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- Program IntHelp;
- uses GLOBAL, OPSTRING, OPROOT, UserInterFace;
- var
- {First of all some general (mostly dummy) variables}
- DummyStr, InputF,
- OutputF : String;
- DummyLst : SingleListPtr;
- DummyInt : Integer;
- DummyNode,
- DummyNode2 : IntDataPtr;
- DummyBool, InINT: Boolean;
- Counter, CurInt : Byte;
- LineCount : LongInt;
- LastTopic : Word;
- OutFile, InFile : Text;
- {We use the following datastructure to keep the information about the
- INT's (in order to be able to X-reference) :
- 1. an array (IntArray) containing (per INT number) a list of items
- (different values of registers, ... for the same INT) ;
- 2. a list (IntList) containing all the items in the same order as
- they were encountered in the inputfile.
- Remark : In fact there is one long list (IntList) and the array
- (IntArray) contains pointers, pointing into this one list.}
- IntArray : Array[0..255] of SingleListPtr;
- IntList : SingleListPtr;
- {--------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function SeeAlso(InThe : String):SingleListPtr;
- {InThe is supposed to be a string with X-references to other INT items.
- This X-references should obey the syntax rules of the Ralph Brown
- INT list of 1/5/91. The code should be changed according to changes
- of these rules
- The result of this function is a list containing the X-refs in a
- 'formal' way (a record).
- X-references are supposed to be separated by a comma. Each X-ref is
- called 'Item' in this function }
- const
- Laatste : Byte = Byte(InThe[0]);
- {Index of the last character in 'InThe'}
- var
- Result : SingleListPtr;
- TempNode, {Dummy, used when copying last node}
- DummyNode : IntDataPtr; {'Running' node to find Result}
- ItemNr, {Sequence number of Item}
- NextOne : Byte; {Sequence number of next part in item}
- LastName, {Name of last part that has been dealt with}
- Name : String[2]; {Name of part that is being dealt with}
- Item, Value, {Item which is to be (or being) dealt with and
- value of current subpart}
- Main, Sub1,
- Sub2 : String; {Subparts of the item that is being dealt with}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure FillDummy (Name, Value : String);
- {This procedure is rather self-explanatory}
- begin
- if Name = 'AX' then
- DummyNode^.AX := Value
- else
- if Name = 'AH' then
- DummyNode^.AX := Value + '00'
- else
- if Name = 'AL' then
- DummyNode^.AX := '00' + Value
- else begin
- DummyNode^.Other.Name := Name;
- if Length (Value) = 2 then
- DummyNode^.Other.Value := Value + ' '
- else
- DummyNode^.Other.Value := Value;
- end{if};
- end{FillDummy};
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- begin
- {Initialization part}
- New(Result, Init);
- ItemNr := 1 ; {start with the first item}
- LastName := ''; {we haven't dealt with items yet, so we
- haven't got a name to remember either.
- Get the first item }
- Item := Trim (ExtractWord (ItemNr, InThe, [',']));
- while Item <> '' do begin {While there are still items in 'InThe'}
- New (DummyNode, Init); {Initialize a dummy node}
- DummyNode^.Text := ExtractWord (2, Item, ['"']);
- {Each item can consist of 3 parts, so
- get these parts }
- Main := Trim (ExtractWord (1, Item, ['/']));
- Sub1 := Trim (ExtractWord (2, Item, ['/']));
- Sub2 := Trim (ExtractWord (3, Item, ['/']));
- {Deal with the main part (which certainly exists)}
- if Main[1] = 'I' then begin
- {Main == 'INT ##' and it is followed by
- a space or a quote }
- DummyNode^.INT := ExtractWord (2, Main, [' ','"']);
- LastName := ''; {No name to recall }
- end else begin {if it's not 'INT ......' }
- if WordCount (Main, ['=']) = 1 then begin
- {No name given for the main part, so
- the name is 'inherited' from the previous
- Item }
- Name := LastName;
- NextOne := 1;
- TempNode := IntDataPtr (Result^.Tail);
- {Almost all the values must be copied
- from the last X-ref }
- DummyNode^.INT := TempNode^.INT;
- DummyNode^.AX := TempNode^.AX;
- DummyNode^.Other.Name := TempNode^.Other.Name;
- end else begin {Jot down the new name for main element}
- Name := Trim (ExtractWord (1, Main, ['=']));
- LastName := Name;
- NextOne := 2;
- end{if};
- {Find the value of the main element (when it's not INT) }
- Value := Trim (ExtractWord (NextOne, Main, ['h','"','=']));
- {And finally note the name and value of the main part }
- FillDummy (Name, Value);
- end{if};
- {Deal with the second part, if present}
- if Sub1 <> '' then begin
- Name := Trim (ExtractWord (1, Sub1, ['=']));
- Value := Trim (ExtractWord (2, Sub1, ['=','h','"']));
- LastName := Name;
- FillDummy (Name, Value);
- end{if};
- {And finally the third part, if present}
- if Sub2 <> '' then begin
- DummyNode^.Other.Name := Trim (ExtractWord (1, Sub2, ['=']));
- DummyNode^.Other.Value := Trim (ExtractWord (2, Sub2, ['=','"','h']));
- end{if};
- Result^.Append (SingleNodePtr (DummyNode));
- Inc(ItemNr); {Get the following X-ref}
- Item := Trim (ExtractWord (ItemNr, InThe, [',']));
- end{while};
- SeeAlso := Result;
- end{SeeAlso};
- {--------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function Parse (INT : String):IntDataPtr;
- {Interprets the 'useful' part of the line containing information
- about the following INT item (the line starting with '----------'
- and returns that information in a record (pointer to a ...)}
- var
- Result : IntDataPtr;
- AH, AL, Name : String[2];
- Value : String;
- begin
- New (Result, Init);
- {Determine the value of AX, supposing that no value will be given
- to AL without supplying a value for AH (Ralph ?) }
- if INT[13] = '-' then begin {if AH isn't supplied then }
- AH := ' '; { it's value is empty }
- AL := ' '; { and so is AL's }
- end else begin {Otherwise }
- AH := INT[13] + INT[14]; { take note of its value and }
- if INT[15] <> '-' then { see if AL has been specified }
- AL := INT[15] + INT[16] { if so : take note of its value }
- else
- AL := '00'; { else give it a '00' value }
- end{if};
- {If applicable : take note of the name and type of other register}
- if INT[17] <> '-' then begin{if another register has been specified}
- Name := INT[17] + INT[18];{ Note name and value }
- if INT[21] = '-' then begin
- {If the value has only two figures then}
- Value := INT[19] + INT[20]; {- jot down the value }
- if (Name = 'AL') then begin {- and if it's al then : }
- AL := INT[19] + INT[20]; { * note the value in AL }
- Name := ' '; { * and strike out the }
- Value := ' '; { noted name and value }
- if AH = ' ' then { * change AH if necessary}
- AH := '00';
- end{if};
- end else {it's a 4 character value }
- Value := INT[19] + INT[20] + INT[21] + INT[22];
- end else begin
- Name := ' '; {no supplemental register }
- Value := ' ';
- end{if};
- {Finally construct the 'Result' from what we've found}
- Result^.INT := INT[11] + INT[12];
- Result^.AX := AH + AL;
- Result^.Other.Name := Name;
- Result^.Other.Value := Value;
- Parse := Result;
- end{Parse};
- {--------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function Topic (TheItem : IntDataPtr;
- InThe : SingleListPtr):Word;
- {Result : the topic number of 'TheItem' if 'TheItem' can be found
- in 'InThe'. Else returns 0}
- var
- TheNode : IntDataPtr;
- NotFound : Boolean;
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function IsPartOf (TheOne, TheOther : IntDataPtr):Boolean;
- {Returns TRUE if the register information of TheOne is equal to
- that of TheOther and if the Text information of TheOne is part of
- the Text information of TheOther}
- var
- Result : Boolean;
- begin
- Result := ((TheOne^.AX = TheOther^.AX) and
- (TheOne^.Other.Name = TheOther^.Other.Name) and
- (TheOne^.Other.Value = TheOther^.Other.Value));
- if Length (TheOne^.Text) <> 0 then
- Result := (Result and
- (Search (TheOther^.Text[1], Length (TheOther^.Text),
- TheOne^.Text[1], Length (TheOne^.Text)) <> $FFFF));
- IsPartOf := Result;
- end;{IsPartOf}
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- begin
- NotFound := True;
- TheNode := IntDataPtr (InThe^.Head);
- while ((TheNode <> nil) and NotFound) do begin
- NotFound := (not IsPartOf (TheItem, TheNode));
- if NotFound then
- TheNode := IntDataPtr (InThe^.Next (TheNode));
- end{while};
- if NotFound then
- Topic := 0
- else
- Topic := TheNode^.Topic;
- end{Topic};
- {--------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure GetLine (var TheLine : String);
- {Reads one line from the inputfile into 'TheLine'}
- begin
- ReadLn (InFile, TheLine);
- {The two following commands are included merely to allow you to
- signal the user what we're doing}
- Inc(LineCount);
- PutLineNumber (LineCount);
- end{GetLine};
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function IsINT (TheLine : String): Boolean;
- {Returns TRUE if 'TheLine' as a string indicating the start of
- information about a new interrupt item (i.e. '----------XX........')
- where XX stands for the hexadecimal INT number}
- begin
- IsINT := ((Length(TheLine) <> 0) and
- (ExtractWord (1, DummyStr, ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7',
- '8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'])
- = '----------'));
- end{IsINT};
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure Initialize;
- {Initialize everything}
- begin
- GetFileNames (InputF, OutputF);
- Assign (InFile, InputF);
- Assign (OutFile, OutputF);
- Reset(InFile);
- Rewrite(OutFile);
- LastTopic := 0;
- LineCount := 0;
- CurInt := 255;
- {OK, I lied. I'm not really treating INT FF, so what ?}
- for Counter := 0 to 255 do
- New (IntArray[Counter], Init);
- New (IntList, Init);
- {Signal to 'UserInterface' that we're about to start}
- StartPass1;
- {Write the first (formatting) information to the output file}
- writeln(OutFile, '!WIDTH 76');
- writeln(OutFile, '!NOWRAP');
- end{Initialize};
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function MakeHeader (ForNode : IntDataPtr):String;
- {Returns a string which can be used as a header for the help window
- for the item to wich ForNode points :
- INT = xx / yy = zz
- where xx stands for the INT number, yy optionally stands for an
- additional register name and zz for the value of that register}
- var
- Result : String;
- begin
- Result := 'INT = ' + ForNode^.INT;
- if ForNode^.AX <> ' ' then
- Result := Result + ' / AX = ' + ForNode^.AX;
- if ForNode^.Other.Name <> ' ' then
- Result := Result + ' / ' + ForNode^.Other.Name + ' = '
- + ForNode^.Other.Value;
- MakeHeader := Result;
- end{MakeHeader};
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure BuildIntList;
- {During a first pass through the input file, IntList and IntArray
- are filled with the necessary data about the interrupts to be able
- to X-reference the help file (i.e. implement the 'See Also : ...')}
- {After this routine, the input file has been 'rewound' and is ready
- to be read again}
- begin
- while not EOF (InFile) do begin
- GetLine (DummyStr);
- if IsINT(DummyStr) then begin {if it's an 'INT' line}
- Inc (LastTopic); { then get a new topic number }
- DummyNode := Parse (DummyStr); { get the data from that line }
- DummyNode^.Topic := LastTopic; { note down the topic number }
- GetLine (DummyStr); { read the line with additional
- data and take note of this
- data }
- for Counter := 10 to Length (DummyStr) do
- DummyNode^.Text[Counter - 9] := DummyStr[Counter];
- DummyNode^.Text[0] := Chr (Counter - 9);
- { Finally append the node to
- the appropriate list(s) }
- if Str2Int ('$'+DummyNode^.INT, DummyInt) then begin
- IntArray[DummyInt]^.Append (SingleNodePtr (DummyNode));
- IntList^.Append (SingleNodePtr (IntArray[DummyInt]^.Tail));
- end else {if Ralph changes his 'syntax' !! }
- writeln ('Error on line ',LineCount:1);
- end{if};
- end{while};
- {'Rewind' the input file }
- Reset (InFile);
- LineCount := 0;
- end{BuildIntList};
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TreatSeeAlso (TheItem : String);
- {TheItem is supposed to be the string that follows a 'See Also :'
- This procedure will take 'TheItem' (in fact a X-reference list) and
- write into the outputfile the code necessary to implement this
- 'SEE ALSO' X-referencing in the help system }
- var
- SeeList : SingleListPtr;
- TheNode : IntDataPtr;
- INTNr : Integer;
- DBool : Boolean;
- Text : String;
- begin
- writeln (OutFile, 'SeeAlso : ');
- SeeList := SeeAlso (TheItem); {Construct a X-ref list}
- TheNode := IntDataPtr (SeeList^.Head);
- while TheNode <> nil do begin
- {Write the necessary code into the outputfile per X-ref}
- if TheNode^.INT = ' ' then begin
- INTNr := Integer (CurInt); {No INT number given, meaning the}
- Text := ''; {number hasn't changed }
- end else begin
- DBool := Str2Int ('$'+TheNode^.INT, INTNr);
- Text := 'INT ' + TheNode^.INT;
- end{if};
- if TheNode^.AX <> ' ' then
- Text := Text + ' AX=' + TheNode^.AX;
- if TheNode^.Other.Name <> ' ' then
- Text := Text + ' ' + TheNode^.Other.Name + '=' + TheNode^.Other.Value;
- Text := Trim (Text + ' ' + TheNode^.Text);
- writeln (OutFile, ' ',Chr(4), Topic (TheNode, INTArray[INTNr]):1,
- Chr(5), Detab (Text,8), Chr(5));
- TheNode := IntDataPtr (SeeList^.Next (SingleNodePtr (TheNode)));
- end{while};
- end{TreatSeeAlso};
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure TakeNote (StartingWith : String);
- {Writes the necessary code to 'highlight' the part of 'StartingWith'
- that comes before a colon in that string }
- var
- Temp : String;
- Count : Byte;
- begin
- Temp := ExtractWord (1, StartingWith, [':']);
- write (OutFile, Chr(1));
- Insert (Chr(1), StartingWith, Length (Temp) + 1);
- writeln (OutFile, Detab (StartingWith, 8));
- end{TakeNote};
- {------------------------------------------------------------------}
- begin
- Initialize;
- BuildIntList;
- StartPass2;
- DummyNode := IntDataPtr (IntList^.Head);
- {From here on, DummyNode is the following node to be dealt with}
- DummyStr := '';
- {Skip introductory text in the input file}
- while ((not IsINT (DummyStr)) and (not EOF (InFile))) do
- GetLine (DummyStr);
- InINT := True; {We are working with INT data in the input file}
- while not EOF (InFile) do begin
- if IsINT (DummyStr) then begin
- {If this line starts a new INT item}
- DummyBool := Str2Int ('$' + DummyNode^.INT, DummyINT);
- if (DummyINT <> CurINT) then begin
- {If it's a new INT number, we have to create a new main TOPIC in the
- output file }
- CurINT := DummyINT;
- Inc (LastTopic);
- writeln (OutFile, '!TOPIC ',LastTopic:1,' INT ',DummyNode^.INT);
- writeln (OutFile, '!INDEX ',CurINT:1);
- DummyNode2 := IntDataPtr (IntArray[CurInt]^.Head);
- for DummyInt := 1 to IntArray[CurInt]^.Size do begin
- write (OutFile, Chr(4), DummyNode2^.Topic:1, Chr(5));
- if DummyNode2^.AX <> ' ' then
- write (OutFile, 'AX=', DummyNode2^.AX, ' ');
- if DummyNode2^.Other.Name <> ' ' then
- write (OutFile, DummyNode2^.Other.Name,'=',DummyNode2^.Other.Value,' ');
- if DummyNode2^.Text <> '' then
- write (OutFile, Detab (DummyNode2^.Text,8), ' ');
- writeln (OutFile, Chr(5));
- DummyNode2 := IntDataPtr (IntArray[CurInt]^.Next
- (SingleNodePtr (DummyNode2)));
- end{for};
- end{if};
- {We always have to make a TOPIC for this INT itself}
- writeln (OutFile, '!TOPIC ',DummyNode^.Topic:1,' ', MakeHeader (DummyNode));
- writeln (OutFile, '!NOINDEX');
- {Write an appropriate header}
- writeln (OutFile, Detab (Dummynode^.Text, 8));
- {Read the supplementary data (which is useless during this pass}
- GetLine (DummyStr);
- DummyNode := IntDataPtr (IntList^.Next (SingleNodePtr (DummyNode)));
- end else
- {if it's a X-Ref string}
- if Pos ('SeeAlso:', DummyStr) <> 0 then
- TreatSeeAlso (TrimSpaces (ExtractWord (2, DummyStr, [':'])))
- else
- {if it's a 'note'}
- if Pos ('Note', DummyStr) = 1 then
- TakeNote (DummyStr)
- else {no INT, no SeeAlso, no Notes, just plain text}
- writeln (OutFile, Detab (DummyStr, 8));
- GetLine (DummyStr);
- InINT := (DummyStr <> '---------------------------------------------');
- {I have noticed that plain text, containing no information whatsoever
- about INTs is separated from the 'useful' information by a line
- filled with '-'.
- If such a line is encountered, skip everything until the EOF is
- or a new INTline is encountered}
- while (not InINT) and (not EOF (InFile)) do begin
- GetLine (DummyStr);
- InINT := IsINT (DummyStr);
- end{while};
- {end if}
- end{while};
- Dec(LastTopic);
- UserInterface.Finished(LastTopic);
- end{IntHelp}.