PC World Komputer 1996 February
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/* Copyright (C) 1992, 1994 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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/* shc.h */
/* Common definitions for filters using Huffman coding */
/* Requires scommon.h */
#ifndef shc_INCLUDED
# define shc_INCLUDED
* These definitions are valid for code lengths up to 16 bits
* and non-negative decoded values up to 15 bits.
* We define 3 different representations of the code: encoding tables,
* decoding tables (ditto), and a definition table which can be generated
* easily from frequency information and which in turn can easily generate
* the encoding and decoding tables.
* The definition table has two parts: a list of the number of i-bit
* codes for each i >= 1, and the decoded values corresponding to
* the code values in increasing lexicographic order (which will also
* normally be decreasing code frequency). Calling these two lists
* L[1..M] and V[0..N-1] respectively, we have the following invariants:
* - 1 <= M <= max_hc_length, N >= 2.
* - L[0] = 0.
* - for i=1..M, L[i] >= 0.
* - sum(i=1..M: L[i]) = N.
* - sum(i=1..M: L[i] * 2^-i) = 1.
* - V[0..N-1] are a permutation of the integers 0..N-1.
#define max_hc_length 16
typedef struct hc_definition_s {
ushort *counts; /* [0..M] */
uint num_counts; /* M */
ushort *values; /* [0..N-1] */
uint num_values; /* N */
} hc_definition;
/* ------ Common state ------ */
* Define the common stream state for Huffman-coded filters.
* Invariants when writing:
* 0 <= bits_left <= hc_bits_size;
* Only the leftmost (hc_bits_size - bits_left) bits of bits
* contain valid data.
#define stream_hc_state_common\
/* The client sets the following before initialization. */\
bool FirstBitLowOrder;\
/* The following are updated dynamically. */\
uint bits; /* most recent bits of input or */\
/* current bits of output */\
int bits_left /* # of valid low bits (input) or */\
/* unused low bits (output) in above */
typedef struct stream_hc_state_s {
} stream_hc_state;
#define hc_bits_size (arch_sizeof_int * 8)
#define s_hce_init_inline(ss)\
((ss)->bits = 0, (ss)->bits_left = hc_bits_size)
#define s_hcd_init_inline(ss)\
((ss)->bits = 0, (ss)->bits_left = 0)
/* Declare a table for reversing the bit order of each byte. */
extern const byte sbits_reverse_bits[256];
/* ------ Encoding tables ------ */
/* Define the structure for the encoding tables. */
typedef struct hce_code_s {
ushort code;
ushort code_length;
} hce_code;
#define hce_entry(c, len) { c, len }
typedef struct hce_table_s {
uint count;
hce_code *codes;
} hce_table;
/* ------ Encoding utilities ------ */
* Put a code on the output. The client is responsible for ensuring
* that q does not exceed pw->limit.
#ifdef DEBUG
# define hc_print(rp)\
(gs_debug_c('W') ?\
(dprintf2("[W]0x%x,%d\n", (rp)->code, (rp)->code_length), 0) : 0)
# define hc_print(rp) 0
byte *hc_put_code_proc(P3(stream_hc_state *, byte *, uint));
#define hc_put_code(ss, q, cp)\
(((ss)->bits_left -= (cp)->code_length) >= 0 ?\
(ss)->bits += (cp)->code << (ss)->bits_left :\
(q = hc_put_code_proc((stream_hc_state *)(ss), q, (cp)->code), 0)))
* Force out the final bits to the output.
byte *hc_put_last_bits(P2(stream_hc_state *, byte *));
/* ------ Decoding tables ------ */
* Define the structure for the decoding tables.
* First-level nodes are either leaves, which have
* value = decoded value
* code_length <= initial_bits
* or non-leaves, which have
* value = the index of a sub-table
* code_length = initial_bits + the number of additional dispatch bits
* Second-level nodes are always leaves, with
* code_length = the actual number of bits in the code - initial_bits.
#define hcd_value_error (-1)
typedef struct hcd_code_s {
short value;
ushort code_length;
} hcd_code;
typedef struct hcd_table_s {
uint count;
uint initial_bits;
hcd_code *codes;
} hcd_table;
/* Declare variables that hold the decoder state. */
#define hcd_declare_state\
register const byte *p;\
const byte *rlimit;\
uint bits;\
int bits_left
/* Load the state from the stream. */
/* Free variables: pr, ss, p, rlimit, bits, bits_left. */
#define hcd_load_state()\
p = pr->ptr, rlimit = pr->limit,\
bits = ss->bits, bits_left = ss->bits_left
/* Store the state back in the stream. */
/* Free variables: pr, ss, p, bits, bits_left. */
#define hcd_store_state()\
pr->ptr = p,\
ss->bits = bits, ss->bits_left = bits_left
/* Macros to get blocks of bits from the input stream. */
/* Invariants: 0 <= bits_left <= bits_size; */
/* bits [bits_left-1..0] contain valid data. */
/* n must not be greater than 8. */
#define hcd_bits_available(n)\
(bits_left >= (n) || rlimit - p > ((n) - bits_left - 1) >> 3)
#define hcd_ensure_bits(n, outl)\
if ( bits_left < n ) hcd_more_bits(outl)
/* Load more bits into the buffer. */
#define hcd_more_bits_1(outl)\
{ int c;\
if ( p < rlimit ) c = *++p;\
else goto outl;\
if ( ss->FirstBitLowOrder ) c = sbits_reverse_bits[c];\
bits = (bits << 8) + c, bits_left += 8;\
#if hc_bits_size == 16
# define hcd_more_bits(outl) hcd_more_bits_1(outl)
#else /* hc_bits_size >= 32 */
# define hcd_more_bits(outl)\
{ if ( rlimit - p < 3 ) hcd_more_bits_1(outl)\
{ if ( ss->FirstBitLowOrder )\
bits = (bits << 24) + ((uint)sbits_reverse_bits[p[1]] << 16) + ((uint)sbits_reverse_bits[p[2]] << 8) + sbits_reverse_bits[p[3]];\
bits = (bits << 24) + ((uint)p[1] << 16) + ((uint)p[2] << 8) + p[3];\
bits_left += 24, p += 3;\
#define hcd_peek_bits(n) ((bits >> (bits_left - (n))) & ((1 << (n)) - 1))
#define hcd_peek_var_bits(n)\
((bits >> (bits_left - (n))) & sbits_peek_masks[n])
extern const byte sbits_peek_masks[9];
#define hcd_skip_bits(n) (bits_left -= (n))
#endif /* shc_INCLUDED */