PC World Komputer 1996 February
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/* Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
License (the "License") for full details.
Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
all copies.
/* sbasic.c */
/* Basic (file and string) streams for Ghostscript */
#include "stdio_.h" /* includes std.h */
#include "memory_.h"
#include "gdebug.h"
#include "gsmemory.h"
#include "gstypes.h" /* for gsstruct.h */
#include "gsstruct.h"
#include "gpcheck.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "strimpl.h"
/* Strings */
private int
s_string_available(P2(stream *, long *)),
s_string_read_seek(P2(stream *, long)),
s_string_write_seek(P2(stream *, long)),
s_string_read_process(P4(stream_state *, stream_cursor_read *,
stream_cursor_write *, bool)),
s_string_write_process(P4(stream_state *, stream_cursor_read *,
stream_cursor_write *, bool));
/* Files */
private int
s_file_available(P2(stream *, long *)),
s_file_read_seek(P2(stream *, long)),
s_file_read_close(P1(stream *)),
s_file_read_process(P4(stream_state *, stream_cursor_read *,
stream_cursor_write *, bool));
private int
s_file_write_seek(P2(stream *, long)),
s_file_write_flush(P1(stream *)),
s_file_write_close(P1(stream *)),
s_file_write_process(P4(stream_state *, stream_cursor_read *,
stream_cursor_write *, bool));
/* ------ String streams ------ */
/* Initialize a stream for reading a string. */
sread_string(register stream *s, const byte *ptr, uint len)
{ static const stream_procs p =
{ s_string_available, s_string_read_seek, s_std_read_reset,
s_std_read_flush, s_std_null, s_string_read_process
s_std_init(s, (byte *)ptr, len, &p, s_mode_read + s_mode_seek);
s->srlimit = s->swlimit;
/* Return the number of available bytes when reading from a string. */
private int
s_string_available(stream *s, long *pl)
{ *pl = sbufavailable(s);
if ( *pl == 0 ) *pl = -1; /* EOF */
return 0;
/* Seek in a string being read. Return 0 if OK, ERRC if not. */
private int
s_string_read_seek(register stream *s, long pos)
{ if ( pos < 0 || pos > s->bsize ) return ERRC;
s->srptr = s->cbuf + pos - 1;
return 0;
/* Initialize a stream for writing a string. */
swrite_string(register stream *s, byte *ptr, uint len)
{ static const stream_procs p =
{ s_std_noavailable, s_string_write_seek, s_std_write_reset,
s_std_write_flush, s_std_null, s_string_write_process
s_std_init(s, ptr, len, &p, s_mode_write + s_mode_seek);
/* Seek in a string being written. Return 0 if OK, ERRC if not. */
private int
s_string_write_seek(register stream *s, long pos)
{ if ( pos < 0 || pos > s->bsize ) return ERRC;
s->swptr = s->cbuf + pos - 1;
return 0;
/* Since we initialize the input buffer of a string read stream */
/* to contain all of the data in the string, if we are ever asked */
/* to refill the buffer, we should signal EOF. */
private int
s_string_read_process(stream_state *st, stream_cursor_read *ignore_pr,
stream_cursor_write *pw, bool last)
{ return EOFC;
/* Similarly, if we are ever asked to empty the buffer, it means that */
/* there has been an overrun (unless we are closing the stream). */
private int
s_string_write_process(stream_state *st, stream_cursor_read *pr,
stream_cursor_write *ignore_pw, bool last)
{ return (last ? EOFC : ERRC);
/* ------ File streams ------ */
/* Initialize a stream for reading an OS file. */
sread_file(register stream *s, FILE *file, byte *buf, uint len)
{ static const stream_procs p =
{ s_file_available, s_file_read_seek, s_std_read_reset,
s_std_read_flush, s_file_read_close, s_file_read_process
s_std_init(s, buf, len, &p,
(file == stdin ? s_mode_read : s_mode_read + s_mode_seek));
if_debug1('s', "[s]read file=0x%lx\n", (ulong)file);
s->file = file;
s->state = (stream_state *)s; /* hack to avoid separate state */
/* Procedures for reading from a file */
private int
s_file_available(register stream *s, long *pl)
{ *pl = sbufavailable(s);
if ( sseekable(s) )
{ long pos, end;
pos = ftell(s->file);
if ( fseek(s->file, 0L, SEEK_END) ) return ERRC;
end = ftell(s->file);
if ( fseek(s->file, pos, SEEK_SET) ) return ERRC;
*pl += end - pos;
if ( *pl == 0 ) *pl = -1; /* EOF */
{ if ( *pl == 0 && feof(s->file) ) *pl = -1; /* EOF */
return 0;
private int
s_file_read_seek(register stream *s, long pos)
{ uint end = s->srlimit - s->cbuf + 1;
long offset = pos - s->position;
if ( offset >= 0 && offset <= end )
{ /* Staying within the same buffer */
s->srptr = s->cbuf + offset - 1;
return 0;
if ( fseek(s->file, pos, SEEK_SET) != 0 )
return ERRC;
s->srptr = s->srlimit = s->cbuf - 1;
s->end_status = 0;
s->position = pos;
return 0;
private int
s_file_read_close(stream *s)
{ return fclose(s->file);
/* Initialize a stream for writing an OS file. */
swrite_file(register stream *s, FILE *file, byte *buf, uint len)
{ static const stream_procs p =
{ s_std_noavailable, s_file_write_seek, s_std_write_reset,
s_file_write_flush, s_file_write_close, s_file_write_process
s_std_init(s, buf, len, &p,
(file == stdout ? s_mode_write : s_mode_write + s_mode_seek));
if_debug1('s', "[s]write file=0x%lx\n", (ulong)file);
s->file = file;
s->state = (stream_state *)s; /* hack to avoid separate state */
/* Initialize for appending to an OS file. */
sappend_file(register stream *s, FILE *file, byte *buf, uint len)
{ swrite_file(s, file, buf, len);
s->modes = s_mode_write + s_mode_append; /* no seek */
fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END);
s->position = ftell(file);
/* Procedures for writing on a file */
private int
s_file_write_seek(stream *s, long pos)
{ /* We must flush the buffer to reposition. */
int code = sflush(s);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
if ( fseek(s->file, pos, SEEK_SET) != 0 )
return ERRC;
s->position = pos;
return 0;
private int
s_file_write_flush(register stream *s)
{ int result = s_process_write_buf(s, false);
return result;
private int
s_file_write_close(register stream *s)
{ s_process_write_buf(s, true);
return fclose(s->file);
#define ss ((stream *)st)
/* Process a buffer for a file reading stream. */
/* This is the first stream in the pipeline, so pr is irrelevant. */
private int
s_file_read_process(stream_state *st, stream_cursor_read *ignore_pr,
stream_cursor_write *pw, bool last)
{ FILE *file = ss->file;
int count = fread(pw->ptr + 1, 1, (uint)(pw->limit - pw->ptr), file);
if ( count < 0 )
count = 0;
pw->ptr += count;
return (ferror(file) ? ERRC : feof(file) ? EOFC : 1);
/* Process a buffer for a file writing stream. */
/* This is the last stream in the pipeline, so pw is irrelevant. */
private int
s_file_write_process(stream_state *st, stream_cursor_read *pr,
stream_cursor_write *ignore_pw, bool last)
{ /* The DEC C library on AXP architectures gives an error on */
/* fwrite if the count is zero! */
uint count = pr->limit - pr->ptr;
if ( count != 0 )
{ FILE *file = ss->file;
int written = fwrite(pr->ptr + 1, 1, count, file);
if ( written < 0 )
written = 0;
pr->ptr += written;
return (ferror(file) ? ERRC : 0);
{ (void)gp_check_interrupts();
return 0;
#undef ss