PC World Komputer 1996 February
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/* Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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all copies.
/* gdevpfax.c */
/* Generic PostScript system compatible fax support */
#include "gdevprn.h"
#include "gsparam.h"
#include "gxiodev.h"
/* This code defines a %Fax% IODevice, and also provides decoding for */
/* the FaxOptions dictionary in a page device. */
/* It is still fragmentary and incomplete. */
#define limited_string(len)\
struct { byte data[len]; uint size; }
/* ------ %Fax% implementation ------ */
/* Define the structure for the Fax IODevice state. */
typedef struct gx_io_device_fax_s {
bool ActivityReport;
bool DefaultCaptionOn;
bool DefaultConfirmOn;
bool DefaultCoversOn;
int DefaultResolution;
int DefaultRetryCount;
int DefaultRetryInterval;
int DialToneWaitPeriod;
limited_string(20) ID;
long MaxFaxBuffer;
limited_string(32) PostScriptPassword;
bool ReceivePostScript;
int Rings;
int ServiceEnable;
int Speaker;
const char *StorageDevice;
bool WaitForDialTone;
} gx_io_device_fax;
private iodev_proc_get_params(fax_get_params);
private iodev_proc_put_params(fax_put_params);
const gx_io_device_fax gs_iodev_Fax =
{ "%Fax%", "Parameters",
{ iodev_no_init, iodev_no_open_device, iodev_no_open_file,
iodev_os_fopen, iodev_os_fclose,
iodev_no_delete_file, iodev_no_rename_file, iodev_no_file_status,
iodev_no_enumerate_files, NULL, NULL,
fax_get_params, fax_put_params
false, /* A */
true, true, true, 1, 0, 3, 1, /* D */
{ { 0 }, 0 }, /* I */
350000, /* M */
{ { 0 }, 0 }, /* P */
true, 4 /* ? */, /* R */
3, 1, "%ram%", /* S */
true /* W */
/* The following code is shared between get and put parameters. */
typedef struct fax_strings_s {
gs_param_string id, pwd, sd;
} fax_strings;
private int
fax_xfer_params(register gx_io_device_fax *faxdev, gs_param_list *plist,
fax_strings *pfs)
{ int code;
pfs->id.data = faxdev->ID.data, pfs->id.size = faxdev->ID.size,
pfs->id.persistent = false;
pfs->pwd.data = faxdev->PostScriptPassword.data,
pfs->pwd.size = faxdev->PostScriptPassword.size,
pfs->pwd.persistent = false;
pfs->sd.data = (const byte *)faxdev->StorageDevice,
pfs->sd.size = strlen(pfs->sd.data),
pfs->sd.persistent = true;
if ( (code = param_bool_param(plist, "ActivityReport", &faxdev->ActivityReport)) < 0 ||
(code = param_bool_param(plist, "DefaultCaptionOn", &faxdev->DefaultCaptionOn)) < 0 ||
(code = param_bool_param(plist, "DefaultConfirmOn", &faxdev->DefaultConfirmOn)) < 0 ||
(code = param_bool_param(plist, "DefaultCoversOn", &faxdev->DefaultCoversOn)) < 0 ||
(code = param_int_param(plist, "DefaultResolution", &faxdev->DefaultResolution)) < 0 ||
(code = param_int_param(plist, "DefaultRetryCount", &faxdev->DefaultRetryCount)) < 0 ||
(code = param_int_param(plist, "DefaultRetryInterval", &faxdev->DefaultRetryInterval)) < 0 ||
(code = param_int_param(plist, "DialToneWaitPeriod", &faxdev->DialToneWaitPeriod)) < 0 ||
(code = param_string_param(plist, "ID", &pfs->id)) < 0 ||
(code = param_long_param(plist, "MaxFaxBuffer", &faxdev->MaxFaxBuffer)) < 0 ||
(code = param_string_param(plist, "PostScriptPassword", &pfs->pwd)) < 0 ||
(code = param_bool_param(plist, "ReceivePostScript", &faxdev->ReceivePostScript)) < 0 ||
(code = param_int_param(plist, "Rings", &faxdev->Rings)) < 0 ||
(code = param_int_param(plist, "ServiceEnable", &faxdev->ServiceEnable)) < 0 ||
(code = param_int_param(plist, "Speaker", &faxdev->Speaker)) < 0 ||
(code = param_string_param(plist, "StorageDevice", &pfs->sd)) < 0 ||
(code = param_bool_param(plist, "WaitForDialTone", &faxdev->WaitForDialTone))
return code;
return 0;
#define faxdev ((gx_io_device_fax *)iodev)
/* Get parameters from device. */
private int
fax_get_params(gx_io_device *iodev, gs_param_list *plist)
{ fax_strings fs;
return fax_xfer_params(faxdev, plist, &fs);
/* Put parameters to device. */
private int
fax_put_params(gx_io_device *iodev, gs_param_list *plist)
{ gx_io_device_fax tdev;
fax_strings fs;
int code;
gx_io_device *sdev;
tdev = *faxdev;
code = fax_xfer_params(&tdev, plist, &fs);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
#define between(v, lo, hi) (tdev.v >= (lo) && tdev.v <= (hi))
if ( !( between(DefaultResolution, 0, 1) &&
between(DefaultRetryCount, 0, 100) &&
between(DefaultRetryInterval, 1, 60) &&
between(DialToneWaitPeriod, 1, 10) &&
fs.id.size > 20 ||
tdev.MaxFaxBuffer >= 350000 &&
fs.pwd.size > 32 ||
between(Rings, 1, 30) &&
between(ServiceEnable, 0, 3) &&
between(Speaker, 0, 2) &&
(sdev = gs_findiodevice(fs.sd.data, fs.sd.size)) != 0
#undef between
memcpy(tdev.ID.data, fs.id.data, fs.id.size);
tdev.ID.size = fs.id.size;
memcpy(tdev.PostScriptPassword.data, fs.pwd.data, fs.pwd.size);
tdev.PostScriptPassword.size = fs.pwd.size;
tdev.StorageDevice = sdev->dname;
*faxdev = tdev;
return 0;
/* ------ FaxOptions decoding ------ */
typedef struct fax_options_s fax_options;
typedef struct fax_custom_params_s fax_custom_params;
typedef int (*fax_custom_proc)(P2(const fax_options *, const fax_custom_params *));
struct fax_options_s {
gs_param_string CalleePhone;
limited_string(20) CallerID;
gs_param_string CallerPhone;
fax_custom_proc Confirmation;
struct { fax_options *options; uint size; } Copies;
/* CoverNote */
fax_custom_proc CoverSheet;
bool CoverSheetOnly;
limited_string(100) DialCallee;
bool ErrorCorrect;
int FaxType;
int MailingTime[6];
int MaxRetries;
int nPages;
fax_custom_proc PageCaption;
limited_string(32) PostScriptPassword;
void *ProcInfo;
gs_param_string RecipientID;
gs_param_string RecipientMailStop;
gs_param_string RecipientName;
gs_param_string RecipientOrg;
gs_param_string RecipientPhone;
gs_param_string Regarding;
int RetryInterval;
bool RevertToRaster;
gs_param_string SenderID;
gs_param_string SenderMailStop;
gs_param_string SenderName;
gs_param_string SenderOrg;
gs_param_string SenderPhone;
bool TrimWhite;
/* ------ Custom fax procedure parameters ------ */
struct fax_custom_params_s {
limited_string(20) CalleeID;
int CallLength;
int CoverType;
int CurrentPageNo;
/* ErrorArray */
int ErrorIndex;
bool IncludesFinalPage;
int InitialPage, LimitPage;
int NumberOfCalls;
int PagesSent;
bool SendPostScript;
int TimeSent[6];