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- Copyright (C) 1989-1992, 1993, 1994 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
- Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
- or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
- or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
- License (the "License") for full details.
- Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
- normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
- the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
- under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
- License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
- all copies.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- This file, language.doc, describes the relationship between the Ghostscript
- interpreter and the PostScript language.
- For an overview of Ghostscript and a list of the documentation files, see
- The Ghostscript interpreter, except as noted below, is intended to execute
- properly any source program written in the (Level 2) PostScript language as
- defined in the December 1990 printing of the PostScript Language Reference
- Manual (Second Edition) published by Addison-Wesley (ISBN 0-201-18127-4).
- However, the interpreter is configurable in ways that can restrict it to
- various subsets of this language. Specifically, the base interpreter
- accepts the Level 1 subset of the PostScript language, as defined in the
- first edition of the PostScript Language Reference Manual, ISBN
- 0-201-10174-2, Addison-Wesley, 1985, plus the file system, version 25.0
- language, and miscellaneous additions listed in sections A.1.6, A.1.7, and
- A.1.8 of the Second Edition respectively, including allowing a string
- operand for the 'status' operator. The base interpreter may be configured
- by adding any combination of the following:
- - The ability to process PostScript Type 1 fonts. This facility is
- normally included in the interpreter.
- - The CMYK color extensions listed in section A.1.4 of the Second
- Edition (including colorimage). These facilities are only available if the
- color, dps, or level2 feature was selected at the time that Ghostscript was
- compiled and linked.
- - The Display PostScript extensions listed in section A.1.3
- of the Second Edition, but excluding the operators listed in section
- A.1.2. These facilities are only available if the dps feature or the
- level2 feature was selected at the time that Ghostscript was compiled
- and linked.
- - The composite font extensions listed in section A.1.5 of the
- Second Edition, and the ability to handle Type 0 fonts. These facilities
- are only available if the compfont feature or the level2 feature was
- selected at the time that Ghostscript was compiled and linked.
- - The PostScript Level 2 "filter" facilities, excluding the
- DCTEncode and DCTDecode filters. These facilities are only available if
- the filter, dps, or level2 feature was selected at the time that
- Ghostscript was compiled and linked.
- - The PostScript Level 2 DCTEncode and DCTDecode filters. These
- facilities are only available if the dct or level2 feature was selected at
- the time that Ghostscript was compiled and linked.
- - All the other PostScript Level 2 operators and facilities listed
- in section A.1.1 of the Second Edition and not listed in any of the other
- A.1.n sections. These facilities are only available if the level2 feature
- was selected at the time that Ghostscript was compiled and linked.
- Adding all of these produces a full Level 2 PostScript language
- interpreter.
- Ghostscript also includes a number of operators defined below that are not
- in the PostScript language.
- Ghostscript-specific additions
- ==============================
- Miscellaneous
- -------------
- ^Z is counted as whitespace.
- run can take either a string or a file as its argument. In the latter
- case, it just runs the file, closing it at the end, and trapping errors
- just as for the string case.
- Mathematical operators
- ----------------------
- <number> arccos <number>
- Computes the arc cosine of a number between -1 and 1.
- <number> arcsin <number>
- Computes the arc sine of a number between -1 and 1.
- String operators
- ----------------
- <state> <fromString> <toString> .type1encrypt <newState> <toSubstring>
- Encrypts fromString according to the algorithm for Adobe
- Type 1 fonts, writing the result into toString.
- toString must be at least as long as fromString or a
- rangecheck error occurs. state is the initial state of
- the encryption algorithm (a 16-bit non-negative
- integer); newState is the new state of the algorithm.
- <state> <fromString> <toString> .type1decrypt <newState> <toSubstring>
- Decrypts fromString according to the algorithm for Adobe
- Type 1 fonts, writing the result into toString. Other
- specifications are as for type1encrypt.
- Relational operators
- --------------------
- <number|string> <number|string> max <number|string>
- Returns the larger of two numbers or strings.
- <number|string> <number|string> min <number|string>
- Returns the smaller of two numbers or strings.
- File operators
- --------------
- <string> findlibfile <foundstring> <file> true
- <string> findlibfile <string> false
- Opens the file of the given name for reading, searching
- through directories as described in use.doc. If the
- search fails, findlibfile simply pushes false on the
- stack and returns, rather than causing an error.
- <file> <integer> unread -
- Pushes back the last-read character onto the front of the
- file. If the file is only open for writing, or if the
- integer argument is not the same as the last character
- read from the file, causes an ioerror error. May also
- cause an ioerror if the last operation on the file was not
- a reading operation.
- <file> <device> writeppmfile -
- Writes the contents of the device, which must be an image
- device, onto the file, in Portable PixMap (ppm) format.
- Does not close the file.
- Path operators
- --------------
- <x> <y> <width> <height> rectappend -
- <numarray> rectappend -
- <numstring> rectappend -
- Appends a rectangle or rectangles to the current path, in
- the same manner as rectfill, rectclip, etc. Only
- defined if the dps option is selected.
- Filters
- -------
- Ghostscript supports all standard filters except DCTEncode and DCTDecode.
- Ghostscript does not support the use of a procedure as a data source or
- sink, only a file or a string. In addition, Ghostscript supports the
- following non-standard filters:
- <target> <seed_integer> /eexecEncode filter <file>
- Creates a filter for encrypting data into the
- eexec encrypted format described in the
- Adobe Type 1 Font Format documentation. The
- seed_integer must be 55665 for proper operation.
- This filter produces binary output and does not
- include the initial 4 garbage bytes.
- <source> <seed_integer> /eexecDecode filter <file>
- Creates a filter for decrypting data that has been
- encrypted using eexec encryption as described in the
- Adobe Type 1 Font Format documentation. The
- seed_integer must be 55665 for proper operation.
- <source> <hex_boolean> /PFBDecode filter <file>
- Creates a filter that decodes data in .PFB format, the
- usual semi-binary representation for Type 1 font files
- on IBM PC and compatible systems. If hex_boolean is true,
- binary packets are converted to hex; if false, binary
- packets are not converted.
- Ghostscript also supports a non-standard optional dictionary operand for
- the LZWDecode filter, with the following keys (all optional):
- InitialCodeLength <integer>
- An integer between 2 and 11 specifying the initial number
- of data bits per code. Note that the actual initial code length is 1
- greater than this, to allow for the reset and end-of-data code values.
- Default value: 8.
- FirstBitLowOrder <boolean>
- If true, codes appear with their low-order bit first.
- Default value: false.
- BlockData <boolean>
- If true, the data is broken into blocks in the manner
- specified for the GIF file format. Default value: false.
- EarlyChange <integer>
- If 0, codes become one bit longer one code earlier than
- they need to; if 1, codes become one bit longer as specified in the
- PostScript Language Reference Manual. Default value: 1.
- Miscellaneous operators
- -----------------------
- - currenttime <number>
- Returns the current value of a continuously-running timer,
- in minutes. The initial value of this timer is undefined.
- <string> getenv <string> true
- <string> getenv false
- Looks up a name in the shell environment. If the name is
- found, returns the corresponding value and true; if the
- name is not found, returns false.
- <name> <array> makeoperator <operator>
- Constructs and returns a new operator that is actually the
- given procedure in disguise. The name is only used for
- printing. The operator has the executable attribute.
- <string> <boolean> .setdebug -
- If the Ghostscript interpreter was built with the DEBUG
- flag set, sets or resets any subset of the debugging
- flags normally controlled by -Z in the command line.
- Has no effect otherwise.
- - .oserrno <errno>
- Returns the error code for the most recent OS error.
- - .oserror <string>
- Returns the error string for the most recent OS error.
- Device operators
- ----------------
- <device> copydevice <device>
- Copies a device.
- <index> .getdevice <device>
- Returns a device from the set of devices known to the
- system. The first device, which is default, is numbered
- 0. If the index is out of range, causes a rangecheck
- error.
- <matrix> <width> <height> <palette> makeimagedevice <device>
- Makes a new device that accumulates an image in memory.
- matrix is the initial transformation matrix: it must be
- orthogonal (i.e., [a 0 0 b x y] or [0 a b 0 x y]).
- palette is a string of 2^N or 3*2^N elements, specifying
- how the 2^N possible pixel values will be interpreted.
- Each element is interpreted as a gray value, or as RGB
- values, multiplied by 255. For example, if you want
- a monochrome image for which 0=white and 1=black, the
- palette should be <ff 00>; if you want a 3-bit deep
- image with just the primary colors and their complements
- (ignoring the fact that 3-bit images are not supported),
- the palette might be <000000 0000ff 00ff00 00ffff
- ff0000 ff00ff ffff00 ffffff>. At present, the palette
- must contain exactly 2, 4, 16, or 256 entries,
- and must contain an entry for black and an entry
- for white; if it contains any entries that aren't black,
- white, or gray, it must contain at least the six primary
- colors (red, green, blue, and their complements cyan,
- magenta, and yellow); aside from this, its contents are
- arbitrary.
- Alternatively, palette can be null. This is interpreted
- as 24-bit-per-pixel color, where the four bytes of each
- pixel are respectively R, G, and B.
- Note that one can also make an image device (with the same
- palette as an existing image device) by copying a device
- using the copydevice operator.
- <device> <index> <string> copyscanlines <substring>
- Copies one or more scan lines from an image device into a
- string, starting at a given scan line in the image.
- The data is in the same format as for the image
- operator. Error if the device is not an image device or
- if the string is too small to hold at least one complete
- scan line. Always copies an integral number of scan
- lines.
- <device> setdevice -
- Sets the current device to the specified device. Also
- resets the transformation and clipping path to the
- initial values for the device.
- - currentdevice <device>
- Gets the current device from the graphics state.
- <device> devicename <string>
- Gets the name of a device.
- <device> <matrix> deviceinitialmatrix <matrix>
- Gets the initial matrix of a device, i.e., the one that
- defaultmatrix would return if the device were the
- current device.
- <device> getdeviceprops <mark> <name1> <value1> ... <namen> <valuen>
- Gets all the properties of a device. Currently defined
- names and values for all devices are (those marked with
- * will be removed in a future release):
- HWBitsPerPixel <integer>
- Number of bits per pixel.
- HWResolution [<float> <float>]
- X and Y resolution in pixels/inch.
- * HWSize [<integer> <integer>]
- X and Y size in pixels.
- InitialMatrix [<6 floats>]
- Initial transformation matrix.
- * Name <string>
- Read-only. The device name.
- OutputDevice <name>
- The device name.
- PageSize [<float> <float>]
- X and Y size in 1/72" units.
- Colors, GrayValues, RedValues, GreenValues,
- BlueValues, ColorValues
- As for the 'deviceinfo' operator of
- Display PostScript.
- Some devices may only allow certain values for
- HWResolution and PageSize. The null device ignores
- attempts to set PageSize; its size is always [0 0].
- Red/Green/Blue/ColorValues are only defined if Colors > 1.
- For printers, the following are also defined:
- BufferSpace <integer>
- Buffer space for band lists, if the bitmap
- is too big to fit in RAM.
- MaxBitmap <integer>
- Maximum space for a full bitmap in RAM.
- OutputFile <string>
- () means send to printer directly,
- otherwise specifies the file name for
- output; a %d is replaced by the page #;
- on Unix systems, (|command) writes to a pipe
- PageCount <integer>
- Read-only. Counts the number of pages
- printed on the device.
- <mark> <name1> <value1> ... <namen> <valuen> <device>
- putdeviceprops <device>
- Sets properties of a device. May cause undefined,
- typecheck, rangecheck, or limitcheck errors.
- - flushpage -
- On displays, flushes any buffered output, so that it
- is guaranteed to show up on the screen; on printers,
- has no effect.
- Character operators
- -------------------
- <string> .type1addpath -
- <string> <lsbx> <lsby> .type1addpath -
- Adds the description of a character to the current
- path. The string argument is a scalable
- description encoded in Adobe Type 1 format. This
- operator, like setcharwidth and setcachedevice, is
- only valid in the context of a show operator. It
- uses information from the current font, in addition
- to the argument(s).
- The optional lsbx and lsby arguments are left side
- bearing values that override the ones in the
- character outline.
- <font> <char> Type1BuildChar -
- This is not a new operator: rather, it is a name known
- specially to the interpreter. Whenever the interpreter
- needs to render a character (during a ...show,
- stringwidth, or charpath), it looks up the name
- BuildChar in the font dictionary to find a procedure to
- run. If it does not find this name, and if the FontType
- is 1, the interpreter instead uses the value (looked up
- on the dictionary stack in the usual way) of the name
- Type1BuildChar.
- The standard definition of Type1BuildChar is in gs_fonts.ps.
- Users should not need to redefine Type1BuildChar, except
- perhaps for tracing or debugging.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated.