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- /* Copyright (C) 1991, 1993, 1994 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
- Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
- or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
- or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
- License (the "License") for full details.
- Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
- normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
- the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
- under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
- License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
- all copies.
- */
- /* zcontext.c */
- /* Display PostScript context operators */
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "ghost.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "gsstruct.h"
- #include "oper.h"
- #include "idict.h"
- #include "igstate.h"
- #include "istruct.h"
- #include "dstack.h"
- #include "estack.h"
- #include "store.h"
- /* In particular, it hasn't been updated to handle expandable stacks. */
- /****** DON'T TRY TO USE IT. REALLY. ******/
- /* Scheduling hooks in interp.c */
- extern int (*gs_interp_reschedule_proc)(P0());
- extern int (*gs_interp_time_slice_proc)(P0());
- extern int gs_interp_time_slice_ticks;
- /* Context structure */
- typedef enum {
- cs_invalid,
- cs_active,
- cs_done
- } ctx_status;
- typedef struct gs_context_s gs_context;
- struct gs_context_s {
- ctx_status status;
- long index;
- int detach; /* true if a detach has been */
- /* executed for this context */
- gs_context *next; /* next context with same status */
- /* (active, waiting on same lock, */
- /* waiting on same condition) */
- gs_context *joiner; /* context waiting on a join */
- /* for this one */
- gs_context *table_next; /* hash table chain */
- /* Externally visible context state */
- ref stacks; /* t_array */
- #define default_stacksize 50
- uint ossize;
- uint essize;
- uint dssize;
- gs_state *pgs;
- /****** MORE STUFF HERE ******/
- };
- /* Context list structure */
- typedef struct ctx_list_s {
- gs_context *head;
- gs_context *tail;
- } ctx_list;
- /* Condition structure */
- typedef struct gs_condition_s {
- ctx_list waiting; /* contexts waiting on this condition */
- } gs_condition;
- gs_private_st_ptrs2(st_condition, gs_condition, "conditiontype",
- condition_enum_ptrs, condition_reloc_ptrs, waiting.head, waiting.tail);
- /* Lock structure */
- typedef struct gs_lock_s {
- ctx_list waiting; /* contexts waiting for this lock, */
- /* must be first for subclassing */
- gs_context *holder; /* context holding the lock, if any */
- } gs_lock;
- gs_private_st_suffix_add1(st_lock, gs_lock, "locktype",
- lock_enum_ptrs, lock_reloc_ptrs,
- condition_enum_ptrs, condition_reloc_ptrs, holder);
- /* GC procedures */
- #define ptr ((gs_context *)vptr)
- private CLEAR_MARKS_PROC(context_clear_marks) {
- r_clear_attrs(&ptr->stacks, l_mark);
- }
- private ENUM_PTRS_BEGIN(context_enum_ptrs) return 0;
- ENUM_PTR(0, gs_context, next);
- ENUM_PTR(1, gs_context, joiner);
- ENUM_PTR(2, gs_context, table_next);
- case 3:
- *pep = &ptr->stacks;
- return ptr_ref_type;
- ENUM_PTR(4, gs_context, pgs);
- private RELOC_PTRS_BEGIN(context_reloc_ptrs) {
- ref *pstk = &ptr->stacks;
- RELOC_PTR(gs_context, next);
- RELOC_PTR(gs_context, joiner);
- RELOC_PTR(gs_context, table_next);
- gs_reloc_refs((ref_packed *)pstk, (ref_packed *)(pstk + 1), gcst);
- r_clear_attrs(pstk, l_mark);
- RELOC_PTR(gs_context, pgs);
- #undef ptr
- /* Structure type */
- gs_private_st_complex_only(st_context, gs_context, "context",
- context_clear_marks, context_enum_ptrs, context_reloc_ptrs, 0);
- /* Global state */
- private gs_context *ctx_current;
- private ctx_list active;
- #define ctx_table_size 19
- private gs_context *ctx_table[ctx_table_size];
- private long ctx_next_index;
- /* Forward references */
- private int context_create(P2(uint, gs_context **));
- private int context_param(P2(os_ptr, gs_context **));
- #define check_context(op, vpc)\
- if ( (code = context_param(op, &vpc)) < 0 ) return code
- private void context_destroy(P1(gs_context *));
- private int lock_acquire(P1(os_ptr));
- private int lock_release(P1(os_ptr));
- /* List manipulation macros */
- #define add_last(pl,pc)\
- (((pl)->head == 0 ? ((pl)->head = pc) : ((pl)->tail->next = pc)),\
- (pl)->tail = pc, (pc)->next = 0)
- #define add_last_all(pl,pcl) /* pcl->head != 0 */\
- (((pl)->head == 0 ? ((pl)->head = (pcl)->head) :\
- ((pl)->tail->next = (pcl)->head)),\
- (pl)->tail = (pcl)->tail, (pcl)->head = 0)
- /* ------ Initialization ------ */
- private int ctx_reschedule(P0());
- private int ctx_time_slice(P0());
- private void
- zcontext_init(void)
- { ctx_current = 0;
- active.head = 0;
- memset(ctx_table, 0, sizeof(ctx_table));
- ctx_next_index = 1;
- /* Create an initial context. */
- context_create(default_stacksize, &ctx_current);
- /* Hook into the interpreter. */
- gs_interp_reschedule_proc = ctx_reschedule;
- gs_interp_time_slice_proc = ctx_time_slice;
- gs_interp_time_slice_ticks = 100;
- }
- /* ------ Interpreter interface to scheduler ------ */
- /* When an operator decides it is time to run a new context, */
- /* it returns o_reschedule. The interpreter saves all its state in */
- /* memory, calls ctx_reschedule, and then loads the state from memory. */
- private int
- ctx_reschedule(void)
- { register gs_context *pctx;
- ref *stkp;
- uint ossize, essize, dssize;
- /* Save the state of the current context in ctx_current, */
- /* if any context is current at all. */
- pctx = ctx_current;
- if ( pctx != 0 )
- { uint stackneed;
- int code;
- ref newstacks;
- ossize = osp - osbot + 1;
- essize = esp - esbot + 1;
- dssize = dsp - dsbot + 1;
- stackneed = ossize + essize + dssize;
- if ( stackneed > r_size(&pctx->stacks) )
- { ifree_ref_array(&pctx->stacks, "ctx_reschedule");
- code = ialloc_ref_array(&newstacks, 0, stackneed,
- "ctx_reschedule");
- if ( code < 0 )
- { /* Punt. */
- lprintf("Can't allocate stacks!");
- return_error(e_Fatal);
- }
- pctx->stacks = newstacks;
- }
- stkp = pctx->stacks.value.refs;
- #define save_stack(sbot, ssize)\
- memcpy(stkp, sbot, ssize * sizeof(ref));\
- pctx->ssize = ssize;\
- stkp += ssize
- save_stack(osbot, ossize);
- save_stack(esbot, essize);
- save_stack(dsbot, dssize);
- #undef save_stack
- pctx->pgs = igs;
- /****** MORE TO DO HERE ******/
- }
- /* Run the first ready context. */
- if ( active.head == 0 )
- { lprintf("No context to run!");
- return_error(e_Fatal);
- }
- ctx_current = active.head;
- active.head = active.head->next;
- /* Load the state of the new current context. */
- pctx = ctx_current;
- stkp = pctx->stacks.value.refs;
- #define reload_stack(sbot, ssize, sp)\
- ssize = pctx->ssize;\
- memcpy(sbot, stkp, ssize * sizeof(ref));\
- sp = sbot + (ssize - 1);\
- stkp += ssize
- reload_stack(osbot, ossize, osp);
- reload_stack(esbot, essize, esp);
- esfile_clear_cache();
- reload_stack(dsbot, dssize, dsp);
- #undef reload_stack
- dict_set_top(); /* reload dict stack cache */
- igs = pctx->pgs;
- /****** MORE TO DO HERE ******/
- return 0;
- }
- /* If the interpreter wants to time-slice, it saves its state, */
- /* calls ctx_time_slice, and reloads its state. */
- private int
- ctx_time_slice(void)
- { if ( active.head == 0 ) return 0;
- add_last(&active, ctx_current);
- return ctx_reschedule();
- }
- /* ------ Context operators ------ */
- private int fork_done(P1(os_ptr));
- /* - currentcontext <context> */
- int
- zcurrentcontext(register os_ptr op)
- { push(1);
- make_int(op, ctx_current->index);
- return 0;
- }
- /* <context> detach - */
- int
- zdetach(register os_ptr op)
- { gs_context *pctx;
- int code;
- check_context(op, pctx);
- if ( pctx->joiner != 0 || pctx->detach )
- return_error(e_invalidcontext);
- pop(1);
- switch ( pctx->status )
- {
- case cs_active:
- pctx->detach = 1;
- break;
- case cs_done:
- context_destroy(pctx);
- if ( pctx == ctx_current )
- { ctx_current = 0;
- return o_reschedule;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* <mark> <obj1> ... <objN> <proc> fork <context> */
- int
- zfork(register os_ptr op)
- { os_ptr mp = op - 1;
- gs_context *pctx;
- uint ossize, essize, dssize, stacksize;
- int code;
- ref *stkp;
- check_proc(*op);
- while ( !r_has_type(mp, t_mark) )
- { if ( mp <= osbot )
- return_error(e_unmatchedmark);
- mp--;
- }
- ossize = op - mp - 1;
- essize = 2;
- dssize = dsp - dsbot + 1;
- stacksize = ossize + essize + dssize + 10;
- code = context_create(stacksize, &pctx);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- stkp = pctx->stacks.value.refs;
- pctx->ossize = ossize;
- memcpy(stkp, mp + 1, ossize * sizeof(ref));
- stkp += ossize;
- pctx->essize = essize;
- make_oper(stkp, 0, fork_done);
- stkp++;
- *stkp = *op;
- stkp++;
- pctx->dssize = dssize;
- memcpy(stkp, dsbot, dssize * sizeof(ref));
- pctx->pgs = igs; /* ****** WRONG, MUST COPY ****** */
- /****** MORE INIT HERE? ******/
- add_last(&active, pctx);
- osp = mp;
- make_int(mp, pctx->index);
- return 0;
- }
- /* This gets executed when a context terminates normally. */
- private int
- fork_done(os_ptr op)
- { if ( ctx_current->detach )
- { context_destroy(ctx_current);
- ctx_current = 0;
- }
- else
- { gs_context *pctx = ctx_current->joiner;
- ctx_current->status = cs_done;
- /* Schedule the context waiting to join this one, if any. */
- if ( pctx != 0 ) add_last(&active, pctx);
- }
- return o_reschedule;
- }
- /* <context> join <mark> <obj1> ... <objN> */
- int
- zjoin(register os_ptr op)
- { gs_context *pctx;
- int code;
- check_context(op, pctx);
- if ( pctx->joiner != 0 || pctx == ctx_current || pctx->detach )
- return_error(e_invalidcontext);
- switch ( pctx->status )
- {
- case cs_active:
- pctx->joiner = ctx_current;
- return o_reschedule;
- case cs_done:
- { uint count = pctx->ossize;
- os_ptr mp = op;
- push(count);
- make_mark(mp);
- memcpy(++mp, pctx->stacks.value.refs, count * sizeof(ref));
- context_destroy(pctx);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* - yield - */
- int
- zyield(register os_ptr op)
- { if ( active.head == 0 ) return 0;
- add_last(&active, ctx_current);
- return o_reschedule;
- }
- /* ------ Condition and lock operators ------ */
- private int
- monitor_release(P1(os_ptr)),
- await_lock(P1(os_ptr));
- /* - condition <condition> */
- int
- zcondition(register os_ptr op)
- { gs_condition *pcond =
- ialloc_struct(gs_condition, &st_condition, "zcondition");
- if ( pcond == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- pcond->waiting.head = 0;
- push(1);
- make_istruct(op, a_all, pcond);
- return 0;
- }
- /* - lock <lock> */
- int
- zlock(register os_ptr op)
- { gs_lock *plock = ialloc_struct(gs_lock, &st_lock, "zlock");
- if ( plock == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- plock->holder = 0;
- plock->waiting.head = 0;
- push(1);
- make_istruct(op, a_all, plock);
- return 0;
- }
- /* <lock> <proc> monitor - */
- int
- zmonitor(register os_ptr op)
- { gs_lock *plock;
- int code;
- check_stype(op[-1], st_lock);
- check_proc(*op);
- plock = r_ptr(op - 1, gs_lock);
- check_estack(2);
- if ( plock->holder == ctx_current )
- return_error(e_invalidcontext);
- code = lock_acquire(op - 1);
- push_op_estack(monitor_release);
- *++esp = op[-1];
- pop(2);
- return code;
- }
- /* Release the monitor lock when the procedure completes. */
- private int
- monitor_release(os_ptr op)
- { es_ptr ep = esp--;
- return lock_release(ep);
- }
- /* <condition> notify - */
- int
- znotify(register os_ptr op)
- { gs_condition *pcond;
- check_stype(*op, st_condition);
- pcond = r_ptr(op, gs_condition);
- pop(1); op--;
- if ( pcond->waiting.head == 0 ) return 0; /* nothing to do */
- add_last_all(&active, &pcond->waiting);
- return zyield(op);
- }
- /* <lock> <condition> wait - */
- int
- zwait(register os_ptr op)
- { gs_condition *pcond;
- check_stype(op[-1], st_lock);
- check_stype(*op, st_condition);
- pcond = r_ptr(op, gs_condition);
- check_estack(1);
- lock_release(op - 1);
- add_last(&pcond->waiting, ctx_current);
- push_op_estack(await_lock);
- return o_reschedule;
- }
- /* When the condition is signaled, wait for acquiring the lock. */
- private int
- await_lock(os_ptr op)
- { int code = lock_acquire(op - 1);
- pop(2);
- return code;
- }
- /* ------ Internal routines ------ */
- /* Create a context. */
- private int
- context_create(uint stacksize, gs_context **ppctx)
- { gs_context *pctx;
- int code;
- long ctx_index;
- gs_context **pte;
- pctx = ialloc_struct(gs_context, &st_context, "context");
- if ( pctx == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- if ( stacksize < default_stacksize ) stacksize = default_stacksize;
- code = ialloc_ref_array(&pctx->stacks, 0, stacksize,
- "context(stacks)");
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- ctx_index = ctx_next_index++;
- pctx->status = cs_active;
- pctx->index = ctx_index;
- pctx->detach = 0;
- pctx->next = 0;
- pctx->joiner = 0;
- pte = &ctx_table[ctx_index % ctx_table_size];
- pctx->table_next = *pte;
- *pte = pctx;
- *ppctx = pctx;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Check a context ID. Note that we do not check for context validity. */
- private int
- context_param(os_ptr op, gs_context **ppctx)
- { gs_context *pctx;
- long index;
- check_type(*op, t_integer);
- index = op->value.intval;
- if ( index < 0 )
- return_error(e_invalidcontext);
- pctx = ctx_table[index % ctx_table_size];
- for ( ; ; pctx = pctx->table_next )
- { if ( pctx == 0 )
- return_error(e_invalidcontext);
- if ( pctx->index == index ) break;
- }
- *ppctx = pctx;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Destroy a context. */
- private void
- context_destroy(gs_context *pctx)
- { gs_context **ppctx = &ctx_table[pctx->index % ctx_table_size];
- while ( *ppctx != pctx )
- ppctx = &(*ppctx)->table_next;
- *ppctx = (*ppctx)->table_next;
- ifree_ref_array(&pctx->stacks, "context_destroy");
- ifree_object(pctx, "context_destroy");
- }
- /* Acquire a lock. Return 0 if acquired, o_reschedule if not. */
- private int
- lock_acquire(os_ptr op)
- { gs_lock *plock = r_ptr(op, gs_lock);
- if ( plock->holder == 0 )
- { plock->holder = ctx_current;
- return 0;
- }
- add_last(&plock->waiting, ctx_current);
- return o_reschedule;
- }
- /* Release a lock. Return 0 if OK, e_invalidcontext if not. */
- private int
- lock_release(os_ptr op)
- { gs_lock *plock = r_ptr(op, gs_lock);
- if ( plock->holder == ctx_current )
- { plock->holder = 0;
- add_last_all(&active, &plock->waiting);
- return 0;
- }
- return_error(e_invalidcontext);
- }
- /* ------ Initialization procedure ------ */
- op_def zcontext_l2_op_defs[] = {
- op_def_begin_level2(),
- {"0condition", zcondition},
- {"0currentcontext", zcurrentcontext},
- {"1detach", zdetach},
- {"2fork", zfork},
- {"1join", zjoin},
- {"0lock", zlock},
- {"2monitor", zmonitor},
- {"1notify", znotify},
- {"2wait", zwait},
- {"0yield", zyield},
- /* Internal operators */
- {"0%fork_done", fork_done},
- {"2%monitor_release", monitor_release},
- {"2%await_lock", await_lock},
- op_def_end(zcontext_init)
- };