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- /*
- * File: int.c
- *
- * Synopsis: PC interrupt caller, memory R/W, I/O port R/W
- *
- * System: MSDOS - Turbo C or Borland C (other compilers need some work)
- *
- * A utility for PC systems programmers to:
- * - perform and visualise the results of interrupt calls
- * - use buffers (inc files) to set register pairs
- * - view the interrupt vector table
- * - read & write I/O ports
- *
- * NB: This utility must be used with EXTREME CARE. Using bad interrupt and/or
- * I/O calls can destroy data on your memory/disk(s) and might crash your
- * machine.
- *
- * Compatible with int.c ditributed with Ralf Brown's interrupt lists
- * Comments/suggestions welcome on the email address below.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1992-1994 Angelo Haritsis <ah@doc.ic.ac.uk>
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided
- * that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all
- * such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other
- * materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that the
- * software was developed by Angelo Haritsis.
- *
- * TODO:
- * > -fbuf filename (write mem with vals from a file)
- */
- #ifndef lint
- static char rcsid[] = "$Header: E:/SRC/MISC\RCS\int.c 1.2 1994/04/11 20:11:36 ah Exp ah $";
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #define PROG "int"
- #define VERSION "1.0"
- #define NOTREACHED 0
- #define PARSE_JUSTARGS 0x01
- #define PARSE_NOACTION 0x02
- /*
- * Types
- */
- typedef int (*fun_ptr) (char **, int *);
- typedef struct s_opt {
- char *opts; /* option name */
- int size; /* bytes for the ptr element (1, 2, 4);
- * 0 means execute the function following
- * parsing (argv, &opt_now)
- */
- void *ptr; /* pointer to the data element to be loaded or a function if size = 0 */
- typedef struct s_dbuff {
- unsigned *ptr_to_seg; /* the area where the segment is held */
- unsigned *ptr_to_off; /* the area where the offset is held */
- void far *addr; /* the address (when explicitly given) */
- char logo[20];
- #define DBUFF_HEX 0x01
- #define DBUFF_ASC 0x02
- #define DBUFF_BIN 0x04
- int mode; /* display mode */
- long bytes; /* # of bytes to show */
- typedef struct s_doserr {
- int errno;
- int class;
- int action;
- int locus;
- /*
- * Globals
- */
- char switchchar[] = "-+/";
- char usage[] =
- "usage: " PROG " [-h] [-q] [int=# | int# | -int #] [[-]reg[=]val] ...\n"
- " [-buf sreg:reg=\"str\"]\n"
- " [-d[a|b|hx] sreg:reg[:#bytes]] [-d[a|hx] faraddr[:#bytes]]\n"
- " [-divt int#-int#]]\n"
- " [-in[w] port#] [-out[w] port#,val]\n"
- " str: printf fmt (%#s allowed to setup buffers)\n";
- char help[] =
- " eg.\n"
- " o Interrupts (+ buffer setup)\n"
- " " PROG " 0x10 -ax 0x12 same as: int int=0x10 ax=0x12 (set VGA graphics mode)\n"
- " " PROG " 0x10 ah=0x10 al=1 bh=9 (set VGA border color; use to adjust display)\n"
- " " PROG " 0x21 -ah 9 -buf ds:dx=\"hello world\\n$\" -q (INT 21,9 'hello world')\n"
- " " PROG " an_int -buf es:bx=\"%512s\" (creates a scratch buffer of 512 bytes)\n"
- " " PROG " 0x33 ax=9 bx=0 cx=0 -fbuf es:bx=cursor.dat (mouse cursor from file)\n"
- " o Memory (-d: display: called after interrupt)\n"
- " " PROG " -q -dhx 0x400049:18 (BIOS video area data)\n"
- " " PROG " -q es=0x40 -bx 0x49 -dhx es:bx:18 (same as above)\n"
- " " PROG " -q -db 0xF8000000:512 >file (binary dump of AMIBIOS serial data)\n"
- " o IVT\n"
- " " PROG " -q -divt (display vectors from interrupt vector table = IVT)\n"
- " " PROG " -q -divt 0x10-0x1F (display IVT slots 0x10 to 0x1F)\n"
- " o I/O Ports\n"
- " " PROG " -out 0x70,0 -in 0x71 (read seconds from CMOS)\n"
- " " PROG " -out 0x70,0 -out 0x71,0 (zero-out seconds in CMOS)\n";
- char *int_error[] = {
- "Parse",
- };
- char str_flags[] = "0N..ODITSZ0A0P1C"; /* 80x86 flag register */
- union REGS reg;
- struct SREGS sreg;
- unsigned int reg_bp, reg_sp, flags;
- int int_call; /* the interrupt to be called */
- int dos_errno;
- int quiet_mode = 0; /* quiet means just execute int - no reg display * /* does not apply on display
- * opts */
- int buff_now = 0;
- char *buff[10]; /* array of read buffer pointers */
- int dbuff_now = 0;
- DBUFFER dbuff[10]; /* the buffers to show at end of intr */
- /* --- Prototypes --- */
- OPTION *parse_an_opt(char *argv[], int *opt_now, int mode);
- void doit(void);
- void reg_display(void);
- int set_int_val(char **argv, int *opt_now);
- int ivt_display(char **argv, int *opt_now);
- int ioport_out(char **argv, int *opt_now);
- int ioport_in(char **argv, int *opt_now);
- int read_escape(char **p);
- int set_buff(char **argv, int *opt_now);
- int set_fbuff(char **argv, int *opt_now);
- int set_dbuff(char **argv, int *opt_now);
- int dbuff_parse(void **ptr, char *tok);
- int set_dbuff(char **argv, int *opt_now);
- int show_help(char **argv, int *opt_now);
- int set_quiet(char **argv, int *opt_now);
- void error_exit(int err, char *s);
- /* --- */
- /*
- * Structure with all the `action' to be done for an option
- * NB: Care with matching prefixes (longer must come first)
- */
- OPTION Opt[] = {
- /* NB: put the longer strings first ! */
- {"$DEFAULT", 0, (void *) set_int_val},
- {"DIVT", 0, (void *) ivt_display}, /* display int vector table */
- {"INT", 2, (void *) &int_call},
- {"OUTW", 0, (void *) ioport_out}, /* I/O port write, read */
- {"OUT", 0, (void *) ioport_out},
- {"INW", 0, (void *) ioport_in},
- {"IN", 0, (void *) ioport_in},
- {"DBUF", 0, (void *) set_dbuff},
- {"FBUF", 0, (void *) set_fbuff},
- {"BUF", 0, (void *) set_buff},
- {"DHX", 0, (void *) set_dbuff}, /* display mem contents (hex) */
- {"FL", 2, (void *) &(reg.x.flags)}, /* set flags (won't affect anything) */
- {"AX", 2, (void *) &(reg.x.ax)}, /* set general registers */
- {"BX", 2, (void *) &(reg.x.bx)},
- {"CX", 2, (void *) &(reg.x.cx)},
- {"DX", 2, (void *) &(reg.x.dx)},
- {"AH", 1, (void *) &(reg.h.ah)},
- {"BH", 1, (void *) &(reg.h.bh)},
- {"CH", 1, (void *) &(reg.h.ch)},
- {"DH", 1, (void *) &(reg.h.dh)},
- {"AL", 1, (void *) &(reg.h.al)},
- {"BL", 1, (void *) &(reg.h.bl)},
- {"CL", 1, (void *) &(reg.h.cl)},
- {"DL", 1, (void *) &(reg.h.dl)},
- {"SI", 2, (void *) &(reg.x.si)}, /* set index, stack registers */
- {"DI", 2, (void *) &(reg.x.di)},
- {"BP", 0, 0},
- {"SP", 0, 0},
- {"CS", 2, (void *) &(sreg.cs)}, /* set segment registers */
- {"DS", 2, (void *) &(sreg.ds)},
- {"ES", 2, (void *) &(sreg.es)},
- {"SS", 2, (void *) &(sreg.ss)},
- {"DA", 0, (void *) set_dbuff}, /* display mem contents (ascii) */
- {"D", 0, (void *) set_dbuff}, /* display mem contents (ascii+hex) */
- {"Q", 0, (void *) set_quiet}, /* quiet (no disply of reg contents) */
- {"H", 0, (void *) show_help}, /* help */
- };
- int cdecl
- main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int opt_now;
- if (argc == 1)
- error_exit(0, NULL);
- /* parse the arguments and do proper action */
- for (opt_now = 1; opt_now < argc; opt_now++)
- if (parse_an_opt(argv, &opt_now, 0) == NULL)
- error_exit(1, NULL);
- doit();
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * Parses an argument and calls proper function or assigns numbers
- * accordingly. Reentrant.
- */
- parse_an_opt(char *argv[], int *opt_now, int mode)
- {
- int i, arg_len, get_next_arg;
- char *opts, *optarg, *p;
- long val;
- opts = argv[*opt_now];
- if (strchr(switchchar, opts[0])) /* option starts with a switch char, skip it */
- opts++, argv[*opt_now]++;
- for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(Opt) / sizeof(OPTION)); i++) {
- arg_len = strlen(Opt[i].opts);
- get_next_arg = opts[arg_len] == 0;
- if (strncmpi(opts, Opt[i].opts, arg_len) == 0) {
- if (mode & PARSE_NOACTION) /* do not perform action */
- return (&Opt[i]); /* just return ptr to Opt slot */
- switch (Opt[i].size) {
- case 0: /* call the function */
- if (!(mode & PARSE_JUSTARGS) && Opt[i].ptr != (void *) 0)
- if ((*((fun_ptr) Opt[i].ptr)) (argv, opt_now) == 0)
- return (NULL); /* error */
- return (&Opt[i]);
- case 1: /* ptr is a byte, short, int */
- case 2:
- case 4:
- if (get_next_arg)
- optarg = argv[++(*opt_now)]; /* get next option */
- else
- optarg = opts + arg_len + 1; /* skip a separator (eg =) */
- val = strtol(optarg, &p, 0);
- if (p == optarg)
- return (NULL);
- switch (Opt[i].size) {
- case 1:
- *((char *) Opt[i].ptr) = (char) val;
- break;
- case 2:
- *((short *) Opt[i].ptr) = (short) val;
- break;
- case 4:
- *((long *) Opt[i].ptr) = (long) val;
- break;
- }
- return (&Opt[i]);
- default:
- assert(NOTREACHED);
- }
- }
- }
- if (mode & PARSE_JUSTARGS)
- return (&Opt[0]); /* default */
- else {
- i = (*((fun_ptr) Opt[0].ptr)) (argv, opt_now); /* default */
- return (i == 0 ? NULL : &Opt[0]);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Call the interrupt if asked and display the result buffers
- */
- void
- doit(void)
- {
- int i;
- long j;
- unsigned char far *ptr;
- unsigned char b;
- dos_errno = 0;
- if (int_call != -1) {
- reg_bp = _BP;
- reg_sp = _SP;
- flags = _FLAGS;
- reg_display();
- }
- if (int_call > 0 && int_call < 256) {
- quiet_mode || printf("\nINT: 0x%02X\n", int_call);
- int86x(int_call, ®, ®, &sreg); /**/
- if (reg.x.cflag != 0) /* error occured */
- dos_errno = _doserrno;
- reg_bp = _BP;
- reg_sp = _SP;
- quiet_mode || printf("\n");
- flags = reg.x.flags;
- reg_display();
- if (!quiet_mode && (int_call == 0x21 || int_call == 0x24)) /* dos call */
- printf("DOSERR: %04X (%u)\n", dos_errno, dos_errno);
- }
- /* display dbuffers */
- for (i = 0; i < dbuff_now; i++) {
- ptr = (unsigned char far *) MK_FP(*(dbuff[i].ptr_to_seg), *(dbuff[i].ptr_to_off));
- if (dbuff[i].mode & DBUFF_BIN) /* binary */
- setmode(1, O_BINARY);
- else
- printf("\n*<%s> {\n", dbuff[i].logo);
- for (j = 0; j < dbuff[i].bytes; j++, ptr++) {
- b = *ptr & 0x00FF; /* byte to display */
- if (dbuff[i].mode & DBUFF_BIN) { /* binary */
- putchar(b);
- continue; /* nothing else */
- }
- if (dbuff[i].mode & DBUFF_HEX)
- printf("%02X", b);
- if (dbuff[i].mode == DBUFF_ASC)
- putchar(iscntrl(b) ? '.' : b);
- else if (dbuff[i].mode & DBUFF_ASC)
- printf("(%c)", iscntrl(b) ? '.' : b);
- if (dbuff[i].mode != DBUFF_ASC)
- printf(" ");
- }
- fflush(stdout);
- if (dbuff[i].mode & DBUFF_BIN) /* binary */
- setmode(1, O_TEXT);
- else
- printf("}\n");
- }
- /* free the read buffers allocated */
- for (i = 0; i < buff_now; i++)
- free(buff[i]);
- }
- void
- reg_display(void)
- {
- char s[32];
- int i, bit_on;
- if (quiet_mode)
- return;
- printf(
- "AX=%04X BX=%04X CX=%04X DX=%04X\n"
- "SI=%04X DI=%04X BP=%04X SP=%04X\n"
- "CS=%04X DS=%04X ES=%04X SS=%04X",
- reg.x.ax, reg.x.bx, reg.x.cx, reg.x.dx,
- reg.x.si, reg.x.di, reg_bp, reg_sp,
- sreg.cs, sreg.ds, sreg.es, sreg.ss);
- strncpy(s, str_flags, 32); /* use a scratch copy */
- /* and now the flags */
- flags = reg.x.flags;
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- bit_on = (flags & ((unsigned) 0x8000 >> i)) != 0;
- if (s[i] == '.')
- s[i] = bit_on ? '1' : '0';
- else
- s[i] = bit_on ? s[i] : tolower(s[i]);
- }
- printf(" CPU Flags: %16s\n", s);
- }
- /*
- * 'default' argument function - see if it is an interrupt
- */
- int
- set_int_val(char **argv, int *opt_now)
- {
- long val;
- char *p;
- val = strtol(argv[*opt_now], &p, 0);
- if (val <= 0 || val > 255 || p - argv[*opt_now] != strlen(argv[*opt_now]))
- return (0); /* problems */
- int_call = (int) val;
- return (1);
- }
- /*
- * Display a slot of the Interrupt Vector Table
- */
- int
- ivt_display(char **argv, int *opt_now)
- {
- char sfrom[20], sto[20];
- int from, to, i;
- void far *p;
- if ((i = sscanf(argv[*opt_now + 1], "%[0-9xX]-%s", sfrom, sto)) == 2) { /* is a range given ? */
- (*opt_now)++; /* consume next arg */
- from = (int) strtol(sfrom, (char **) &sfrom, 0);
- to = (int) strtol(sto, (char **) &sto, 0);
- } else {
- from = 0;
- to = 255;
- }
- /* do it now */
- printf("Interrupt Vector Table (0x%02X to 0x%02X)\n", from, to);
- for (i = from; i <= to; i++) {
- disable(); /* just in case ... */
- p = (void far *) *((long far *) (4L * i));
- enable();
- printf(" * 0x%02X (%3u): %Fp\n", i, i, p);
- }
- printf("\n");
- return (1);
- }
- int
- ioport_out(char **argv, int *opt_now)
- {
- char *optarg, sport[10], sval[10];
- int word_op, port, val;
- optarg = argv[*opt_now];
- word_op = (toupper(optarg[3]) == 'W') ? 1 : 0;
- if (isdigit(optarg[3 + word_op])) /* arg follows with no delimiter */
- optarg += 3 + word_op;
- else
- optarg = argv[++(*opt_now)];
- if (sscanf(optarg, "%[^ ,;]%*[ ,;]%s", sport, sval) != 2)
- return (0);
- port = (int) strtol(sport, (char **) &sport, 0);
- val = (int) strtol(sval, (char **) &sval, 0);
- if (word_op)
- outport(port, (unsigned) val);
- else
- outportb(port, val);
- int_call = -1;
- return (1);
- }
- int
- ioport_in(char **argv, int *opt_now)
- {
- char *optarg, sport[10];
- int word_op, port, val;
- optarg = argv[*opt_now];
- word_op = (toupper(optarg[2]) == 'W') ? 1 : 0;
- if (isdigit(optarg[2 + word_op])) /* arg follows with no delimiter */
- optarg += 2 + word_op;
- else
- optarg = argv[++(*opt_now)];
- if (sscanf(optarg, "%s", sport) != 1)
- return (0);
- port = (int) strtol(sport, (char **) &sport, 0);
- if (word_op) {
- val = inport(port);
- quiet_mode || printf("INW 0x%04X (%5u): 0x%04X (%5u)\n", port, port, val, val);
- } else {
- val = inportb(port);
- quiet_mode || printf("IN 0x%04X (%5u): 0x%02X (%3u)\n", port, port, val, val);
- }
- quiet_mode || printf("\n");
- int_call = -1;
- return (1);
- }
- #define ESCAPES 10
- static int esc_to_code[ESCAPES][2] = {
- {'n', '\n'},
- {'t', '\t'},
- {'v', '\v'},
- {'b', 'b'},
- {'r', '\r'},
- {'f', '\f'},
- {'a', '\a'},
- {'\\', '\\'},
- {'\?', '?'},
- {'\'', '\''},
- };
- /*
- * returns with *p pointing to char after the one(s) consumed
- */
- int
- read_escape(char **p)
- {
- int i;
- if (isdigit(**p)) /* octal */
- return ((int) strtol(*p, p, 8));
- else if (**p == 'x') /* hex */
- return ((int) strtol(*p + 1, p, 16));
- for (i = 0; i < ESCAPES; i++)
- if (**p == esc_to_code[i][0]) {
- (*p)++; /* consume it */
- return (esc_to_code[i][1]);
- }
- /* otherwise, return the character un-translated */
- (*p)++; /* consume it */
- return (**p);
- }
- /*
- * load seg register values to point ot the created buffer
- */
- void
- load_regpair(char *s_seg, char *s_off, void far *buff)
- {
- int len;
- char stmp[50], *argv_fake[3];
- /* load the regs */
- argv_fake[0] = stmp;
- argv_fake[1] = "";
- len = 0;
- sprintf(stmp, "-%s 0x%X", s_seg, FP_SEG(buff));
- parse_an_opt(argv_fake, (int *) &len, PARSE_JUSTARGS); /* make it think it's an option */
- sprintf(stmp, "-%s 0x%X", s_off, FP_OFF(buff));
- parse_an_opt(argv_fake, (int *) &len, PARSE_JUSTARGS); /* and again for offs register */
- }
- /*
- * set registers accordingly
- */
- int
- set_buff(char **argv, int *opt_now)
- {
- char *optarg, *p, *dp;
- char s_seg[10], s_off[10];
- char stmp[50];
- static char dummy[] = ""; /* for case of %s in fmt str */
- unsigned int len;
- optarg = argv[++(*opt_now)]; /* s_off pair */
- sscanf(optarg, "%[^:]:%s", &s_seg, &s_off);
- if (s_off[2] == '=')
- s_off[2] = 0;
- optarg = argv[++(*opt_now)]; /* printf like string */
- /* how big a buffer ? */
- len = strlen(optarg);
- /* add the %# lengths (extra buffer space) */
- for (p = strchr(optarg, '%'); p != NULL; p = strchr(p + 1, '%'))
- len += atoi(p + 1);
- if ((buff[buff_now] = (char *) malloc(len)) == NULL)
- return (0);
- /* create escape chars again (since cmd processing makes \ into \\) */
- p = optarg, dp = stmp;
- while (*p)
- if (*p == '\\') {
- p++; /* consume \ */
- *dp++ = read_escape(&p);
- } else
- *dp++ = *p++;
- /* load the buffer; 5 % fields are enough (XXX ..f func problem if \0 appears before end of fmt) */
- sprintf(buff[buff_now], stmp, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy);
- load_regpair(s_seg, s_off, (void far *) buff[buff_now]);
- buff_now++;
- return (1);
- }
- /*
- * set register pair to point to buffer with data from a file
- */
- int
- set_fbuff(char **argv, int *opt_now)
- {
- char *optarg, *fname;
- char s_seg[10], s_off[80];
- long len;
- FILE *f;
- optarg = argv[++(*opt_now)]; /* s_off pair */
- sscanf(optarg, "%[^:]:%s", &s_seg, &s_off);
- if (s_off[2] == '=') {
- s_off[2] = 0;
- fname = &s_off[3];
- } else
- return (0);
- if ((f = fopen(fname, "rb")) == NULL)
- return (0);
- len = filelength(fileno(f));
- if (len > 65500L || (buff[buff_now] = (char *) malloc((unsigned int)len)) == NULL)
- return (0);
- if (fread(buff[buff_now], (int) len, 1, f) != 1)
- return (0);
- load_regpair(s_seg, s_off, (void far *) buff[buff_now]);
- buff_now++;
- fclose(f);
- return (1);
- }
- int
- dbuff_parse(void **ptr, char *tok)
- {
- char stmp[50], *argv_fake[3];
- OPTION *p_opt;
- int len = 0;
- argv_fake[0] = stmp;
- argv_fake[1] = "";
- sprintf(stmp, "-%s 0", tok);
- p_opt = parse_an_opt(argv_fake, &len, PARSE_JUSTARGS | PARSE_NOACTION);
- if (p_opt == NULL || p_opt == &Opt[0])
- return (0);
- *ptr = (unsigned *) p_opt->ptr;
- return (1);
- }
- /*
- * add to the list of the buffers to be displayed at end
- */
- int
- set_dbuff(char **argv, int *opt_now)
- {
- char mode_char;
- char *optarg, *p;
- char tok[3][15]; /* max 3 tokens of 15 chars each */
- int i;
- long addr;
- unsigned long num = 1L; /* number of bytes to display */
- DBUFFER *dpb;
- dpb = &dbuff[dbuff_now];
- dpb->mode = DBUFF_HEX | DBUFF_ASC;
- mode_char = toupper(argv[*opt_now][1]);
- dpb->mode &= (mode_char == 'A') ? ~DBUFF_HEX : ~0;
- dpb->mode &= (mode_char == 'H') ? ~DBUFF_ASC : ~0;
- if (mode_char == 'B') { /* binary mode */
- dpb->mode &= ~(DBUFF_HEX | DBUFF_ASC);
- dpb->mode |= DBUFF_BIN;
- }
- optarg = argv[++(*opt_now)]; /* reg pair */
- strncpy(dpb->logo, optarg, 20);
- /* collect tokens */
- for (i = 0, p = strtok(optarg, ":="); p; p = strtok(NULL, ":="))
- strcpy(tok[i++], p);
- if (i > 3)
- return (0);
- /* process them */
- addr = strtoul(tok[0], &p, 0);
- if ((p - tok[0]) > 0) { /* first is addr */
- if (i > 1) { /* there's a 2nd token */
- num = strtoul(tok[1], &p, 0);
- if ((p - tok[1]) == 0 || num == 0)
- return (0); /* wrong argument */
- }
- dpb->addr = (void far *) addr;
- dpb->ptr_to_off = (unsigned *) &(dpb->addr);
- dpb->ptr_to_seg = ((unsigned *) &(dpb->addr)) + 1;
- } else { /* should be Reg:Reg[:#] format */
- if (dbuff_parse((void **) &(dpb->ptr_to_seg), tok[0]) == 0)
- return (0);
- if (dbuff_parse((void **) &(dpb->ptr_to_off), tok[1]) == 0)
- return (0);
- if (i > 2) { /* num argument */
- num = strtoul(tok[2], &p, 0);
- if ((p - tok[2]) == 0 || num == 0)
- return (0); /* wrong argument */
- }
- }
- dpb->bytes = num;
- dbuff_now++; /* have inserted an element */
- return (1);
- }
- int
- set_quiet(char **argv, int *opt_now)
- {
- argv = argv, opt_now = opt_now; /* eliminate warning */
- return (quiet_mode = 1);
- }
- #define fmsg stdout /* DOS stderr cannot be redir'ed >:-{ */
- int
- show_help(char **argv, int *opt_now)
- {
- argv = argv, opt_now = opt_now; /* eliminate warning */
- fprintf(fmsg,
- PROG ": Execute and investigate interrupts/system data (ver " VERSION ")\n"
- "Copyright (c) 1992-1994 A. Haritsis <ah@doc.ic.ac.uk>. Distribute freely.\n");
- error_exit(0, help);
- return (1);
- }
- void
- error_exit(int err, char *s)
- {
- if (err > 0)
- fprintf(fmsg, PROG ": %s error\n", int_error[err]);
- fprintf(fmsg, "%s", usage);
- if (s != NULL)
- fprintf(fmsg, "%s", s);
- exit(err);
- }