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- ;Text for INT2GUID conversion program, topic 7.
- ;INT2GUID converts INTERRUP.LST files to input for GUIDE.
- ;
- ;This file includes 7 extra topics. Reserve additionally 5 topics, or a
- ;total of 12.
- ;
- ;Topic headings are included in the GUIDE main index unless the configuration
- ;file specifies mask 0x8000.
- ;
- ;The file has conditions for optimizing the output to GUIDE (mask 2) or
- ;POPHELP (mask 4), or a universal mode with less optimized output acceptable
- ;by both (mask 1). One and only one of these masks should be used, and it
- ;can be ORed with 0x8000 to exclude the topics from the index.
- ;The difference between the three models is, that model 1 cannot display
- ;character 6, as it is used as a normal character in GUIDE and as a control
- ;character in POPHELP. Model 4 can display characters 10 and 26, the other
- ;models can not.
- ;
- ;
- Characters, Colors, Scan Codes, and Pin Assignments.
- This screen gives access to:
- 8characters as displayed in the currently active code page
- 9acronyms for ASCII control codes
- 10colors on EGA/VGA display
- 11scan codes (keyboard)
- 12serial port pin assignments
- 13printer port pin assignments
- 14game port pin assignments
- !! 4 ;POPHELP
- The screens are designed for 18 lines screen height.
- !! 0
- ;
- !TOPIC 8 Character Map
- !! 0x8000
- !! 0
- ;
- The following pages show the characters in the currently active code page.
- !! 1 ;universal (accepted by both GUIDE and POPHELP)
- ; ^F (6) is a normal character in GUIDE and a control character in POPHELP
- Because the characters with ASCII values 0-6, 10, 12, 13, and 26 are used as
- !! 2 ;GUIDE
- Because the characters with ASCII values 0-5, 10, 12, 13, and 26 are used as
- !! 4 ;POPHELP
- ; (^F,6) is used to insert code for itself, for LF (10), and for SUB (26)
- Because the characters with ASCII values 0-5, 12, and 13, are used as
- !! 0
- control characters in this help system, they cannot be displayed. The IBM
- symbols for these characters are:
- ;*** The backspace character, and ^S, can give difficulties in editors.
- !! 1 ;universal
- 0 Space 6 Spade
- !! 2 ;GUIDE
- 0 Space 5 Club
- !! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
- 1 Open face 10 Block with circle
- 2 Filled face 12 Female symbol
- 3 Heart 13 Single note
- 4 Diamond 26 Right arrow
- !! 1 ;universal
- 5 Club
- !! 4 ;POPHELP
- 0 Space 4 Diamond
- 1 Open face 5 Club
- 2 Filled face 12 Female symbol
- 3 Heart 13 Single note
- ;POPHELP: fill to 18 lines.
- !! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
- !! 1 ;universal
- Characters 0 - 127 (0-6, 10, 12, 13, 26: see previous page).
- !! 2 ;GUIDE
- Characters 0 - 127 (0-5, 10, 12, 13, 26: see previous page).
- !! 4 ;POPHELP
- Characters 0 - 127 (0-5, 12, 13: see table above).
- !! 0
- ;*** The BS character (8) can give difficulties in editors, the TAB
- ;*** character (9) can misallign the line.
- 0 00 16 10 32 20 48 30 0 64 40 @ 80 50 P 96 60 ` 112 70 p
- 1 01 17 11 33 21 ! 49 31 1 65 41 A 81 51 Q 97 61 a 113 71 q
- 2 02 18 12 34 22 " 50 32 2 66 42 B 82 52 R 98 62 b 114 72 r
- 3 03 19 13 35 23 # 51 33 3 67 43 C 83 53 S 99 63 c 115 73 s
- 4 04 20 14 36 24 $ 52 34 4 68 44 D 84 54 T 100 64 d 116 74 t
- 5 05 21 15 37 25 % 53 35 5 69 45 E 85 55 U 101 65 e 117 75 u
- !! 1 ;universal
- 6 06 22 16 38 26 & 54 36 6 70 46 F 86 56 V 102 66 f 118 76 v
- !! 2 ;GUIDE
- 6 06 22 16 38 26 & 54 36 6 70 46 F 86 56 V 102 66 f 118 76 v
- !! 4 ;POPHELP
- 6 06 6 22 16 38 26 & 54 36 6 70 46 F 86 56 V 102 66 f 118 76 v
- !! 0
- 7 07 23 17 39 27 ' 55 37 7 71 47 G 87 57 W 103 67 g 119 77 w
- 8 08 24 18 40 28 ( 56 38 8 72 48 H 88 58 X 104 68 h 120 78 x
- 9 09 25 19 41 29 ) 57 39 9 73 49 I 89 59 Y 105 69 i 121 79 y
- !! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
- 10 0A 26 1A 42 2A * 58 3A : 74 4A J 90 5A Z 106 6A j 122 7A z
- !! 4 ;POPHELP
- 10 0A 10 26 1A 26 42 2A * 58 3A : 74 4A J 90 5A Z 106 6A j 122 7A z
- !! 0
- 11 0B 27 1B 43 2B + 59 3B ; 75 4B K 91 5B [ 107 6B k 123 7B {
- 12 0C 28 1C 44 2C , 60 3C < 76 4C L 92 5C \ 108 6C l 124 7C |
- 13 0D 29 1D 45 2D - 61 3D = 77 4D M 93 5D ] 109 6D m 125 7D }
- 14 0E 30 1E 46 2E . 62 3E > 78 4E N 94 5E ^ 110 6E n 126 7E ~
- 15 0F 31 1F 47 2F / 63 3F ? 79 4F O 95 5F _ 111 6F o 127 7F
- !! 3 ;universal + GUIDE (POPHELP: avoid new line - use 18 lines for paging)
- !! 0
- Characters 128 - 255.
- 128 80 Ç 144 90 É 160 A0 á 176 B0 ░ 192 C0 └ 208 D0 ╨ 224 E0 α 240 F0 ≡
- 129 81 ü 145 91 æ 161 A1 í 177 B1 ▒ 193 C1 ┴ 209 D1 ╤ 225 E1 ß 241 F1 ±
- 130 82 é 146 92 Æ 162 A2 ó 178 B2 ▓ 194 C2 ┬ 210 D2 ╥ 226 E2 Γ 242 F2 ≥
- 131 83 â 147 93 ô 163 A3 ú 179 B3 │ 195 C3 ├ 211 D3 ╙ 227 E3 π 243 F3 ≤
- 132 84 ä 148 94 ö 164 A4 ñ 180 B4 ┤ 196 C4 ─ 212 D4 ╘ 228 E4 Σ 244 F4 ⌠
- 133 85 à 149 95 ò 165 A5 Ñ 181 B5 ╡ 197 C5 ┼ 213 D5 ╒ 229 E5 σ 245 F5 ⌡
- 134 86 å 150 96 û 166 A6 ª 182 B6 ╢ 198 C6 ╞ 214 D6 ╓ 230 E6 µ 246 F6 ÷
- 135 87 ç 151 97 ù 167 A7 º 183 B7 ╖ 199 C7 ╟ 215 D7 ╫ 231 E7 τ 247 F7 ≈
- 136 88 ê 152 98 ÿ 168 A8 ¿ 184 B8 ╕ 200 C8 ╚ 216 D8 ╪ 232 E8 Φ 248 F8 °
- 137 89 ë 153 99 Ö 169 A9 ⌐ 185 B9 ╣ 201 C9 ╔ 217 D9 ┘ 233 E9 Θ 249 F9 ∙
- 138 8A è 154 9A Ü 170 AA ¬ 186 BA ║ 202 CA ╩ 218 DA ┌ 234 EA Ω 250 FA ·
- 139 8B ï 155 9B ¢ 171 AB ½ 187 BB ╗ 203 CB ╦ 219 DB █ 235 EB δ 251 FB √
- 140 8C î 156 9C £ 172 AC ¼ 188 BC ╝ 204 CC ╠ 220 DC ▄ 236 EC ∞ 252 FC ⁿ
- 141 8D ì 157 9D ¥ 173 AD ¡ 189 BD ╜ 205 CD ═ 221 DD ▌ 237 ED φ 253 FD ²
- 142 8E Ä 158 9E ₧ 174 AE « 190 BE ╛ 206 CE ╬ 222 DE ▐ 238 EE ε 254 FE ■
- 143 8F Å 159 9F ƒ 175 AF » 191 BF ┐ 207 CF ╧ 223 DF ▀ 239 EF ∩ 255 FF
- ;
- !TOPIC 9 Control Codes
- !! 0x8000
- !! 0
- ;
- Alphabetic list of control codes (C0) and extended control codes (C1).
- ACK= 6 DEL=127 FE3= 11 IS4= 28 PU2=146 STX= 2 US = 31
- APC=159 DLE= 16 FE4= 12 LF = 10 RI =141 SUB= 26 VT = 11
- BEL= 7 EM = 25 FE5= 13 LS0= 15 RS = 30 SYN= 22 VTS=138
- BS = 8 ENQ= 5 FF = 12 LS1= 14 SI = 15 TC1= 1
- CAN= 24 EOT= 4 FS = 28 MW =149 SO = 14 TC2= 2
- CCH=148 EPA=151 GS = 29 NAK= 21 SOH= 1 TC3= 3
- CR = 13 ESA=135 HT = 9 NEL=133 SP = 32 TC4= 4
- CSI=155 ESC= 27 HTJ=137 NUL= 0 SPA=150 TC5= 5
- DC1= 17 ETB= 23 HTS=136 OSC=157 SS2=142 TC6= 6
- DC2= 18 ETX= 3 IND=132 PLD=139 SS3=143 TC7= 16
- DC3= 19 FE0= 8 IS1= 31 PLU=140 SSA=134 TC8= 21
- DC4= 20 FE1= 9 IS2= 30 PM =158 ST =156 TC9= 22
- DCS=144 FE2= 10 IS3= 29 PU1=145 STS=147 TCx= 23
- This list includes the G0 codes:
- 32 20 SP Space 127 7F DEL Delete
- !! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
- !! 0
- Control codes ASCII 0 - 31 (C0). Often symbolized by ^ + char. @ - _, ^M=CR.
- 0 00 @ NUL Null 16 10 P DLE (TC7) Data Link Escape
- 1 01 A SOH (TC1) Start Of Heading 17 11 Q DC1 Device Control 1, Xon
- 2 02 B STX (TC2) Start of Text 18 12 R DC2 Device Control 2
- 3 03 C ETX (TC3) End of Text 19 13 S DC3 Device Control 3, Xoff
- 4 04 D EOT (TC4) End Of Transmission 20 14 T DC4 Device Control 4
- 5 05 E ENQ (TC5) Enquiry 21 15 U NAK (TC8) Not Acknowledge
- 6 06 F ACK (TC6) Acknowledge 22 16 V SYN (TC9) Synchronous idle
- 7 07 G BEL Bell 23 17 W ETB (TC10) End Transm. Block
- 8 08 H BS (FE0) Back Space 24 18 X CAN Cancel
- 9 09 I HT (FE1) Horizontal Tabulat. 25 19 Y EM End of Medium
- 10 0A J LF (FE2) Line Feed 26 1A Z SUB Substitute character
- 11 0B K VT (FE3) Vertical Tabulation 27 1B [ ESC Escape seq. introd.
- 12 0C L FF (FE4) Form Feed 28 1C \ FS (IS4) File Separator
- 13 0D M CR (FE5) Carriage Return 29 1D ] GS (IS3) Group Separator
- 14 0E N SO (LS1) Shift Out 30 1E ^ RS (IS2) Record Separator
- 15 0F O SI (LS0) Shift In 31 1F _ US (IS1) Unit Separator
- TC=Transm. Ctrl.; FE=Format Effector; LS=Locking Shift; IS=Information Sep.
- !! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
- !! 0
- Extended control codes 128 - 159 (C1).
- Sometimes emulated by ESC + char. @ - _, e.g. Ansi code "ESC[" = "CSI"
- 128 80 @ (unassigned) 144 90 P DCS Device Control String
- 129 81 A (unassigned) 145 91 Q PU1 Private Use 1
- 130 82 B (unassigned) 146 92 R PU2 Private Use 2
- 131 83 C (unassigned) 147 93 S STS Set Transmit State
- 132 84 D IND Index 148 94 T CCH Cancel Character
- 133 85 E NEL Next Line 149 95 U MW Message Waiting
- 134 86 F SSA Start Selected Area 150 96 V SPA Start Protected Area
- 135 87 G ESA End Selected Area 151 97 W EPA End Protected Area
- 136 88 H HTS Horizontal Tab. Set 152 98 X (unassigned)
- 137 89 I HTJ Horiz. Tab. w. Justif. 153 99 Y (unassigned)
- 138 8A J VTS Vertical Tab. Set 154 9A Z (unassigned)
- 139 8B K PLD Partial Line Down 155 9B [ CSI Control Seq. Introd.
- 140 8C L PLU Partial Line Up 156 9C \ ST String Terminator
- 141 8D M RI Reverse Index 157 9D ] OSC Operating System Command
- 142 8E N SS2 Single Shift G2 158 9E ^ PM Privacy Message
- 143 8F O SS3 Single Shift G3 159 9F _ APC Application Program Cmd.
- ;
- !TOPIC 10 Screen Colors
- !! 0x8000
- !! 0
- ;
- Screen colors.
- Normal colors Bright colors Attribute bits
- 0 00 Black 8 08 Dark grey 7 normal Foreground blink
- 1 01 Blue 9 09 Light blue 7 alternate Background bright
- 2 02 Green 10 0A Light green 6-4 Background color
- 3 03 Cyan 11 0B Light cyan 3 normal Foreground bright
- 4 04 Red 12 0C Light red 3 alternate Alternate char. set
- 5 05 Magenta 13 0D Light magenta 2-0 Foreground color
- 6 06 Brown 14 0E Yellow
- 7 07 White (grey) 15 0F Bright (white)
- Normal/alternate function: Set Read
- Attribute bit 7: INT 10 AX=1003 INT 10 AH=1B offs. 2D bit 5
- Attribute bit 3: INT 10 AX=1103* INT 10 AH=1B offs. 2B<>offs. 2C
- * BL bits 0,1,4<>bits 2,3,5. The bright attribute is still active, it can be
- disabled/enabled by INT 10 AX=1000 BX=0712/0F12.
- ;
- !TOPIC 11 Scan Codes
- !! 0x8000
- !! 0
- ;
- Scan codes: special keys. Num Lock off (on: swap Plain/Shift col. Up - Del).
- *: Not INT 16 AH = 00. See also next page.
- Plain Shift Ctrl Alt Plain Shift Ctrl Alt
- Up 4800 4838 -- -- F1 3B00 5400 5E00 6800
- Down 5000 5032 -- -- F2 3C00 5500 5F00 6900
- Left 4B00 4B34 7300 -- F3 3D00 5600 6000 6A00
- Right 4D00 4D36 7400 -- F4 3E00 5700 6100 6B00
- Home 4700 4737 7700 -- F5 3F00 5800 6200 6C00
- End 4F00 4F31 7500 -- F6 4000 5900 6300 6D00
- PgUp 4900 4939 8400 -- F7 4100 5A00 6400 6E00
- PgDn 5100 5133 7600 -- F8 4200 5B00 6500 6F00
- Ins 5200 5230 -- -- F9 4300 5C00 6600 7000
- Del 5300 532E -- -- F10 4400 5D00 6700 7100
- Esc 011B 011B 011B *0100 F11 *8500 *8700 *8900 *8B00
- Tab 0F09 0F00 *9400 *A500 F12 *8600 *8800 *8A00 *8C00
- BkSp 0E08 0E08 0E7F *0E00
- Return 1C0D 1C0D 1C0A *1C00 Enter 1C0D 1C0D 1C0A --
- Space 3920 3920 3920 3920
- !! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
- !! 0
- Scan codes: special keys extended codes. Num Lock off. INT 16 AH = 10
- Numeric Keypad Special Keypad
- Plain Shift Ctrl Alt Plain Shift Ctrl Alt
- Up 4800 4838 8D00 *-- 48E0 48E0 8DE0 9800
- Down 5000 5032 9100 *-- 50E0 50E0 91E0 A000
- Left 4B00 4B34 7300 *-- 4BE0 4BE0 73E0 9B00
- Right 4D00 4D36 7400 *-- 4DE0 4DE0 74E0 9D00
- Home 4700 4737 7700 *-- 47E0 47E0 77E0 9700
- End 4F00 4F31 7500 *-- 4FE0 4FE0 75E0 9F00
- PgUp 4900 4939 8400 *-- 49E0 49E0 84E0 9900
- PgDn 5100 5133 7600 *-- 51E0 51E0 76E0 A100
- Ins 5200 5230 9200 *-- 52E0 52E0 9200 A200
- Del 5300 532E 9300 -- 53E0 53E0 93E0 A300
- 5 4C00 4C35 8F00 *-- * = compose
- / E02F E02F 9500 A400
- * 372A 372A 9600 3700
- - 4A2D 4A2D 8E00 4A00
- + 4E2B 4E2B 9000 4E00 Enter E00D E00D E00A A600
- !! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
- !! 0
- Scan codes: digits, punctuation marks, etc.
- NB! US keyboard. The high byte may differ if a national keyboard is active,
- and the symbols may not be paired as in the table.
- *: Not INT 16 AH = 00. +: See also previous page.
- Plain Shift Ctrl Alt Plain Shift Ctrl Alt
- ` ~ 2960 297E -- *2900 [ { 1A5B 1A7B 1A1B *1A00
- 1 ! 0231 0221 -- 7800 ] } 1B5D 1B7D 1B1D *1B00
- 2 @ 0332 0340 0300 7900 ; : 273B 273A -- *2700
- 3 # 0433 0423 -- 7A00 ' " 2827 2822 -- *2800
- 4 $ 0534 0524 -- 7B00 \ | 2B5C 2B7C 2B1C *2B00
- 5 % 0635 0625 -- 7C00 \ | 565C 567C -- -- 102nd key
- 6 ^ 0736 075E 071E 7D00 , < 332C 333C -- *3300
- 7 & 0837 0826 -- 7E00 . > 342E 343E -- *3400
- 8 * 0938 092A -- 7F00 / ? 352F 353F -- *3500
- 9 ( 0A39 0A28 -- 8000 +/ 352F 352F -- -- numeric
- 0 ) 0B30 0B29 -- 8100 +* 372A 372A -- -- numeric
- - _ 0C2D 0C5F 0C1F 8200 +- 4A2D 4A2D -- -- numeric
- = + 0D3D 0D2B -- 8300 ++ 4E2B 4E2B -- -- numeric
- !! 3 ;universal + GUIDE
- !! 0
- Scan codes: letters. Caps Lock off. (Caps Lock on: swap Plain/Shift columns)
- NB! US keyboard. The high byte may differ if a national keyboard is active.
- Plain Shift Ctrl Alt Plain Shift Ctrl Alt
- a 1E61 1E41 1E01 1E00 n 316E 314E 310E 3100
- b 3062 3042 3002 3000 o 186F 184F 180F 1800
- c 2E63 2E43 2E03 2E00 p 1970 1950 1910 1900
- d 2064 2044 2004 2000 q 1071 1051 1011 1000
- e 1265 1245 1205 1200 r 1372 1352 1312 1300
- f 2166 2146 2106 2100 s 1F73 1F53 1F13 1F00
- g 2267 2247 2207 2200 t 1474 1454 1414 1400
- h 2368 2348 2308 2300 u 1675 1655 1615 1600
- i 1769 1749 1709 1700 v 2F76 2F56 2F16 2F00
- j 246A 244A 240A 2400 w 1177 1157 1117 1100
- k 256B 254B 250B 2500 x 2D78 2D58 2D18 2D00
- l 266C 264C 260C 2600 y 1579 1559 1519 1500
- m 326D 324D 320D 3200 z 2C7A 2C5A 2C1A 2C00
- ;
- !TOPIC 12 Serial Port
- !! 0x8000
- !! 0
- ;
- RS-232-C serial port (COM port) pin assignments.
- *n = PC pin, n is pin number on the 9 pin AT connector.
- = from PC or DTE; = to PC or DTE. DTE = Data Terminal Equipment.
- 1 FG Frame ground 14 TD2 Secondary TD
- *3 2 TD Transmit Data 15 TC Transmission Signal Timing
- *2 3 RD Receive Data 16 RD2 Secondary RD
- *7 4 RTS Request To Send 17 RC Receiver Signal Timing
- *8 5 CTS Clear To Send 18 (unassigned)
- *6 6 DSR Data Set Ready 19 RS2 Secondary RTS
- *5 7 SG Signal ground *4 20 DTR Data Terminal Ready
- *1 8 DCD Data Carrier Detect 21 SQ Signal Quality Detector
- 9 (test) *9 22 RI Ring Indicator
- 10 (test) 23 DRS Data signal Rate Selector
- 11 (unassigned) 24 TT Transmit Signal Timing
- 12 CD2 Secondary DCD 25 (unassigned)
- 13 CT2 Secondary CTS
- 13Printer Port and 14Game Port pin assignments are also available.
- ;
- !TOPIC 13 Printer Port
- !! 0x8000
- !! 0
- ;
- Printer port (parallel port, LPT port) pin assignments.
- 25 pin PC printer port and 36 pin Centronic port.
- =from PC; =to PC. Pins 1-9 are bidirectional on PS-2 models in ext. mode.
- Data Gnd Data Gnd
- 1 1 ¬Strobe 19 19 10 10 ¬Acknowledge 24 28
- 2 2 Data Bit 0 20 20 11 11 Busy 24 29
- 3 3 " " 1 20 21 12 12 Paper End 25 30
- 4 4 " " 2 21 22 13 13 Select 18 16,33
- 5 5 " " 3 21 23 14 14 ¬Auto Feed xt 18 16,33
- 6 6 " " 4 22 24 32 15 ¬Error 18 16,33
- 7 7 " " 5 22 25 31 16 ¬Initialize 18 16,33
- 8 8 " " 6 23 26 36 17 ¬Select In 18 16,33
- 9 9 " " 7 23 27
- 12Serial Port and 14Game Port pin assignments are also available.
- ;
- !TOPIC 14 Game Port
- !! 0x8000
- !! 0
- ;
- Game port pin assignments. (15 pins in 2 rows)
- 1,8,9: +5 V
- 15: +5 V or Midi RXD
- 4,5: 0 V (ground)
- 12: 0 V or Midi TXD
- 2: Switch A-1 Switches are sensed active when shorted
- 3: X-position A to ground.
- 6: Y-position A
- 7: Switch A-2 Position sensors are variable resistors
- 10: Switch B-1 0 ohms - 250 kiloohms from the position
- 11: X-position B pins to +5 V.
- 13: Y-position B
- 14: Switch B-2
- See also INT 15 function 84.
- 12Serial Port and 13Printer Port pin assignments are also available.
- ;