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- █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
- VOICE BLASTER 2.0 Copyright (c) 1989-1993
- for Dos
- author MARK E. COWAN
- Mailing address: PO Box 163, West Alexandria, OH 45381
- Voice Phone: (513) 839-4674 Compuserve ID: 70303,2050
- VENDOR.DOC (12-13-93)
- █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
- This text file was written for Software Shareware Vendors or
- any other business who distributes shareware disks or CD Rom
- disks and charges a fair price for the DISTRIBUTION or
- HANDLING FEE to produce an EVALUATION disk of Voice Blaster
- (VBLASTER). Shareware Vendors are given permission to
- distribute VBLASTER providing you include all the files
- listed:
- VBLASTER.EXE Voice Blaster Dos program file (VBLASTER)
- VBLASTER.D15 Sound Blaster 1.5 CTVDSK.DRV voice driver
- VBLASTER.D20 Sound Blaster 2.0 CTVDSK.DRV voice driver
- VBLASTER.DPR Sound Blaster Pro CTVDSK.DRV voice driver
- VBLASTER.D16 Sound Blaster 16 CTVDSK.DRV voice driver
- VBLASTER.MXR Sound Blaster Pro AUXDRV.DRV mixing driver
- BLASTM.HLP Help file for Main program help
- BLASTP.HLP Help file for Play Dialog
- BLASTR.HLP Help file for Record Dialog
- VBLASTER.PCX PCX Graphics file of VBLASTER screen
- README.TXT Description of VBLASTER and installation
- VENDOR.DOC Text file for Shareware Vendors for VBLASTER
- DESCRIBE.DOC Description of VBLASTER program
- FILE_ID.DIZ VBLASTER description file for BBS
- BBS.DOC VBLASTER info for BBS operators
- REGISTER.TXT Text file describing how to register VBLASTER
- and warranty statement
- INVOICE.DOC An invoice form which may be printed to make
- it easy to register
- I have picked the extensions for the "README.TXT" and
- "REGISTER.TXT" files to be .TXT so that they could easily be
- accessed from the Window's File Manager sine NOTEPAD.EXE is
- associated with .TXT extensions. The extensions for the
- other text files are .DOC in efforts to follow the requested
- shareware documentation standards developed and expressed at
- the Summer Shareware Seminar.
- Please evaluate VBLASTER for your submissions into your BBS
- and catalogs. I strongly believe this program provides
- capabilities that are unique.
- - 2 -
- Also, I have spent long hours attempting to provide both the
- Shareware Vendor and those who will evaluate VBLASTER with
- complete and quality documentation. If you need any assistance
- or additional information, please contact me via E-Mail or
- phone right away.
- Thank you in advance for your time in evaluating this
- submission!
- ========
- Here is a summary of this text file. Please refer to the
- other text files for more detailed and valuable information.
- Program description (unique qualities)
- Version description
- System requirements
- Suggested BBS name and category
- Details of support given to registered users
- Authors credentials
- What are the benefits of registering
- International Distributors Welcome!
- ===================
- Voice Blaster Version 2.0 is a Dos program which allows you to
- queue up any combination of digitized audio (.VOC) and FM music
- (.CMF) files. Then you can begin listening to hundreds of
- music and voice files without having to select a file each
- time! Record (.VOC) files with unlimited file lengths, and
- select the input channel and filter settings for SB Pro and SB
- 16 cards!
- You can pause, continue, and queue up all audio files in
- multiple drives and directories and listen to hours of voice
- audio and FM music from your computer while you work! This
- version fully supports the Sound Blaster Pro and Sound Blaster
- 16 compatible cards. Volume controls for all settings are
- provided for SB Pro and SB 16 series cards! Complete with On-
- Line Help for playing files and instructions for how to
- register this product.
- Options for playing now include:
- Loop mode - Continuously play selected files until you
- stop the playing!
- Random mode - Play selected files at random!
- Added SB Pro input mixing controls for selecting stereo or mono
- mode recording, and input channels (Mic, line in, or CD in)
- - 3 -
- ===================
- VERSION 2.0 (This version)
- This version uses the loaded Sound Blaster or Sound Blaster Pro
- drivers shipped with your sound card. This insures that
- whatever features are in the Sound Card you may have will be
- supported with the VBLASTER program including stereo, and any
- data compression Creative Labs is using for playing .VOC files.
- This program will search for the .VOC driver in the directory
- specified by the SOUND environment variable (this should be set
- up be the SB Card installation software), and if not found,
- will use one of the drivers supplied with this program
- depending on you card type. VBLASTER uses the double buffering
- disk voice driver. The voice driver searched for is called
- CTVDSK.DRV. The FM Music driver SBFMDRV.COM will be run by the
- VBLAST.BAT batch file at startup.
- Loop mode, and random mode options were added
- Added SB Pro input mixing controls for selecting stereo or mono
- mode recording, and input channels (Mic, line in, or CD in)
- Added SB Pro volume controls for all channels
- Various bug fixes, used embedded voice and music drivers, did
- not support stereo files.
- - 4 -
- ===================
- * IBM PC/XT or compatible
- * Min of 384 KB Ram
- * Dos 3.3 or Higher
- * Color Monitor
- * Mouse recommended but not required
- * Sound Blaster compatible series card (SB, SB Pro, SB 16)
- ================================
- The suggested BBS file name for VBLASTER version 2.0 is:
- The suggested categories are MUSIC, SOUND, SOUND BLASTER, or
- MULTIMEDIA, depending on your current categories. Any of
- these are appropriate.
- =======
- Support is handled via US Mail or E-Mail using BBS.
- Phone support is given for a total connection time of at
- least 30 minutes, depending on the problem. Support to
- registered users will be given for at least 90 days, maybe
- more. If a problem cannot be solved due to incompatabilites,
- the registered user will have the option of returning his
- registered materials for a full refund.
- CompuServe: 70303,2050 America On-Line: MCOWAN1
- (voice phone) (513) 839-4674
- I may remain on America Online, depending on the amount of
- registrations I continue to receive in the near future. I
- feel support to my customers is the number one priority.
- Without them, I cannot continue to provide future releases
- and new programs to broaden and grow my business.
- I have provided support to customers who have not registered
- yet. Usually when you do this, they will register!
- - 5 -
- ===================
- I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering
- Technology. I have managed an electrical/software
- engineering department for 8 years, with over 10 years of
- computer programming experience. After providing field
- service support and new product developments, I have learned
- that insuring the customer's satisfaction is the number one
- priority. After we achieve that, everything else follows!
- I have two young children, and have been inspired by them to
- begin development of Windows programs in educational and
- multimedia applications.
- I am currently not an ASP member, but plan on joining soon.
- =======================
- Registration for VBLASTER is fully described in the
- "REGISTER.TXT" file. Registration fee is $19.95 for the
- complete pagage including shipping with the U.S. International
- registrations must include $2.00 for shipping.
- After receiving registration, I will promply send the
- registration package which includes the registered and latest
- version of VBLASTER, the latest version of Voice Blaster Sr
- (Windows 3.1 program), the latest version of Voice Blaster Jr
- (Windows 3.1 program), and Voice Blaster Quick Play VBQPLAY
- (described in the "REGISTER.TXT" file).
- All programs contain on-line help (accept VBQPLAY), and a
- manual.
- Also included is a Windows Installation program that will
- install all the files, and add a program group with ICONS for
- the programs and help files.
- Also included is an assortment of sound files (.WAV, .VOC, and
- .CMF)
- ====================================
- We are looking for international distributors to distribute
- Voice Blaster Jr and to sell the registered version of VB Jr
- and the commercial program Voice Blaster Sr. Please contact us
- for details.
- (12/13/93) VENDOR.DOC