PC World Komputer 1996 February
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/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
License (the "License") for full details.
Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
all copies.
This driver program created by Kevin M. Gift <kgift@draper.com> in Sept. 1992.
Modified 3/93 to correct bug in cnt_2prn size.
Modified 3/93 to dimension page back to 8.5, which seems to
work better than the actual page width of 7.6, ie. it uses
the full printing width of the printer.
It was modeled after the V2.4.1 HP Paintjet driver (gdevpjet.c) */
/* gdev3852.c */
/* IBM 3852 JetPrinter color ink jet driver for Ghostscript */
#include "gdevprn.h"
#include "gdevpcl.h"
/* X_DPI and Y_DPI must be the same - use the maximum graphics resolution */
/* for this printer */
#define X_DPI 84
#define Y_DPI 84
/* We round up LINE_SIZE to a multiple of 8 bytes */
/* because that's the unit of transposition from pixels to planes. */
/* Should = 96 (KMG) */
#define LINE_SIZE ((X_DPI * 86 / 10 + 63) / 64 * 8)
/* The device descriptor */
private dev_proc_print_page(jetp3852_print_page);
private gx_device_procs jetp3852_procs =
prn_color_procs(gdev_prn_open, gdev_prn_output_page, gdev_prn_close,
gdev_pcl_3bit_map_rgb_color, gdev_pcl_3bit_map_color_rgb);
gx_device_printer gs_jetp3852_device =
prn_device(jetp3852_procs, "jetp3852",
86, /* width_10ths, 8.6" (?) */
110, /* height_10ths, 11" */
0.0, 0, 0.0, 0, /* left, bottom, right, top margins */
3, jetp3852_print_page);
/* ------ Internal routines ------ */
/* Send the page to the printer. */
private int
jetp3852_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream)
#define DATA_SIZE (LINE_SIZE * 8)
unsigned int cnt_2prn;
unsigned int count,tempcnt;
unsigned char vtp,cntc1,cntc2;
int line_size_color_plane;
byte data[DATA_SIZE];
byte plane_data[LINE_SIZE * 3];
/* Set initial condition for printer */
/* Send each scan line in turn */
{ int lnum;
int line_size = gdev_mem_bytes_per_scan_line((gx_device *)pdev);
int num_blank_lines = 0;
for ( lnum = 0; lnum < pdev->height; lnum++ )
{ byte _ss *end_data = data + line_size;
gdev_prn_copy_scan_lines(pdev, lnum,
(byte *)data, line_size);
/* Remove trailing 0s. */
while ( end_data > data && end_data[-1] == 0 )
if ( end_data == data )
{ /* Blank line */
{ int i;
byte _ss *odp;
byte _ss *row;
/* Pad with 0s to fill out the last */
/* block of 8 bytes. */
memset(end_data, 0, 7);
/* Transpose the data to get pixel planes. */
for ( i = 0, odp = plane_data; i < DATA_SIZE;
i += 8, odp++
{ /* The following is for 16-bit machines */
#define spread3(c)\
{ 0, c, c*0x100, c*0x101, c*0x10000L, c*0x10001L, c*0x10100L, c*0x10101L }
static ulong spr40[8] = spread3(0x40);
static ulong spr8[8] = spread3(8);
static ulong spr2[8] = spread3(2);
register byte _ss *dp = data + i;
register ulong pword =
(spr40[dp[0]] << 1) +
(spr40[dp[1]]) +
(spr40[dp[2]] >> 1) +
(spr8[dp[3]] << 1) +
(spr8[dp[4]]) +
(spr8[dp[5]] >> 1) +
(spr2[dp[6]]) +
(spr2[dp[7]] >> 1);
odp[0] = (byte)(pword >> 16);
odp[LINE_SIZE] = (byte)(pword >> 8);
odp[LINE_SIZE*2] = (byte)(pword);
/* Skip blank lines if any */
if ( num_blank_lines > 0 )
if (lnum == 0)
{ /* Skip down the page from the top */
/* set line spacing = 1/8 inch */
/* Set vertical tab */
vtp = (num_blank_lines / 8);
/* Do vertical tab */
num_blank_lines = 0;
{ /* Do "dot skips" */
while(num_blank_lines > 255)
num_blank_lines -= 255;
vtp = num_blank_lines;
num_blank_lines = 0;
/* Transfer raster graphics in the order R, G, B. */
/* Apparently it is stored in B, G, R */
/* Calculate the amount of data to send by what */
/* Ghostscript tells us the scan line_size in (bytes) */
count = line_size / 3;
line_size_color_plane = count / 3;
cnt_2prn = line_size_color_plane * 3 + 5;
tempcnt = cnt_2prn;
cntc1 = (tempcnt & 0xFF00) >> 8;
cntc2 = (tempcnt & 0x00FF);
fprintf(prn_stream, "\033[O%c%c\200\037",cntc2,cntc1);
for ( row = plane_data + LINE_SIZE * 2, i = 0;
i < 3; row -= LINE_SIZE, i++ )
{ int jj;
byte ctemp;
odp = row;
/* Complement bytes */
for (jj=0; jj< line_size_color_plane; jj++)
{ ctemp = *odp;
*odp++ = ~ctemp;
fwrite(row, sizeof(byte),
line_size_color_plane, prn_stream);
/* eject page */
fputs("\014", prn_stream);
return 0;