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- ;Text for INT2GUID conversion program, topic 21.
- ;INT2GUID converts INTERRUP.LST files to input for GUIDE.
- ;
- ;NB! When updating, remember to update the release number in the next
- ;paragraph, and in the beginning the text.
- ;
- ;This file contains tables extracted from the INTERRUP.LST file release 37.
- ;Tabs in the extracted text were filtered to 1 - 8 spaces.
- ;
- ;This file includes 4 extra topics. Reserve additionally 6 topics, or a
- ;total of 10.
- ;
- ;Topic headings are included in the GUIDE main index unless the configuration
- ;file specifies mask 0x8000.
- ;
- PSP Format, Environment Block, Country Specific Information, Error List
- This entry gives access to tables extracted from the INTERRUP.LST file,
- release 37.
- 22PSP + Env. Program Segment Prefix Format + Environment
- 23Country Specific Information
- 24Errors Returned by DOS Funtion Calls
- 25EXE *.EXE File Header etc.
- ;
- !TOPIC 22 PSP Format
- !! 0x8000
- !! 0
- ;
- --------D-2126-------------------------------
- AH = 26h
- DX = segment at which to create PSP (see below)
- Notes: new PSP is updated with memory size information; INTs 22h, 23h, 24h
- taken from interrupt vector table; the parent PSP field is set to 0
- (DOS 2+) DOS assumes that the caller's CS is the segment of the PSP to
- copy
- SeeAlso: AH=4Bh,AH=50h,AH=51h,AH=55h,AH=62h,AH=67h
- Format of PSP:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h 2 BYTEs INT 20 instruction for CP/M CALL 0 program termination
- the CDh 20h here is often used as a signature for a valid PSP
- 02h WORD segment of first byte beyond memory allocated to program
- 04h BYTE unused filler
- 05h BYTE CP/M CALL 5 service request (FAR JMP to 000C0h)
- BUG: (DOS 2+) PSPs created by INT 21/AH=4Bh point at 000BEh
- 06h WORD CP/M compatibility--size of first segment for .COM files
- 08h 2 BYTEs remainder of FAR JMP at 05h
- 0Ah DWORD stored INT 22 termination address
- 0Eh DWORD stored INT 23 control-Break handler address
- 12h DWORD DOS 1.1+ stored INT 24 critical error handler address
- 16h WORD segment of parent PSP
- 18h 20 BYTEs DOS 2+ Job File Table, one byte per file handle, FFh = closed
- 2Ch WORD DOS 2+ segment of environment for process
- 2Eh DWORD DOS 2+ process's SS:SP on entry to last INT 21 call
- 32h WORD DOS 3+ number of entries in JFT (default 20)
- 34h DWORD DOS 3+ pointer to JFT (default PSP:0018h)
- 38h DWORD DOS 3+ pointer to previous PSP (default FFFFFFFFh in 3.x)
- used by SHARE in DOS 3.3
- 3Ch BYTE apparently unused by DOS versions <= 6.00
- 3Dh BYTE apparently used by some versions of APPEND
- 3Eh BYTE (Novell NetWare) flag: next byte initialized if CEh
- 3Fh BYTE (Novell Netware) Novell task number if previous byte is CEh
- 40h 2 BYTEs DOS 5+ version to return on INT 21/AH=30h
- 42h WORD (MSWin3) selector of next PSP (PDB) in linked list
- Windows keeps a linked list of Windows programs only
- 44h 4 BYTEs unused by DOS versions <= 6.00
- 48h BYTE (MSWindows3) bit 0 set if non-Windows application (WINOLDAP)
- 49h 7 BYTEs unused by DOS versions <= 6.00
- 50h 3 BYTEs DOS 2+ service request (INT 21/RETF instructions)
- 53h 2 BYTEs unused in DOS versions <= 6.00
- 55h 7 BYTEs unused in DOS versions <= 6.00; can be used to make first FCB
- into an extended FCB
- 5Ch 16 BYTEs first default FCB, filled in from first commandline argument
- overwrites second FCB if opened
- 6Ch 16 BYTEs second default FCB, filled in from second commandline argument
- overwrites beginning of commandline if opened
- 7Ch 4 BYTEs unused
- 80h 128 BYTEs commandline / default DTA
- command tail is BYTE for length of tail, N BYTEs for the tail,
- followed by a BYTE containing 0Dh
- Notes: in DOS v3+, the limit on simultaneously open files may be increased by
- allocating memory for a new open file table, filling it with FFh,
- copying the first 20 bytes from the default table, and adjusting the
- pointer and count at 34h and 32h. However, DOS will only copy the
- first 20 file handles into a child PSP (including the one created on
- EXEC).
- network redirectors based on the original MS-Net implementation use
- values of 80h-FEh in the open file table to indicate remote files;
- Novell NetWare reportedly also uses values of 80h-FEh
- MS-DOS 5.00 incorrectly fills the FCB fields when loading a program
- high; the first FCB is empty and the second contains the first
- parameter
- some DOS extenders place protected-mode values in various PSP fields
- such as the "parent" field, which can confuse PSP walkers. Always
- check either for the CDh 20h signature or that the suspected PSP is
- at the beginning of a memory block which owns itself (the preceding
- paragraph should be a valid MCB with "owner" the same as the
- suspected PSP).
- Novell NetWare updates the fields at offsets 3Eh and 3Fh without
- checking that a legal PSP segment is current; see AH=50h for further
- discussion
- Format of environment block:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h N BYTEs first environment variable, ASCIZ string of form "var=value"
- N BYTEs second environment variable, ASCIZ string
- ...
- N BYTEs last environment variable, ASCIZ string of form "var=value"
- BYTE 00h
- ---DOS 3+---
- WORD number of strings following environment (normally 1)
- N BYTEs ASCIZ full pathname of program owning this environment
- other strings may follow
- ;
- !TOPIC 23 Country Info
- !! 0x8000
- !! 0
- ;
- --------D-2138-------------------------------
- AH = 38h
- --DOS 2.x--
- AL = 00h get current-country info
- DS:DX -> buffer for returned info (see below)
- Return: CF set on error
- AX = error code (02h)
- CF clear if successful
- AX = country code (MS-DOS 2.11 only)
- buffer at DS:DX filled
- --DOS 3+--
- AL = 00h for current country
- AL = 01h thru 0FEh for specific country with code <255
- AL = 0FFh for specific country with code >= 255
- BX = 16-bit country code
- DS:DX -> buffer for returned info (see below)
- Return: CF set on error
- AX = error code (02h)
- CF clear if successful
- BX = country code
- DS:DX buffer filled
- Note: this function is not supported by the Borland DPMI host, but no error
- is returned; as a workaround, one should allocate a buffer in
- conventional memory with INT 31/AX=0100h and simulate an INT 21 with
- INT 31/AX=0300h
- SeeAlso: AH=65h,INT 10/AX=5001h,INT 2F/AX=110Ch,INT 2F/AX=1404h
- Format of PC-DOS 2.x country info:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h WORD date format 0 = USA mm dd yy
- 1 = Europe dd mm yy
- 2 = Japan yy mm dd
- 02h BYTE currency symbol
- 03h BYTE 00h
- 04h BYTE thousands separator char
- 05h BYTE 00h
- 06h BYTE decimal separator char
- 07h BYTE 00h
- 08h 24 BYTEs reserved
- Format of MS-DOS 2.x,DOS 3+ country info:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h WORD date format (see above)
- 02h 5 BYTEs ASCIZ currency symbol string
- 07h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ thousands separator
- 09h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ decimal separator
- 0Bh 2 BYTEs ASCIZ date separator
- 0Dh 2 BYTEs ASCIZ time separator
- 0Fh BYTE currency format
- bit 2 = set if currency symbol replaces decimal point
- bit 1 = number of spaces between value and currency symbol
- bit 0 = 0 if currency symbol precedes value
- 1 if currency symbol follows value
- 10h BYTE number of digits after decimal in currency
- 11h BYTE time format
- bit 0 = 0 if 12-hour clock
- 1 if 24-hour clock
- 12h DWORD address of case map routine
- (FAR CALL, AL = character to map to upper case [>= 80h])
- 16h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ data-list separator
- 18h 10 BYTEs reserved
- Values for country code:
- 1 001h United States
- 2 002h Canadian-French
- 3 003h Latin America
- 31 01Fh Netherlands
- 32 020h Belgium
- 33 021h France
- 34 022h Spain
- 36 024h Hungary (not supported by DR-DOS 5.0)
- 38 026h Yugoslavia (not supported by DR-DOS 5.0)
- 39 027h Italy
- 41 029h Switzerland
- 42 02Ah Czechoslovakia/Tjekia (not supported by DR-DOS 5.0)
- 43 02Bh Austria (DR-DOS 5.0)
- 44 02Ch United Kingdom
- 45 02Dh Denmark
- 46 02Eh Sweden
- 47 02Fh Norway
- 48 030h Poland (not supported by DR-DOS 5.0)
- 49 031h Germany
- 55 037h Brazil (not supported by DR-DOS 5.0)
- 61 03Dh International English [Australia in DR-DOS 5.0]
- 81 051h Japan (DR-DOS 5.0, MS-DOS 5.0+)
- 82 052h Korea (DR-DOS 5.0)
- 86 056h China (MS-DOS 5.0+)
- 88 058h Taiwan (MS-DOS 5.0+)
- 90 05Ah Turkey (MS-DOS 5.0+)
- 351 15Fh Portugal
- 354 162h Iceland
- 358 166h Finland
- 785 311h Middle East/Saudi Arabia (DR-DOS 5.0,MS-DOS 5.0+)
- 972 3CCh Israel (DR-DOS 5.0,MS-DOS 5.0+)
- --------D-2138--DXFFFF-----------------------
- AH = 38h
- DX = FFFFh
- AL = 01h thru FEh for specific country with code <255
- AL = FFh for specific country with code >= 255
- BX = 16-bit country code (see AH=38h)
- Return: CF set on error
- AX = error code (see AH=59h)
- CF clear if successful
- Note: not supported by OS/2
- SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1403h
- --------D-2165-------------------------------
- AH = 65h
- AL = info ID
- 01h get general internationalization info
- 02h get pointer to uppercase table
- 04h get pointer to filename uppercase table
- 05h get pointer to filename terminator table
- 06h get pointer to collating sequence table
- 07h (DOS 4+) get pointer to Double-Byte Character Set table
- BX = code page (FFFFh=global code page)
- DX = country ID (FFFFh=current country)
- ES:DI -> country information buffer (see below)
- CX = size of buffer (>= 5)
- Return: CF set on error
- AX = error code (see AH=59h)
- CF clear if successful
- CX = size of country information returned
- ES:DI -> country information
- Notes: AL=05h appears to return same info for all countries and codepages; it
- has been documented for DOS 5+, but was undocumented in ealier
- versions
- NLSFUNC must be installed to get info for countries other than the
- default
- subfunctions 02h and 04h are identical under OS/2
- SeeAlso: AH=38h,INT 2F/AX=1401h,INT 2F/AX=1402h,INT 2F/AX=14FEh
- Format of country information:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h BYTE info ID
- ---if info ID = 01h---
- 01h WORD size
- 03h WORD country ID
- 05h WORD code page
- 07h 34 BYTEs country-dependent info (see AH=38h)
- ---if info ID = 02h---
- 01h DWORD pointer to uppercase table (see below)
- ---if info ID = 04h---
- 01h DWORD pointer to filename uppercase table (see below)
- ---if info ID = 05h---
- 01h DWORD pointer to filename character table (see below)
- ---if info ID = 06h---
- 01h DWORD pointer to collating table (see below)
- ---if info ID = 07h (DOS 4+)---
- 01h DWORD pointer to DBCS lead byte table (see below)
- Format of uppercase table:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h WORD table size
- 02h 128 BYTEs uppercase equivalents (if any) of chars 80h to FFh
- Format of collating table:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h WORD table size
- 02h 256 BYTEs values used to sort characters 00h to FFh
- Format of filename terminator table:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h WORD table size (not counting this word)
- 02h BYTE ??? (01h for MS-DOS 3.30-6.00)
- 03h BYTE lowest permissible character value for filename
- 04h BYTE highest permissible character value for filename
- 05h BYTE ??? (00h for MS-DOS 3.30-6.00)
- 06h BYTE first excluded character in range \ all characters in this
- 07h BYTE last excluded character in range / range are illegal
- 08h BYTE ??? (02h for MS-DOS 3.30-6.00)
- 09h BYTE number of illegal (terminator) characters
- 0Ah N BYTEs characters which terminate a filename: ."/\[]:|<>+=;,
- Note: partially documented for DOS 5+, but undocumented for earlier versions
- Format of filename uppercase table:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h WORD table size
- 02h 128 BYTEs uppercase equivalents (if any) of chars 80h to FFh
- Format of DBCS lead byte table:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h WORD length
- 02h 2N BYTEs start/end for N lead byte ranges
- WORD 0000h (end of table)
- --------D-2165-------------------------------
- AH = 65h
- AL = function
- 20h capitalize character
- DL = character to capitalize
- Return: DL = capitalized character
- 21h capitalize string
- DS:DX -> string to capitalize
- CX = length of string
- 22h capitalize ASCIZ string
- DS:DX -> ASCIZ string to capitalize
- Return: CF set on error
- AX = error code (see AH=59h)
- CF clear if successful
- Note: these calls have been documented for DOS 5+, but were undocumented in
- DOS 4.x.
- --------D-216523-----------------------------
- AX = 6523h
- DL = character
- DH = second character of double-byte character (if applicable)
- Return: CF set on error
- CF clear if successful
- AX = type
- 00h no
- 01h yes
- 02h neither yes nor no
- --------D-2165-------------------------------
- AH = 65h
- AL = function
- A0h capitalize filename character
- DL = character to capitalize
- Return: DL = capitalized character
- A1h capitalize counted filename string
- DS:DX -> filename string to capitalize
- CX = length of string
- A2h capitalize ASCIZ filename
- DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename to capitalize
- Return: CF set on error
- AX = error code (see AH=59h)
- CF clear if successful
- Note: nonfunctional in DOS 4.00 through 6.00 due to a bug (the code sets a
- pointer depending on the high bit of AL, but doesn't clear the
- bit before branching by function number).
- --------D-216601-----------------------------
- AX = 6601h
- Return: CF set on error
- AX = error code (see AH=59h)
- CF clear if successful
- BX = active code page (see AX=6602h)
- DX = system code page
- SeeAlso: AX=6602h
- --------D-216602-----------------------------
- AX = 6602h
- BX = active code page (see below)
- DX = system code page (active page at boot time)
- Return: CF set on error
- AX = error code (see AH=59h)
- CF clear if successful
- SeeAlso: AX=6601h,INT 2F/AX=14FFh
- Values for code page:
- 437 US
- 850 Multilingual
- 852 Slavic/Latin II (DOS 5+)
- 857 Turkish
- 860 Portugal
- 861 Iceland
- 863 Canada (French)
- 865 Norway/Denmark
- ;
- !TOPIC 24 Error Codes
- !! 0x8000
- !! 0
- ;
- --------D-2159--BX0000-----------------------
- AH = 59h
- BX = 0000h
- Return: AX = extended error code (see below)
- BH = error class (see below)
- BL = recommended action (see below)
- CH = error locus (see below)
- ES:DI may be pointer (see error code list below)
- CL, DX, SI, BP, and DS destroyed
- Notes: functions available under DOS 2.x map the true DOS 3+ error code into
- one supported under DOS 2.x
- you should call this function to retrieve the true error code when an
- FCB or DOS 2.x call returns an error
- under DR-DOS 5.0, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal
- stacks and may thus be called at any time
- SeeAlso: AH=59h/BX=0001h,AX=5D0Ah,INT 2F/AX=122Dh
- Values for extended error code:
- 00h (0) no error
- 01h (1) function number invalid
- 02h (2) file not found
- 03h (3) path not found
- 04h (4) too many open files (no handles available)
- 05h (5) access denied
- 06h (6) invalid handle
- 07h (7) memory control block destroyed
- 08h (8) insufficient memory
- 09h (9) memory block address invalid
- 0Ah (10) environment invalid (usually >32K in length)
- 0Bh (11) format invalid
- 0Ch (12) access code invalid
- 0Dh (13) data invalid
- 0Eh (14) reserved
- 0Fh (15) invalid drive
- 10h (16) attempted to remove current directory
- 11h (17) not same device
- 12h (18) no more files
- ---DOS 3+---
- 13h (19) disk write-protected
- 14h (20) unknown unit
- 15h (21) drive not ready
- 16h (22) unknown command
- 17h (23) data error (CRC)
- 18h (24) bad request structure length
- 19h (25) seek error
- 1Ah (26) unknown media type (non-DOS disk)
- 1Bh (27) sector not found
- 1Ch (28) printer out of paper
- 1Dh (29) write fault
- 1Eh (30) read fault
- 1Fh (31) general failure
- 20h (32) sharing violation
- 21h (33) lock violation
- 22h (34) disk change invalid
- ES:DI -> ASCIZ volume label of required disk
- 23h (35) FCB unavailable
- 24h (36) sharing buffer overflow
- 25h (37) (DOS 4+) code page mismatch
- 26h (38) (DOS 4+) cannot complete file operation (out of input)
- 27h (39) (DOS 4+) insufficient disk space
- 28h-31h reserved
- 32h (50) network request not supported
- 33h (51) remote computer not listening
- 34h (52) duplicate name on network
- 35h (53) network name not found
- 36h (54) network busy
- 37h (55) network device no longer exists
- 38h (56) network BIOS command limit exceeded
- 39h (57) network adapter hardware error
- 3Ah (58) incorrect response from network
- 3Bh (59) unexpected network error
- 3Ch (60) incompatible remote adapter
- 3Dh (61) print queue full
- 3Eh (62) queue not full
- 3Fh (63) not enough space to print file
- 40h (64) network name was deleted
- 41h (65) network: Access denied
- 42h (66) network device type incorrect
- 43h (67) network name not found
- 44h (68) network name limit exceeded
- 45h (69) network BIOS session limit exceeded
- 46h (70) temporarily paused
- 47h (71) network request not accepted
- 48h (72) network print/disk redirection paused
- 49h (73) network software not installed
- (LANtastic) invalid network version
- 4Ah (74) unexpected adapter close
- (LANtastic) account expired
- 4Bh (75) (LANtastic) password expired
- 4Ch (76) (LANtastic) login attempt invalid at this time
- 4Dh (77) (LANtastic v3+) disk limit exceeded on network node
- 4Eh (78) (LANtastic v3+) not logged in to network node
- 4Fh (79) reserved
- 50h (80) file exists
- 51h (81) reserved
- 52h (82) cannot make directory
- 53h (83) fail on INT 24h
- 54h (84) (DOS 3.3+) too many redirections
- 55h (85) (DOS 3.3+) duplicate redirection
- 56h (86) (DOS 3.3+) invalid password
- 57h (87) (DOS 3.3+) invalid parameter
- 58h (88) (DOS 3.3+) network write fault
- 59h (89) (DOS 4+) function not supported on network
- 5Ah (90) (DOS 4+) required system component not installed
- 64h (100) (MSCDEX) unknown error
- 65h (101) (MSCDEX) not ready
- 66h (102) (MSCDEX) EMS memory no longer valid
- 67h (103) (MSCDEX) not High Sierra or ISO-9660 format
- 68h (104) (MSCDEX) door open
- Values for Error Class:
- 1 01h out of resource (storage space or I/O channels)
- 2 02h temporary situation (file or record lock)
- 3 03h authorization (denied access)
- 4 04h internal (system software bug)
- 5 05h hardware failure
- 6 06h system failure (configuration file missing or incorrect)
- 7 07h application program error
- 8 08h not found
- 9 09h bad format
- 10 0Ah locked
- 11 0Bh media error
- 12 0Ch already exists
- 13 0Dh unknown
- Values for Suggested Action:
- 1 01h retry
- 2 02h delayed retry
- 3 03h prompt user to reenter input
- 4 04h abort after cleanup
- 5 05h immediate abort
- 6 06h ignore
- 7 07h retry after user intervention
- Values for Error Locus:
- 1 01h unknown or not appropriate
- 2 02h block device (disk error)
- 3 03h network related
- 4 04h serial device (timeout)
- 5 05h memory related
- ;
- !TOPIC 25 EXE Header etc
- !! 0x8000
- !! 0
- ;
- --------D-214B-------------------------------
- AH = 4Bh
- AL = type of load
- 00h load and execute
- 01h load but do not execute
- 03h load overlay
- 04h load and execute in background (European MS-DOS 4.0 only)
- "Exec & Go" (see also AH=80h)
- DS:DX -> ASCIZ program name (must include extension)
- ES:BX -> parameter block (see below)
- CX = mode (subfunction 04h only)
- 0000h child placed in zombie mode after termination
- 0001h child's return code discarded on termination
- Return: CF clear if successful
- BX,DX destroyed
- if subfunction 01h, process ID set to new program's PSP; get with
- INT 21/AH=62h
- CF set on error
- AX = error code (01h,02h,05h,08h,0Ah,0Bh) (see AH=59h)
- Notes: DOS 2.x destroys all registers, including SS:SP
- under ROM-based DOS, if no disk path characters (colons or slashes)
- are included in the program name, the name is searched for in the
- ROM module headers (see below) before searching on disk
- for functions 00h and 01h, the calling process must ensure that there
- is enough unallocated memory available; if necessary, by releasing
- memory with AH=49h or AH=4Ah
- for function 01h, the AX value to be passed to the child program is put
- on top of the child's stack
- for function 03h, DOS assumes that the overlay is being loaded into
- memory allocated by the caller
- function 01h was undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0
- some versions (such as DR-DOS 6.0) check the parameters and parameter
- block and return an error if an invalid value (such as an offset of
- FFFFh) is found
- background programs under European MS-DOS 4.0 must use the new
- executable format
- new executables begin running with the following register values
- AX = environment segment
- BX = offset of command tail in environment segment
- CX = size of automatic data segment (0000h = 64K)
- ES,BP = 0000h
- DS = automatic data segment
- SS:SP = initial stack
- the command tail corresponds to an old executable's PSP:0081h and
- following, except that the 0Dh is turned into a NUL (00h); new
- format executables have no PSP
- under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, only function 00h is supported
- and the pointers are passed in DS:EDX and ES:EBX
- DR-DOS 6 always loads .EXE-format programs with no fixups above the
- 64K mark to avoid the EXEPACK bug
- names for the various executable type understood by various
- environments:
- MZ old-style DOS executable
- NE Windows or OS/2 1.x segmented ("new") executable
- LE Windows virtual device driver (VxD) linear executable
- LX variant of LE used in OS/2 2.x
- W3 Windows WIN386.EXE file; a collection of LE files
- PE Win32 (Windows NT and Win32s) portable executable based on
- Unix COFF
- BUGS: DOS 2.00 assumes that DS points at the current program's PSP
- Load Overlay (subfunction 03h) loads up to 512 bytes too many if the
- file contains additional data after the actual overlay
- SeeAlso: AX=4B05h,AH=4Ch,AH=4Dh,AH=64h"OS/2",AH=8Ah,INT 2E
- Format of EXEC parameter block for AL=00h,01h,04h:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h WORD segment of environment to copy for child process (copy caller's
- environment if 0000h)
- 02h DWORD pointer to command tail to be copied into child's PSP
- 06h DWORD pointer to first FCB to be copied into child's PSP
- 0Ah DWORD pointer to second FCB to be copied into child's PSP
- 0Eh DWORD (AL=01h) will hold subprogram's initial SS:SP on return
- 12h DWORD (AL=01h) will hold entry point (CS:IP) on return
- Format of EXEC parameter block for AL=03h:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h WORD segment at which to load overlay
- 02h WORD relocation factor to apply to overlay if in .EXE format
- Format of EXEC parameter block for FlashTek X-32:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h PWORD 48-bit far pointer to environment string
- 06h PWORD 48-bit far pointer to command tail string
- Format of .EXE file header:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h 2 BYTEs .EXE signature, either "MZ" or "ZM" (5A4Dh or 4D5Ah)
- 02h WORD number of bytes in last 512-byte page of executable
- 04h WORD total number of 512-byte pages in executable (includes any
- partial last page)
- 06h WORD number of relocation entries
- 08h WORD header size in paragraphs
- 0Ah WORD minimum paragraphs of memory to allocation in addition to
- executable's size
- 0Ch WORD maximum paragraphs to allocate in addition to executable's size
- 0Eh WORD initial SS relative to start of executable
- 10h WORD initial SP
- 12h WORD checksum (one's complement of sum of all words in executable)
- 14h DWORD initial CS:IP relative to start of executable
- 18h WORD offset within header of relocation table
- 40h or greater for new-format (NE,LE,LX,W3,PE,etc.) executable
- 1Ah WORD overlay number (normally 0000h = main program)
- ---new executable---
- 1Ch 4 BYTEs ???
- 20h WORD behavior bits
- 22h 26 BYTEs reserved for additional behavior info
- 3Ch DWORD offset of new executable (NE,LE,etc) header within disk file,
- or 00000000h if plain MZ executable
- ---Borland TLINK---
- 1Ch 2 BYTEs ??? (apparently always 01h 00h)
- 1Eh BYTE signature FBh
- 1Fh BYTE TLINK version (major in high nybble, minor in low nybble)
- 20h 2 BYTEs ??? (v2.0 apparently always 72h 6Ah, v3.0+ seems always 6Ah 72h)
- ---ARJ self-extracting archive---
- 1Ch 4 BYTEs signature "RJSX" (older versions, new signature is "aRJsfX" in
- the first 1000 bytes of the file)
- ---LZEXE 0.90 compressed executable---
- 1Ch 4 BYTEs signature "LZ09"
- ---LZEXE 0.91 compressed executable---
- 1Ch 4 BYTEs signature "LZ91"
- ---PKLITE compressed executable---
- 1Ch BYTE minor version number
- 1Dh BYTE bits 0-3: major version
- bit 4: extra compression
- bit 5: huge (multi-segment) file
- 1Eh 6 BYTEs signature "PKLITE" (followed by copyright message)
- ---LHarc 1.x self-extracting archive---
- 1Ch 4 BYTEs unused???
- 20h 3 BYTEs jump to start of extraction code
- 23h 2 BYTEs ???
- 25h 12 BYTEs signature "LHarc's SFX "
- ---LHA 2.x self-extracting archive---
- 1Ch 8 BYTEs ???
- 24h 10 BYTEs signature "LHa's SFX " (v2.10) or "LHA's SFX " (v2.13)
- ---TopSpeed C 3.0 CRUNCH compressed file---
- 1Ch DWORD 018A0001h
- 20h WORD 1565h
- ---PKARCK 3.5 self-extracting archive---
- 1Ch DWORD 00020001h
- 20h WORD 0700h
- ---BSA (Soviet archiver) self-extracting archive---
- 1Ch WORD 000Fh
- 1Eh BYTE A7h
- ---LARC self-extracting archive---
- 1Ch 4 BYTEs ???
- 20h 11 BYTEs "SFX by LARC "
- ---LH self-extracting archive---
- 1Ch 8 BYTEs ???
- 24h 8 BYTEs "LH's SFX "
- ---other linkers---
- 1Ch var optional information
- ---
- N N DWORDs relocation items
- Notes: if word at offset 02h is 4, it should be treated as 00h, since pre-1.10
- versions of the MS linker set it that way
- if both minimum and maximum allocation (offset 0Ah/0Ch) are zero, the
- program is loaded as high in memory as possible
- the maximum allocation is set to FFFFh by default
- Format of ROM Module Header:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h 2 BYTEs ROM signature 55h, AAh
- 02h BYTE size of ROM in 512-byte blocks
- 03h 3 BYTEs POST initialization entry point (near JMP instruction)
- 06h ROM Program Name List [array]
- Offset Size Description
- 00h BYTE length of ROM program's name (00h if end of name list)
- 01h N BYTEs program name
- N+1 3 BYTEs program entry point (near JMP instruction)
- Format of new executable header:
- Offset Size Description
- 00h 2 BYTEs "NE" (4Eh 45h) signature
- 02h 2 BYTEs linker version (major, then minor)
- 04h WORD offset from start of this header to entry table (see below)
- 06h WORD length of entry table in bytes
- 08h DWORD file load CRC (0 in Borland's TPW)
- 0Ch BYTE program flags
- bits 0-1 DGROUP type
- 0 = none
- 1 = single shared
- 2 = multiple (unshared)
- 3 = (null)
- bit 2: global initialization
- bit 3: protected mode only
- bit 4: 8086 instructions
- bit 5: 80286 instructions
- bit 6: 80386 instructions
- bit 7: 80x87 instructions
- 0Dh BYTE application flags
- bits 0-2: application type
- 001 full screen (not aware of Windows/P.M. API)
- 010 compatible with Windows/P.M. API
- 011 uses Windows/P.M. API
- bit 3: is a Family Application (OS/2)
- bit 5: 0=executable, 1=errors in image
- bit 6: non-conforming program (valid stack is not maintained)
- bit 7: DLL or driver rather than application
- (SS:SP info invalid, CS:IP points at FAR init routine
- called with AX=module handle which returns AX=0000h
- on failure, AX nonzero on successful initialization)
- 0Eh WORD auto data segment index
- 10h WORD initial local heap size
- 12h WORD initial stack size (added to data seg, 0000h if SS <> DS)
- 14h DWORD program entry point (CS:IP), "CS" is index into segment table
- 18h DWORD initial stack pointer (SS:SP), "SS" is segment index
- if SS=automatic data segment and SP=0000h, the stack pointer is
- set to the top of the automatic data segment, just below the
- local heap
- 1Ch WORD segment count
- 1Eh WORD module reference count
- 20h WORD length of nonresident names table in bytes
- 22h WORD offset from start of this header to segment table (see below)
- 24h WORD offset from start of this header to resource table
- 26h WORD offset from start of this header to resident names table
- 28h WORD offset from start of this header to module reference table
- 2Ah WORD offset from start of this header to imported names table
- (array of counted strings, terminated with a string of length
- 00h)
- 2Ch DWORD offset from start of file to nonresident names table
- 30h WORD count of moveable entry point listed in entry table
- 32h WORD file alignment size shift count
- 0 is equivalent to 9 (default 512-byte pages)
- 34h WORD number of resource table entries
- 36h BYTE target operating system
- 00h unknown
- 01h OS/2
- 02h Windows
- 03h European MS-DOS 4.x
- 04h Windows 386
- 05h BOSS (Borland Operating System Services)
- 37h BYTE other EXE flags
- bit 0: supports long filenames
- bit 1: 2.X protected mode
- bit 2: 2.X proportional font
- bit 3: gangload area
- 38h WORD offset to return thunks or start of gangload area
- 3Ah WORD offset to segment reference thunks or length of gangload area
- 3Ch WORD minimum code swap area size
- 3Eh 2 BYTEs expected Windows version (minor version first)
- Note: this header is documented in detail in the Windows 3.1 SDK Programmer's
- Reference, Vol 4.
- (The rest of the INT 21 AH = 4Bh was deleted from this table, see the entry
- in the List for info)