PC World Komputer 1996 February
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/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993, 1994 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
License (the "License") for full details.
Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
all copies.
/* stream.c */
/* Stream package for Ghostscript interpreter */
#include "stdio_.h" /* includes std.h */
#include "memory_.h"
#include "gdebug.h"
#include "gpcheck.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "strimpl.h"
/* Forward declarations */
private int sreadbuf(P2(stream *, stream_cursor_write *));
private int swritebuf(P3(stream *, stream_cursor_read *, bool));
/* Forward declarations */
private void stream_compact(P1(stream *));
/* Structure types for allocating streams. */
public_st_stream_state(); /* default */
/* GC procedures */
#define st ((stream *)vptr)
private ENUM_PTRS_BEGIN(stream_enum_ptrs) return 0;
if ( !st->foreign )
{ ENUM_PTR(0, stream, cbuf);
ENUM_PTR(1, stream, strm);
ENUM_PTR(2, stream, prev);
ENUM_PTR(3, stream, next);
ENUM_PTR(4, stream, state);
private RELOC_PTRS_BEGIN(stream_reloc_ptrs) {
byte *cbuf_old = st->cbuf;
if ( cbuf_old != 0 && !st->foreign )
{ uint reloc;
RELOC_PTR(stream, cbuf);
reloc = cbuf_old - st->cbuf;
/* Relocate the other buffer pointers. */
st->srptr -= reloc;
st->srlimit -= reloc; /* same as swptr */
st->swlimit -= reloc;
RELOC_PTR(stream, strm);
RELOC_PTR(stream, prev);
RELOC_PTR(stream, next);
RELOC_PTR(stream, state);
#undef st
/* Dummy template for streams that don't have a separate state. */
private const stream_template s_no_template =
{ &st_stream_state, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0
/* ------ Generic procedures ------ */
/* Allocate a stream and initialize it minimally. */
stream *
s_alloc(gs_memory_t *mem, client_name_t cname)
{ stream *s = gs_alloc_struct(mem, stream, &st_stream, cname);
if ( s == 0 )
return 0;
s->memory = mem;
s->report_error = s_no_report_error;
return s;
/* Allocate a stream state and initialize it minimally. */
stream_state *
s_alloc_state(gs_memory_t *mem, gs_memory_type_ptr_t stype,
client_name_t cname)
{ stream_state *st = gs_alloc_struct(mem, stream_state, stype, cname);
if ( st == 0 )
return 0;
st->memory = mem;
st->report_error = s_no_report_error;
return st;
/* Vacuous stream initialization */
s_no_init(stream_state *st)
{ return 0;
/* Standard stream initialization */
s_std_init(register stream *s, byte *ptr, uint len, const stream_procs *pp,
int modes)
{ s->template = &s_no_template;
s->cbuf = ptr;
s->srptr = s->srlimit = s->swptr = ptr - 1;
s->swlimit = ptr - 1 + len;
s->end_status = 0;
s->foreign = 0;
s->modes = modes;
s->position = 0;
s->bsize = s->cbsize = len;
s->strm = 0; /* not a filter */
s->procs = *pp;
s->state = 0;
s->file = 0;
if_debug4('s', "[s]init 0x%lx, buf=0x%lx, len=%u, modes=%d\n",
(ulong)s, (ulong)ptr, len, modes);
/* Implement a stream procedure as a no-op. */
s_std_null(stream *s)
{ return 0;
/* Discard the contents of the buffer when reading. */
s_std_read_reset(stream *s)
{ s->srptr = s->srlimit = s->cbuf - 1;
/* Discard the contents of the buffer when writing. */
s_std_write_reset(stream *s)
{ s->swptr = s->cbuf- 1;
/* Flush data to end-of-file when reading. */
s_std_read_flush(stream *s)
{ while ( 1 )
{ s->srptr = s->srlimit = s->cbuf - 1;
if ( s->end_status ) break;
return (s->end_status == EOFC ? 0 : s->end_status);
/* Flush buffered data when writing. */
s_std_write_flush(stream *s)
{ return s_process_write_buf(s, false);
/* Indicate an error when asked for available input bytes. */
s_std_noavailable(stream *s, long *pl)
{ return ERRC;
/* Indicate an error when asked to seek. */
s_std_noseek(stream *s, long pos)
{ return ERRC;
/* Standard stream closing. */
s_std_close(stream *s)
{ return 0;
/* Standard stream finalization. Disable the stream. */
s_disable(register stream *s)
{ s->cbuf = 0;
s->bsize = 0;
s->modes = 0;
s->cursor.r.ptr = s->cursor.r.limit = 0;
s->cursor.w.limit = 0;
s->procs.close = s_std_null;
/****** SHOULD DO MORE THAN THIS ******/
if_debug1('s', "[s]disable 0x%lx\n", (ulong)s);
/* Implement flushing for encoding filters. */
s_filter_write_flush(register stream *s)
{ int status = s_process_write_buf(s, false);
if ( status != 0 )
return status;
return sflush(s->strm);
/* Close a filter. If this is an encoding filter, flush it first. */
s_filter_close(register stream *s)
{ if ( s_is_writing(s) )
{ int status = s_process_write_buf(s, true);
if ( status != 0 && status != EOFC )
return status;
return s_std_close(s);
/* Disregard a stream error message. */
s_no_report_error(stream_state *st, const char *str)
{ return 0;
/* ------ Implementation-independent procedures ------ */
/* Store the amount of available data in a(n input) stream. */
savailable(stream *s, long *pl)
{ return (*(s)->procs.available)(s, pl);
/* Return the current position of a stream. */
stell(stream *s)
{ /* The stream might have been closed, but the position */
/* is still meaningful in this case. */
const byte *ptr = (s_is_writing(s) ? s->swptr : s->srptr);
return (ptr == 0 ? 0 : ptr + 1 - s->cbuf) + s->position;
/* Close a stream, disabling it if successful. */
/* (The stream may already be closed.) */
sclose(register stream *s)
{ stream_state *st;
int code = (*s->procs.close)(s);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
st = s->state;
if ( st != 0 )
{ stream_proc_release((*release)) = st->template->release;
if ( release != 0 )
if ( st != (stream_state *)s && st->memory != 0 )
gs_free_object(st->memory, st, "s_std_close");
s->state = 0;
return code;
/* Implement sgetc when the buffer may be empty. */
/* If the buffer really is empty, refill it and then read a byte. */
spgetc(register stream *s)
{ for ( ; ; )
{ int status;
if ( !sendrp(s) )
return *++(s->srptr);
status = s->end_status;
switch ( status )
case EOFC:
status = sclose(s);
if ( status == 0 )
return EOFC;
s->end_status = status;
/* falls through */
default: /* ERRC */
return status;
case 0: ;
/* Implementing sputc when the buffer is full, */
/* by flushing the buffer and then writing the byte. */
spputc(register stream *s, byte b)
{ for ( ; ; )
{ if ( s->end_status )
return s->end_status;
if ( !sendwp(s) )
{ *++(s->swptr) = b;
return b;
s_process_write_buf(s, false);
/* Push back a character onto a (read) stream. */
/* The character must be the same as the last one read. */
/* Return 0 on success, ERRC on failure. */
sungetc(register stream *s, byte c)
{ if ( !s_is_reading(s) || s->srptr < s->cbuf || *(s->srptr) != c )
return ERRC;
return 0;
/* Get a string from a stream. */
/* Return 0 if the string was filled, or an exception status. */
sgets(stream *s, byte *buf, uint nmax, uint *pn)
{ stream_cursor_write cw;
int status = 0;
cw.ptr = buf - 1;
cw.limit = cw.ptr + nmax;
while ( cw.ptr < cw.limit )
{ if ( !sendrp(s) )
stream_move(&s->cursor.r, &cw);
{ uint wanted = cw.limit - cw.ptr;
int c;
stream_state *st;
if ( wanted >= s->bsize >> 2 &&
(st = s->state) != 0 &&
wanted >= st->template->min_out_size
{ status = sreadbuf(s, &cw);
if ( status != 1 || cw.ptr == cw.limit )
c = spgetc(s);
if ( c < 0 )
{ status = c;
*++(cw.ptr) = c;
*pn = cw.ptr + 1 - buf;
return (status >= 0 ? 0 : status);
/* Write a string on a stream. */
/* Return 0 if the entire string was written, or an exception status. */
sputs(register stream *s, const byte *str, uint wlen, uint *pn)
{ uint len = wlen;
int status = s->end_status;
if ( status >= 0 )
while ( len > 0 )
{ uint count = s->swlimit - s->swptr;
if ( count > 0 )
{ if ( count > len ) count = len;
memcpy(s->swptr + 1, str, count);
s->swptr += count;
str += count;
len -= count;
{ byte ch = *str++;
status = sputc(s, ch);
if ( status < 0 )
*pn = wlen - len;
return (status >= 0 ? 0 : status);
/* Skip a specified distance in a read stream. */
/* Return 0, EOFC, or ERRC. */
spskip(register stream *s, long n)
{ if ( n < 0 || !s_is_reading(s) ) return ERRC;
if ( s_can_seek(s) )
return sseek(s, stell(s) + n);
while ( sbufavailable(s) < n )
{ int code;
n -= sbufavailable(s) + 1;
s->srptr = s->srlimit;
if ( s->end_status )
return s->end_status;
code = sgetc(s);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
s->srptr += n;
return 0;
/* ------ Utilities ------ */
/* Implement the old read_buf procedure in terms of the new */
/* process procedure. */
s_process_read_buf(stream *s)
{ int status;
status = sreadbuf(s, &s->cursor.w);
s->end_status = (status >= 0 ? 0 : status);
return 0;
/* Implement the old write_buf procedure in terms of the new */
/* process procedure. */
s_process_write_buf(stream *s, bool last)
{ int status;
status = swritebuf(s, &s->cursor.r, last);
if ( status >= 0 )
status = 0;
s->end_status = status;
return status;
/* Move forward or backward in a pipeline. We temporarily reverse */
/* the direction of the pointers while doing this. */
/* (Cf the Deutsch-Schorr-Waite graph marking algorithm.) */
#define move_back(curr, prev)\
{ stream *back = prev->strm;\
prev->strm = curr; curr = prev; prev = back;\
#define move_ahead(curr, prev)\
{ stream *ahead = curr->strm;\
curr->strm = prev; prev = curr; curr = ahead;\
/* Read from a pipeline. */
private int
sreadbuf(stream *s, stream_cursor_write *pbuf)
{ stream *prev = 0;
stream *curr = s;
int status;
for ( ; ; )
{ for ( ; ; )
{ /* Descend into the recursion. */
stream *strm = curr->strm;
stream_cursor_read cr;
stream_cursor_read *pr;
stream_cursor_write *pw;
bool eof;
if ( strm == 0 )
cr.ptr = 0, cr.limit = 0, pr = &cr,
eof = false;
pr = &strm->cursor.r,
eof = strm->end_status == EOFC;
pw = (prev == 0 ? pbuf : &curr->cursor.w);
status = (*curr->procs.process)(curr->state, pr, pw, eof);
if ( strm == 0 || status != 0 )
status = strm->end_status;
if ( status < 0 )
move_ahead(curr, prev);
/* Unwind from the recursion. */
curr->end_status = (status >= 0 ? 0 : status);
if ( prev == 0 )
return status;
move_back(curr, prev);
/* Write to a pipeline. */
private int
swritebuf(stream *s, stream_cursor_read *pbuf, bool last)
{ stream *prev = 0;
stream *curr = s;
int status;
for ( ; ; )
{ for ( ; ; )
{ /* Descend into the recursion. */
stream *strm = curr->strm;
stream_cursor_write cw;
stream_cursor_read *pr;
stream_cursor_write *pw;
bool end;
if ( strm == 0 )
cw.ptr = 0, cw.limit = 0, pw = &cw;
pw = &strm->cursor.w;
if ( prev == 0 )
pr = pbuf, end = last;
pr = &curr->cursor.r;
status = (*curr->procs.process)(curr->state, pr, pw,
if ( strm == 0 || status < 0 )
if ( status == 1 )
end = false;
{ /* Keep going if we are closing */
/* a filter with a sub-stream. */
/* We know status == 0. */
if ( !end || !curr->strm_is_temp )
status = strm->end_status;
if ( status < 0 )
move_ahead(curr, prev);
/* Unwind from the recursion. */
curr->end_status = (status >= 0 ? 0 : status);
if ( prev == 0 )
return status;
move_back(curr, prev);
/* Move as much data as possible from one buffer to another. */
/* Return 0 if the input became empty, 1 if the output became full. */
stream_move(stream_cursor_read *pr, stream_cursor_write *pw)
{ uint rcount = pr->limit - pr->ptr;
uint wcount = pw->limit - pw->ptr;
uint count;
int status;
if ( rcount <= wcount )
count = rcount, status = 0;
count = wcount, status = 1;
memmove(pw->ptr + 1, pr->ptr + 1, count);
pr->ptr += count;
pw->ptr += count;
return status;
/* If possible, compact the information in a stream buffer to the bottom. */
private void
stream_compact(stream *s)
{ if ( s->cursor.r.ptr >= s->cbuf )
{ uint dist = s->cursor.r.ptr + 1 - s->cbuf;
memmove(s->cbuf, s->cursor.r.ptr + 1,
(uint)(s->cursor.r.limit - s->cursor.r.ptr));
s->cursor.r.ptr = s->cbuf - 1;
s->cursor.r.limit -= dist; /* same as w.ptr */
s->position += dist;