PC World Komputer 1996 February
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/* Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
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or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
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License (the "License") for full details.
Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
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all copies.
/* gdevpccm.c */
/* Support routines for PC color mapping */
#include "gx.h"
#include "gsmatrix.h" /* for gxdevice.h */
#include "gxdevice.h"
#include "gdevpccm.h" /* interface */
/* Color mapping routines for EGA/VGA-style color. */
/* Colors are 4 bits: 8=intensity, 4=R, 2=G, 1=B. */
/* Define the color spectrum */
#define v_black 0
#define v_blue 1
#define v_green 2
#define v_cyan 3
#define v_red 4
#define v_magenta 5
#define v_brown 6
#define v_white 7
#define v_dgray 8 /* dark gray is not very usable */
#define v_lblue 9
#define v_lgreen 10
#define v_lcyan 11
#define v_lred 12
#define v_lmagenta 13
#define v_yellow 14
#define v_bwhite 15
/* ------ EGA/VGA (4-bit) color mapping ------ */
pc_4bit_map_rgb_color(gx_device *dev, gx_color_value r, gx_color_value g,
gx_color_value b)
#define Nb gx_color_value_bits
static const byte grays[4] = { v_black, v_dgray, v_white, v_bwhite };
#define tab3(v0,v1,v23) { v0, v1, v23, v23 }
static const byte g0r0[4] = tab3(v_black,v_blue,v_lblue);
static const byte g0r1[4] = tab3(v_red,v_magenta,v_lmagenta);
static const byte g0r2[4] = tab3(v_lred,v_lmagenta,v_lmagenta);
static const byte _ds *g0[4] = tab3(g0r0, g0r1, g0r2);
static const byte g1r0[4] = tab3(v_green,v_cyan,v_lcyan);
static const byte g1r1[4] = tab3(v_brown,v_white,v_lcyan);
static const byte g1r2[4] = tab3(v_yellow,v_yellow,v_lmagenta);
static const byte _ds *g1[4] = tab3(g1r0, g1r1, g1r2);
static const byte g2r0[4] = tab3(v_lgreen,v_lgreen,v_lcyan);
static const byte g2r1[4] = tab3(v_lgreen,v_lgreen,v_lcyan);
static const byte g2r2[4] = tab3(v_yellow,v_yellow,v_bwhite);
static const byte _ds *g2[4] = tab3(g2r0, g2r1, g2r2);
static const byte _ds * _ds *ga[4] = tab3(g0, g1, g2);
#undef tab3
#define q4mask (-1 << (Nb - 2))
if ( !((r ^ g) & q4mask) && !((g ^ b) & q4mask) ) /* gray */
#undef q4mask
return (gx_color_index)grays[r >> (Nb - 2)];
#define q3cv(v) ((v - (v >> 2)) >> (Nb - 2))
return (gx_color_index)ga[q3cv(g)][q3cv(r)][q3cv(b)];
#undef q3cv
#undef Nb
pc_4bit_map_color_rgb(gx_device *dev, gx_color_index color,
gx_color_value prgb[3])
#define icolor (int)color
gx_color_value one;
switch ( icolor )
case v_white: /* "dark white" */
prgb[0] = prgb[1] = prgb[2] =
gx_max_color_value - (gx_max_color_value / 3);
return 0;
case v_dgray:
prgb[0] = prgb[1] = prgb[2] = gx_max_color_value / 3;
return 0;
one = (icolor & 8 ? gx_max_color_value : gx_max_color_value / 2);
prgb[0] = (icolor & 4 ? one : 0);
prgb[1] = (icolor & 2 ? one : 0);
prgb[2] = (icolor & 1 ? one : 0);
return 0;
#undef icolor
/* ------ SVGA 8-bit color mapping ------ */
* For 8-bit color, we use a fixed palette with approximately
* 3 bits of R, 3 bits of G, and 2 bits of B.
* We have to trade off even spacing of colors along each axis
* against the desire to have real gray shades;
* we compromise by using a 7x7x5 "cube" with extra gray shades
* (1/6, 1/3, 2/3, and 5/6), instead of the obvious 8x8x4.
pc_8bit_map_rgb_color(gx_device *dev, gx_color_value r, gx_color_value g,
gx_color_value b)
{ uint rv = r / (gx_max_color_value / 7 + 1);
uint gv = g / (gx_max_color_value / 7 + 1);
return (gx_color_index)
(rv == gv && gv == b / (gx_max_color_value / 7 + 1) ?
rv + (256-7) :
(rv * 7 + gv) * 5 + b / (gx_max_color_value / 5 + 1));
pc_8bit_map_color_rgb(gx_device *dev, gx_color_index color,
gx_color_value prgb[3])
{ static const gx_color_value ramp7[8] =
{ 0,
gx_max_color_value / 6,
gx_max_color_value / 3,
gx_max_color_value / 2,
gx_max_color_value - (gx_max_color_value / 3),
gx_max_color_value - (gx_max_color_value / 6),
/* The 8th entry is not actually ever used, */
/* except to fill out the palette. */
static const gx_color_value ramp5[5] =
{ 0,
gx_max_color_value / 4,
gx_max_color_value / 2,
gx_max_color_value - (gx_max_color_value / 4),
#define icolor (uint)color
if ( icolor >= 256-7 )
{ prgb[0] = prgb[1] = prgb[2] = ramp7[icolor - (256-7)];
{ prgb[0] = ramp7[icolor / 35];
prgb[1] = ramp7[(icolor / 5) % 7];
prgb[2] = ramp5[icolor % 5];
#undef icolor
return 0;
/* Write a palette on a file. */
pc_write_palette(gx_device *dev, uint max_index, FILE *file)
{ uint i, c;
gx_color_value rgb[3];
for ( i = 0; i < max_index; i++ )
{ (*dev_proc(dev, map_color_rgb))(dev, (gx_color_index)i, rgb);
for ( c = 0; c < 3; c++ )
{ byte b = rgb[c] >> (gx_color_value_bits - 8);
fputc(b, file);
return 0;