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- % Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- %
- % This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
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- % Redefine pathforall for tracing.
- % Can't be used recursively.
- /# {( )print} def
- /-pathforall /pathforall load def
- /-p2 { ( ) print exch =only ( ) print =only } bind def
- /-tp2 { transform -p2 } bind def
- /-dict 5 dict def
- /pathforall
- { -dict begin
- /-close exch def /-curve exch def /-line exch def /-move exch def
- end
- {2 copy -p2 ( moveto\t%)print
- 2 copy -tp2 (\n)print
- flush -dict /-move get exec}
- {2 copy -p2 ( lineto\t%)print
- 2 copy -tp2 (\n)print
- flush -dict /-line get exec}
- {5 index 5 index -p2 3 index 3 index -p2 2 copy -p2 ( curveto\t%)print
- 5 index 5 index -tp2 3 index 3 index -tp2 2 copy -tp2 (\n)print
- flush -dict /-curve get exec}
- {(closepath\n)print flush -dict /-close get exec}
- -pathforall
- }
- def
- % Just print the current path
- /printpath
- { {pop pop} {pop pop} {pop pop pop pop pop pop} {} pathforall } def