
- BottomY: Byte = 10;
- LinePut: Byte = 3;
- var
- InputF, OutputF : String;
- {The names of the input and output file are remembered, so we will be
- able to include them in the information provided by the program
- when giving the user a clue about what the program is doing.}
- Dir : DirList;
- Display : RawWindow;
- {The window we'll use to keep the user informed about our whereabouts.}
- LastLine : LongInt;
- {We keep the last linenumber we've printed, so we can include this
- information in our INFOwindow}
- {Internal Procedures}
- {$V-}{$F+}
- procedure PreEdit(ESP : EntryScreenPtr);
- var
- Finished : Boolean;
- {----------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure InitDir;
- begin
- {Initialize the DIRLIST object which might be used to ask for the }
- {name of the input file }
- if not Dir.InitCustom(20, 15, 69, 24, {Window coordinates}
- DefaultColorSet,
- DefWindowOptions or wBordered,
- MaxAvail,
- PickSnaking, {Pick orientation}
- SingleFile) {Command handler}
- then Halt; {Sorry Folks, something went wrong}
- {DirList features}
- Dir.SetDirAttr($1E,AutoMapMono); {Color of a directory name }
- Dir.AddRejectString('PAS'); {Filenames with the following }
- Dir.AddRejectString('EXE'); {extensions shouldn't be shown }
- Dir.AddRejectString('COM');
- Dir.AddRejectString('BIN');
- Dir.AddRejectString('BAK');
- Dir.AddRejectString('TPU');
- Dir.SetRejectFunc(RejectExtensions);
- Dir.SetPadSize(1, 1);
- Dir.diOptionsOn(diOptimizeSize);
- Dir.wFrame.AddHeader(' Select a File ', heTC);
- Dir.SetSortOrder(SortDirName); {Sort order : first directories
- then filenames }
- Dir.SetNameFormat; {Show filenames only }
- Dir.SetMask('*.*', ReadOnly+Directory+Archive);
- end{InitDir};
- {----------------------------------------------------------------}
- begin
- case ESP^.GetCurrentID of
- 0 : begin {Field 0 = entry field for filename of inputfile}
- if not ExistFile (InputF) then begin
- {specified filename doesn't exist}
- InitDir;
- ESP^.wFastWrite('Specify existing input file', 4, 7, TextAttr);
- Finished := False;
- repeat
- Dir.Process;
- case Dir.GetLastCommand of
- ccSelect :
- begin
- InputF := Dir.GetSelectedPath;
- Finished := True;
- end;
- ccError :
- begin
- Finished := True;
- end;
- ccQuit :
- Finished := True;
- end;{case}
- until Finished;
- Dir.Done;
- end;{if}
- ESP^.DrawField(0);
- end{block};
- 1 : ESP^.wFastWrite(' Specify output file ', 4, 7, TextAttr);
- end {case};
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure PostEdit (ESP:EntryScreenPtr);
- begin
- case ESP^.GetCurrentId of
- 0: ;
- 1: if ExistFile (InputF) then
- ESP^.SetLastCommand(ccQuit);
- end;
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {$F-}
- procedure GetTheNames;
- var
- ES : EntryScreen;
- Finished : Boolean;
- begin
- {Initialize the 'EntryScreen'}
- if not ES.InitCustom(25, 5, 65, 8, {Window coordinates}
- DefaultColorSet, {ColorSet}
- DefWindowOptions OR wBordered)
- then begin
- WriteLn('Failed to init EntryScreen. Status = ', InitStatus);
- Halt;
- end;
- {add some window frills}
- ES.wFrame.AddShadow(shBR, shOverWrite);
- ES.wFrame.AddHeader(' Enter File Names ', heTC);
- {add fields}
- ES.esFieldOptionsOn(efClearFirstChar);
- ES.AddStringField('Input :', 2,1, '',2,9, 30, 0,InputF);
- ES.AddStringField('Output:', 3,1, '',3,9, 30, 0,OutputF);
- {set procedure pointers}
- ES.SetPreEditProc(PreEdit);
- ES.SetPostEditProc(PostEdit);
- Finished := False;
- while not Finished do begin
- ES.Process;
- case ES.GetLastCommand of
- ccDone, ccQuit : Finished := (ExistFile(InputF) and (OutputF <> ''));
- else
- Finished := True;
- end{case};
- end{while};
- ES.Erase;
- ES.Done;
- end{GetTheNames};
- {$V+}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Implementation of external procedures}
- procedure GetFileNames(var InFile, OutFile : String);
- var
- Parameters : String;
- begin
- InputF := ParamStr (1);
- OutputF := ParamStr (2);
- if ((not ExistFile (InputF)) or (OutputF = '')) then
- GetTheNames;
- InFile := InputF;
- OutFile := OutputF;
- end{GetFileNames};
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure StartPass1;
- begin
- Display.InitCustom(LeftX, TopY, RightX, BottomY,
- DefaultColorSet,
- DefWindowOptions or wBordered);
- with Display.wFrame do begin
- AddShadow(shBR, shOverWrite);
- AddHeader('Pass 1', heTC);
- end;
- Display.Draw;
- Display.wFastText ('Input : ' + InputF , 1, 1);
- Display.wFastText ('Output : ' + OutputF, 2, 1);
- Display.wFastText ('Line # : ' , 3, 1);
- end{StartPass1};
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure PutLineNumber (Number: LongInt);
- begin
- LastLine := Number;
- Display.wFastText (Long2Str (Number), LinePut, 11);
- end;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure StartPass2;
- begin
- Inc(BottomY);
- Inc(LinePut);
- Display.Done;
- Display.InitCustom(LeftX, TopY, RightX, BottomY,
- DefaultColorSet,
- DefWindowOptions or wBordered);
- with Display.wFrame do begin
- AddShadow(shBR, shOverWrite);
- AddHeader('Pass 2', heTC);
- end;
- Display.Draw;
- Display.wFastText ('Input : ' + InputF , 1, 1);
- Display.wFastText ('Output : ' + OutputF , 2, 1);
- Display.wFastText ('# Lines : ' + Long2Str (LastLine), 3, 1);
- Display.wFastText ('Line # : ' , 4, 1);
- end{StartPass2};
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure Finished (LastTopic : Word);
- var
- Key : Word;
- begin
- Display.ChangeHeader(0, 'Any key to continue');
- Display.wFastText ('Last Topic : ' + Long2Str (LastTopic), 4, 1);
- Key := ReadKeyWord;
- Display.Done;
- end{Finished};
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- begin
- {Initialize the ColorSet}
- DefaultColorSet.SetFrameAttr ($1F,AutoMapMono);
- DefaultColorSet.SetHeaderAttr ($1F,AutoMapMono);
- DefaultColorSet.SetTextAttr ($1F,AutoMapMono);
- DefaultColorSet.SetFieldAttr ($1F,AutoMapMono);
- DefaultColorSet.SetPromptAttr ($1F,AutoMapMono);
- DefaultColorSet.SetSelectedPromptAttr($1F,AutoMapMono);
- end.